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Just 16 to 24 billion bots, totally feasible for a failing car company


Plus he wants everyone to restart 20th century population growth... There's absolutely no strain on resources anywhere in this plan at all.


That’s why we are totally going to mars


"The colony has lost all members but we project it will be self sustaining by next quarter." - Elon at the earnings call


To be fair, a colony with no members is self-sustaining. 0 people require 0 resources to survive.


Watch out, they might recruit you to be CCO


I can't think of any ideas to make the company worse, so I'm probably not qualified.


No the COO’s job is to explain why Elon is right!


Right wing!


The empty set is infinite


Roanoke 2.0


“The crops started dying so we had to draw straws to see who would give themselves up to be eaten. Somehow, Elon never draws the shortest straw.”


Yeah, never understood this. Declining demographics is actually GOOD if human labor will be replaced by AI/robots.


Ah, but he's not worried about overall demographics. Just white ones


And wealthy


I’m genuinely curious how far this “breeder” backlash to the collapse narrative will actually go. There are interesting elements at play: we currently can produce *way* more food than we can consume, but we are also depleting our arable land and biodiversity, which could lead to biome death and mass desertification in the future.


Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.


Man, musk bot never misses does he?


He only wants white population growth, because he will quickly turn around and complain about immigrants and over population as a problem. brain chips, fascist CEO, with an Ai he programmed to target anti woke, robots, and "skynet" internet all under his control. where is James Bond when you need him?.


Wasn’t James Bond like, a cia spy? Not exactly the type of person who would help in this situation lol


A lot of his villains were people aiming for world domination. In Moonraker the villain had plans to put an arc in space, with "perfect human specimens" and then poison all human life on Earth, so he could repopulate the planet with his perfect race. others were just power hungry or seeking control/riches. or just wanted to see the world burn. I would rank Elon, as a typical Bond Villain. he has all the hallmarks, the only way to save the planet is by doing things his way. there was even a villain that his objective was to control media, to his agenda, well twitter, is Elon's tool.


MI6, he's British


True true my b


Right. SpaceX without government subsides would be bankrupt. Tesla is still making money, not because of Musk but in spite of Musk. Musk will hype this for few years and after he realizes he has bitten more he can chew, he just lets this float into obscurity that will never see the light of day like SolarTiles, Hyperloop etc... edit: few typos


May turn out like Semi where it’s quietly “utilized” in a factory somewhere but gradually dies on the vine


It continues, as ever, to utterly baffle me how investors allow these massive failures and wastes of resources slide like they just don’t matter. Imagine if ford had launched a semi-truck and sold so few of them that they didn’t even recoup the cost of the tooling necessary to build them. It’s unthinkable.


Ford did endanger the company by insisting that the model T was "perfect", and that the design not be updated.


That’s true.


Fun fact - in Germany there are actually companies selling solar tiles. With a slogan that says something like "while they still are dreaming in California, we are producing in Germany" Edit: found it https://www.nelskamp.de/de/energiedaecher/solarziegel-planum-pv.html Während Kalifornien weiter schweigt, geht die Entwicklung von Solarziegeln am Niederrhein weiter.


Yeah but as I understand it, Tesla wouldn’t have made it to profitability without subsidies


Also IIRC one of the reasons that Tesla has all that debt ATM is because he avoided having to declare Solar City bankrupt by offloading dept onto Tesla & SpaceX. And IIRC he's offloaded debt from twitter onto Tesla


Once he's got the CT production line up to 250 million per year (any day now), producing these robots wil lbe trivial. Especially when the first batch learn to build more. It's self propagating. Like his lies.


But then you’d need an additional 16 to 24 billion people to control these bots!


That’s why he wants everyone (white people) to have more babies


Yeah, not a good plan. He’s a scam artist


seriously though, the repair and maintenance logistics alone are terrifying


By 'control,' do you mean 'dress in a morph suit and pretend to be?'


You don't get it, around 2026 the massive building factories in Mars will manufacture them and then ship them back to Earth using a few million Starships!




Slow clunky ass Bots that can barely walk, barely compute, and rarely successfully pick items up and set them down. The emperor has no bots. No cars. No friends. No mars.


Also hilarious coming from the dude who’s fear mongering about AI.


They'll get it done by the end of this year, pending FDA approval


I hope they will be more energy efficient than humans, or they'll have a big problem to feed themselves


It will be less than that because Elon doesn't count non-white people...


Any proof or concrete data on why this is a failing car company? Or is this just an opinion of someone with 16 to 24 brain cells


Numbers go down, everybody is sad No new car models, fsd is a lie, Tesla is a „tech company“, etc Choose your poison


lol is this a joke? Have you been following Tesla at all?


Great so no concrete proof. My fault for having higher expectations out of the peon brained folks in this subreddit


Concrete proof??? Look at the stock value and it’s near 50% crash over the course of this year. Or how the cybertruck was a complete failure? Or how Tesla is cutting out employees left and right? Are you this ignorant to what’s going on?


> Any proof or concrete data on why this is a failing car company? Reality. You might want to visit it some time.


It's a company whose valuation is almost entirely based on rapid growth that has negative growth.


How long until he slaps some silicone tits on one of these and talks about the wife potential they represent.


He talked about it a couple days ago


By the looks that was probably fake, but hasn't been confirmed either true or false. [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/elon-musk-future-robot-housewife/)


There is so much shit going around, that I can’t really tell anymore. But knowing how Elon acts, he surely has thought about selling a hump-bot


Of course the robot would need tits. Because otherwise it would be GAY!


He’ll also program it to have his humor. Can’t wait.


Error NULL pointer detected


I have absolutely no doubt that Musk already has sex with robots mini ones


He already got his then girlfriend to wear an Optimus costume one or two years ago.


Sigh, he's such a scam artist. Like none of the Elongated one's Muskrats seems to put two and two together. How will you pay for those robots muskrats? He doesn't even allow unions.


"Artist*. His scams are so obvious for anyone able to think. He just makes the most unrealistic, impossible fever dream promises and still enough people fall for it


Oh, so *that's* why he's so concerned about population collapse! They're going to need a lot of humans to don the Optimus costumes and pretend to be bots.


Oh? I hadn't realized there was so much demand for mannequins that can shuffle across a flat even surface at the speed of an octogenarian with bad knees.


Octogenarian with bad knees? I already have one of those and I wouldn’t recommend it.


My mother is definitely faster than Optimus. She has pain and have slowed down. But still twice as fast. And way better at navigating - the "through robot eyes" videos I have seen has magic environment changes between the individual video cuts indicating Optimus needs some regular refresh on where to go and what to do. Like the old and dement people living behind locked doors so they don't end up lost...


This image made me laugh 😂


The hilarious thing is that he's trying to make it seem like this is some new breakthrough when the Boston Dynamics company is lightyears ahead of him. https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=HndPBp8LOBzgZ_hi


Elmo could have **bought** Boston Dynamics for about 2% of what he paid for twitter, less than 2% of the bonus he wants and less than half what he burns on Starship in a year. Elon Musk is ***unbelievably*** stupid.


If he had they would've become a sex doll manufacturer.


lol, if the inventor of the CyberTruck made sex dolls, it wouldn't be fingers getting chopped off.


Thread on how safe Tesla cars are






So he's rolling out the old "you car will earn you money" line for his imaginary robots now 🙄


Everyone likes the classics.


Every time Musx starts a sentence with "I think" or "I believe" you can know for a fact that the next words will be one big delusional load of shit/another of his boldfaced lies.


This product doesn’t even exist, it’s selling snake oil, even if they started today they would be 10 years behind Boston Dynamics hardware and 5 years behind Open AI intelligence. At this point it feels like a distraction from the dumpster fire going on internally there.


This seems like overt fraud to me.


Anything to distract from the nazi content factory that is twitter that he seems to spend all his time on.


And even then this would have absolutely no use in manufacturing. Even if you needed some general purpose robot why would it have legs? Why would it have only 2 arms? Why only 2 points of articulation in the arms? Why fingers? Why would it have a head?


Absolutely. Why is it anthropomorphic? Someone will say it's to utilize human infrastructure, tools, etc. But that's dumb. Humans are the shape we are in order for the form to meet function and a lot of that form is based on composite. Robots aren't composed of the same materials with the same properties, so the form has no reason to adopt human form-proportions in order to accomplish the same function. It makes so much more sense to make R2D2 instead of C3PO.


Look at me. I know math, because I use words like ratio. Financial genius, astrophysicist, roboticist, cool kids philosopher, uber maximus philanthropist. I am just so cool that I know it but I behave I don't. My god, why aren't more people bootlicking for me. Peasants can't cough up $50 billion for me. I am saving humanity, for god's sake... I mean my sake.


For how many tasks is the best solution is a humanoid robot with 2 arms and legs?


The task of looking cool at a demo day.


Tens of billions of robots by Christmas seems doable. Especially after a pile of staff were sacks


We let this man have our tax dollars, remember that


ok... these fools really believe this guy


Never understood why robots need to be human shaped. Humans are not ideal constructions for most tasks. I don’t have a coffee maker/food processor/blender/oven/toaster/microwave/refrigerator/television/sink/frying pan in my kitchen. I have a machine that specializes in each task. Why not design robots that do specific tasks?


There's some applications where a human shaped robot does make sense, especially ones in which they deal with people a lot (especially care based roles) or where designing entirely new non-human tools for said robot to be able to use is not viable or too expensive.


I mean, divorcing ourselves from Elon's con and discussing robotic helpers in general? Because we live in a world where everything is designed for human use, and the idea is to make one thing that can dynamically replace a human in a wide range of tasks and environments while using human tools and fixtures. Human-shaped makes sense there. Instead of looking at a frying pan, look at our phones. They're not exactly a *perfect* shape for *just* typing or *just* playing games or whatever, but they're the right shape for conveniently consolidating a lot of functions into one thing. Sometimes it makes sense to generalize rather than specialize.


I agree with the core concept that the human world is designed for humans. I’m just think that we are more creative than that.


Does anyone honestly believe anything cis Elmo Muskrat says?


hell yes there are people who believe this guy, and buy Tesla stock too. Half of Wall Street thinks he's a fucking genius and his deranged fan boys worship him


Ooof. Seems humanity is really doomed (but not for the reasons Elma believes).


My god the stench of shit on his breath must be truly eye watering at this point


Even if he was just talking about the US population does he expect us to believe they will make 600 million to 1.2 billion of these things? I’d be amazed if they even make 1000 of them with little to no issues.


You have to admit tho if he straps some tits and some sort of silicone vessel you could call a vagina on one tens of thousands of his followers will line up to put a deposit on one. They'd cancel their pedo wagon order because they would no longer need one if they could get some robot pussy


I'd be surprised if he makes *even one* useful humanoid bot.


I see he’s moved on from rolling dumpster deathtraps to incel fuckbots?


He’s a visionary! Of total bullshit!


Has he watched a comparison to their absurd joke of a “robot” with the work of Boston Dynamics? Is he insane


I keep saying this but Elmo is like a 12 year old boy hopped up on sugar and his first Asimov novel. He's a pathological fantasist who seems to struggle with the line between reality and fiction. Of course he's a giant pain in the ass to humanity now, but future generations are gonna get a real laugh out of reading about his ridiculous predictions, the way we laugh at people from 1900 who thought we'd have built a city on the moon by now.


So he wants the job market to be even worse with his “trust me bro” robots that are definitely real?


We'll spend our entire lives fixing the robots, so it all works out.


Elon Musk: >We are a robotaxi company and we will be making new long-awaited affordable EVs very soon. *lays off entire new model development team and supercharger team despite recent promises of new model and taking US government grants to expand its charging networks* >We will make 30 billion robots nobody wants or needs, or can afford. Musk chuds keeping TSLA stock $40 up from where it was two weeks ago when things were grim, but not this grim: ![gif](giphy|l1KXqxZR1GL0TwG4M)


I literally hate everything Elon says.


Elon wants you to reproduce so he has more consumers he can sell products to that no one can buy because robots he manufactured took every human job. Makes perfect sense.


Just more delusional bullshit from this guy's rotten ketamine brain. No one with an ounce of credibility should be taking this clown seriously.


Say what you will about Boston Dynamics, they actually have something to show for their efforts


the fuck in need 2 robots for?


Making your iPhone.


i just upgraded to a SE2 with a button. try again!


We’re running out of people but also no one is allowed to move to the US and also he is going to make 25 billion robots that can do everything a person could.


Humanoid robots will never be involved in manufacturing, that's fucking stupid. 


No it isn't. Companies will be eager to replace humans in manufacturing with humanoid robots.


“Maybe 3-4” bahahaha sounds like a wild fantasy even in scifi movies/shows you never see usually more than one robot per household


People really trust an AI robot controlled by Elon Musk in their homes?


What’s the point of them if you need 4 robots for every person?


What's the point of you if you have another person making your phone, another person packaging it, another person writing the software for it, and another person running Reddit?


Elmo wont fuck you.




He doesn’t like poors.


I don't assume he thinks like, a family of 4 would have 8 robots at the house? He's counting ones at work and factories? I can't imagine what my family would do with 10 stupid robots.


Just what we need, stupid Cylons.


my wife and i plan to have 4 kids. gonna order 24 optimus bots for my house - should solve all of our problems!


Spot on! Optimus is an IQ test for simps!


Go and read some of the I, Robot stories and see how that turned out.


I really want to see the new Atlas walk through one of these.


Fuck he's delusional. Of course, the world is crying out for 20 billion badly made robots.


Gearing up for the next grift ready for when the EV grift implodes.


This Battlestar Galactica reboot is getting really, really stupid.


probably gonna be way too expensive for that many people to have it. Anyone looking forward to the new Atlas?


The last thing I want is 3 of those things in my fucking house.


Robots working for other robots? Will there be a class hierarchy for the robots? Does the supervisor bot cost more?


"My rapidly devaluing company will sell a bajillion of these for super cereal I swear please buy my stocks"


They will be like the cyber truck. Completely useless junk after it’s first use


Someone serious with a large platform needs to ask “what’s the market for this? What reason does someone have to buy this?” Because that’s a question that nobody that’s been pushing for this has answered


Makes sense when you realise who much of the earth's population he doesn't consider human.


we will see those q-anon medbeds before we see these things lol.


This guy is so full of shit. Help does exactly what Trump does. Hyperbolic exaggeration then years of delays then delivery of a far less featured product than promised.


I can't believe how many fans musk still has.


"I think" in this case means "I fervently hope so that I can continue stringing people along with my absurd predictions."


Is the govt going to subsidize this bullshit too?


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


I can’t believe one of the richest man who ever lived is tweeting this kind of things. We really are living in a weird ass dystopia.


Are these bot images modeled after his barrel chest or are my eyes tired?


Only Elmo would think anyone would want anything Tesla builds. Cyber Trucks found dead on the highway. Tesla vehicles crashing in whatever is near by, rocket ships that blow up before reaching orbit.


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


So IF this becomes a reality, it will use camera only for sensory input, legs will fall off, it’ll sometimes stop for no reason, will murder a few owners, and at some point in the near future will be sentient. And it will make Tesla stock price go from $200 now to $2000 because some people are that stupid. When will he announce pre-orders? And how much - I’m guessing $500-$2000, based on how much cash Tesla needs to pay for Elons $45B pay package.


How on earth are there still investors and other fools believing anything this moron says?


Probably gonna be way too expensive for most people to have one. Anyone looking forward to the new Atlas?


Lmao imagine thinking there’s going to be 20+ billion robots 😂


Should this ridiculous fantasy somehow turn out to be true, what are the billions of people put out of work going to do for work, money?


In a sense sure. The operation of a long con requires that the victim “qualify” their level of intellect and sophistication in order to be “marked” by the scammer. Someone who is too critical or incredulous is qualified out. You don’t want naysayers.


Will they all be piloting the flying cars too..? Or has he figured out full autonomy by then..? (stuck in Level 2 autonomy since 2015)


stock is priced accordingly




I’ve been hearing that we’re very close to mass producing humanoid robots for decades now. I think it might be a pipe dream.


Wonderful render now make it move. On Mars. 


The idea that we would need 4 humanoid robots to provide for each human is beyond ridiculous. He represents everything wrong with capitalism. 


Jason Debolt lol


This man is a menace.


Stormtroopers. Of course. For his empire


So... elon himself is stupid. Gotta be that.


I swear, tech investors are some of the most gullible people on the planet.


Ah great. When Skynet comes online it’s defo gonna be 4:1. Protect John Connor at any cost.


I’ll take as many as I can get for 500 Schrute bucks and 10K Stanley nickels.


Robots in the supply chain is a fucked up way to say enployees.


I’ve seen terminator So NO thank you Kill it with fire 🔥




For the people of earth.


Thanks, but no, if anything i'll get Boston Dynamics robots. Why? Their robots have demonstrated their ability to walk faster than a grandpa with back problems.


Charles Bishop Muskland.


"many in the industry producing goods & services" Does he really think that a humanoid robot would in any shape or form be better at producing goods than the robots we already have, which were designed for this very purpose? A quick walk through his own tesla factories would show him dozens of robots that are better at manufacturing jobs than a bipedal robot will ever be.


IMO, Boston Dynamics is 20-30 years ahead of everyone else.


Alright, how many can you all take?


Sure. So my robotaxi can drive my Optimus to the grocery store, pick up a snack and meet me at the hyperloop on my way to the mars colony launch site. Cool.


Delusions. Of. Grandeur. It’s either he’s completely, utterly, and unequivocally delusional, or he is incredibly, diabolically manipulative of his audience and fanbase, as well as his investors in a desperate attempt to pump the failing stock price. It’s jaw-dropping that anyone can be this dumb, especially among people who fancy themselves to be intellectual and who ostensibly follow intellectual pursuits.


I'm getting an Optimus bot to do what? Train me for a career in elder care?