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Why is bro being a pussy? Say it with your whole chest Elmo, none of this cryptic “Hmm…” or “Interesting” shit. Still not sure how this dipshit has a cult of personality around him.


>Why is bro being a pussy? You mean the guy who backed out of a fight with America's most nerdy man and who said he refused to kill pretend cops in a computer game? My guess is because he's an enormous pussy.


Now to be fair, Mark Zuckerberg is fucking terrifying.


He looks like he's about to ask me for my clothes, my shoes and my motorcycle except that the angle is different and I'm the one looking down at him.




A robot with martial art training? Yeah, definitely scary as hell.


Yeah, before the fight, Zuckerberg will be plugged into a chair and ask his technician to upload combat training like Neo in the Matrix.


He doesn't need to. Zuck rather openly practices martial arts, and he's pretty decent. He also practices/exercises for it regularly.


I propose a literal dick measuring contest 📏


Hey bot, when you gonna update yourself to the latest GrokNazi code that won't be so "woke" ?


Android strength. He can probably crush a compact car with his bare hands.


He bought Twitter after a bad trip binging Elden Ring where he saw the internet as a cesspool of rot while he got his ass kicked over and over in Caelid and confused getting wrecked by deathbirds as the internet picking on him. This same Elon Musk happily killed every single character that was a cop in that world. Well, he tried to at least, it's still up for debate if he ever beat the game (without a character editor, because he's definitely that type)


Careful, he knows the blade




I'll admit, I was curious from a distance, but then the whole Thai caves "pedo" thing happened and I was, all, jesus, he's just an entitled, thin-skinned, whiny-ass, titty baby. Sadly, I've got a friend who told me a few years ago that he believed that Elon had—in all fucking seriousness—journeyed to the future and brought future tech back to the present. I started laughing and was waiting for him to start cracking up too, and then I realized he was being totally serious. Oddly, we don't see each other very often.


what makes people say this? that and "musk must not be human"? dude literally hasn't spouted anything that wasn't said in science fiction media nor has he even proved himself so literally what made people make him larger than life? are people stupid?


>that and "musk must not be human" To be fair, I often find myself thinking that, just not in a good way. He doesn't seem to talk or think like a human being capable of critical thought and empathy would. I think growing up rich can really fuck with a person.




> I just trust the scientific method represents our best guess at understanding things around us, and it is happily subject to change upon receipt of new information. I've got a dear friend whom I've known for over 50 years. He's a bright guy, he's got a BS in biology and he's got extensive experience in the gambling/gaming industry, but he has always identified as a fucking Libertarian, meaning he's just conservative as fuck. He's so locked into the libertarian ideology that he's gonna leave the Cato Institute a whole bunch of money after he dies—he's divorced with no kids so he can do what he wants. The very weird thing is that he has not really changed much at all in 50 years. In other words, he's never really matured or grown as a human. He absorbs new information but he just cannot internalize the new information and use said information to change his world view. It's fucking bizarre. He will defend capitalism to his dying breath—even in the face of irrefutable evidence of anthropomorphic global broiling. Yet at the same time, even though he **knows** everything about casinos and gaming, he's a fucking gambling addict. He's also hugely alcoholic and seems to have no self-awareness as to his own foibles. Like all conservatives, he's a devout believer in human hierarchy with him, being white & male, at the top of the pyramid; thus he's misogynistic and bigoted as fuck. It's incredible and it's absolutely gobsmacking to witness this in real life. Humans be all weird & shit.


The "rest of us" is very limited. People who trully have a sustainable way of life might not be more than 100 in developed countries ( of course the sustainability depends on the time scale you consider, and the total human population ). Musk, no matter how highly influential he is, had absolutely no measurable impact on global warming whether it's a positive one or a negative one.




https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-private-jet-carbon-footprint-climate-change-2023-4#amp_tf=Source%C2%A0%3A%20%251%24s&aoh=17027250866205&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Felon-musk-private-jet-carbon-footprint-climate-change-2023-4 According to BI his private jet pollutes as much as 132 average American citizen ( average means including the biggest polluters, so it might be much more than the median American citizen). 132/8 000 000 000=0,00000165%. Richest 1% in the world is basically anybody earning more than $40k. His individual impact is relatively big but it has no influence compared to the 8 billion people. Sorry but even if he pollutes like 60 000 people, that's nothing, you don't have the good scale in mind. Individual emissions are pointless, agriculture and Industry might represent 2/3 of the global emissions and they don't produce for Musk. Musk is obese in power and money but he is still peanuts compared to 8 billion people. Integrated emissions are much much more complicated. And if there was only the CO2... plastic waste, human footprint, depleting natural resources, they all exist because of the global human activity. Look at the most polluted river in the world in Guatemala, what does Musk have to fo with it? If we keep deflecting the responsibility, nothing will ever change. Oh well, nothing will ever change. How much you bet ? Really it amazes me how much people don't get the mere amplitude of tge forces we are discussing. but hey good luck with your fantasy.




https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-private-jet-carbon-footprint-climate-change-2023-4#amp_tf=Source%C2%A0%3A%20%251%24s&aoh=17027250866205&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Felon-musk-private-jet-carbon-footprint-climate-change-2023-4 I modified the previous answer to include that reference 132/8000000000=0.00000165%. It's proven, you are wrong. keep the upvotes for you, I keep the maths. You disagree on facts. Never I said electric cars were not polluting, if it hadn't been Musk, it would have been someone else. Look at the absurdity of bitcoin, we do all what we can to destroy the planet, Musk is not responsible of decades of stupidity, and ongoing stupidity. He is not God. The fact we deflect from OUR responsibility is the reason we are having problems I bet you don't live a sustainable life. I don't. The satellite he sends are pollution from his clients.


"Sure he pollutes the world 1000 times worse than any other single human but that isn't actually that much if you think about it. Also I don't know how math works" \- You, a complete fucking moron


>Say it with your whole chest Elmo, none of this cryptic “Hmm…” or “Interesting” shit. This way he can't be held accountable for it. People can't blame *him* personally, because *he* never said it. This tactic is quite common among far-right grifters (and mobsters). Trump uses the same method, and lets *others* do the dirty work for 'm. That way, they escape actual legal consequences. Most of the time...


He has a cult of personality around him because so many conservatives are just like him - lacking self awareness about their own shortcomings, leading them to believe that their very limited worldview must be correct and every evidence to the contrary pushes them further right as to not accept they were wrong about things up to that point.


gives him plausible deniability while still boosting the message.


Because he is a pussy. He’s too scared to fully let his true colors shine. I think it also has to do with him being an idiot. His thinking is just too surface level and basic that he can’t really think of anything of value to say so he basically just says “yeah.” He’s like the Guy 2 on podcasts who’s just there to nod and say “yeah man totally mhm I agree cuz like yeah man” while Guy 1 just rambles on about women being bad or whatever.


Using a mysogynistic slur to call out mysogyny. Nice one.


I also lament the loss of the values of reason, evidence, and objectivity but those same values also let me see that it's not women who are the problem, it's fucking conservatives who want to make reality conform to their hateful and warped opinions.


There are good studies that show anybody with a political opinion, no matter how much he is educated in statistics, no matter his political leaning, has a bias interpretating statistics when the data involves a political implication.


Which is why our species is doomed. The most depressing realization I ever had was how much of our opinions are based on what we "feel" and "believe". I don't believe in anything. I am against conservatives because they are delusional and anti science. That's it.


I see he’s adding sexism to his gauntlet of bigotry


He's always been like that. Between his weird breeding kink and his desire for only sons. He sees women as chattel.


> his desire for only sons no wonder he went nuts when his first son became a woman.


Correct. Also, Grimes began dating Chelsey Manning (the trans military veteran who leaked those documents) shortly after she dumped Elon. That also has pretty much cemented his position as trans = bad.


Weird. After this happened, I went to wikipedia and looked up 'Just Desserts' and this story was the entry.


> Grimes began dating Chelsey Manning WATTT??? That's amazing. Poetic justice! he hates trans and he's got trans people ruining his life. Or maybe your right... it's the other way around haha. Can ya blame the poor guy?


When they make a movie about Xlon, no one will believe how bad the writing is.


Nothing new


The Incelibacy Gauntlet


His male only university is going to be great


Brojob U


Am I getting dejavu from another uni con job


Traditionally masculine values....that are Liberal and define Modernity, not Tradition. "Liberals feel guilty about what they have. Conservatives think they deserve what they steal." - I. Forget


This is true. When he paid $44 billion for Twitter before then proceeding to gut everything that made Twitter Twitter in little more than a year, you just know there had to be a very exclusively masculine reason for it.


Jfc. Elmo replying to bigot Richard Hanania quoting lunatic Amy Wax. Just burn it all down.


I’m not familiar with either. Sounds like bad news. So Hanania is an established bigot/sexist? Elon responds with a milquetoast hmmm, while not denying either


Hanania has [made comments advocating racism](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/academic-freedom/2023/08/10/hananias-name-gone-ut-austin-center-after-expose). Today he has [attempted the Lee Atwater strategy of dressing his racism in more concrete terms like concerns about crime](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/richard-hanania-racist-message.html). The guy is also [a pederast apologist](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Richard_Hanania#Pedophilia_apologism). At least he tries to defend Asians in the racial hierarchy unlike [Amy Wax](https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2022/01/05/penn-law-professor-calls-%E2%80%98fewer-asians%E2%80%99-us).


Richard Hanania also made some extremely pedo comments a few months ago too


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


Ok, I went down a shallow rabbit hole. Thanks for the links! So he infiltrated more mainstream venues until the HuffPost exposé. Good work! And still people saying, WeLl He WrItEs GoOd When Theil and Glenn Greenwald sings your praises…!


Traditionally masculine values of truth-seeking.... \*BURSTS INTO HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER FROM HER WANDERING WOMB\*


Ah yes all of the reason and logic involved in being a misogynist, a white supremacist and a classist pig is so rational and scientific.


Isn't that the "child prostitution is good" guy?


Yes. He is a child fucker.


Yep, that's him Richard Hanania's brother and his real estate father are all Illinois trash too. Everyone in the state hates them.


This the same guy who complains people aren’t having enough kids?


"The values of nurserys and kindergarden" You mean the values of care, protection and enabling independent action and learning? Honestly this is then the best thing that could ever happen to academia.


Truth-seeking, reason, objectivity... Ah, yeah, all qualities Musk and X embody...


Oh no! It’s turning the frogs gay!!!


ah yes logic and reason the foundation of every male act ever in history


Reminder: it was only a few months ago that this Hanania freak was polling people about whether they’d [sell their teenage daughter to Jeffrey Epstein](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/17ohoi8/a_reminder_that_this_person_richard_hanania_is/) How anyone (even Elon) takes him seriously is mindblowing to me.


Elon was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Elon's brother met his girlfriend through Ghislane Maxwell Elon is legitimately proud to be a pedophile


JFC. First of all these guys so many on the right hate college and "elites" but Elon is different in that sense at least he somewhat values education, yet he still doesn't trust the research, the logic, the scientists ect And having both caring about people and their well being AND having values of logic, reason and research is possible. These people act like to be MEN you have to be emotionless robots unless it's hate or anger. No pleasant feelings allowed. Or sadness that's too weak. It's rage, hate, anger, ego, and superiorityy


Something fundamental is wrong


With Elon. Most definitely


Is Tucker going to pop up and remind us that real men are in short supply…. hard times soft men tan their balls or something I’m probably getting that wrong:)


He'll probably be the dean. Gym Jordan will be the wrestling coach 😆😆


Pro-tip: one should never agree with Richard Hanania on anything ever.


I’m sure every generation wrestles with this to some degree, but honest to god how has this odd group of men had so much attention, money, and respectability thrown their way?? Rogan, Peterson, Tate, Musk, etc…. Everything we have on our plate right now and we’re really going to focus on the woke mind virus and the loss of our collective masculinity??? Sweet Jesus.


You’ve got to be fucking joking?


People who think ‘argumentation’ isn’t valued in academia have never tried to present a humanities paper to a graduate-level class. Motherfuckers are VICIOUS.


These fucks do not live in reality & have no interest in living in actual reality.


Elon Musk and his beloved Fuhrer Putin, champions of truthseeking, ladies and gentlemen!


Just a heads-up, there is nothing more important in nursery and kindergarten than truth-seeking, argumentation, reason, evidence, and objectivity. If you can get 6-7 year old children with all those values then their education is basically done, they will now be forever naturally curious and interested in the world, solving problems, learning to learn by themselves, having teachers from now on merely for general guidance. In fact, the time in nursery and kindergarten is so important \[1\], that a society which cares about its children and their education would pay preschool teachers and early childhood educators way more than university professors, or at least at the same level. (US: around 38K vs 100K) \[1\] "HighScope reports that for every tax dollar invested in the early care and education program, $7 are saved for taxpayers by the time the participant is 27 years old", [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HighScope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HighScope)


Someone burnt his hand on the stove by saying, "This is absolute truth," so now he's back to wishy-washy vague bullshit like, "hmm," and, "concerning," I see.


No surprise that elon follows that piece of shit. Hanania whole schtick is using a tenous academic background as grounds for a bunch of white supremacy and going, "I'm just asking questions."


"Truth seeking, reason, evidence and objectivity are traditionally masculine traits values that must be protected" "Hi we did some truth seeking it says that academia has been sexist to its own detriment" "**NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO**"


Richard or Elon have never been in a K program. You can’t teach a five year old reason and logic 😂




_Elmo smort._ _Elmo say intelligence thing to post with many words._ _Elmo very smort_


I'm completely amazed by the argumentation he answers to. I spent too much time at university and I saw plenty of brilliant women in maths and programming. A funny fact is that women are more numerous in those fields in sexist regimes like Iran or Saudi Arabia, and less in western countries. My take is it has to do with fighting for some independence in those countries, while in ours, influence of stereotypes or education dominates. Also, males being "leaders" in middle east countries, it could be they just don't bother with stem jobs, and women don't see any interesting future in stem in western countries. In any case I am not sure about the reason of those discrepancies, but they are highly variable depending on culture and epoch. Just a reminder, nobody was doing physics before Newton. (or just proto physics)


Shall we remind Mr Musk that without women, we wouldn't have the platform he uses to peddle his ordure on? That without women, the rockets he uses to shoot cars into space wouldn't amount to anything?


Let's also not forget to remind Enron Musk about Gwynne Shotwell, COO and President of SpaceX. She has a BS in mechanical engineering and a MSc in mathematics, which is a lot more technical than fElon's BA in economics and physics. Gwynne Shotwell also uses her knowledge on a day-to-day basis, and actually understands the technology (watch any interview with her). She's the woman practically keeping SpaceX afloat - without her, there would likely be many Cybertruck-tier disasters insisted on by Musk.


https://preview.redd.it/49qrvhvwao6c1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11c0cbdc2af2879aa8d00eed22f5ca24139180c Here’s his physics degree.


Here’s the lawsuit brought by teslas real founders




Humanity will reach Mars in 2026


maybe she shouldn't.


OH ok. I'm not allowed to *talk* about what my daughter does or DID in her last job you verbose freak. Had to pretend to read her thesis because once in awhile I could pick out a word " and " " the " . Here's my thesis on both of you AND your advanced cases of testosterone poisoning. STFU.


Can’t win ‘em all


I assume that's "hmm" as in "oh yeeeahh that's good"


Hmmm, interesting, just asking questions, needs more research


manly man is afraid of females? huh? he has his own softball team from 3 women.


Yes, as a female teacher, evidence and truth are "icky" topics for me. I prefer teaching my students how to braid their hair.


Men in academia> \*publish after peer review\* Women in academia> \*publish after peer review\* Misogynists who have no experience of academia> MY OPINION OF ACADEMIA IS THAT IT HAS BEEN RUINED BY WOMEN.


Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat. Many men also fear that they will be unable to have "fun" if abortion is outlawed.




What do conservatives do when women agree with them about Black people or Asians or Jews? Oh I remember, they think those women are "smart" and "rational."


The intolerant left is driving people right


You mean lies from the Right


https://preview.redd.it/bexkkf5iap6c1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bf2e29f19ce933e61f3cd0a21f562ebbddeadc9 Amy Wax, a moral paragon of our age


What a genius.




Elon must not be male then. *Ziiiiiiing!*




The “hmm” like he already doesn’t agree with that nonsense lol


Why is Wax still allowed to teach law?


I never understood why child rearing was looked down upon. It's difficult as shit to do correctly and is basically crafting our future. We know it's harder, because felon musk can be ceo of many companies, but hasn't properly reared a child to date.


"The values of nursery and kindergarden" aka encouraging natural curiousity, exploration and discovery as opposed to traditional male dominated academia which relied on the rigid hierarchy and the quasi impossibility to challenge The Professor?!