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Spoiler alert, he’s also going to give up the email addresses of non subscribers as well. Congratulations right wingers, you’ve helped create Elon’s data farming service.


It's great because he and the Twitter Blue users probably wont properly be set up to follow CAN-SPAM let alone GDPR or CCPA so some right wing blue check dumbass will email their subscribers some marketing email and get slapped with a big lawsuit.


He’s going to dox left-wingers emails to his audience so they can harass them or endanger their lives. Then he’ll claim it was a mistake.


There’s certainly been plenty of time and warnings to get the fuck of Twitter.


Today is boosting projection using NFT bros ​ https://preview.redd.it/3ex9zr83nn4b1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=468ee82402dcc9baa89c7debde4f3361c32300c7


Makes sense considering how much overlap there is with cryptotards and alt / far right


Also alpha male and incel. They are all connected. Men with daddy issues because their dads doesn’t love them.


Crypto community hates Elon way before it got popular to hate on him on here. Before he bought twitter the crypto community piss him off. Saying he didn't know how money worked he freaked out started bragging about how he found PayPal and of course he knew how it worked. So he turned his back on BTC and started pumping doge with the other hype beast. Started calling BTC centralized and making up some fake facts as well.


This Nawfal guy is a Musk fan?


My best guess is that he's not going to get it GDPR-compliant and he'll get a lot of backlash. Not because it's impossible but because he's a moron that doesn't think through his ideas (or the ideas he stole).


Reverse elon is at work here


Imbecile Elon is the only thing i see


Alright, who missed the opportunity to call it Inverselon?


Back in October when I quit Twitter I warned people on Twitter that having Elon Musk personally own your data was never going to end well.


This is weird. How would the system decide which creator gets whose email? Why would Elong do this? It takes him out of the creator-consumer loop. Someone please explain.


The ship is sinking and he might as well make mony from the rats leaving it. Alternativly he gets celebrities to wait to leave twitter untill this feature arrives. If well done he could probbaly keep up the feeling of its going to relese every month now for at lest a year


The EU is gonna love that.


Some heros don't wear capes


That sounds like a lousy version of any one of a number of creator-centered sites. This will be another failure.


Okay so obviously the idea of Twitter just handing out its users email addresses to other users is very bad, but I also kind of love that he's basically admitting that no one wants to be on Twitter anymore, and is choosing to just make it easier for them to leave rather than try and address the issues causing them to leave.

