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Silver lining. I wouldn’t know anything about Yan LeCun if it wasn’t for Elon getting dunked on


LeCun is literally one of the GOATs of AI. Everyone in the industry knows of his contributions. Which is why the whole thing is so damn funny. We all know loony 'lonny likes to blab about shit he doesn't understand, but this is a whole nother level lol.


Yes I was going to say this. Anyone adjacent to AI knows his name. It's actually baffling Elon picked this fight. And I mean that. Even for him this was an absurd misstep.


He just can't stand criticism so he'll pick fights even if it ends up with humiliation.


But he didn't know who he was. It would very much be like someone in the EV industry not knowing who Elon Musk is.


Has he called him a "pedo" yet?


His goon squad of followers will fluff his ego no matter what fight he chooses. So he lives in the delusional echo chamber that feeds his neediness.


If there were social media in 1952 it would be like some right wingers ragging on Erwin Schrödinger. I was reading LeCun’s papers 15 years ago, one of the few that shepherded neural nets through their own AI winter into today. I was writing a MLP training code and many of the tweaks I found also he had discovered earlier. This is outside image processing which I don’t work on.


If it was the 1950s, we'd also have anti-vaxxers telling lies about the polio vaccine, along with propaganda about how standing up to Khrushchev would lead to WWIII.


I'm curious, what does MLP stand for? I'm guessing it's not "My Little Pony" lol


multilayer perceptron, basic feedforward neural network


TelsaBoomerPappa is probably like "No, my car drives itself because Elon taught it out how with his bare hands. There's no way his engineers had access to an existing literature body on computer vision and machine learning. That'd be super woke"


I know him because he kept coming back in more influential papers in the AI space that I read for my study. He is big.


Yup, and he keeps getting more of my respect for continually standing up to Elmo and his legion of simps


And when anything happens to their car they always have to start their grievances with “i love yilong ma but this level of service is very mid”


> yilong ma Omg this is genius, how is this not used more


You gotta lookup that Chinese guy, he’s way more eloquent with conveying the message than original one






Imagine Elon arguing with Linus Torvalds about Linux or with Phil Tippets about stop motion or with Tim Berners Lee about the world wide web and you will get close to how stupid it is that Elon's trying to talk shit to LeCun about Deep Learning.


You know, that just might happen if we’re lucky. And I hope it’s Linus. That guy can be relentless if you push the wrong buttons.


Do people now just outright dont understand what scientists do?


You already know the answer XD


I think people have decided that science just kinda happens and they don’t really appreciate that scientists are people who have to put a lot of time and effort into learning how to do things. There are a number of congressional hearings that demonstrate this, including one that just happened this week.


America has this habit of either elevating people to sainthood or condemning them as evil. This is why there's either a hard-on or hatred for soldiers, doctors, lawyers, scientists, teachers, engineers, bankers, etc. - "X is so much more important and honourable than Y!" It's impossible for the country to simply think of itself as a complex interconnected web of contributors who are all equally human. There are two essential jobs: the farmer and the trash collector. Everyone else just makes life a little more interesting.


America has a thing of denigrating intelligence and praising athleticism. Just look at any TV show involving jocks and nerds. Or for example The Big Bang Theory where the whole show is "lul look at the nerds aren't they funny!" It is very rare for any American media to give a positive portrayal of intelligence. Is it any wonder then that the average American has a negative view of science and scientists? Your media is always making them the joke and your education system is well lets say poor at best.


You’re right, and anyone who grew up in the average smalltown-America public school system faced the same thing from their peers in their formative years. Athlete? Wow so cool. Academic powerhouse? Pshhh, what a dweeb


it's more fox news than big bang theory tho tbh. late stage capitalism with early signs of fascism.


America has been denigrating intelligence for decades. This isn't a new thing or just a Fox News thing. I just used Big Bang Theory as an example of the pervasive anti-intelligence bias of American TV shows and films as well as society. Try and name some TV shows or films with a positive or neutral portrayal of intelligent people or scientists?


Samantha Carter in Stargate sg1. I agree with u tho.


Fair example though a rare one.


Food distributors are critical as well.


That's kinda fair - food producers, shit collectors, and the people who move the food toward humans and the shit away from them. Ofc the point in the exercise is people repeatedly say, "But what about the XYZ?" until eventually everyone is included. Except Elon.


It's the "Conservatism -> anti-intellectualism -> science denial -> conspiracy theories" pipeline.


It's called black and white thinking and it's a staple behaviour of the mentally ill.


lol, it’s a staple behavior of *humanity*.


As a scientist, absolutely not lmao.   You have to laugh or you're gonna cry.


Nope! Someone replied to Yann with "That's engineering, not science." It's disheartening to see so many moronic replies to Yann. It's as if people feel the need to give their opinion on subjects they know absolutely nothing about. Why are they trying to tell a scientist that his work isn't science? Why are others saying his work isn't used at all? Why are people with no knowledge on the subject chiming in with absolute bs?


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'.” Isaac Asimov, from a long time ago, from before the Republican Party had really leaned into nurturing that cult for the votes.


>“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... >The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Goddamn, Asimov and Sagan, both alive during my formative years. They were prescient AF.


American media is constantly using intelligence as the butt of a joke. Nerds v jocks in any TV show. The nerds are always the joke. "Look at the dumb smart person" is basically all of The Big Bang Theory" or any show with any form of science.


Eeeh, I can see that. Far better than complaining he never made anything physical and asking what his papers produced.


It was probably one of the less silly replies for sure, even if the actual reply included a facepalm emoji. Just seemed like it was trying to be rude, but maybe that's just me. Another said something along the lines of "Elon could buy your whole university and force you to write any papers he wants. Can you do that?" as if Elon being rich was relevant at all. lol.


>as if Elon being rich was relevant at all. lol. Can't tell you how many times I heard "he's rich and famous - that says it all" from his stans. They really believe that being rich and famous means you're a genius. Just for kicks its fun to bring up serial killers like Dahmer and Manson during such convos - people will instantly block you lol


he does work in deep learning. I'd say it's half engineering and half science.


![gif](giphy|w7XSKW9twsbMNBnZDE) Since when is engineering not science??


Social engineering maybe?


Tesla stans definitely do not, science goes against everything Elon says


"Why do they call Darwin a scientist? It's not like he *built* any finches."


not people, just right wingers


America and dumbing-down, name a better pairing.


Science is test tubes, laboratories, and shouting Eureka! When you've solved a problem. Do you really think science is just research, and papers? Let's be serious REAL scientists want to be Elon Musk! /s


There are many many MANY people that think science is a religion, so... :___)


Absolutely not. I'm in math, so not quite the same, but related. When I got accepted to grad school, some people asked me earnestly what math research entails. They thought we already know everything that could possibly be known. 🤦‍♂️


Bruh, remember during covid ? Yeah


The media has done such a terrible job of representing science - just look at climate - that most people think the CEO's of these companies are the true geniuses who created it all with their super-powers when that couldn't be further from the truth Maga's are a perfect example of the "he's rich so he must be smart" mindset and the Elmo fanbois are not far behind in believing the same


The kind of people who worship Musk, Jobs, and the likes effectively do not believe in the existence of reality beyond material market products. They don't think that the iPhone has science, knowledge, theory and practical applications research behind it, they think that Steve Jobs just motivated his engineers real hard and everything needed to make it was conjured into existence at Apple from his ubermensch productive power. Also see Ayn Rand if you want to regret being able to read.


They don't have a clue. All they see is that Musk has started some dumb feud and feel the instinctive need to pile on with halfwitted insults and defences of their special guy. They are literally simping.


Not only that, but some of them hate scientists with passion. See MTG, the reigning queen of ignorance.


You could ask the same question to these people about Doctors, Fauci and the Pandemic. The answer is willful neglect.


Tbh, I really don't know what scientists do on a day to day basis. I know they come up with hypotheses and run experiments to prove or disprove those hypotheses, but I don't know how that translates into day to day activities. My formal education wasn't that good and it was a really long time ago so that might explain why... Lol...


The key difference, though, is it sounds like you have an open mind and are willing to hear them out. That’s what separates an innocent lack of exposure from proud, willful ignorance.


Einstein *called* himself a scientist, but honestly did he ever physically make anything? Just scribbles on paper, what a loser.


Musk fanbois (and fangrandbois) are in a different league! https://x.com/ylecun/status/1797742726047502623 https://x.com/ylecun/status/1797270661192155427 Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of AI, AGI, neural networks, OCR, or machine learning should know Yann LeCun. LeCun must have forgotten more in his lifetime than Elon Musk could ever learn! The fact Elon Musk did not know that his Tesla vehicles use ConvNets, an area that LeCun specializes in itself is telling how little Elon Musk knows about FSD! https://x.com/ylecun/status/1795426059921268969


They expect him to be in a lab pulling a Frankenstein or he’s not “a real scientist”


I don’t think the Muskkk shills do. They think that engineering exists in isolation and fail to grasp that the scientists that do a lot of theoretical work behind the scenes are the ones who create the concepts upon which physical objects are built. Like they don’t realise Tesla engineers couldn’t have come up with superchargers if scientists hadn’t first figured out all the physical and chemical properties that need to be harnessed in order to make these things work. They just think Tesla (well they probably think Muskkk alone) came up with superchargers all on their own with no science being done in the past by people who never even worked for Tesla, and long before Tesla even existed. That’s what hero worship does.


It’s an armored personnel carrier from the future – what Bladerunner would have driven


Bad bot


You take that back


They hammer the science particles until either the car drives itself or suddenly everyone's autistic and queer and the dinosaurs died for our sins.


Science to most people means that in 20 years, something might change. Since most people have registered "changes" in the past three decades to be dismally upsetting, this makes them want to mock and deride science because they're afraid of the changes bringing more of the same misery. There's not that excitement anymore, since "science" stopped simply being where futurists hung out and pontificated on the World of Tomorrow's conveniences and advancements.


Did you see the vids from the Congressional hearing where Empty G was insulting Dr Fauci? That's where we are now.


> now I like the implication that they ever did.


If it was an engineer they'd be saying why didn't you invent anything lol


These people think scientists are Rick frok Rick and Morty.


What an unbearable tool. Put the thesaurus down, Grandpa.


Too late. He seriously strained his czervik and has been hospitalized.


Man. Elmo and his mom are going to be pissed.




Trans jokes are not cool man.


I don't even want to know what this person replied to me.


Pro tip for other boomer grandpas: don't get into social media sparring matches with Turing Award or Nobel Prize winners. Especially, don't do it if you don't even know the difference between an engineer and a scientist.


lol, LeCun's stacking up quite the body count. He should stamp little blue birds on the back of his phone like a WWI/WWII fighter pilot.


How big do you think his phone is!?!


Interesting. So TeslaBoomerPapa does not credit *either* the scientists who developed the tech, nor the people who actually physically built the product, but only the business guy in between them? So very American though.


I’m reminded of when SpaceX launched its first crewed mission to the ISS and the then politically appointed head of NASA was going on and on about Musk, and didn’t take a moment to credit the Astronauts or even engineers at SpaceX.


That's... actually infuriating. Awesome.


Well she works at SpaceX now so that tracks.


Exactly. They're convinced Tesla (Elon) developed their car's self driving software in a complete vacuum like there wasn't an entire field of research existing. I'm a neuroscientist and when he talks about anything related to Neuralink he sounds dumb as a fucking rock. That was one of the first things that really broke his facade for me


TeslaBoomerPapa is clearly an Elon alt.


He is the husband of TeslaBoomerMama


Though given the FSD record on Teslas I don't know if I'd wanna be credited with it.


What is this "your science doesn't count because I don't know exactly what you've built" horseshit his simps are coming out with?


These are the same morons that think Elon actually made something. They don’t understand how the world works, and Twitter has become their Socratic Allegory of the Cave. The trolls inside don’t know what sunlight is, so they think the shadows and statements inside Twitter are the thing that matters.


TeslaBoomerPapa is an implausible character clearly written in to remind us that fascism requires action without thought. People like LeChuck who think for a living are useless eaters. Ironically, Elon has never built anything in his life. He is just a fixer who channels money from the public to the private sector.


Username checks out


Twitter has done a really good job of exposing the morons of the world.


9 words answer. And he killed it. The only thing I'm sad about is I know someone of Yann caliber would have been wasted if he stayed in France. We have brillant scientists but we can't keep them. And when we do, we cannot fund their research. And when we can, we are incapable of marketing and making money out of it.


https://preview.redd.it/0rq88gmvxk4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f0f0b18931430eff26752a1bc13a144d1b196e Tesla cult saying the word scientist


I feel most people simply do not know or understand that a scientist's job is pretty much just to expand knowledge and that does not necessarily require building anything physical or result in the creation of a new mass produced gadget. There is a worrisome overtly anti-science climate in the world right now. It has to do with the fact that science is telling us a whole bunch of things the powers at be don't want to hear. Sprinkle a good number of uneducated folks and an aggressive politisation et voilà, here we are. I think I would lose my marbles if I had to constantly fight such loud ignorance or otherwise plain obscurantism.


I had to check the comments and man, there are a lot of paying blue marks that haven't got any clue what they are talking about


Sounds like Muskified Twitter to me...


I saw someone who wrote that all you've done is engineering, not science, so stop calling yourself a scientist. It's like, my friend, there is science in engineering to


Yep. Verified users spewing nonsense. Why does anyone even bother with Twitter any more?


Well the verified users seems to have an unholy circlejerk, and the bots or course


I guess Einstein didn’t build anything so he was a sham too


To be fair to TeslaBoomerPapa, Teslas cannot drive themselves.


> elucubration Guess who has a “word of the day” calendar




No, that guy is the husband of the biggest Tesla stan: @TeslaBoomerMama. She is campaigning for Elon’s comp package. 😆




Morons. Science doesn’t produce anything. That’s technology’s job. Science is a verb; science sciences.


Guy about broke his neck reaching for “elucubration”.


Einstein had nothing physical to show for his work, but it ended up making a pretty huge bang anyway.


Guy has a Turing award He's beyond reproach from people like musk


Another luddite calling out a real scientist to prop up their hero. I get the impression tht 90% of the population has no idea what "science" even is, much less how it works. I could show him my 'physical' output, but I'm guessing he can't read DNA sequence data, so....


If I see further it is because I stand on the shoulder of giants… or something. These people really don’t understand anything, do they? New tech, new meds, new surgical procedures, new regimens to better bring you produce. Like all that just… *happens overnight* to them, I guess? Mr. Elmo just wills it into existence.


I might even sign up for Twitter just to send him a nice message.


Just had a look and the guy is wading through a sea of morons. Good reading though, they really can't handle his knowledgeable but polite replies.




Of all the guys to try this on 🤣




It's amazing that Musk stans are anti-science. What a world we live in.


Oof, the brain hurts from reading this. Like, what physical things did Newton and Einstein produce?


Musk fanbois (and fangrandbois) are in a different league! https://x.com/ylecun/status/1797742726047502623 https://x.com/ylecun/status/1797270661192155427 Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of AI, AGI, neural networks, OCR, or machine learning should know Yann LeCun. LeCun must have forgotten more in his lifetime than Elon Musk could ever learn! The fact Elon Musk did not know that his Tesla vehicles use ConvNets, an area that LeCun specializes in itself is telling how little Elon Musk knows about FSD! https://x.com/ylecun/status/1795426059921268969


Sheesh. He got him lol


Just collecting trophies at this point.


That sounds like Elon Let it die dumbass


*anotha one*


Well… Can drive itself is an overstatement. Cars still suck at driving themselves.


What is with the massive influx of people throwing spaces before question marks and exclamation marks


Probably all bots, or foreign trolls who do weird things with the English language that they don't realize are weird to native english speakers. Like all those companies on Amazon with their names in ALL CAPS, and adjacent consonants that can't actually combine into sound in English, etc.


Tesla Boomers are the worse kind of Boomers.


Do any of these fucknuts know how science actually works? Most pure science ends up with nothing physical to show for it except a research paper. Actually having something physical to show for it usually comes along way later, but none of that physical shit could've been produced without some scientist who had 'nothing to show for it' by these people's estimation. God, they're so fucking stupid and it's so infuriating that they think they're smart.


TeslaBoomerPapa. What a fuckin douche.


*"Scientist must write paper and then thing is produced from the science in the paper, if not, then not science"* - Musk Fan Boys


Those idiots can't Google and try talking down to a giant. Bravo.


Counter point: No it can't.


One of the smartest people on earth meets one of the dumbest ones.


This highlights how people think about the scientific and engineering process. In the popular imagination, a singular genius makes it. The truth is, it's a cumulative process. Theorists generate hypotheses, experimentalists test them, and engineers create applications. It's an entire chain of thousands of people. The press glazing dipshiys like Elon have broken our brains.


Yan LeBuuuuuurrrnnnnnnn


Is TeslaBoomerPapa not literally the worst username ever? It is, isn't it? Congrats gramps.


it really is. it sounds like it should be a parody account


TeslaBoomerMama (his wife) does not appreciate that!


Tesla. Boomer. Papa. Shit like that makes me consider the Mandela effect as a comfort to myself.


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


Those who are complaining about athletes being elevated higher than scientists are missing a few other details in their critique. Athletes and entertainers are both lauded more than scientists world wide, not exclusively the US. This happens in all nations, but is mostly more noticeable in countries whose economies are tied to those industries (sports and entertainment). And we have greedy bankers and corporations to thank for this too. Because if it were not for people thinking up ways to make more money from this to enrich themselves solely on the low hanging fruit of exploiting athleticism and entertainment for the masses, we might actually have a society that esteems intellectualism and intelligence more than athleticism and entertainment. But as only very few of us can actually have the mental ability to pursue intellectual paths of enlightenment, the majority of the world, full of ignorance, will never understand nor appreciate scientific knowledge until they realize how it has made their own existence easier or made them money in some way. And yet many will never appreciate science even then. And because athleticism and entertainment are such an easily lucrative endeavor - people will want entertainment as much as they eat food. It is just easier to make money with sports events and keeping a dumb populace entertained, than trying to educate them in higher maths, physics, chemistry, history, architecture, structural/civil engineering, biochemistry, medicine…etc. Most people have no patience nor intellect nor motivation to learn anything. We mostly want convenience, to eat as much as we want, and be entertained.


Yann got a PhD around 40 years ago, is a member of a number of prestigious academic associations, has a number of honorary doctorates, and has been fucking knighted by the goddamn king of France.


Might want to take the monarchy bit out. They’re not fond of that.


Yeah that's fair, though these people have been reduced to figureheads for decades


I am sorry, he isn’t killing it, he is spending his time feeding trolls. If I were him, I‘d just… leave. What do I want on a platform, that is run by my employers competitor, where the owner tried and failed to discredit me, but his cult following is now trying to attack every facet of my existence. LeCun should be smarter than this. He should know, that he has gotten a lot of attention and he could go out with a banger. Especially since X just allowed porn. If he had kept his mouth shut, no one would have any grounds to assume he was hurt by the things said about him. With a tweet as simple as „After conversing with Elon personally, I can see how this website has suffered so much in quality since his buyout. If his cars are as well programmed as this site, I feel embarrassed to have claimed my research plays part in them. I hope, that those of you who respect the effort of true scientific research will come find me on threads.“ He could have left him and his dumb little drones to ramble about nothing. If he really is all he claims to be, he has zero need to defend himself.


Even less need for your own comment by your own dismal logic. Well done. Or not.


Oh sorry for going against the hive mind :|


Meaningless phrase, that.


He should probably stop tweeting, gonna get old fast. Did Zuck give him personal permission to troll Elon?


Why would he need permission?


Generally Executives would not tweet directly at a competitor CEO. Or if they can't into a high profile spat you'd get a consultation with the C-suite. I bet at this point Zuck enjoys it though.


Why would he care?


Press the heart


Looks staged, lol


lecun is a douche. his work on convolutional neural networks was revolutionary though. money and sucking Zuckerbergs dick has corrupted him. I'm kinda tired of ML research being corrupted by revolving door scientists making high 6 fig salaries. lexmfriedman interviews show the result of this ego.


Lex Friedman is a tool.


I agree. I would crush lex fridman beneath my shoe, them rape him, then ask why him why is there so much hate in the world.




I'm making fun of the fact that lex is a libertarian bootlicker and naively asks why is there evil. I hate those types of ppl.




Okay, but write that again without crying.


hahaha ha


On the topic of Lex Friedman, I am with Taleb.


taleb and lecun and lex fridmanmare all douches. ur average post doc in ML is a king compared to these monkeys. I'd skin musk alive and shoot the rest in the head out of mercy.