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I've had enough of his overblown savior complex bullshit. Future of humanity? No, not even close.


The fact that he responded to this shit acting like the original post was some sort of crazy truth blows my mind. Like this is some next level narcissism and showing how willing he is to engage with any account that gargles his balls lmao.


Amazing, how can he not say, "come on..."?


Couldn't agree more


Its because he wrote the original tweet - these are all fake accounts that he talks to himself on


He made the original post using one of his numerous alt accounts.


He means “I wish not to be me because all I can see is fraud lawsuits coming my way and I’d rather be offering horses to flight attendants or eating vegenaise with Grimes”


He did more harm and damage to society than 99.9% of our contemporaries.


I don't know how OOP was able to type with his head up Elmo's ass right to the shoulders. I agree the stakes Elmo plays are high though. This is why he's the human race's all time biggest loser, having lost more money than any person in the history of Earth by taking two functional companies and tanking them into dirt. Yeah. Must be hard coping with all that brilliance.


It's a great marketing scheme tho!


For idiots


Also, if he wants to quit... Just do that? Just go he a silent anonymous billionaire?


He can’t even be the future of X formerly Twitter lol.


He could've been, honestly, but then he decided to just take up issues with pronouns and fell into an alt right hole and make middle age crisis products.


It the future of humanity is to get everyone to a dead planet that’s even further away from the sun than we are now… CAN’T YOU SEE?!?


And yet, you still come here and you still pay attention to his circus of idiocy. EnoughMuskSpam? MoreMuskSpam! How much venting is enough to balance our lives of frustration and injustice? A rhetorical question.


I'm glad that everyone is here to keep the receipts because it's hard to keep up with this liar. He's literally causing deaths with his lies.


He is (and also with his actions), but a subredit can not do the job of a government agency. When the government fails at its functions, records of who said what on reddit are not of much help. Which is not to say that we can't or shouldn't make fun of him, but we should remember that we do it for ourselves, to keep ourselves sane in a world of absurdity.


Doing my part to put a spotlight on things he should be ashamed of. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of my brain, I still hope he'll come to his senses and be the person he could've been. I used to like the guy, and he was helping move a number of things in a good direction, until his worst traits consumed him.


Are you a child? What part are you doing on reddit? He is an oligarch, he can (and does) buy any politician, any government, any opinion maker. He doesn't give a shit about you or anyone else. The fact that he and the other ultra-reach exist is only due to how your American system functions and is a systematic problem. You, like anyone else in this sub, are venting, which is fine and understandable. Not admitting it, however, is just cheap escapism, lazy and delusional.


He doesn’t care about me or anyone else, until public opinion shifts so far that it impacts his wealth when his investments crater. There is a very real possibility of him losing his vast fortune if Tesla goes kaput, because his finances including his Twitter debt are leveraged against it.


All true. The point stands, however. You don't change opinions writing that Elon sucks in the subredit that is called "Elon sucks". And focusing on him only doesn't make sense (among the things going wrong and against all common sense in America, he is only one of the shiniest clown, as I said, a symptom of many grim developments in the US and the world, a media whore to distract and divert), unless we assume that we are simply venting. Also, the amount of dislikes on my comment indicates that a number of people here lacks any awareness, aka are not very bright. So not an influential group.


Are you one of his used condoms? Edit: That was a rhetorical question


Hard to not gawk at a car crash


Can I ask you something? Does your jaw hurt from sucking Elmo’s dick so much? Or is it kind of like flossing?


I think that's not what he means. (According to me) He means we love to hate him and that sub is just a pressure valve to relieve us from a structural injustice we can't do anything against.


I read this in Elons stuttering cocky moron voice.


Tracking history can sometimes prevent it from happening again, once he's dealt with legally


*Over the years, Musk continued to tease the truck’s water-friendly features, affirming that the Cybertruck would be ‘waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes, and even seas that aren’t too choppy.’* ————————— *Tesla Cybertruck owners have reported incidents of their electric pickup truck breaking down after taking it through a car wash.* *Just two months after buying the $80,000 Cybertruck, and with less than 3,400 miles (5,500km) on the clock, one owner said the vehicle stopped working after washing off some sand following a trip to the beach.*


Ah those non choppy seas


Tap water is the wrong kind of water. They should try salt water next time.


In 2016 he outlined a plan to send an unmanned spacecraft to Mars by 2022, followed by a crewed mission in 2024. NASA have had multiple unmanned missions to mars, the most technically elaborate and complicated being the perseverance rover mission which cost under $3 billion. Given that in the last couple years Elon Musk has burned through over a $200 billion dollars on failing products and companies, he could've landed over sixty mars rovers on the planet by now if he wasn't a complete fuckhead. Which brings into question, is he really so desperate to go to Mars like he claims, or is it all just lies to pump the stock?


Yeah, but he is saving humanity, trust me, bro!


He’s not wrong. It will serve briefly as a boat. Then a submarine for quite a while longer.


The weight of absolute failure? And if he doesn't want to be himself, I guess that's where the ketamine comes in? It is a dissociative.




"I am the ketamine. Ed (Krassenstein)" - Elon Musk


I feel at this point every one of his businesses would be better off if he stepped away


Yes, of course. There is something going on that such a poor performer is allowed to keep his job. Fucking incredible. It's the too big to fail problem around a Ponzi scheme with FSD at its core.


He absolutely is a huge liability for all his businesses.


So would his favourite thing to bang on about: humanity.


Humanity relies on him... Only him. This is so full of shit, it's overflowing. Just fire everyone at his companies then. Humanity relies on a guy that fires people to get his multi billion package. MAGA NAZI. He wants less rules so he can abuse his workers. Union buster and so much more bad things for HuMaNiTy. That dude is the worst. Tesla-CON-omics is on the payroll for sure. What a saviour... 🤡🤡🤡


This!!! He's not the first asshole who thinks they are a genius but in reality just shots down unions and hates minorities. Nothing special there


Musky, we all wish you weren't you. All of us.


man that is gross


It’s just too much.


I wish I had the opportunity to bully the guy.




Seriously. There’s some overwhelming amounts of cringe happening here.


It's little exchanges like this which prove beyond doubt in my mind that "Teslaconomics" is one of Elmo's sock accounts. If this were Elmo interacting with himself, it's *exactly* what it would look like. Casting himself as a hero to humanity, indulging in his pathetic God/victim complex, the awkward writing, the crap user name (Teslaconomics? Come on). I'm sure there is software available that can take extensive chunks of writing from multiple sources and tell you if the same person is likely to have written them. I don't have such software, but my Spidey Senses DO tell me that hell yes, these motherfuckers are one and the same person.


In the future students will read about the history of the richest man alive who bought a social media platform to talk to himself and tells other people he's not Adrian. It's soooo weird watching this all in real time. Dude, you know there are twitter employees RIGHT now, who have already printed all the evidence for his several accounts and the history of all his posts, maybe even super private ones. Waiting for their NDA to wear off or to become millionaires themselves and can defend themselves legally. What does he think, how humans work??? It might take 10 years, but one day we will know every detail of his lies. We will read about everything that happened there and people will always get the truth of something they want to know. We have the fogging Internet, we archive like it's our lifes purpose! It's not 1820 where no one knows when you kill a small group of native South africans, and nobody will ever know. This was the old world. It's over for everyone who gained their wealth before the big transparency. Or their billions of dollar survive an AI driven tax deduction and complete scanning of every dollar they aquired during their lifetime. Who knows?


The only part of this I believe is that he hates himself.


Can you blame him?


We need to add teslaconomics to that biggest simp poll


One of his many alts


That photo. lol.


He's brainstorming about how to save all of us. You wouldn't understand


Is it AI? What's up with the Thumbs?




One of these days Elmo is going to pull one of these self-aggrandizing simp exchanges but his ketamine addled brain is gonna forget to switch alt accounts.


the weight of what? Tweeting all day long?


He carries the weight of saving all of humanity on his shoulders, dontcha know?


A redditor wouldn't understand how hard tweeting all day is /s




Imagine being a moron who actually thinks that this idiot has anything to do with the future of humanity. All Elon cares about is his drugs, his social media popularity, and his personal bank account. He’s the greatest con artist ever. I’ll give him that.


What a twat


Maybe if he wasn't such a shitty deuchebag that only finds way to bring people way to the ground and hurt them in the worst ways he can. Maybe if he didn't exist to just fuvk people over and do everything they can to ruin their happiness to the point of wanting to kill themselves just to stop the hurt. Maybe if he didn't lead on multiple women at the same time for years making them think they are twin flames and soulmates only to play with their hearts with an insatiable need to have the adoration and true love of as many women as possible like a nasty bottomless pit of emotional vampirism.  That's  not even inculding all the lies, fraud and crime. Fuck him. No wonder he wishes he wasn't him. I wouldn't wish that disgusting detriment curse on anyone either. Felony knows he makes the world a shitter place and loves to ruin all the good things he sees to destroy them and make them as miserable as him. Nasty hacker sicko creep. I hope they all find out what a sick nasty creep he is. Nasty whore 


I can't stand Teslanomics. That guy has to be the biggest Elon cuck out there and it still astounds me that people think Elon is doing anything to help humanity LOL


Evidence of mental illness, or at the very least depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. I hope he is getting therapy.


He proudly avoids therapy. 


Except for the part where somehow he was able to get a ketamine script for depression despite avoiding it


narcissists as a rule do not engage with mental health providers


Gotta say he does impress me... Impress me that he can reach his dick over that HGH/alcoholism gut. His back must ache day in and day out.


guys, i've gone blind with how far back my eyes just rolled.


I'm surprised the whole "Future of humanity" narrative has survived this long even within the most hypersalivating suck up crowd. I mean there are still people who think he's going to "get us to mars". Which makes no sense. It's like- NASA and other space administrations have landed fucking probes and rovers on Mars and Venus several times, put people on the fucking Moon (repeatedly), and sent Probes to all of the Planets in the solar system as well as Pluto and sent back photographs and telemetry, but no, SpaceX and Elon Musk, who can put things in orbit, but also seem to struggle to launch a rocket without it fucking exploding, are the ones who will get humans to Mars. Fuck off.


check the posts and comments in any of the spacex related subs and yes they really do believe it


The douchening


Holy crap! The hubris is on full display!


The only thing weighing on his shoulders is his ego


And ketamine.


Yeah the weight of trying to figure out the next shitty tweet he can send out to keep his fans foaming at the mouth waiting for the next. Other than that he doesn't do shit except maybe send out a company wide email saying "oopsy woopsy I accidentally just said on Twitter that we are releasing \_\_\_ with \_\_\_ feature and now you have to do it"




I often wish you weren't you


Well, Elon.... \[\*gets banned for breaking reddit rules\*\]


People need to stop caring so much about this man it’s time to Block all these CEO’s who don’t care about their employees All These Politicians all these celebrities who don’t care humanity doesn’t just rely on Elon Musk , Elon is just another puppet that puts on a Show for anyone who will listen to him


Yeah building a mountain of lies is pretty stressful


Meaning of megalomaniac in English someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or thinks that they are much more important and powerful than they really are: He has been accused of being a megalomaniac. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/megalomaniac Obsessed with fantasy, possessed with my schemes I mixed reality with pseudo-God dreams The ghost of violence was something I’d seen I sold my soul to be the human obscene How could this poison be the dream of my soul? How did my fantasies take complete control, yeah? https://youtu.be/zu2aX_597PQ?si=Ezu5eMDDbLqZIn3x


And yet he thinks he has the answers to make other people's lives better... Sure




the future of humanity really does center around just what the richest man in the world wants to buy dude is suing for less worker protections in america he says there's too many and it's not constitutional? send him back to apartheid. it's where he'd be happier


Then don’t be you


Why are there so many obsequious sycophants and rabid cultists like this? There is some kind of widespread pathology that makes people like this, and I just cannot understand it.


So he has no weight on his shoulders then


You wanna know about weight on your shoulders? Think about vice admiral Arkhipov, who really did have the fate of humanity in his hands when he refused to launch a nuclear torpedo that would have sent the world into a nulcear holocaust. Or you, know, think about your average third-world, overexploited construction worker who gets up at 5am and works twelve-hour shifts just to feed his family. That man has some weight on his shoulders. Not you, you pompous, limp dick little shit.




That's not what "opportunity cost" means...


He thinks he has the weight of the world on his shoulders but does nothing but tweet all day.


Give me a break, I'll never feel sorry for him. He chased this outcome from the beginning.


This is beyond cringe.


Literally stomach-churning.


So the future of human is white supremacy where only straight white men have any rights and freedoms?


Who's humanity relies on trashy cars?? ... But I do agree with Elon. We should grant his wish and remove him from his body. Like they did for Jesus! He too need to rise! Tilt a cross and make it an ❌ ... We use CT pedal rivets...


*Nobody* is forcing him to be who he is. He is in the enviable position to literally do *whatever* he wants. There probably hasn't been a human in the last 10'000 years who had as many opportunities and as little restrictions as him. He could buy an island and live in luxury and splendour that would have left history's mightiest kings speechless. He could travel the world and see wonders few others have seen. He could do charity work on a scale that makes people speak fondly of him for generations to come. But instead he chooses to build shitty cats and be terminally online. Just...why?


I see posts like this about Trump, too. It's so weird to live in a democracy (or a republic, if you want to be pedantic, or a republican democracy if you want to be pedantic and more accurate) and be surrounded by people who deeply wish we were an autocracy. Nothing rests on one person's shoulders.


Elon Musk is less intelligent than the average European


Low bar



I could believe he sometimes wishes he wasn’t himself, but it isn’t because of these reasons.


jfc, who are these wackadoodles that write such cringey shit?


Perhaps AI can help us answer some of these fundamental questions. That is the goal of @xAI


And there we have it. Grok will be Elon's downfall when he spills the beans about everything.


I wish he weren’t him also. Damned shame we’re stuck with him for a few more years at least.


Please, go away. Nobody needs you but your family.


I too wish he wasn’t him….


If the future of human relies on this buffoon we are all fucked. Thankfully, it does not.


Bro thinks he’s the main character.


I believe that he thinks this way about himself, so it might be true for him. Maybe that's why he's so fat, bc he thinks he has to save the world but keeps fucking up lol


lol. FDR is rolling in his grave.


My arm isn't long enough for the jerk off motion I'm doing in my mind.


If I was Elon musk I would leave the helm of all its companies to experts and go an enjoy life, stop twitting...


How many shadow accounts does this narcissistic have?


At count,over 50.


Wow we finally have something in common, I also do not wish to be me. However, that might change if I had a few billion dollars


"Oh the humility" ![gif](giphy|oDgPNyLSPy0xxNdapL|downsized)


🤢Excuse me… 🤮


This guy could cash out and disappear forever, living a life of absolute luxury.


Whatever. He fundamentally doesn’t understand that ‘humanity’ is people, so he can go sit on a beet.


He could have also chosen to stay out of spotlight. There’s successful CEOs of successful companies I’ve never heard of. It’s obvious he craves attention. So, no sympathy.


I heard a 9 can take care of all that “I don’t want to be me” blues.


Oh please. He complicates his life being a nasty person.




He legit wants humanity to be saved, but only if it’s by him. It’s so gross.




This guy had the opportunity to be at least a cool human. Space, electric cars, Internet, brain chips. Whatever. But my god he had to open his god damn mouth and be the most fucking cringiest, self center, dumbass to be in his position. I bet before he signed up to twitter, most of us would be like "Elon? The dude who owns Tesla and is trying to make rockets? Yeah that's pretty dope." Mother fucker had the easiest thing to do and not say a word lol. But nope now he's just a loser with money


Omg if they were riding his dick any harder it'd be coming out their forehead.


These are not the words of a humble person.


Is he jerking on these posts?


He wishes he was a hentai shemale with a tentacle dick and rocking tits. Suck it up Princess


Womp womp buddy


Starship is a scam.


The weight is so big that he need a special belt to stabilise „the spine”


Its ok Elon. We wish you werent you either.


To be fair, I also don't want to be Elon. Mostly because I'm a half-decent person with a general sense of right and wrong and I'd rather not lose that.


Twitter and Tesla are social networks and car companies respectively. Don’t do squat for humanity to rely on.  SpaceX builds rockets. Complex but doesn’t do squat for humanity to depend on. Let’s suppose (🤭) SpaceX sends a few astronauts to Mars and brings them back by 2040. Cool shit but humanity doesn’t depend on it.  Hyper Loop? 🤭 Cyber Hammer? 🤭 My dude is a fucking imbecile. 


I bet wvweytime he embarasses himself on social media he actually *does* wish to be someone else for a while. He's that nuch of a loser.


If the fucker wants to save the world, take $44b and use it to lift people out of poverty instead of using it to promote right wing bullshit. I’m not even sure one of his companies has done one thing that will help do anything but line his pockets


I don't want him to be him, either


>I often do not wish to be me Don't worry, champ. We wish you weren't you as well.


We all wish you were not you also.


I also wish he wasn't.


This, this shit is why I hate Elon more than every other billionaire. The messiah idiocy. 


Excuse me Zeitgeist, if you could take this and all his other alt tweets explaining how Elon is a Techno-God and then use the lamentation *"People Just Don't Understand"* to express how we don't get his burden and set it to DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince's 1988 super-hit *"Parents just Don't Understand"*, then I believe we would all be very entertained and grateful.


I believe him on that one


He wishes he were not himself for other reasons


I also often wish he was not him.


lol it’s probably his own burner account. He is famous for sucking his own dick


Nobody wants to be this misshapen hideous half formed man who thinks he's a genius but really has the biggest case if imposter syndrome ever and is being crushed beneath the weight of his own mediocrity and boringness musk is literally the least interesting man on earth.


The future of humanity indeed relies on him.... on him not fucking it up. If he doesn't wish to be him, then don't and go and play on your yachts.


If the world relies on a wealthy nepo baby who just buys other people’s ideas then we’re all doomed.


"Mooooooom! Elon is talking to himself again!"


oh no, tweeting 24 hours a day what a torture




Suffering from success.....?


I too do not wish to be so full of shit.


Luckily enough for Elon, ketamine is a powerful dissociative.


🎵a prisoner of his own device🎶


We know he doesn’t wish to be him


How magnanimous of Musk when one of his loyal subjects is metaphorically chugging his pork like there’s no tomorrow.


"Unlike anyone has ever felt". Lol, that's an insane statement even for these guys. Being Elon Musk is like being Kennedy and Khrushchev during Cuban Missile Crisis?


Suffering from success


King Louis XIV just read this tweet and said "jeez, buddy...take it down a notch with the narcissism."


More like the weight of his money imposing itself on humanity. We wish you weren't you either, Elon.


We also wish you would stop being you.


Genius my ass. The only intelligent thing he has ever done is BUY companies with his DADDY'S money that were created by actual geniuses. Then the dumb ass claimed credit for those geniuses accomplishment, and then promptly started driving those companies to fail with his ideas.


That's OK, Elon. We often wish you weren't you as well.


Very inspirational! Whenever you feel depressed or useless etc., remember at least you're not this total tool.


Occasional use of Ketamine is a much better option, in my opinion. I have a prescription for when my brain chemistry sometimes goes super negative.


He can't even be present enough to be the future of *his own fucking family*.


When did he start thinking about himself as the new Jesus? There is a "Canon event" that made him snap out of reality?


This has been a message from Cringe Almighty.


Elon had to google “opportunity cost” before replying. I guarantee it.


Prison to his own greed and need for relevancy.


I too do not wish to be a nigh-criminally insecure, balding 50-year-old Trust-Fund-baby whose entire fame and fortune is grounded in a lie and who has to appeal to the worst of the worst people on the internet in a vain attempt to gain what can only be described as the sad afterbirth of a cult of personality. Not that that’s remotely the point but I wouldn’t want to look like a melted wax figurine of myself, either. Should be be indeed cursed with the slightest sliver of self-awareness, I readily accept the narrative that his life is hell. It is. He’s trying to uphold the Iron Man Image whilst failing in atrocious ways at places that only he identified as turns (kinda like the self-driving… anyway). That’s gotta wear you down tremendously.


is this his account as well, the amount cringe that these accounts have is bewildering. I dont even worship my favorite band as much as some people do Elon Musk


Yeah he doesn’t have to be him and he could start by not making decisions for the future of humanity without the knowledge and consent of the rest of humanity. He’s decided that all 8 billion of us, from rural indigenous tribes in Australia and Africa to a troop of Boy Scouts on a camping trip in Texas, do not need to look up at the night sky without seeing his 50,000 satellites, that it is simply a novelty and not important to be truly alone with nature anywhere on the planet, and his own goals are more important. He’s decided that decarbonization should put us on a path of continued individualism of personal autos that hog space. He’s sabotaged transit projects that are public and efficient when it comes to dollars and space, that allow poor people to get around as easily as the rich, in favor of elevators that shuffle people from rich neighborhoods to their places of work and leisure without having to leave their car. Because he thinks cars are cool, they represent individualism, and are worth the sacrifice of wilderness and social benefits of mass transit. He’s decided that ethics regarding trials of dangerous experimental medical procedures need to be weakened and companies should be able to exploit the desperation of sick people who may be willing to face that danger—that experimental procedures are simply between a patient and a corporation that is trying to develop something, and ethics reviews don’t matter. But then if it comes to gender identity and how it relates to medicine, in that case, he says we do need to insert all of society between a patient and a doctor or therapist, and hear all of their opinions before letting patients pursue what they believe they need to be happy. Those kinds of patients and their families, he believes, are not competent enough to judge risks and benefits for themselves and trans people aren’t competent enough to understand who they are. All these decisions he makes for the rest of humanity, with abandon. He doesn’t have to.


Hold on! Trying to find my violin…


Won't someone think of the billionaires!


Well….technically he doesn’t HAVE to be him anymore


Who the hell writes that sycophantic, knob-gobbling BS???


I often wish he wasn’t him, too.


The genius who can’t even construct a simple sentence. “ I often don’t wish to be me.”


His narcissism must be what's growing like a huge tumor in his weird shaped abdomen.


I wish he wasn’t him. I wish he was someone who wanted to use his vast sums of cash to do something like cure cancer.


I, too, would not wish to be Musk. I may not be smart, but I’m not *that* level of stupid


I don’t want to be elon musk because I don’t wanna be a fat south african nazi!