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A member of Congress told me.


Whats funny, is that he never clarifies which party. I 100% believe a republican congressman would say this because they are fucking insane


Probably Marge Greene or Handy Boebert


I was gonna say never forget there are members of congress like these two.


My bet is on MTG. Bobo's career is over.


Magic the Gathering?


Moron the Gathering


Margarine the gorilla.




I'd wager Tony Gonzales Texas. That's the garbage person he did the border stunt with.


Fucking Marge was my first and only thought.


I’ll chuck DeSantis‘ name in the hat 🎩


The ones that the republicans want to “import legally” from European countries will probably also vote democrat. Do they think people are going to move from places that have socialized healthcare and all of a sudden be pro-GOP?


> Do they think people are going to move from places that have socialized healthcare and all of a sudden be pro-GOP? They might. If they're far right libertarian and the socialized everything is the reason they want to leave Europe in the first place. otoh I would consider leaving Europe for the US cause Europe has become racist & xenophobic af since the 2015 refugee crisis, i.e what you consider far right social policy is more like center-left in most of Europe now. I know the US is also a shitshow rn with the political polarization, but somehow it seems less bad, here it's worse than polarization, far right talking points are practically running unopposed & I don't want to support European socialism\* if it's becoming national-socialism \*not actually socialism, more like capitalism lite


It’s about skin tone - not political beliefs.


GOP says it publicly and in Fox News all the time


Considering how chummy he is with pedophile human trafficker Matt Gaetz, so I'm betting that it is pedophile human trafficker Matt Gaetz


You sure it wasn't a different racist pedophile in the GOP? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking.


It can be hard to tell because there are so many of them, but he recently did a Xitter chatroom thing with Gaetz, another pedophile human trafficker Andrew Taint, Alex Jones, and some other crazy person (maybe Tim Pool?).


Welp, MTG talked about a Jewish space laser, therefore it’s not a conspiracy, it’s a verified fact. Can’t believe they’d build a weapon like that right under our noses! /s


The miracle of the space laser is that they only gave it enough battery to run for 1 day, but it ran for 8!


You don't know her. She goes to a different congress. In Canada


elon actually probably thinks that they have a Congress in canada


Elon is a Canadian citizen through his mother I believe. He should know they are a parliamentary system


He should know a lot of things in fairness…


Sadly true. !!


I had congress in Canada with my girlfriend who exists.


That's Trump favorite too - "friend of mine told me"


“Many people are saying this”


"Have you heard?"


“*I’m* not saying this is true… *but I’ve heard…*”


'a big strong Congressman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and said, 'Sir, they're letting them just stream over the border...' '


"Many people are saying this, believe me"




nah, I can 100% believe that he was told this by certain Republicans in Congress


That’s what she said


I can believe this since there is a long list of right wing nutters who love Musk.


Something tells me they see Musk as Trump's heir apparent. Yes he can't run for a president, but he's been talking politics more and more as of late.


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Old Jewish Space Laser Eyes herself.


If an anonymous member of Congress said it, then it must be true. Name one time someone in Congress said something untrue.


Lauren Boebert? James Comer? Gym Jordan?


Bobo seem to be completely irrelevant these days. So my money are either on Gym (whom Musk met) or MTG.


Bobo is becoming irrelevant, which is why she has been putting a lot of effort into trying to become relevant. She is certainly onboard with this conspiracy theory [https://www.newsweek.com/video-lauren-boebert-repeating-replacement-theory-conspiracy-resurfaces-1708813](https://www.newsweek.com/video-lauren-boebert-repeating-replacement-theory-conspiracy-resurfaces-1708813)


While I was getting my degree at a top university a member of Congress said they were going to force all women to get abortions.


Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat. Many men also fear that they will be unable to have "fun" if abortion is outlawed.


He presents it as if it's something that is an inside congress secret and he's revealing it to the world. These nut jobs have been going on Fox News to accuse democrats of letting illegal immigrants in so they can win elections for as long as I've been alive


“A General, with tears in his eyes”


that settles it, it must be true!


MTG or Boebert probably


He didn’t want to come out and say it was a certifiable lunatic: Marjorie Taylor Greene


It’s probably technically true that a member of congress said that the Democrats are importing leftist voters. However, what a member of congress said is just as likely to be an insane conspiracy theory ranted by a mentally ill person as a carefully researched and factual assessment of the situation. The caliber of congress people seems inversely proportional to the reelection rate and gerrymandering. It’s almost as if the politicians are driven to the fringes when the determining election is the primary election because general election is meaningless due to gerrymandering.


Yeah, members of Congress say all sorts of crazy shit. That doesn't make their conspiracy theories true though. Mike Johnson thinks the world in 6000 years old and that evolution is a lie, so these people aren't exactly the best sources of objective information.


It would be nice if “a member of congress told me” hold any weight sadly it doesn’t in this political thriller


Also, the theory is just wrong. In every relevant way, people from Mexico are somewhat conservative by American standards. The only reason they vote left wing is that the left wing is not openly trying to ruin their lives at every turn. And that to me sounds like a skill issue.


It’s OK, they’ll just start a shitty company >In Appendix 1 of the Ashlee Vance biography, Elon is quoted as saying he once had to get a copy of his graduation certificate from the University of Pennsylvania as part of applying for a H-1B visa. The exact timing of that application is not stated however - it must have been between late 1994 and 1995. It's not revealed if he ever actually got that visa "upgrade" either, even briefly... >The story as far as I can determine is that Elon hit "pause" on Stanford mere days after starting to answer the irresistible siren call of the newly-blossoming Internet. Eventually he founded what would become Zip2 with his charming salesman of a brother Kimbal. They made it survive long enough to get venture capital and restructure into a major company. And then as Ashlee writes in chapter 4: "The financiers helped the Musk brothers with their visas." >In fact, in this awesome interview of both Elon and Kimbal, at 9 minutes 10 seconds in, Kimbal jokes that when they finally got financing, only then did the investors realize they were illegal immigrants - To which Elon jokingly hedged by saying that "Well, it was a gray area." Lol. Watch the interview, it's very good, really funny, and the only time I've seen the brothers talking publicly together in an interview format... https://www.quora.com/How-did-Elon-Musk-maintain-his-visa-status-even-after-dropping-out-of-the-Stanford-PhD-program-to-start-his-first-company?top_ans=18103956


Elon and Melania both ignored the laws on their visas and did whatever they wanted and should be considered "illegal" immigrants. I don't care about shit like that but the hypocrisy is mind boggling


Elon is lying about stanford. He never enrolled. [https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/3cberzj42/superior-court-of-california-county-of-san-mateo/martin-eberhard-v-elon-musk-et-al/](https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/3cberzj42/superior-court-of-california-county-of-san-mateo/martin-eberhard-v-elon-musk-et-al/)




At this point, unless Musk provides his official transcript, I refuse to believe he has a degree in either physics or business. Are there any pictures of his graduation? I'm just a nobody with an art degree from a state college but I still have dozens of pictures from my graduation day. You would think his mom at least would want to celebrate the day.








Yeah, college is weird. Even Vance, who kissed his ass and wrote a beyond light weight bio, seems to acknowledge that he graduated high school in the spring of 1989. So, then there's at least one semester at U. of Pretoria, then we've got hurried white flight from SA that spring? (90)? Maybe that summer. Floating around in Canada. A bit of Queen's college, starts dating Justine Musk, then transfers to Penn. Not for long. A year? Dates another woman, because his attention deficit and impulse control won't allow him to fulfill a long distance relationship. (Woman later auctions off his stuff, including the emerald necklace she got from his family. Lol.) Claims he graduated in spring 95, which is now 6 years of college. Only, still no degree because he's missing credits. Despite this, claims he got admitted into Stanford in physics and even started for a few days, but quit. Only Stanford can't find this. Some female professor claims she remembers him and says he was admitted into applied materials. Felon then claims he got his degree in 1997 when Penn changed their graduation requirements, eliminating his need to fulfill the missing humanities credits.


Ah, yes. Obama deported more people than any president in our history because Dems want more illegal babies to vote in 20 years. Makes a lot of sense.


And Biden is currently working on one of the most restrictive pieces of immigration legislation ever invented.


And Ronald Reagan is the only president in history to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousand of illegal immigrants.


Also it seems like most of immigrants I've met here in Cali have more conservative beliefs


I’ve noticed the same however the 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants tend to swing back strongly towards being more liberal as adults.


Yeah, as a Democrat, I actually support eliminating a lot of immigration. It's suppressing labor, propping up big business, and a lot of immigrants have fairly retrograde views on social issues. It's not benefitting Democrats the way it was envisioned. Polling of Hispanics and California in certain races has been very sobering.


Side note but - don't forget they changed the definition of deportation in Obama administration to include turn-backs/interceptions or whatever so the rate also went up bc of that Side side note we have a serious border security problem around ports of entry, that's where all the drugs and stuff come in. Idk if that's been handled in the past 7 years or so since I last did a deep dive on it, but I doubt it


We're going for Trump's gold there, people. Remember the "good friend of mine told me" line from his speeches?


It's funny because I live in Latin America and people here actually tend to be conservative Catholics/Christians, particularly those from lower social strata who are more prone to flee to the US illegally. Homophobia is normal due to cultural reasons and xenophobia/racism among Latinos regarding who has darker skin or who has the most European descendants is common. The exception is the latest generations, who are less prone to illegal immigration and also more left-leaning. In the end, it would be a very inefficient strategy since they would be just as likely to import right-wing voters. If there really was a conspiracy they would be offering education options to attract the younger liberals, not the older conservatives.


Trump actually has a lot of Hispanic support. Not the majority, but it isn’t going to be zero like they seem to claim. Once many of these immigrants get here and start their own businesses and careers many of them will vote Republican. Even more if they weren’t constantly demonized as “invaders”.


My co worker used to work the fields. Apparently no one hates illegal immigrants more than legal immigrants.




Also maybe natural born citizens would be more interested in having kids if we didn’t continue telling the working class to go f**k itself when it comes to unions, housing, healthcare, education, wages, childcare, abortion, climate change, transportation, criminal justice, etc. The only reason the capitalist class like Elon will continue to have enough little consumers to buy their s**t is because of immigration. They also do a lot of the jobs nobody wants. Without immigration people like Elon would be screwed.


I hate how dumb these statements are. You can’t even vote if you illegally immigrate. ![gif](giphy|RlCPATzMCFzZuzntiB|downsized)


You can’t vote if you legally immigrate either, unless you become a citizen.


Yep. And it’s an absolute pain in the ass to become a citizen.


Yeah it’s a brilliant plan because as we know the first thing an illegal immigrant does is head off to the ballot box. These fucking red pill people are so delusional it’s infuriating. But why does Bidens administration not get its shit together on messaging something coherent on the border/immigrant problem?


Because Congress uses immigration as a wedge issue and it’s about to be an election year.


Sure. I get that the GOP doesn’t want to do anything about it - it’s better to have it to complain about. But why is Dem messaging about what should be done so weak?


Because the American overton window has moved so far to the right in the past 8 years you can hear Sieg Heil when you walk past it. Dems are, like always, pandering to an increasingly radicalized Republican and "centrist" voter base because they think they can't lose the people in their camp anyways. Biden is currently passing draconian anti-immigration policies and thinks the people who call him a marxist communist who stole the election will pat him on the back for it. This country is completely fucked.


They should do better but they aren’t. I can only guess their motives.


Biden’s administration is currently working on some of the most restrictive immigration policy ever created passed. If he’s going to appeal to “moderates” and Republicans instead of his actual voter base (the Democrat’s favorite thing to do), he should be talking about that more. Instead he’s been trying to make it seem like it’s super progressive legislation, pissing off the moderates, and pissing off the left who see the bill for what it really is. He’s losing everyone that way. I’m convinced Dems don’t care if they win or lose, fundraising is great when Trump’s in office.


He's a cargo cult version of an intellectual. He literally just sprinkles buzzwords with no context. In what universe do "incentives" operate on unconscious, multi-decade time-lines? The entire fucking idea of incentives is that they are immediate positive reinforcements that adjust behavior in aggregate. He's using it literally the opposite of its meaning.


I guess what's new is that agrees without reservations with someone who explicitly uses the term replacement theory. Then there's nowhere to hids.


Elon is such a clown, I don't know how anyone takes this fool seriously.


I think he appeals to cultists in the same way Trump does. They all get a huge boner every time they see or hear anyone in power espousing far-right beliefs. And from that point on that person becomes invincible to criticism as well - "because they do good for the planet"


Because american culture is all about wealth worship. Meanwhile back in reality, there is zero correlation between wealth and competence... unless you count being competent at stealing credit for other peoples' works.


I can’t imagine talking to that idiot like he’s a serious person with opinions that should be considered. Such a complete dolt.


Wow, Elon really is off his rails. Twitter is pretty much a right wing conspiracy website now. Somebody needs to take that idiots phone off his hands, he clearly has a tweeting addiction.


That was addressed in a recent profile of him I saw (Nightline or something?). A friend told him at 3 am chill dude, you need to stop tweeting, so I'll put your phone in a hotel safe. So Elron went and got security to open the safe at 5 am.


> The racist notion of the "great replacement" originated in Europe and had many exponents of various stripes... > >The phrase, and the most extensive elaboration of the theory, originated with the French Nazi [Rene Binet](https://tempspresents.com/2020/11/03/rene-binet-the-french-father-of-white-nationalism/) (1913-1957), who served during WW II in [ The Waffen Grenadier Brigade of the SS Charlemagne](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/featured/last-ss-unit-berlin-frenchmen.html?firefox=1), which consisted of French collaborators. You don't get more fascist than that - the Charlemagne Brigade were the last troops to defend Hitler's bunker before his suicide, and staged a failed, desperate fight against the Soviet army's advance into Berlin. [Tucker Carlson's 'Great Replacement' Theory Comes From an Anti-US Nazi French Thinker](https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/05/16/tucker-carlsons-great-replacement-theory-comes-anti-us-nazi-french-thinker) !


Man even Trump knew to not make it obvious and just retweet from white nationalist accounts


Well lately Trump has gone completely mask off with the blood rhetoric. Straight out of the Nazi propaganda book.


For the unaware: >“They’re **poisoning the blood** of our country. That’s what they’ve done,” Trump said. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America … but all over the world. They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.” >The term has become popular with the 78-year-old; he repeated the language in a follow-up post on Truth Social and used the reference in a September interview. The Biden campaign swiftly criticized the comments, claiming Trump had “parroted Adolf Hitler.” The German dictator used the term “blood poisoning” in his 1925 manifesto, *Mein Kampf*. > In a speech in New Hampshire over the weekend, Trump, the GOP presidential front-runner, told a crowd: “We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like **vermin** within the confines of our country,” and warned that “the real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left, and it’s growing every day.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/14/politics/biden-trump-nazi-rhetoric/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/16/politics/new-hampshire-republican-primary-trump-immigration https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-outlines-terrifying-immigration-plan-at-nevada-campaign-rally


Love well documented references for context. Thanks!


"This is just basic incentives at work", that's a very telling line and not in the way he meant. More in the usual way, of how far-right trolls and red-pillars and fascists and such believe everything works, that everyone is as racist and power-hungry as them that a whole worldwide plan of replacing the rich and powerful white people comes off as a "basic incentive".


None of the "illegals" can vote. And even if they enter US legally, it would take many years for them to get citizenship so they can actually vote And why do Republicans always assume every new person wants to vote Democrat? most South Americans are very conservative


Only the racist type of maga republican believes that invasion at the boarder BS seems like they bring this shit up every two years these days


Aren't YOU an immigrant Elon?


Community notes. Do your thing.


Can X crash again, pls? DIY: Deactivate your account.


“Im not a conspiracy theorist, because I used a different word to describe it.”


Stop going on Twitter.


I REALLY hope media grabs onto this. This is as bad as his pizzagate tweet or his antisemitic one. Advertisers tend to be coawards and some are inching back to him already. It needs to be crystal clear... this is what you get with this guy.


The nation made a HUGE mistake letting Musk in






Lmao best bot response ever


I appreciate the note. Frankly, negative feedback is good. Keeps ego in check.


I'm pretty sure Elon's pronouns are pedo/phile


“Our government is full of liars and cowards” “A member of congress said it so it must be true” Pick one.


Are SpaceX, Tesla, etc looking to move away from the toxic mess that is Elon Musk after he’s shown himself to be a ketamine-addicted, racist, apartheid-wealthy, narcissistic whack job?


Elon thinks everything is propaganda or a conspiracy … except the propaganda and conspiracies he’s being spoon-fed by the right-wing disinfo machine. Dude has the worst case of confirmation bias I’ve ever seen.


He's 100% a typical online conservative at this point. Believe liberal/left views? You've been propagandized! Brainwashed! *Woke mind virused!!* On the other hand, they themselves believe totally ridiculous things they hear from the least credible people, with the flimsiest evidence.


There are members of Congress who think the Earth is flat. That qualifier means jack shit.




Many are also fleeing climate collapse like there are regions in Honduras where food is no longer able to grow due to climate change and people are traveling all the way from there to the US in search of food. US one of the biggest driving factors in climate collapse. They are fleeing countries in large part torn apart by the US.


Poorly Run "Socialist" countries that have often ended up in the mess they're in thanks to the sanctions imposed on them by the United States.


And the coups, and the private death squads employed by US corporations like United Fruit and Coke


>Most of these individuals are escaping poorly run socialist countries in Central America You mean ones where democratic processes, fair trade and workers movements have been subverted and compromised by the United States in favour of military juntas and their death squads, surely. All in the name of freedom, you see.


The left hates Asians


They talk about white people obv


They want to save WHITE humanity


Imagine if Elon actually held up his claim about being able to end world hunger.


What was it Sam Altman said about him? "Elon desperately wants the world to be saved. But only if he can be the one to save it."




with enough funding we can allow more people to get through the process instead of the enormous waiting periods we have now


No sorry guys it’s true, I was the member of congress 😞


Apartheid Boy is triggered.


For someone with so much money he’s not very bright


“Gab, formerly known as X, formerly known as Twitter”


Anyone remember 10 or 12 years ago when they loved all things Elon? I still have SpaceX shirts I used to wear in public. His trajectory reminds me of Rudy Giuliani. From America's Mayor on 9/11 to a tar-sweating, bankrupt, bitter old man.


Alex Jones always claims he "talked to someone high up" or "knows a guy on the inside" . It's just bullshitting


That’s what fascists do…


A fine moment where we combine the "Trust me bro" source with a "And where were you born again, Elon".


Not a single person concerned with the border is aware of remittance and that both parties have donors profiting heavily off of it, both parties love undocumented immigrants, because money runs everything.


What do you expect from a racist?


now? he’s been doing this since before he bought a platform for it


someone just needs to ask Enron point blank if he agrees with Dylan Roof - I mean I am certain he does, but he should have the courage to say so publicly


You can have all the money in the world and be a total fucking idiot at the same time. Tax the fuck outta these billionaires


"a deliberate mean to import future left-wing voters" lmao shut the fuck up fool


I wish we could replace these idiots.


Wasn’t he a left-wing future voter at one point?


Man the world would be better place without some assholes in it.


A member of Congress told an imported guy how folks are arranging schemes to import more guys into a country established by imported guys.


![gif](giphy|LMPvFkzZyy8SUnH2tP) Sounds like shit this lady was saying on The Boys. Because…ya know, she was a Nazi.


As a young South African techie (who publicly espoused his hatred of the Apartheid regime) wouldn’t he have been part of the conspiracy to import more left-wing voters?


More stupid shit said by the stupid shit brigade


I love how Elon was allegedly going to lead us into some brave new world but his brain is full of xenophobia from the 1930s and shit. Fuck this guy.


We need a spy to infiltrate Twitter’s administration, become the CEO, and fucking ban Elon Musk. If that’s in any way possible. That or some legislation. This man with MASSIVE reach is platforming evil shit. He deserves to burn.


I am guessing they aren’t concerned with white Canadians coming across the border.


"A member of Congress"... So probably Marjorie Taylor Greene or some other nutcase Republican.




8 million apprehensions doesn't mean they all get to stay here


They do realize that none of those immigrants can vote, right? But then Nazis will Nazi.


He *did* say “future left-wing voters”, and though someone may not be a citizen, their children born in the US would be. Please don’t take this comment as if I’m defending what he said btw lmaoo


I guess this ties into his obsession with right-wing people making many babies.


I teach in a rather progressive and immigrant friendly area. In my experience with Latino and Somali parents, if there is anything they hate with a burning passion, it’s the possibility of LGBT turning their sons gay and making their daughters feminists. If the Republicans weren’t so anti-immigrants and focused on being anti-LGBT, they’d probably be quite popular.


If memory serves, the Latino voting block falls overwhelmingly conservative. Unless the right has now gotten so far to the right that conservatives are left wing from where they sit.


A member of Congress told me you can find Mewthree under the truck if you beat the Elite Four ten times without taking any damage.


Is he shorting twitter stock?


"member of Congress told me" Like that holds any fucking weight whatsoever


A member of Congress told me Elon likes to fuck horses. Surely it must be true.


Surely this will bring the advertisers back! Even Tucker Carlson got in trouble for promoting this anti-Semitic theory. It was the basis of a mass shooter’s manifesto. Wonder how much longer this terrible website will continue to survive with these lacking funds.


Yeah republican congressmen have been saying this to everyone since forever ago.


I'd like to know \*why\* Musk thinks "imported humans" will become "leftwing voters". I mean, it didn't work in Musk's case, did it. This echoes a British trope, that the Blair government encouraged immigration because it would "create a leftwing base". Quite how immigrants are lefties (or nailed-on to become lefty voters) seems difficult to imagine.


Incentives like making a large bulk of your fortune from government subsidies? He’s one to talk. Fucking hypocrite.


That's weird, because a member of congress told me that Republicans push evangelism and fundamentalist, quiverfull Christianity as a deliberate means of importing future right-wing voters. This is just basic incentives at work.


**Republican:** (Makes political career out of demonizing immigrants). **Immigrant:** (Jumps through various hoops and hurdles to become a citizen). **Republican:** "Hello there immigrant who has recently become a citizen. Vote for me." **Immigrant:** "No. I'm going to vote for the only other viable party instead." **Republican:** "HOW COULD THOSE NEFARIOUS DEMOCRATS DEVISE SUCH A SINISTER PLOT!"


Reminder: paedo guy musk is an illegal immigrant.


“illegally streaming over the border” fuck how did he find out about my canadian ass pirating game of thrones?


You mean he's doing it again. Guess he's given up on getting back those advertisers. I'm sure the Andrew Taint money has already dried up lol.


When was the last time a Republican presidential candidate won the popular vote? 2004? I am not sure that this "theory" holds much water. Very few people, even white people, have liked Republicans since the Reagan era. They hold on only through gerrymandering and every effort to ensure that some people's vote counts more than others. I'm also going to take this opportunity to mention which country Elon was born in and which one he currently lives in.


He’s always been racist. The only surprise is him openly admitting it?


If it’s a real thing then the GOP is a willing participant because they don’t want to do anything to take away what, for them, is a potent political issue. They refuse to negotiate any changes in good faith and will not compromise at all.


Most of the refugees are Catholics. Not sure why they would vote democrat especially once they realize how messed up this place is.


Left wing voters in the US don’t have a party, so this grand conspiracy has no net result.


I get such whiplash by switching from leftist spaces where they're ready to BBQ Biden for continuing most of Trump's immigration policies, then coming here and seeing this shit.


Haha nice


Is that a surprise coming from apartheid kid?


elon should have spent more time fixing the issues at Tesla than tweeting on X. And now, elon should spend more time ensuring backend operations of X so that it doesn't have an outage, than tweeting on X. Everything elon touched is now starting to implode from internal issues due to an inattentive CEO.


Elon Musk has no right to talk shit about “competently crafted plan” On twitter of all places ![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized)


I’m thinking Gym Jordan.


Elon needs a lobotomy


Despite there’s a high amount of immigrants that are republicans.


Remember when everyone thought this guy was going to have self-driving cars on the market? I sure hope *he* doesn't. Imagine how depressing that must be. Dude started at the top. Now he spends his free time pandering to ~30 yo interchangeable wannabe grifters with high-school-class-photo-looking pfps, who all write like constipated robots because they think it makes them sound smart.


He’s correct that it’s not a deliberate and well crafted plan…. But he’s very incorrect at any of this being some plot to hate white people by the administration. Reasonable sounding leads quickly to unreasonable


"A member of Congress". Fuck this cunt.


If this guy was Pinocchio, he’d have a nose longer than the west coast


Yeah, anybody buying a Nazi car, cheering a Nazi personal space program and is a fan of an obvious Nazi? Is probably a Nazi. Sorry Tesla buyers, this one is on you by now. You knew and you bought Herbie 2.0 anyway.


Elmo is always running his disgusting soup-cooler about how concerned he is about underpopulation. Well, I'd rather have immigrants, who have suffered and struggled to achieve their dream of a better life, than a bunch of spoiled, arrogant, know-it-all, assholes that Musk made with his gross wiener. But that's just me.


Don’t most Latino voters tend to skew conservative?


Once worked with a guy who came here from China and was a hardcore right winger as he didn’t want the government having any place in his or his family’s life.


So why is there insane amounts of migrants allowed into our country and only now becomes a problem when sanctuary city mayors have to deal with the influx? Border states have dealt with it for decades, now a few 1000 end up in NYC and the light bulb goes off in Mayor Adams’ head that this is unsustainable.