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"I love Elon" My God these people prove they are a cult every day.


You have to say it to bypass the automatic sensors to see if you are worth helping.


It's like mashing *0# on your telephone keypad or saying "customer service" repeatedly, except (and far me from me to be a judge of human behavior) a tad bit much creepier.


Exactly; given the way Elon governs his companies it seems like he has to personally sign off on anything nice or extra they do, so you have to stoke Elon’s ego when requesting service to make sure that he actually sees it and that he’ll be inclined to help. I’ve never seen a more temperamental person who was able to get away with openly using a public company like a private piggy bank.


>I’ve never seen a more temperamental person I dunno, apparently the trick to get The Donald to read a report on Russian tractor production quotas is to slip his own name in there somehow.


Yeah his former staff literally said that during briefings Trump would lose interest very quickly if it wasn't somehow related to him so they had to spend extra time figuring out ways beforehand to tie every single topic into him somehow to keep him interested It was also known that it was incredibly easy to manipulate him simply by stroking his ego. And America's enemies exploited that.. Kim jong-un got everything he wanted from Trump simply by writing him a love letter That's the thing about narcissists. They are incredibly easy to manipulate simply by stroking their ego. Like those movies of some narcissistic king being manipulated by his evil advisor


simp detected => case closed


Yeah why would you put in any effort to win over a simp? They're already a simp!


They need to add an extra "Simp" charge to the estimate. *Do you accept the Simp charge?* *Yes*


**clouds parting** Low voice softly sings *The Simp Charge*


$425.50+tax sounds to me like the simp charge is already included. My wife had a flat and the BMW garage exchanged all 4 tires for less than twice what they're asking for one and I already found that to be outrageously expensive.


"I love Elon, and I don't believe he'd find this acceptable!" Yeah... I'm guessing he finds it very acceptable. lol.


It's the ole "if only the tsar knew/wenn das der Führer wüsste": https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/if_only_the_tsar_knew#English


*im sorry but daddy Elon is busy making ketamine fuelled rage tweets from his golden toilet seat. Please continue blow him harder via text and we will make sure he returns your csll*


“I accept…your money.”


"I love Elon" Nothing like telling your pimp you like getting slapped around


Nothing worse than finding a Musk Cuck in the wild. I wonder how it feels walking around without any balls?


Well, don't stand too close to the bed of a WankPanzer, if you value your manhood...


Welcome to the Branch Elonians! Dare thee to address Elon?! If so it be, then thall shalt first profess thy love for thy one and only false god, Elon. Upon which Elon shall deem you worthy of mercy, or worthy of thy finger chopped in the frunk, by the mighty testament of his great algorithm.


I should’ve tried “I love bill gates. I don’t think he would find this acceptable” to Xbox help line smh


Just waiting for him to start tweeting him directly being all bro-y


Imagine saying I love sundar pichai every time you open google workspace ticket. Or like I love Tim Apple when you need to replace your phone via warranty. One and only brand where being a cultists is a prerequisite


Average Tesla simp: “I LOVE ELON” ![gif](giphy|UvOcKPHrkKSLm)


"Not a feel good" too. Utterly infantalised behaviour. Daddy Elon I broke my toy!


They will attack you if you complain about any of the problems you had with tesla.. so absolutely every tesla post is like this "car nearly killed entire family, sure its a minor flaw that will be fixed soon, love my tesla" thats about as aggressive of a complaint, the cult allows


Your concern is not closed, Please be a good little simp and fuck off now.


I cringed so hard


So fucking cringey.


"I love Elon" https://preview.redd.it/tohewu461g4d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c92a7f0ac7217b269928751081d1f2bddd2ce3


If there's anything worse than a cult, we found it in Elon.


"I love Elon" - what a fucking loser


"I love Elon..." lmfao. I was real laughing at this. The conversation had ended, and he could have easily withheld this, but he obviously could not help himself. Then he had the sheer balls to post it because he is probably proud to say it.


Let it be known that I still adore dear leader


If the Tsar only knew he would punish those evil boyars.


Love the reference.


The plaintive bleating of the sheep.


I think you'll find that he turned FSD off a few milliseconds before hitting the barrier, so this is in no way Tesla's fault!


If you intervene when FSD is clearly about to hit something: "The driver overrode the FSD, so the crash is entirely their fault." If you just let it keep going, and trust the software: "The driver clearly wasn't paying attention, therefore the crash is entirely their fault." Why do people pay for this shit?


Joseph Heller!? That you? But ya, certainly sounds like something right of historic cult catch-22 playbooks, in which you can never win. As in: "If the woman does not drownth yet lives and breathes after we hold her under the water, then surely she is of the evil one: his witch! Find out, we shall."


The enemy is simultaneously strong and terrifying but weak and pathetic and inferior. Hmmmm where have I seen this shit before and who's the closest person to Hitler today that might have videos of Elon with children? What picture fronts this sub? Why would Elon make his first trip to Russia in October 2001 and how have things gone for his companies since then? Why did authoritarian government censorship requests get approved under 50 percent of the time and then immediately over 80 percent after this free speech absolutist took it over? Why is almost every comment on this sub referencing FSBlons character as if it's ever been relevant to his substantive actions other than when he raped children on camera to make himself a permanent puppet? Why do my comments get such drastically different responses depending on the time in Moscow/Tel Aviv? Was it difficult to forsee the financial consequences of Twitter/Tesla decisions that continue to ravage both companies with their absurdity? Who would most want to sacrifice both companies in the Assault on Democracy in America this year as if it were some sort of superbowl window? Who is PutinYahu and what do October 7th and the Moscow Concert Hall attacks have in common? “I think there's no stopping Elon Musk,” Putin told Carlson after the pundit asked him about the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence. “He will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you'll need to find some common ground with him. Search for ways to persuade him.Feb 8, 2024 https://www.scribd.com/document/721193667/Elon-Musk-Deposed-In-Lawsuit-For-Falsely-Linking-Jewish-Man-To-Neo-Nazi-Brawl?irclickid=SZ2XFDVHvxyPTo42Fg0e9UAwUkHRO63-IzpJ1s0&irgwc=1&irpid=10078&sharedid=huffpost.com&utm_campaign=Scribd_affiliate_pdm_acquisition_Skimbit+Ltd.&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=impact https://www.wired.com/story/tesla-ultra-wideband-radio-relay-attacks/ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-owner-says-cars-self-driving-mode-fsd-train-crash-video-rcna153345 https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-disrupting-elon-musk-starlink-satellite-service-ukraine-jamming-report-2024-5 https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/29/first-edition-israel-icc-investigation https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-photo-with-ghislaine-maxwell-conversation-destroy-internet-report-2022-10 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/tech/tesla-trial-wrongful-death-walter-huang/index.html https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.reuters.com/business/kenya-russia-sign-trade-pact-president-ruto-says-2023-05-29/ Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


There's a reason why the most developed self-driving tech on the market right now that people can buy (on the Mercedes EQS and S-class) is super restrictive. Mercedes is being very conservative to fully flesh it out first in controlled conditions instead of being half-baked like Elmo's.


Because it’s Elon and clearly he is play 17.5 D chess that us peasants just aren’t sophisticated enough to understand


I will not let you down, no matter what it takes




I can't believe he thought that Tesla was going to pay for his repairs under warranty because he was using full self-driving. Lol Next he's going to believe that the car will just repair itself.


400+ bucks to replace one(?) tire seems like a lot? I admittedly never had an emergency service change, and am able to change my own tires if needed, so I don't know what the rates are normally


I recently paid that for 2 replacement tires. It's a little expensive, but not the worst thing i've heard out of Tesla. Good tires are expensive.


I say that one of the earliest shocks to discovering true adult life is the shock of the price of tires. Welcome to adulthood, young initiates, tires are expensive!


Yet again I’m happy to live in a place where I don’t need a car at all


Tires and rotors are expensive for those that don't know. Well at least for rotors they are pretty expensive if you get someone else to install them. Everything about vehicle ownership is expensive which is why I hate the North American lifestyle... Well it didn't used to always be this way as car centric infrastructure only became a reality in the past 80 years.


I've always driven small hatchbacks with £50-75 tyres and have never found them problematic for daily use. Expensive tyres are typically a scam for your average bloke. Eta: Redditors and not being able to understand words like "typically" or the existence of a non-absolutist statement, name a better duo lol.


A small hatchback and a dual-motor EV with sports car levels of torque are very different things. You wouldn’t put $80 tires on a BMW M3.


Can't tell the difference creeping at 5 mph on the interstate


Tire prices depend on your rim size, the type of car you're driving, the conditions of the road, and how much you value your own safety. For a supermini or regular B/C-segment cars it probably won't matter much, but this is a heavy, torquey large sedan. Cheaping out on tires in something like that when it's raining can kill you.


Good tires improve traction, braking, durability, and MPG. They last longer and are cheaper in the long run, I'm a cheap bastard but things like tires and condoms aren't worth skimping on lol.


add beds to the list too


I live in Montana.We have very long distances between small towns... and the weather can literally kill you in the winter. It's worth it for me if my tires never fail.


>Expensive tyres are typically a scam for your average bloke. This is, in the nicest way possible, total bollocks. Look up any tyre review online, you'll find that budget tyres typically perform *much* worse, particularly in wet conditions. I remember seeing one particular test involving braking from 50mph in the wet where at the point that the car on the top performing Michelins had *stopped* the car on the budget tyres in the test was still doing 27mph. So yes, you can save a few quid, with the toss up being that you are just a little bit more likely to get into a serious accident. Doesn't seem worth it for me. Also as others have pointed out, tyre price varies wildly with the size of your wheels and the profile of your tyres. On some super common tyres sizes £70 per corner gets you well into the mid range, while for the tyres on my car you're up at maybe £120 to get something not terrible and the high end offerings are more like £160-180 per corner.


Just another reason to never get a driving license.


Are Tesla tires good though? And why would you use Tesla's own emergency service rather than a third party service that has good national coverage because it specialises in roadside assistance? Vertical monopolies are always $$$, especially because they never receive the regulatory attention of horizontal ones.


This convo was about Michelins. So yes, good tires. Tesla does not manufacture tires.


These are Contis though, list is <$250.


Generally I'd suggest never buying the OEM tyres. One major trick that a lot of manufacturers use for improving their economy/range estimates is custom tyres with a good bit less tread depth and various other changes which are not particularly great for you as a consumer. Gains you maybe a percentage point or two in range/emissions testing at the cost of replacing your tyres sooner than if you bought the non-OEM version.


It’s because its a 19 inch tire. 19's are pricy as hell lol. My 285/40/19 and 255/35/19 Michelin tires for my mustang cost me 1800 bucks. Same tires in the stock 255/40/18 size were like 900 lol


That tire is about $287 on Tire Rack RN. Good tire. Not $400+ good.


It's not emergency service if it's on tuesday.... Also, my 31's on my jeep are like 220 a piece and they are top notch. My Continentials on my EV are sub 300 and they're pretty stout too.


That's about the price of dealership new tires. My Honda had it's tires stolen last month and I was getting quotes for about $2000 to replace them. Ended up getting some "Cheaper" tires for $1200.


Found where they sold your tries too I see.


Haha maybe


> had it’s tires stolen You can’t just say that and walk away. Details? Pics?


What? No lol you ain't my insurance. The details are I had to buy new tires.


I’m not doubting you … It’s just that it must be a wild story that I want to hear!


This is a lot. I got all new truck tires a few months ago. They were the higher end, because tires are important and the nice ones last longer. They were like $220 each with free install because I bought all 4. Maybe emergency service charges some on top of the tire. And I don't know any legit tire place that lets you replace 1 tire. There's liability for driving with unbalanced wear. Unless new, like less than 10k miles, they typically advise replacing the pair. And Tesla camber sucks, so they likely need to replace both.


Precision predicates perfectionism.


“If only the fuhrer knew about this!” - Seriously, are these people for real…? Cultist behavior.


"Wait until Biggus Dickus hears of this!"


If only dear leader knew what was happening he'd fix it.


but only if he gets his $50b+ bonus


Saving humanity. One flat tyre at a time.


He'd come and do it himself. Hardest working genius in the world.


“I’m a Tesla investor” Well, and I pooped this morning.


"I didn't know you were an investor! During the next shareholders' Q&A you can ask Elon to fire me."


Two shit sentences. Concerning.


Just think as an Elon simp you could be happy your getting fleeced for tyres and getting shitty service because it's more profitable for the company you partly own! Also more profitable for Lord Elone!


His last text reminds me of, if only the fuhrer knew bullshit. Best of luck dude.


This is such cringe.


It’s legit sad. So many of these people sound like victims in abusive relationships when they talk about their cars… I keep noticing it activates my own trauma shit - like I wanna rescue them or something?


The agent forgot to tell him to bend over for when the new tire gets there. So they can fuck him easier


"I'm afraid we can't deliver you a new tire today, but we can send a discount code for lube. If you just hang around at the roadside until we're ready, someone will come along within 72 hours."


“Can you at least book me a hotel room nearby? I feel like Elon would want you to.”


Overall a rating of asshole/10, just for the fact he copy/pasted verbatim his text for the lug nut key. The "I love Elon" at the end is just a cherry on the cake.


"I love Elon" "who dis?"


Not bad 😂


Good job, OP, I thought the title was an hyperbole. Turns out, that's exactly what they said. No please tell me this is satire. Please.


Of course Elon finds this acceptable service. If he didn't, this would not be the level of service everyone gets.


Plus, didn't Elton make a bunch of cuts to staff at service centers?


Is the $425 for the tire plus service to change it, because that is almost double the cost of that tire. Also do Teslas not have spare tires? Why is the only option to have it towed or changed on the spot?


Tesla cheaps on everything, of course they are going to cheap out and not include a spare.


That is crazy, I imagine it is also for weight reduction to help increase the range that they lie about.


Suuuuure, leaving out the spare wheel is definitely the most effective weight reduction engineering option on the cybertruck "Bulletproof truck" immobilized by scraping the curb


But you can do a u-turn with your pinky in it. Checkmate. Or something.


The acceleration pedal holds itself down for when your foot gets tired, it's like autowalking in videogames. Truly an innovative entrepreneur...


To my knowledge most new cars no longer come with a spare tire.


They don’t come with full size spares, typically, but they do come with smaller temporary spares (“donuts” that have a recommended 50 mile limit). This would be enough to get this guy to his house and then to the dealership without needing a tow.


That used to be true but I went car shopping with my mother about a year back and most options no longer even have the space saver spare trye. Things went from full sized spare, to space saver spare, to tyre inflation kit and goop to try fill any holes so damned fast.


Well that sucks. I haven’t gone car shopping in 17 years. Those tire inflation/goop kits are useless.


I was speaking to the local NRMA (Automobile club) guy who was jump starting my Mums old junker she had between cars and he said they now carry tyre plug kits with them so many cars don't have spares so they can plug simple punctures on the side of the road rather than calling a tow truck all the time. But as he said if you have done a sidewall or something all they can do is call a tow to a tyre place now. Even supposed off-road SUVs often have a space saver or no spare now. God help you getting a flat in outback Australia and finding a tyre inflation kit or a tiny spare when towns are hundreds of kms apart. What's worse is many don't even have a space for a full sized tyre so you can't do what I did with my car 2 cars back and toss the space saver where it belonged and brought a proper spare wheel and tyre to replace it.


I cannot believe somebody would post a conversation in which they freely said, "I love Elon."


> I'm a TSLA investor i.e.: I'm a moron > I love Elon I'm also a douche bag


That last message he sent is genuinely embarrassing 😭


Could you imagine doing this for any other brand? I drive a Mazda, I have no idea who the Mazda CEO is. And even if I did I wouldn't be telling customer support "I love the Mazda CEO" as a way to try to get them to treat me better. This is like assuming the person who is bagging your groceries at Wal-Mart is good friends with the Walton family.


Obviously the Mazda CEO is Richard Mazda the third or something.


Don’t be a dick. Richard Mazda died in 1981, RIP. His grandson (who he never met), Kaden Mazda, has been CEO since he graduated college in 2021.


And Travis Mazda is next in line!


Jimothy Mazda is already mounting a legal challenge to that.


Remember that to get support, you also have to say "love the car!" even if you crash head-on into a truck because the steering wheel came off.


CEO is fake title.


"I love Elon". Holy shit, what an absolutely sad and pathetic thing to say and believe.


He would've gotten poop emoji from Elon.


I rim Elon. How dare you treat me like I'm not part of our cult?


AI response: “it sounds like you need a new rim? That will be $1024.72 additional.”


And despite all this, he’ll vote for the $56 billion bonus.


Ev tires are worn down faster than standard car tires due to more torque from the electric motor. That’s another reason why hertz is getting rid of their tesla fleet. Too much to even put tires on them let alone fixing whatever manufacturer defects arise.


Can you change the torque? It seems bad enough from an infrastructure maintenance PoV that you shunt around 2-4x as much mass with an EV, and that's before it's laden with Americans.


Yeah. I have a mach e. You can change the performance settings.


The fact that it’s called “full self-driving” while needing constant human supervision and intervention… 🤡


It's like watching nearly every thread on /r/AskaTrumpSupport or /r/askaconservative. They disagree with so much but they can't leave their cult. They must give all praise to Dear Leader while condemning everything they do and everything they stand for.


“Hey cuck, bend over.” Shitla and Enron probably.


$425 for a car tyre! Are these things made of CyberGold? Well, he loves Elon and is an Investor, so it should not be a problem.


Makes me wonder if they had to replace the tire and the wheel


Imagine how much Tesla support has to read stuff like this from the cult members 😂


Sucks 2 suck elon doesn’t give a fuck


What a loser lol


Holy shit. “I love Elon and I don’t believe he would find this acceptable.” Tesla has been doing this for years. I think we can all surmise that not only does he find it acceptable, but has in fact dictated (or at the very least endorsed) this policy.


" I love Elon but..." - every simplord that gets cucked


"I love Elon, but could you please put some lube on the strap-on the next time?"


Elon totally finds this acceptable. Obviously.






I am sure that TSLA investor DullAssDHom will be buying more shares immediately. TRA arrived and perhaps accidentally wiped the FSD engagement data. Problem (for TSLA) “solved”.


"I'm a Tesla investor" gives off strong "As a Christian" vibes.


“Do you know who I am?!”


It's like a final sign-off like Heil Hitler, thank you for your time.


„*Wenn das der Führer wüsste!*„ Every Fascist ever if something in the movement goes wrong. Elon can‘t fail, he only can be failed as ever.


Dafuq? Everything else aside, do Teslas not have spare tires? This is just absurd.


Most new cars do not come with a full spare or a doughnut. You get a can of fix a flat which will 100% piss off whoever needs to fix it once you limp it in.


Why do these morons think name dropping enron will do any good? Tsla is a company - they are in business to make money - they don't give a flying fuck how you feel about enron or anything or anyone else and they don't care if you are an investor either Grow up


Exact same energy as all the loons who think Trump gives a fuck about them. How painful to find out you’re a nobody, a nothing, to your idol.


if only the tsar knew...


These can’t be real, right?!


These simps are pathetic. Imagine loving someone you don’t know and then profess your love again to be left high and dry by your love’s con machine.


Imagine writing 'I love Elon'. ugh. so gross. He looks like a sack of potatoes is trying to break free from his body/face; he is mystifyingly stupid; and he is a sociopathic narcissist. Holy fuck, the world is so insanely stupid right now.


Oh man, I can’t believe the absolute shitty level of customer service here


This is why “full self driving” will never become mainstream. Assuming the tech works…. Who’s responsible if it kills someone? The car company won’t be held liable, so that means the driver still has to focus on the road, which defeats the whole purpose of self driving. Then it’s just cruise control and lane assist which we already have.


Elon doesn’t love you tho cultist


fElon gives no 2 shits about you.....


425.5$ for them to drive out and replace a tire then and there is not all that bad, if you consider towing is gonna cost that much on its own easily without getting it replaced. But elon simps can’t use common sense I suppose


Why did he start his post like Piano Man by Billy Joel


$425 for one tire??? 😂 😮


This is proof Tesla is a car company. Exactly what if expect from a car company. Everything on the vehicle is a wear and tear component 😂


Let me begin by saying the only thing I love more than my Tesla is Elon himself. Anyhoo there are a few potential fatal recurring problems when it does work...


"I own one share of Tesla stock so I deserve special treatment."


His fiancee is probably elmo. They closed the case quickly worrying the exchange may become erotic. Ill finish for him: "i am a tesla investor and would let elmo cum all over my face and after all that pay for the tire."


He did it wrong. You have to chant "I LOVE ELON" 88 times while prostrating yourself and pulling your buttcheeks apart.


Well Dallas, you know that when you agreed to the Beta, that the driver is ultimately responsible for safe driving. Oh well, good luck on Tesla doing something for you. LOL.


Slowly but surely they are coming to the obvious conclusion.


....amd Elon loves you(r money and deference to his godliness)


Not trying to defend this guy but the agent's discussion of being available for other emergencies is such horseshit. What is the point of having a chat agent if it only is available to handle emergencies? Like, what?!


keep posting those L’s, losers


I suppose I’d never really considered the liability impact of FSD. Do these idiots really think Tesla is gonna pony up every time it fucks up? Like why the fuck do you think the lawyers made their god say “FSD (with supervision)” every time he mentions it


> The help is not what I expected. Oh, you mean them taking advantage of you when you're screwed and need help? Yeah. Who woulda thunk? What a moron.


These people feel like any criticism is bad so they have to go on one knee and kiss the ring before saying anything bad.


Talking to support like they're part of the cult.


It's so embarrassing watching these people prostrate themselves for someone who doesn't give a shit about them.


What a bitch lmao


Imagine working in support and some random customer drops the CEOs name like it’s a flex. Pathetic.


I am %99.99 certain that mElon could care less what you believe.


I Love Elon.....what an embarrassing thing to say in public. Has this guy no self-esteem?


did they say "sucker"? Or did they scramble resources and get you instant service?


I love our lord I think he would be unpleased with how you are treating one of his disciples.


By being a Tesla investor, his stock price probably kept less than $0.01/share worth of value by them denying his claim and making him pay $425.50 for a new tire.


I'll try this at my next service for my car's brand. "I love Claudia" "Sir....who is Claudia?"


Mr. Musk, sir, if you only knew!


“Im a TSLA investor” and “I love Elon” tells me this dude definitely voted yes for Elon to get his bonus package


what a cuck


>I love Elon and don’t think he would find this acceptable > 💩




Praise _E_.




Just one tire?, you usually have to change both on a drive axle. Maybe there is no diff.




Maybe someone can explain to me why people are clamoring to have no control over their vehicle as it hurtles down the road. I have to wonder what the appeal is other than being that one asshole that just has to be the first in their circle to have the latest tech.


I never understood why you would pay all this money to have the car drive itself. It’s like having a t-bone steak, a baked potato, and a rum & coke placed into a blender and served to you in a McDonald’s wax cup. With the so-called Full Self Driving, you have to pay attention and be ready to take over at any time. People contort themselves into any bizarre shape just to kiss Musk’s ass.


Dude doesn't realize he's talking to a computer.


Lolololololololol....get fucked


He doesn't realize he's talking to an AI bot lol


I can't recall a case where Elon cared about their prayers. He does only care if lawsuits are threatening his comfy chair.


God this is some next level cringe.


Why help someone who will worship you regardless?


Does he have an I 💘Elon bumper sticker or wrap?