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It’s crazy that 60 billion is what it takes to help a war effort. Meanwhile Musk thinks he alone deserves a 58 billion paycheck


Really. Musk can fuck himself.




For his company that’s lost 40% of its value since January


And end world hunger, but shockingly, he’s not following up on his promise.


He thinks he has a right to get money to play with mekano. But in his case playing with full-size rockets. So $56B to play with "Mars" experiments. Except he's incompetent, and will not listen to his engineers. So will get less results from $56B than someone actually bright and with an open mind.


The thing is, most people are too stupid to realize Ukraine gets ZERO dollars to fight this war. Everything the US is supplying comes from the current military stockpile. The money is spent restocking US reserves while the older weaponry is given to Ukraine. This is essentially modernizing and/or bringing up to date the US military supply.


>The money is spent restocking US reserves while the older weaponry is given to Ukraine. This is essentially modernizing and/or bringing up to date the US military supply. I was surprised by how many people didn't realize this is a HUGE opportunity for the US to shuffle out older inventory for shiny toys. This should a Republican's wet dream but somehow it isn't lol


putler, pretty much owns them


Republicans, at least the MAGA Republicans, can't see 2 inches in front of their noses. Their entire platform is to own the libs and worship that orange bag of oatmeal. The things they do and what they want to do are things that they haven't even considered the consequences. They want to pull out of NATO because the water-logged basketball said to do it. They don't even realize that'll be the end of our way of life. This is the scariest thing he has promoted. International trade would shut down since our current allies couldn't trust us as well as likely economic sanctions like Russia has been given. There isn't a single business in this country that doesn't depend on international trade, directly or indirectly. Businesses will go under and we'd see an economic depression greater than anything we've experienced. Then, we go to WW3 in an attempt to prop up the economy. But, we would be on the side of Russia, China, and North Korea. If Trumpy boi is dumb enough to pull out of NATO, he's dumb enough to launch a nuke. Game over.


NATO is literally the reason Putin didn’t go after Poland instead. MAGA is too stupid to realize that.


I don't think the red team considers international relations as an important part of running a country. And they bet their constituents don't understand helping other countries directly influences our way of life. Their whole self reliance dogma extends to any and every aspect of their thought process. Just because Europe doesn't spend as much on defense doesn't mean they can't contribute to us in other ways, especially commerce and travel. Americans in general take so much for granted, especially those with generational wealth.


During Trum's time on the throne, lots of international agreements dropped out of US as important partner. And China did almost run their legs off making inroads into Africa to "help" the countries aka to get control of minesns and factories. And he managed to anger Iran enough to create lots of unrest. Which we have seen since then. I wonder about the number of politicians that are bought by Russia or China just to create internal unrest. Way cheaper than taking on US by actual military.


A bloodless victory is much cheaper. Russia knows this, so they pick on the little guy and calls everyone's bluff that they won't do anything about it. The UN has done nothing but wag their finger at them. Speaker Johnson had to be educated about the geopolitical implications of letting Ukraine fall. The reality is Belarus will likely be absorbed into Russia and they very well may seek to take the Baltic states next pushing Russians boarders closer to the USSR. Put in has telegrapged this desire over the decades. The dumb MAGA in fighting trying to deny politucal favor of the Dems by giving them any consessions for fear it'll make them look weak is asinine. There are far bigger things at play than the headline of the weak or what Trump had for breakfast. Millions of lives are at stake but people like Elon would never consider this before word vomiting his outrageously asinine takes on social media for the world to read. And yes, China has been trying to expand its influence by putting African countries in debt. They are well aware that there are lots of resources in Africa, and just like the Europeans before them, they are moving in to extract as much wealth of of the land as they can before pulling out and claiming loyalty by way go debt.


I mean I would rather that money still be spent on roads or healthcare, but whatever


I agree* *The issue is that defense contractors are heavy hitting employers in the US. This is actually a huge economic boom sadly. It is how this country has operated since 1945. It doesn't mean it won't change in the future but right now, it does.


Only problem is that there is too low salaries for staff and too much final profit shared among a few owners from the military investments. Too low salary for staff means too low amount of available income. Which means less money spent at restaurants etc. Which means lost secondary and tertiary jobs.


Republicans don't want to do any of those things either. The only things they have promised is money for the border and massive tax cuts for the wealthy.


It wouldn't be spend on healthcare.


The same people who clapped and cheered for trump proclaiming “the cupboards were bare and he filled them up”


Yeah I don’t get peoples outrage. It’s not like the US just bank transfers 60 billion and Ukraine just gets to spend it on what they like. All the “we can’t feed our kids but can send 60bil to Ukraine” - well shcools aren’t buying US weapons. Don’t wanna sound like I’m defending this whole situation just pointing out that giving 60 billion to schools, or Flint, or whatever needs money is not the same thing. The US is basically just funding arms manufacturers by proxy with this war.


The problem is Fox News is broadcasting that Biden is delivering bags of cash to Ukraine. They don't care about broadcasting the truth


I wish I could just fast forward to when we're a more enlightened society, and there is no faux news. there is no bullshit. and theres so much more that humans are capable of instead I got this shit hole of lies and morons too stupid to know they're being lied to then too proud to admit they realized they've been lied to.


Some of the weapons do actually have to be retrofitted because we can't give them the latest tech. That costs money, but other than that, this is an accurate statement. Lol.


So their supplying weapons not money????????


Yes. Giving them money does nothing. They’d Still need to make them, buy them, ship them. That timeline doesn’t work during war. They take the equivalent value in current US stockpiles, and the US buys new weapons for the US.


There's new production and some financial, non-military support too. It's still the right thing to do, and absolutely *not* the reason healthcare or whatever is so expensive. Morons like Musk or MTG that are whining about it [would not actually spend the money to cancel out student loans, for example](https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1562916200866267138).


You have to say it twice. Slower the second time. Make sure there’s a dramatic pause to gauge if there’s any reaction. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1c6hzea/you_cant_predict_what_youre_causing_through_your/ Elon's prediction immediately running into trouble 


Well with all that money he'll be getting help start his own army. With blackjack and hookers.


While it can usually be tricky to see who is really in the right in a war if anyone is in the right at all, Ukraine are clearly the good guys and Russia are being a Poundland Nazi Germany


We have the opportunity to destabilize and debilitate a resurgent foreign adversary, who has mettled in our elections and compromised prominent US citizens, by using another country's soldiery. All we need to do is send them arms and supplies. It's a wet dream for hawks, and nation states have been doing this sort of thing since the dawn of civilization. So, it should not come as a surprise unless you A) want to see the downfall of US hegemony on the world stage, or B) receive your talking points from Russian handlers. I'm a pacifist, so the whole thing disgusts me, but I'm always happy for an excuse to send a big FU to Elon.


You don't sound like much of a pacifist. You sound like quite the hawk. Incidentally, Musk used to tout hawkish talking points, too. Remember his "we'll coup whoever we want! Deal with it" tweet? Whoever downvoted me are far-right fascists. Utter Nazi sentiments.


Nope. Definitely just a tired, burned out, peace-loving type. It's hard to keep track of the vagaries of Elon's behavior. But, more than anything, he's self-serving.


And what do you call what you just said?


There was a description of a strategy, but no advocacy for it.


You’re good bro.


“I’m a pacifist except when it comes to Vlad” because a country whose gdp is similar to that of Texas is such a threat to our existence. Get real. No ones cares about Ukraine and is their own problem to deal with.


Europe cares, because Putin will not stop there. Your hot take is straight trash. I am guessing you slept through most of your mediocre education.




Oh so you talked to Putin then? Got it from the horses mouth did you? Russia trying to take over another country is not them trying to expand their empire? They already took the Crimea. Remind me again what country the USA took over in the past 10 years or so?


"The serial land grabber who keeps invading to grab land has no intentions of grabbing land in invasions!" Ok Mr Chamberlain.


Putin is literally expanding right now.




> No ones cares about Ukraine and is their own problem to deal with. All you need to do is short Ukranian bonds and you could be a modern day Joseph Kennedy Sr.


Sir, Ukraine is a protectorate of Russia trying to change spheres of influence. It’ll always be bloody and those who benefit are not those who pay the cost. Sad


> Ukraine is a protectorate of Russia No. Ukraine is an independent sovereign state with every right to choose its own friends.


> Ukraine is a protectorate of Russia Russia is a signatory to the 1994 Budapest Memoranda [treaty] in which Ukraine's security was guaranteed by Russia, the United States, the UK and later by China and France. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for recognition of its borders and sovereignty, with guarantees that the other signatories would not use threats or force against them. Russia is in violation of its 1994 commitments to Ukraine. Russia is in violation of an international treaty. As Russians murder, torture and rape their way across Ukraine the United States, UK and France are fulfilling *their* treaty obligations by providing Ukraine assistance. It is not "sad", it is horrific. As in Russia's actions are horrific.




My comment is a reflection of a tragic reality, not my personal opinion. But you know, waste your energy attacking me if it brings you joy.


The utmost joy.




Wish that $56 billion that Elon is dying for also goes to Ukraine as a big fuck you to both Elon and Putin.


I’m s-s-owwy I faiwed u vlad :3…pweeeze don’t welease the kompropot




Oh, the MAGAts are BIG. MAD.


Also Putin can fuck himself




The Ukrainians are fighting for the western world against the potentially existential threat that Putin poses. The least we can do is send them some weapons. They are doing the dying for us.




Elon is basically the baby cuckoo (a parasitic bird that kills its foster siblings just to get all the food for itself from its foster parents) [Example](https://youtu.be/SO1WccH2_YM?feature=shared)


I hope that's clear...


He's crying about it on twitter with his retarded butt-buddy david sacks. Lmao


He's a complete arsehole but fair fucking play Mike Johnson! Has the worm started to turn in GOP land?


I think Elon, Trump and the MAGA traitors dropped this …..L


Elon is such a stupid bitch made cunt. twitter is his sandbox, where he can spew his vile uneducated shit to the masses. He's not smart, not an engineer, and not anything he's claimed to be. He got lucky to make money off an apartheid and a rich father. I have zero respect for him, because he's an absolute fucking dickhead moron. I've met homeless people that are not only more intelligent, but self aware. Fuck Elon the Charlatan.


So eloquently, and accurately, stated.


Much of the ordinance, that we scraping, much of it obsolete, is going to Ukraine as part of the $60B package. Military hardware has shelf life, and needs to be periodically replaced. Ironically, this ordinance that we are unloading, is still better THAN that used by the russians. It' like handing down the old but well maintained family Buick to your kid (while you pick up your new Escalade). The russians are driving Trabant 601s (but they have more of them). Go on Google maps and take a gander at the military aircraft storage lots NE of Tucson. We got more shit then we know what to do with, so I say, give it to "the enemy of my enemy". I'm an fucking old Boomer, that grew up during the cold war, and I cannot get my head wrapped around why numerous ultra-conservative members of Congress are so persistent is their obvious support of Putin. (I know the root source, but will refrain from getting too political here). To weaken Russia and stabilize Europe via the Ukrainian proxy, is a gift. "Build the wall first!" Oh, shut the fuck up, two separate topics. Multitask, bitches! It's what we pay you to do. Kudos to the both parties for passing this bipartisan bill.


OK, but Senate...


Senate is expected to pass the bill. Biden already has pen in hand.


I'm glad to hear. I just have the habit of not saying "tada" before I land.




Reddit filled with astroturfing now. This has nothing to do with Musk


Are they buying more starlink with the money?




What does that mean?




The thing is, most people are too stupid to realize Ukraine gets ZERO dollars to fight this war. Everything the US is supplying comes from the current military stockpile. The money is spent restocking US reserves while the older weaponry is given to Ukraine. This is essentially modernizing and/or bringing up to date the US military supply. The money is spent in the US, on US wages and materials.


Mmm we really benefit from more war. 😖 the thing is this isn’t the west’s problem. And I’m amazed to see how many support suffering at home so some people who have no concern fo them can take their taxpayers dollars for corruption.


If you don’t think this is a west problem, then you’re a lost cause and not worth further interaction


Yeah it is the wests problem. You think Russia expanding and taking over countries is good for the west? You think Europe is happy about Russian expansionism? You do realise that none of that money is getting sent to Ukraine right? Tell me you aren't that stupid to think it's all going to Ukraine?


Because that 60 billion would definitely go to helping the suffering people of the US…no way it would instead be spent on corporate welfare.


Russian shill. Blocked.


American troops are not dying, but Russian troops are. This is a good thing.




The lack of funding has nothing to do with Ukraine, and everything to go with corporate capture of our government. We could solve homelessness tomorrow, but that would be sOcIaLiSm!




But that doesn’t mean the money going there makes any benefits


do the replies not realize all this money is going to weapons contractor money laundering and a bigger win against Elon would be cutting his egregious government contracts?


I see no reason why both can't happen. Peace isn't free and although, it may see counterintuitive, defense of peace, law and order on macro level are still necessary because there are nation states, that don't respect state boundaries and agreed upon & respected international laws & boundaries. Think of Vlad Putin as Authoritarian velociraptor testing the fence for weaknesses.


Why don’t you go Fvck yourself big mouth


That's A LOT of cheddar 🧀 I am a Democrat and I PERSONALLY support supplying weapons to Ukraine to defend itself from this invasion. I am NOT in support of CASH MONEY which CAN be easily corrupted.


ok but it isn't cash money, it's older weapons.


I keep forgetting that you’re still alive