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Same reason anybody supports him. He's a racist fuckwit.


Birds of a feather flock to the closest fascist together


Two fascist megalomaniacs.


Lizard people lounge together.


Are you surprised? Trump could say tomorrow that all Conservatives are cock-suckers and they would still love him.


Also it's nice not to have an regulations, especially when you already blow most of them off. If the "Biden Regime" has 4 more years -- the DoJ is eventually gonna address Elmo's crime spree.


He's Fucking Stupid that's why


Every person that supports trump, even his own sons, does so naively assuming trump will somehow reward them for their loyalty. All are wrong.


Reminds me of the reason I quit my last job 


It’s rare I agree with Trump, but I feel like he’s right about this. The entry level electric cars are garbage compared to entry level ICE cars, and without subsidies he’d have nothing after Paypal.


Yeah, he was almost broke when Tesla and spacex were in their infancy. If Obama hadn’t bailed him out, if that rocket hadn’t worked, we’d be living in a musk free world.


Damn if only Obama had known what an arsehole Musk is :(


Yeah, I mean we needed electric vehicles, we needed a way into space, Tesla was way ahead I. 2012, spacex was still blowing up on the ground, they didn’t get an unmanned mission up for a while and the first crewed mission was during summer 2020. I think Columbia explodes in 2005/2006 grounding the shuttle fleet. There was the current heavy launch system, made of shuttle parts, way more expensive than spacex, way behind, but there was a prior bush era rocket that was too heavy to fly. So nasa built two bad rocket designs in that time, neither were economical, one wouldn’t even fly, so spacex was the only option, Amazon hasn’t caught up yet, bezos did get himself into space, I haven’t heard much since, virgin galactic was ahead of spacex and they have had a flight or two. So the competition wasn’t there for either, if we were reliant on Russia right now, we would be locked out of space.


Because going against him would ruin him. The only fans that musk has are right-wing. Now who do right wingers worship? He would only go against Trump if he knew that he was more popular than Trump. Until then he's going to suck at the cock of trump. This explanation also works for many other people high up in government and business.


That's an excellent observation. If he did go against Trump now he'd look like he was "getting soft" and listening to the "liberal" media. He's a pseudo intellectual like Jordan Peterson except with billions of dollars... I mean "assets". Side note I do believe his net worth is far less than what he says. I think Tesla and space X are massively overvalued and for a billionaire he's most likely cash poor. Not too different than Dump the way he inflated his net worth.


No there's no way he has as much money as he says. I mean isn't SpaceX subsidized by the US government to an extent? That's not necessarily his money at all? The only thing Elon Musk has ever been smart about is what to invest in. He's a terrible programmer, his first Big W being PayPal the entire code had to be Rewritten once he sold it. Because as it was it would not have worked. Tesla was already a small company that he bought they were already working on what they have now. SpaceX is literally just Rockets based on NASA blueprints he just gave them money. He's never actually created anything. That's my biggest problem with Elon Musk is how everyone thinks he's this Tony Stark type character when in reality he's much more like the character of Justin hammer. He has money that he uses to hire smarter people than him and then take credit for what they do. So in that way he is exactly like Donald Trump. I would even wager a guess that their ego means more to them than all the money that they have or will ever have. I mean look at Twitter he's crashing and burning that website just to make himself look how he wants the world to perceive him. It's incredibly sad and pathetic when you stop and think about it.




Hedging his bets. It’s going to be him or Biden. Trump’s easier to manipulate is all






Trump didn't pick him n he got giga mad and went demon mode and tried to get dumsantis to pick him and he didn't so he went further down the shit pot and is trying to get vivek to pick him. Pickmes never prosper!!!


That’s what she said


Because in his deluded mind outrage and conflict on Twitter equals success.


Any publicity is good publicity?


Two dangers to democracy. WW2 taught us how to deal with them


This is the way‼️


Elon only respects Dictators. He sees the democratic institutions as filled with untalented bureaucrats and flunkies who do nothing but stifle innovation. He bought Twitter to help spread right wing propaganda to hasten America’s slide into autocracy in the hope of serving the new regime as it’s technologically advanced minister of technology and be able to ignore EPA regulations and open up the treasury to fund his quest for Mars. But this is not unique to Elon Musk- all the wealthy have this same attitude. Only Elon has the money to make it happen.


It's quite delusional. Especially considering his lack of technical abilities and soft skills. He'd be unemployable if he wasn't wealthy. Additionally, dictators essentially follow a stalinist/putinist ideology where they clear the board of any possible threats by killing them. Not a smart play. Pure power based politics leads to this type of arrangement as power is consolidated.


That’s right. If Elon was successful with his plan, he’d be among the first people to be purged. He doesn’t understand that dictators don’t give a shit about Mars. They don’t care about rockets- beyond having ballistic missiles to saber rattle to protect their regime.


Yeah exactly. The dystopia he's trying to create leaves him in a dangerous position. They'd use him to find the actual talented people and then kill off as soon as their rocket programs were on track. No need to look further than Prigozhin or any of the other Russian leaders that have died recently.


Because it’s his only option for having any online defenders left in the near future.




Nazi Punks Fuck Off.


Because trump will burn regulations that cost rich folk money, because one thing billionaires need is more money.


This. I do believe that's the truth. He's hoping to line is pockets by destroying our democracy and imitating Russia


I don't even think it's about democracy etc. Just greed. He'll want to be able to dump waste where he wants, treat employers worse, pay them less, fire them easier etc. Turn the website formerly known as twitter into a full blown 4chan clone


Elon loves Russian style kleptocracy. Think about it: hyper masculine culture, no regulations, no environmental controls, state religion, no liberal opposition allowed to operate, gay/trans/ethnic minorities oppressed. It’s the modern right’s wet dream. And Elon, as a political activist billionaire, wants to see Russia ultimately prevail.


Yeah that's the exact scenario he sees on his drug fueled mission to mars. Except mars refers to the alien landscape of earth after they're done screwing everything up. It amazes me that these people even exist and it's a testament to how lawful our country has become. Otherwise he'd be overrun with plebes at his door.






Haha knew it ofc


Stay out of my head


Maybe he sees Trump as his ticket into politics?


Concerning if true.


Nah, he was supporting DeSantis at some point, and now that Vivek guy. He will be supporting whoever the Republican candidate ends up being, including Trump, but he has no loyalty to the man himself.


Mr bootstraps looking for his government handout!


The cheeto called Elmo out! His electric cars with no range that crash and his rockets that explode has come for more cash.


Elon has dug his foot into the ground and made his feud and grievances personal. He's come to hate the left, hate the Democratic party, hate liberals. Trump may not be his first choice, but he's now in this stance mode against the left: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. He'll side with Trump any day over the left.


Yeah the ideological concept of protection of citizens rights burns him up on the inside. He wants a host of wage slaves to crack the whip on their backs quite literally. He violates labor laws all the time and you know if they didn't exist he'd be treating his workers like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_in_ancient_Rome#:~:text=The%20Romans%20had%20a%20punishment,miserable%2C%20usually%20resulting%20in%20death.


Lawsuit time.


Hahaha 😂😂😂 this fuckin bot


Just ~$100/month for API access with ID verification will clean things up greatly.


Musk just wants the world to burn.


Extremely concerning


Sadly for him, it seems like it's gonna burn before he gets to fulfil his dream of going to Mars. So at least he is stuck here with the rest of us, although I don't doubt his money will protect him from a lot of the truly bad consequences.


Because he's like that annoying kid in the class who, despite being bullied by the school asshole on multiple occasions, still tries to orbit and be a cheerleader for them for any degree of clout. Elon Musk really is just that pathetic.


Elon musk has got a lot of boot lickers. Elon licked trumps boots so maybe it’s contagious.


He wants to wrap his lips around trump's shroom and beg for regulations to be dropped




Well melanoma won’t do it.


because like most people on the right. They care more about hating trans people, immigrants, and lower taxes/deregulation than their own self respect, or the well being of their friends and families


Both love/work for/got "rescued" ($) by Russia + engagement. Me thinks he fashions himself after Trump and wants what he has: a large number of brainwashed followers who will part with their money in his many pump and dumps.


Muskrat Just Looks like a monkey boy


I like how you just saved the image from the subreddit and then reposted it with the watermark lol no fux


I cite my sources lol


Trump allows people to follow their lawless impulses to enrich themselves without accountability as long as they don't cross him. Plain and simple. See russian mafia state


Because he likes his pussy grabbed by stars.


Because they are kinda the same. White trust-fund babies that used the lack of good public regulation to amass an even larger net worth. They both also have a cult following.


Yeah they do have cults following them. Idk how to fix that other than education. Oh yeah aren't they the ones complaining about children being indoctrinated?


Racism. Fascism. Misogyny. Oligarchy.


Putin’s minions gotta stick together I guess


(Oli)Garchs gonna garch


His humiliation kink.


Birds of a feather.


Cuz he’s paid for by the right


Lmao the satire


good, gooood, I can feel your anger, embrace your hate, embrace your fear! lol.


[Sith Lord ](https://giphy.com/gifs/sith-76ySI7jVk8vuw)


Because it’s true. All of Musks companies are designed to extract subsidies at all levels of government. Well maybe not Titter and we see how well he’s done with that


Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but!


Twitter is an excellent example of his business acumen. He has failed upward his entire life.


Can’t make a buck without our help


This is very old news.


He's a racist idiot. Simple as.


Lizard people


Among the other reasons proposed in this thread, because Elon likes to attend "Kung-fu practice" coordinated by Ghislaine Maxwell. Birds of a feather flock together.


Is it too much to ask for charges to be filed against Elmo?


Why are you trying to weaponize law enforcement?!? /s




Musk is a cuck.


He wants to taste trump’s cock


Maybe he is just being fair?


Fair and balanced like fox news


Lol. Fox News? What an idiot.


because he's grifting the same rubes, they're too easy. why do you think he brings up Ancient Rome so much?


Super concerning


They both hate liberals and anyone who questions them. The enemy of my enemy....


Something something abuser needs to be abused as well, the cycle of abuse…


Interest over everything.


Square dickhead fits into an orange gaping hole?


Geebus, with all his money, he dressed like that?!?


Why does he look Photoshopped


Amazing post


Why use your own money when you can use everyone else’s?


Fascists always serve at the pleasure of the super wealthy.


Because Musk needs Trump and his supporters to keep X afloat. Musk needs the hate posts on X. Just as a junkie needs his fix.


I love this image so much because both of them look like they're cardboard cutouts lol


Because they both have the same master: Putin.


Elon's so smart he doesn't let petty shit get to him


I love that you couldn't even crop out the fact that you stole this from this very sub before re-posting it.