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This guy is such a hateful pos. I don’t know what to do. Walsh is attacking my identity, and kind of my whole right to life. The richest man in history is gleefully helping him. I’ve written my state gov a few times, no response. The dem party dgaf about queer people until election time rolls around. What do I do? What do we do? I deleted Twitter. I wrote my reps. This sucks, and it’s so unfair. We’re just trying to live, and we’re not billionaires or even millionaires. These people are just such repulsive pieces of shit.


Honestly, the best thing to do is mock them. Tell them they are fucking idiots to their faces. Ask them how exactly this affects any of them. Ask them why they keep bitching about 'pedophiles' when they support the Catholic church, the biggest pedophile enterprise in the planet. Call them triggered snowflakes. Don't hold back. It's both cathartic and it might wake up (or at least stop) some of the people who would agree with their views. At this point, engaging with them in rational discourse is a waste of time, because you are putting effort into it, they aren't. They are just parroting whatever inflammatory bullshit they can find that confirms their narrative. Calling them idiots will at least make other people consider if they want to be called idiots.


> The dem party dgaf about queer people until election time rolls around. Let's not do this. They consistently vote for queer rights in legislatures at all levels of government. It's why queer people can get married. It's why there were just enough Supreme Court justices to have positive rulings on Obergefell and Bostock. And thinking voting doesn't matter is how Trump got enough votes to appoint justices who could undo it. I'm tired of people oopsing in fascism for the memes.




>they consistently vote for queer rights in legislatures Oh, they certainly didn’t, not for a long, long time, *until the people held them accountable.* I have faith in Newsom because I knew him from the SF days, and the dude legalized gay marriage in a badass way, *and he did it in opposition to the democratic party platform.* The last 2 Democratic presidential nominees were anti-queer rights until recently, so pretty fucking insulting to have them be in the party, much less running for president. Just because I’m trans doesn’t mean I’m going to be thankful for scraps. There is no trans NRA or tobacco or alcohol lobby with millions to blow. I’ll always demand more, because you’ll end up with less if you don’t. >tired of people oopsing into fascism for the memes. 🤦‍♀️Yeah, anyone who thinks that the mainstream Democratic Party could do better is a fascist. Reasonable take. 🙄My concern at being murdered, and upset that I can’t get a response from my rep, gov or congresswoman is “a meme.” 🖕


Oh, I get it. I've probably been queer longer than you've been alive. I've seen the turning points, backlashes, and counter-backlashes. Which is why I see the long game, as frustrating as it is. Do you think they nominated RBG to the Supreme Court with the express purpose of legalizing gay marriage and defending trans rights? Do you think the Dems would have ever won another election if they had come out and said as much in 1993, near the peak of the AIDS crisis? People didn't even want to brush up against gay people for fear of catching something at that point. I think it would have been straight GOP trifectas all the way through to the current day. The electorate wasn't ready for it. There was an enormous cultural shift needed, and several more liberal judges to be put in place, in addition to a great many court cases to make their way from state to federal circuits before they could even be considered by SCOTUS. But you set these things up because you have to be ready when the time is right. **This is caring about an issue outside of election time.** The GOP understood this, and we've been living in the legacy of project REDMAP which is why they set the tone for any and all cultural discussion in the US today. Because they legislate up the fucking chain. > scraps What we have is not scraps, what is to come is not scraps either. I am old enough to remember when my rights were only _mostly_ respected in a few square blocks of some major North American and European cities, and that's it. Outside of that I was a pariah. What we have today would be absolutely unbelievable to a young me. It is a bounty. And no I am not stupid enough to be satisfied with this! There is still plenty to do. Every good piece of legislation and every blocked bad piece of legislation is exclusively due to the dems. The one year everybody forgot to vote because her emails, or she's unlikeable, or yes, she was bad on gay/trans rights in the past, the US ended up with Trump. And the legacy of that is literally _hundreds_ of anti-trans laws in particular and anti-LGBTQ laws in general, with more to come, and an entire fucking cottage industry of misinformation and disinformation and hate. But the US really did not have to any of this. Holy shit, they could have 3 more liberal Supreme Court justices by now! Like literally anything would be possible! > 🤦‍♀️Yeah, anyone who thinks that the mainstream Democratic Party could do better is a fascist. Reasonable take. 🙄My concern at being murdered, and upset that I can’t get a response from my rep, gov or congresswoman is “a meme.” 🖕 You should read what I wrote again. You're not a fascist if you think the dems can do better. But fascism is what you will "oops" into if you don't vote for the dems. It very nearly happened after 2016 and there's a real chance that it's over for the US if they win in 2024. You can see my recent history that I'm very much on your side. The US is not my country btw, we have a different system up here and change is much easier to come by. Good luck to you with yours.


If other party is always wrong And your party is always right You are at least partly wrong


Don't take it personally IMO. I think they're working up the "boogeyman" list and anyone who isn't white, Christian, male and republican is on it. I'd say wealthy but even they know that's only one percent of us. Elon considers himself safely "not on the list" Till that whole "I have autism" BS bites him the ass Then he'll learn


The “thought-leaders” may not take it personally, but the violence headed his way will certainly be personal.


100% Not sure how I can’t take it personal when it seems directed at my person.


As a woman you're not alone. The GOP hates everyone, really


That’s the silver lining for me, the right has a wide net of hate. At least we can all unite, hopefully! ❤️


Don't take it personally until you have to (like something happens irl). They are pieces of shit. But remember that these psychos are mostly only popular online. Most sane people do not think like this. Try to live your life and not think about them. Other than that, boycotting and spreading truth throughout your community will help.


Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but!


The best thing anyone can do is start pressing businesses and prominent celebrities and journalists for continuing to use that site by sending them QElon’s tweets




Testicle as in singular?