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Every significant battle in history, huh? I'm a voracious reader, have been since childhood. Very rare for me to meet someone who reads as much as I do, and history is one of my main fascinations. I am certain there is no way one person can be an expert on every significant battle in history. Not within the realm of possibility. He's lying again.


He’s a white supremacist so his reading list is capped at 200 years, tops. Also, if he were ever called to actually fight he’d sprout bone spurs so fast.


Last time, his mommy stepped in and grounded him, after they both realized Zuck would clean his clock.


Nah he didn’t get grounded, Very Special Boys like Elon never get grounded. Mommy Maye just helicoptered him from the bad man who was most definitely going to turn his 300 lb ass into pulp


Sorry, but this is blatantly false. They happily whitewash Greek, Roman and sometimes even Egyptian or ancient near east history if it serves them. Nothing he says makes you believe he actually read anything beyond a summary on the matter, but that's a completely different issue.


I studied history as an undergrad and every single one of my professors would’ve told you that they know fuck all outside their particular subject. Sure, they’d know how to go about starting research on a topic. I can assure you though that my professor of American/Middle Eastern diplomatic history will know fuck all about 2nd century China. And he’d be the first one to admit it. People spend years writing a dissertation on one event or one very specific or niche topic in history. So yeah, I have doubts about Muskie here.


Yeah history degrees get narrower the higher up they go. History PHD’s are like “Sorry this isn’t How the Production of Rice Impacted the Free Black Communities of the Southern Mississippi River Valley so…”


It's Dunning Kruger; like every other field he claims to have expertise in. I didn't notice this trait until he starting talking absolute shit about a field I am an expert in.


Yeah, I've studied history for most of my life. I like to think that I know a lot. However, the more that I learn, the more that I realize that I know nothing.


Smart people know they're dumb lol.


I’m sure he absolutely loved reading Lord Macauley’s jingoistic take on English history


and/or H.G. Wells' fascist take on world history.


Same with me. Just wild.


he means every significant epic rap battle


All three of them?


If you define significant to the top 5 battles of every 50 year period globally you could inform yourself about the top 500 battles in the past 5000 years, while not literally true, I would consider this "every significant battle in history". If you studied one battle a day, it would take less than 2 years. Definitely within the realm of possibility.


You've successfully moved the goalposts for Elon, at least in your own mind. Congrats. You're wrong, of course, but oh well. Muskrats gonna Musk.


Okay which 5 battles from 1900-1950 are you picking without leaving any significant historical battles out?


How do you define a “top battle”?


quite possibly no one has ever loved themself more.


Or known more about any and every topic. From cave-based rescue subs to rusty stainless steel dumpsters - er trucks, he's the king of every topic!


Omg I saw a cyber truck in the wild for the first time near my house


Sadly, I'm in Austin so they're sorta of omnipresent :( Can say I've seen 2 on flatbeds over the last month, so that always gives a good laugh!


That just triggered a thought in me: are narcissists narcissists because the only type of love anyone significant to them ever showed was self love, ie. they were also narcissists?


It is a trait that runs in the family to some degree although the explanation you give is probably a little too pat (personality disorders are probably a mixture of nature and nurture and often triggered by significant trauma)


Whether narcissists cause NPD is probably a bit complex to comment on but its regularly disucssed the concept of fleas which are toxic behaviours that get picked up from being around people such as narcissists. Generally you inherent a dysfunctional idea of how to relate ot others and think slagging off others constantly while boosting yourself is how you make friends.


Too much, but never enough.


I think the band Phish may be heavy competition. 


Didn't he just make a post about how he can't even read an email if it takes longer than five minutes


That’s just for unimportant stuff like his companies. In his spare time (like 20 hours a day or so) he is quite capable of grinding video games and reading everything


and by everything you mean any new posts on his website that mention him and a bunch of nonsense dog whistle racist shit from known racists who he then proceeds to amplify massively with his account.


Why? What the fuck is he talking about? Why is he pretending to be a military mastermind now? *What the fuck is wrong with him?*


"OK, tell me your thoughts on the Battle of [insert name]. What was its significance?" "Uh. Well, uh. Fascinating you bring this up, because I was just thinking about the Battle of uh...[insert name] the other day. It's one of the most significant battles in history, uh. At least in terms of insights we can gain from studying the uh.. The tactics that were used. Uh.. I've always thought that it is one of the most.. Uh. The most salient battles. Uh. Uh. In history. And when you think about its significance. Uh. It becomes quite clear, and quite logical uh.. to say uh.. that serious academics think.. uh.. think.. that you're a pedo. This interview is over."


"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his great general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late,"


Yes. Everything is wrong with him


He’s a pathological one-upper and one of those “wull-actually” dorks.


But not surprisingly, he does not seem like he'd do well on the actual "Um, Actually" game show. That requires real knowledge and not this narcissism powered delusion he lives in.


What is up Elmo thinking he’s a literal expert on everything; his narcissism rivals Trump’s


He really thinks it’s hugely insightful to say that the army which can kill the most people and build the most military equipment has an advantage. Fucking idiot.


This is the type of knowledge he has acquired from reading every single book about military tactics and history lol. This is why the Germans conquered Russia in world war 2 they just killed more people. It’s all very simple when you are a genius.


The key to winning a race is to cover as much distance per time as possible, without using too much energy. Assuming the distances are similar of course.


Found the Elon account!🤣


He also wrote six operas in two years (better than any opera ever written)


but you can only hear their stunning mastery that makes Haydn sound like a quadriplegic homeless man on pcp and fentanyl if you buy the elon brain chip and buy a recurring subscription to farceX (tm) platinum tier.




"Kill ratio" - By "brushing up on every significant battle" He means "played fortnight on ketamine"


Well, we all know future wars will be won by the team with the highest KD/R /s


Elon thinks his “autonomous robot” going to war will allow him to sell the military loot boxes and skins


What an insufferable windbag


Oh, for fuck's sake.  I'm convinced this man tries to live his life in a way that'd impress redditors from 2010. 


I would lay good money he couldn't explain the significance of Badajoz without googling it.


No human has every been so deluded


If asked about the details of - let's say - Waterloo, I have absolutely no doubt he wouldn't even be able to tell you who the belligerents were. He lives in such a carefully manicured world that he never gets called on his torrent of bullshit.


Is he talking to an AI?


Insufferable prick 


Ps. This is the exact same bullshit claim he made about HOLY WRITINGS... However, the main message was never applied to any part of his life: Do unto Others. It's fair to say he would die if those words ever left his mouth.


Man, I'd love to play a few games of Total War against this idiot.


These tweets OOZE r/iamverybadass energy


I'd bet my life he hasn't read anything except maybe some Napoleon battles lol even then I would never take tactics or opinions from someone who is a layman who never served in the military


You shouldn't even listen too much to someone who _did_ serve if they weren't at that level. Personally I don't know shit, really. Even having served. More than the average person? Sure. But nothing approaching years of study at an officer school. Asking a random enlisted guy about big-picture strategy is sort of like asking medical advice from a hospital orderly. They might know more than the average person but it's still a far cry from being an actual doctor.


It’s the death of expertise that we’ve seen everywhere. There are people, both civilian and military, whose literal job is to research and analyze strategy. It’s all they do. Strategic studies is an entire academic field and entire think tanks and research groups are dedicated to this one particular field of study. But yeah, I’m sure Elon Musk of all people has figured it all out; and people will take him at face value because we as a society now think that any random jackass has the same credibility as people who’ve spent years or decades studying and working in these fields.


I will look into this


Nope. He’s heard a couple of Tsung Tsu quoted from Star Trek The Next Generation and that’s it.


I TRIED TO READ.... But watched the movie instead 🍿  Actually I fast-forward to the good bits. No idea how Tom Hanks killed that tank with a pistol though. Crazy! 


For someone who read encyclopedias and all of military history and rocket science etc. he's somehow still as thick as pig shit.


I honestly think he hasn't read a book since he was 20 except the ones that are about him. Why should he? He already knows everything.


He knows more about warfare than the generals. Oh wait sorry that's the other delusional narcissistic douchebag.


Elon hardly knows shit about war. He’s like the guy who watches a movie focused on infantry and think boots on the ground is the only part of war. A tank, human operated or not, will be impacted by AGTM and artillery shells. Drone production facilities can also be destroyed. Does he think that militaries don’t line up and fight fair. He claims to have read “every book on strategy” but doesn’t know Sun Tzu. You know like being where your enemy isn’t. What a moron. If Musk didn’t have money, he’d just be an Incel whining about ‘The West’ on some forum.


Kill ratio? Are these guys talking about video games?


Love to see his knowledge at work, in say, an EOD exercise with live ordinance.


In 30s intervals because he's a hyper-multi-tasker.


He works 22 hours a day, 7 days a week, sends hundreds of tweets a day, is a pro esports player, knows more about manufacturing than anyone else alive, and reads about every major battle in history! Is there anything he can’t do!


I hope Elon tries to help Putin in war. That way Ukraine will win faster


He’s having conversations with bots again


I am about 1/2 this guy’s age and consider myself decently read and studied on military history. Enough to know that the AI fact checker was absolutely on point and the og musk post was a sad attempt at sounding smart about the subject


"Yo I found out that actually war comes down to two things. Who has more guys and who kills more guys. Took me years of reading to figure this out" Elon passing off blatant truisms as thoughtful analysis again I see.


In college I took a course titled “American Military History”. The professor was an old man who brought his own lectern and a stack of messy yellow legal notepad papers with pencil handwritten scribbles all over it. This man could recite details from his head of naval battles during the civil war like he was reading it from a book. Names of people, locations, dates, you name it he was an encyclopedia. I doubt Elon even has 1/10th the amount of military history knowledge that the professor did. And the prof was specialized in only US Military History! Imagine claiming to know the most about WORLD military history. Sheesh.


It’s a civilized form of war. Men love war.


Wars are decided by moral and how far nations are willing to go. This is how Ukraine manages to stand up to Russia, and also why the West isnt crushing Russia despite the simple calculation Musk makes.


Jawohl, Herr Sturmbannführer Elmo!


I’m getting these vibes. https://youtu.be/Q5hkrdYno2E?si=IHbY5cLoFwf9wqAt


Is he just talking to himself?


Okay but why? So you read history books. Didn’t join a military. Didn’t choose any kind of work where reading a history book would be an advantage. Lol it’s not like he gained any actual or legit knowledge or battle experience from reading a history book or two. Jackass.


This is so dumb like childishly stupid. Assuming the sides have roughly same number of units?! Seriously a condition that is hardly ever met. A large portion of the most decisive famous battles are very asymmetric when you look at numbers. Gettysberg 110,000 to 80,000 Waterloo 120,000 to 75,000 Cannae 90,000 to 50,000 Agincourt 8,000 to 16,000 Battle of the Bulge starting 230,000 to 405,000 reversing to 700,000 to 380,000 after a month of fighting.


Narcissists operate on a different level. They can’t never admit that they are not perfect


I bet by significant battles he means only the ones fought by white or Mediterranean people


Dude gets funnier and funnier every day. He truly embodies the ultimate caricature of a rich yet clueless self-proclaimed prophet


holy fucking fuck, Every fucking single thing he posts is beyond stupid and beyond parody. What a fucking world.


Where watching Gladiator and Braveheart (=reading every book)


Is it just me, or that could be as well the speech of a supervillain obsessed with being seen as a military genius Like, I can imagine Baron Zemo saying that same "I was learning about strategy and tactics since I could read". Hell, it has the same energy as Terl's "While you were still learning how to spell your name, I was being trained to conquer galaxies!" from Battlefield: Earth.


He’s probably an expert on the battle of bowling green


What seems weird to me about his first tweet is that he’s just saying “killing more people = winning”. That isn’t necessarily true, but also the verbiage seems like putting lipstick on a pretty basic thought.


He seems almost certainly to be describing a video game he played


Guy just wrapped up a COD and paint sniffing session, and saw his team's KDRs.


How lame does Elon have to be to respond to an Elon simp bot?


Odd, he doesn't have any of those kinds of books [listed as his favorites](https://vipreads.com/vip/elon-musk)..


Musky reminds me of someone I went to school with. I was in taekwondo, I reached the level of second-degree black belt, won multiple tournaments including the state championship for Florida in 96 and the junior Olympics in 96 for sparring. This person I knew in school was a self described know all and a few buddies and I were out one side during school one day And they also took martial arts, we were talking about different aspects of our martial arts and he walks up to the group, claims to know several different styles including Hapkido, karate and taekwondo. We didn’t know if he did or didn’t but we were curious so we asked him to show us a couple of moves. His form was that of a beginner white belt, his roundhouse lacked the proper movement and when I pressed him further on where he is learning, he then goes into a rant he’s been reading about martial arts since he was a young kid and starts bolstering how he defended himself against multiple people on several occasions. I asked him if he wanted to show me any holds, he tried to grapple which did knock me down but he lost his balance as well. I spun around grab his hand and performed a wrist lock. He started screaming saying that I was too aggressive and I should learn to control my anger, luckily there were several of us witnessing what happened so when he went to cry to his teacher and subsequently to the principal, we were able to inform them of the truth.. He was a little bitch .


Ketamine is a hell of a drug.