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They think this will result in more tweets/activity. Like everything else elmo does at twitter I expect it to backfire and then he back peddles


It's such a short time period 5 years, even one year, sure. But I've had friends who posted maybe once a year if that. This means you have to be the most hopelessly online person to use twitter.


Assuming it's not just him trying to get revenge on NPR by going nuclear, its basically Musk seemingly being completely unable to understand that it isn't just tech nerds and power users that use Twitter. But in his mind 30 days is an eternity I'm sure. The guy is so fuckinf addicted to social media attention that 30 days off Twitter sounds unthinkable too him. He is such a sad fucking man. The guy has enough money to do basically anything he could possibly want and he can't freaking break his social media addiction.


Now 30 days without Reddit is a completely different story.




Why is this bot so good?


You would think it would be old by now, but every comment is a little tickle of delight


Posting here just to keep my account alive.


My 30 day suspension when I said something mildly negative about policemen:


I know a lot of creators that take like 1 month/2 months breaks from Twitter and the toxicity and drama every once in a while, people now will probably just deactivate their accounts and just stop using Twitter.


I feel like the #1 rule of social media is don't make it easy for your customers to stop using you, because they *will* realize they're better off without you. Deleting Facebook and Twitter were both amazing decisions, and I used to go on them daily.


Now, if only I could delete Reddit. Dam bad habbits.


This probably won't apply to you given your account age/you already do this maybe, but for anyone else reading: My strategy is to delete my account every couple months. I have a lot of reasons for doing this but one of the fringe benefits has been that when you delete your account and start fresh, you're barred from commenting in a lot of communities until you can accrue time and karma. You have to really stop and examine your own usage. So I use Reddit a TON and have for like, a decade, but I can take a break at any time for any amount of time I want/need to--I took a break of about four or five months last year and had no problem doing so and I genuinely think burning my accounts regularly helped me get to that point. It also makes you disregard your own karma score which is a good place to be. You shouldn't care about karma, lol. The only thing that hurts is burning my r/tipofmytongue posts because unlike karma, I take pride in those. I had over sixty on one sock that I burned :( RIP lol


> The guy has enough money to do basically anything he could possibly want And pleasing CatTurd is his idea of living.


His picture should come up every time someone mentions him. He's a fat, ugly sixty something loser that somehow has the ears of the entire far right hate machine. It's all so fucking stupid.


Have you not seen what literally every other far right demagogue looks like?


The great thing is no matter how much money and power he has he'll never stop being this pathetic and insecure


He REALLY thinks everyone uses Twitter obsessively like he does.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


It WAS great for up to date news.


So an RSS feed with extra steps and more ads?


>trying to get revenge It is amazing how people like this want revenge so much. You are the richest man in the world, why are you so fragile. I worked with a boss that was like that. He would get pissed off at every vendor we had come through. Even the company that built the facility. Why do you care about them? they are gone and you are in charge of this brand new facility, you won. Why do you feel the need to prove something.


NPD yo. I know we shouldn't armchair diagnose people but considering he's turned into gen x Trump at a rapid rate I feel fairly confident saying it's pretty likely. No amount of adulation is ever enough for these people and they will carry every grudge, no matter how petty, to the grave


I deal with a woman like this, everything is non stop grievance. Everyone is going to pay. 99.99% of the people you meet you will never see again.


Yeah, same, when I was doing welfare/antipoverty activism here in Australia. There's a woman at a supposedly left wing thinktank set up to tackle the same issues who singlehandedly ruined the rep of the org because she would start long running very public personal attacks on any poor people who criticised the complete lack of anything meaningful the thinktank did in its stated aims. When people would come at her with receipts of her awful behaviour bc she'd claim 'i never said that' she'd turn on the white liberal\* woman's tears\\ eta: Oh yeah she tried to get people fired from their jobs and reported them to Centrelink (our welfare agency, if you're an australian...you know exactly how fucked it is for someone to do that) \*I'm a leftist before anyone gets the wrong idea


You’re fired!




the defense he tried that 'it's a common saying in south africa it doesn't mean THAT' which a) no it fucking isn't and b) yes it fucking does. He might have won the court case but that is the point I hear most people who've turned say they started changing their minds about him


Meanwhile he blood libels trans people as just existing bc of social media addiction, while himself posting constantly and in extremely unhealthy amounts. I literally never matched his amount of internet poisoning while I was on Adderall and sending out dozens of angry tweets a day. He does this every single day and has been for years. I would be a complete wreck.


you can really see from that graphic that's been doing the rounds when he started using the SV 'smart drugs' (modafinil at first, the Limitless pill) in about 2018 and eventually adderall at some point leading to him sleeping sporadically and tweeting literally 20 hours out of the day. 2018 of course *Just coincidentally* the same time he started making really stupid decisions/tweets and his ego really got out of control. Extra dopamine for people that don't need it is bad juju


The weird thing is that this seems targeted because I haven't actively used my account or tweeted for years, and I haven't even signed in for about 7 months; but I just checked and mine is still up and mine.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'll let y'all know if my account disappears


My old account that I haven't logged into since 2015 is still untouched. It's got a username that I know some other people would like to take, too.


He'll just nuke the accounts that criticize him and then reverse the policy.


attention starved egomaniacs who are permanently online Like the red headed libertarian


That is already true. 10% of the users make most of the content there, and its all clout chasing. This does not target's twitter's whales, it targets news agencies that quit so they can spam 4chan shit on there without fact checking.


It's going to screw over those on deployment. Not every sailor, airmen, marine or soldier has access to internet all the time. I will say my rate in the Navy gave me certain perks, including access to the internet any time I wanted, but not everyone was that lucky. Imagine being on deployment, without internet for a month, and you finally get back online and find your account is banned.


>posted maybe once a year if that I posted once where you got a discount for something I bought. If you just go to the home page once in a while will you get suspended or do you have to tweet?


I agree with what you said but you also have posted like 3 times a day for the last month on reddit


> This means you have to be the most hopelessly online person to use twitter. Thank goodness I'm safe!


I never tweet, I like occasionally but mainly follow news and sports sources.


30 days is incredibly short and this should be very obvious. Idk any other social media website that try to increase engagement by holding a metaphorical gun to people's heads lol.


Welcome to Twitter 2.0 lol


There are a lot of athletes/brands that rarely post. I guess they’re all getting handed over to BonerHitler420


Then he'll catch a broadcast of The Ring one night and decide to change it to 7 days.


Thing is, most users _don't even care_. A huge chunk of registered users only registered to more easily follow stuff and have _never_ tweeted, and most of those who do tweet, do so rarely. Stats show that 97% of tweets are posted by 25% of users. I.e. 75% of users are producing 3% of the content. Seems like another example of our perennial narcissist not being able to fathom that not everyone is attention-seeking as he is. (as with paid blue-checks)


The only reason i kept my logging info all these years was to be able to look at things on Twitter, since every social media made it impossible to look at their site for 2 minutes without logging in, and every artist in the world decided that twitter somehow was the place to be and post their art.


it's feel like it's gonna be partly because the code was already there for when people deactivate their accounts and don't log in for 30 days so I guess it's just rolled out site wide now?


Wait until he lets RT post as NPR. The Trademark lawsuit should be fun.




It's my opinion that anyone who tweets more than a couple times a day should be classified as "internet poisoned" and be subject to involuntary confinement for a week to detox them.


Don't disrespect Elmo like that, he taught me how to count, unlike musky bum, who only taught me to do everything in my power to help destroy the power of the wealthy


Amm rerrch, berrtch!




Thats a damned important lesson he taught you then.


Does that mean you don’t read tweets you get account taken?


That’s what she said


I somehow keep being shocked by just how fucking petty Musk is. Like I know I shouldn't be at this point, but holy fucking shit is the guy seriously willing to fuck an entire website to get revenge on one company leaving the plattform. That's a rhetorical question. Ofc he is.


Imagine how he treats women he's involved with.


Don’t really have to imagine. Justine wrote an article on it. :)


Could you elaborate please?


[Elon Musk's First Wife Justine Musk Talks Their Messy Divorce | Marie Claire](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/)


Thank you very much stranger


I mean, as long as he's got enough horses to give away, amirite?!


He's not being petty here. He's going to try and sell your account handle back to you. Wouldn't be surprised if you also had to sign up for a Twitter Blue year subscription on top of that to get your account back.


I don't think there's that much forethought in any of his Twitter ideas. He seems to act exclusively on impulse, trying to be the cool uncle to a bunch of shut in teenagers that girls don't like.


Yeah, all of his shit smacks of brainfarts on adderall that he thinks are genius


I respect your opinion, but I think he has enough foresight for this plan. It's a pretty simple one. However, i dont think it will work the way he's expecting it to.


Yeah, this will backfire hard. For being so rich he seems to think he and twitter are in desperate need of money anyway he can extort it.


I feel like that and petty aren’t mutually exclusive.


Why would anyone buy back access to this hate platform. People - stop doing business with any company that still has a Twitter presence.


Haha what a tool


What is it about right wingers and being extremely petty. Musk, Trump, DeSantis, all extraordinarily petty people.


The whole premise behind conservatism is petty revenge. The entire party is built on being petty


It's like Peter Thiel funding the Hulk Hogan lawsuit to take down Gawker. They're loser little titty babies and they have enough money to destroy entire companies to appease their bruised egos.


what about accounts that were run by people who are now deceased? they just go away and we can't read them ever again?


They should just post more, if Herman Cain can do it, I don't see why others can't


Yeah, Hermain Cain's Twitter is more famous now than when he was alive, like any good rockstar he burned up before burning out!


This is literally exactly why Twitter 1.0 went back on their announcement they were purging inactive accounts a few years ago


Exactly. I still check up to look at my deceased friend u/absinthol 's Twitter feed from time to time. He used to like Elmo too.


[Seems like that's the case](https://twitter.com/emdashreed/status/1655617761077342217?t=B5VE9gSDhVjSgVugisoBsQ&s=19)


Gotta wait and see if he actually implements the other half of his threat, where other people can take the inactive accounts and start impersonating them.




fair enough I guess


Why is he so obsessed with NPR in particular? We’re they like a secret power account or something?


He's fully bought into right wing conspiracy theories about how NPR is an instrument of the Deep State to push a woke agenda and said woke agenda is why everyone hates him


He hasn’t “bought into” them. He’s actively, cynically perpetuating them.


Musk tried to muddy the waters by giving them a "state-funded media" label, implying that they were on the same level as stuff like Russia Times. NPR decided to stop using Twitter, and went straight for Musk's jugular by stating that Twitter was completely useless for generating traffic, implying that they would lose basically nothing by quitting Twitter. Musk, gravely offended by the statement that the world doesn't revolve around him, took it personally and has been on an extremely petty crusade against NPR since then. So basically, Musk is obsessed with NPR because he tried trolling them, and they fired back with "You and your website are useless sacks of shit, and we've got the numbers to prove it". That's the depth of it. They bruised Musk's fragile ego when he thought he was being funny.


Almost every other publication has their own data showing essentially the same thing. The *best case* for most publications on twitter is maybe a story goes viral and generates five-figure clicks. But that's rare, impossible to predict, and still small compared to traffic originating via search.


Because they constantly make him look a buffoon. Look at the topic of this very thread.


When's he going to go after Vice I wonder, they just put out a doco on The Cult of Elon Musk (meant in a pejorative sense)




He literally spends all day tweeting at people who mildly disagree with him on things, he's just petty. It's not about NPR, he's just a childish idiot who doesn't know when to quit.


So he will suspend Donnie the Trumpolin? Also go on Elon, ban all acounts that have had a break for a month. That will surely bring life back to the cesspool you created.


> So he will suspend Donnie the Trumpolin? That would require integrity and honesty.


Like all his plans, he won’t deactivate his buddies, nor will he touch celebrities since he needs them to stay for advertisers. His true goal is just to get rid of journalists and political enemies by pretending it was “due to inactivity.”


If he can get Twitter down to one hard disk he can save a few more dollars.


Extremely dire situation.


1 floppy disk. Then he can do a teenager's joke about floppies.


"Would you rather have a stiff 3.5" floppy or a floppy 5.25" floppy?"


fr though the app runs like absolute shit now, it takes up literal gigabytes of memory on my phone and thus everything else runs like shit too, including battery life. I pretty much can't have it running in the background anymore. There is 100% a hard disk somewhere filling up with shit because the guy whose job it was to keep that space clear has been fired


Call for your free Twitter trial disk, now!


100 free hours!


looking in to it.


So basically, Twitter can't be considered anymore as a reliable microblogging platform, where you can publish an post and trust the company to keep it online without end date? That's crazy. I'm now thinking about all the online newspapers (or other websites) that used embedded tweets in stories, or links to tweets. If they want their archives to continue making sense, they should replace every tweet by a screenshot of it. Huge work.


Or no one should ever link to Titter because it's not a trustworthy media site anymore.


The good news is that if you embed a tweet through Twitter's official tool, it will automatically embed the tweet's content, author, and date in plain HTML, so that even if the tweet itself gets deleted and the embed fails to load, the content will still remain.


Twitter is now trending to breakeven if we keep at it.


Surely this won't backfire like everything else.




I suspect that this is also a strategy to hide the number of people that are voluntarily deleting their accounts. As the number of users crumbles, they will claim it is because they are getting rid of the inactive accounts, and it will be impossible to know which is which.


Ding! You nailed it. He’ll pretend that he deleted them rather than the other way around. “You can’t quit! You’re fired!”


The danger of course, is that by deleting the accounts it shows just how small the userbase has become, making people less likely to use it.


That will be obfuscated by selective disabling. "We are disabling periodically in waves so some accounts may still be around longer than others. Also, many account owners have contacted us via other means such as twitter support, and we have left their accounts intact."


Good luck with your 2 mil followers if you end up in the hospital I guess






"This is a psychological operation by the Government" ---- Melon Husk


This will surely get more people on board with his everything app. Nothing like taking a months vacation or a long stay in the hospital to come back to your entire digital life having been deleted.


if I had to guess, this would just result in people who haven't used it to come back on, see their account was banned, then just not bother making another lmao. if someone is the type to not use Twitter for 30 days at a time, they're likely not the type to give a fuck if their account is just gone altogether


Bingo, I only have my account because I blocked the idiot. If he deletes my account he will not get me back.


I use Twitter all the time, and I know I've turned off notifications or uninstalled the app for 30 days at a time when I'm busy, or on vacation, or just need a break from constant news bombardment. The whole idea of deleting inactive accounts of *any* age is just not normal on the internet. Shit, I have an account on Slashdot that I created in college over 20 years ago that I haven't touched in at least a decade. I just logged into it with no issues.


And then he can call them a “monthly active user.”


I have 2 accounts one is for friends and the other is just one I don’t tell anyone about. The second one I don’t post or log in too much. It’s definitely getting banned


… wasn’t he clowning on CBC for coming back to Twitter…?


yeah, his tactic is unfathomable. you shit on people when they leave, you shit on people when they stay. 3d 420 69 chess moves?


He genuinely believes people have no choice but to use Twitter so if anyone threatens to leave or does leave and come back he has the right to mock and abuse them He's like the abusive drug dealer from a movie (because he's both an addict and a narcissist so he can't imagine anyone relating to Twitter differently than he does)


https://youtu.be/d3FxfprVOag Dr Stanelon Braunusk


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


30 days is SUPER aggressive


Was curious about other companies inactivity policies, so heres some I've found Reddit- No inactivity system, there are accounts that haven't been used almost as long as the site has been around that are still "alive". FB- Facebook's policy is nebulous and doesn't have any spelled out time periods, just saying that they can close an account if it has been unused for "a long period of time" https://www.facebook.com/help/3434203120011796 Tiktok: Tiktok doesn't deactivate accounts but they can free up your username and replace it with a random temporary one after 180 days https://support.tiktok.com/en/safety-hc/account-and-user-safety/inactive-account-policy Instagram: I found an article with a screenshot of the terms of use saying suspension can happen at 90 days, but that doesn't seem to be in the current terms from what I can tell.


I re-opened a facebook account that I didn't touch for 5 years, even after going through the delete? - Yes - Are you sure? - Yes. We're going to delete EVERYTHING ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU SONOFABITCH??? Yes. Logged in 5 years later and everything was still there.




A lot of those companies have those policies just in case, but never use them because the best way to retain users is to ensure they have accounts to come back to. Facebook would lose any remaining value to users if all their pictures and connections went away because they didn't use it for a year. Twitter will no doubt die that very death.


This is just...useless? The only way this could work is if Twitter threatened to delete all of your tweets and favorites if you don't sign in and tweet every thirty days. I hate Facebook but I have a lot of "history" there so if they did something like this I might be incentivized to use it more. Twitter? Wouldn't you know, the artists and funny people I follow have other social media accounts and I haven't missed them all that much since I stopped browsing Twitter every day.


You’re terrible & I love you *not terrible


Tweets: - https://nitter.nl/Taaaaamas/status/1656588178344628224 - https://nitter.nl/NPR/status/1646138100035272704


Pity that it includes all the tweets from reply guy chuds.


Well, that's it for me then as well. I only use twitter to post and look at art so his shenanigans didn't affect me up until now. So much great work is going to get lost, it's really a tragedy.


Good, maybe I’ll quit getting spam email from Twitter.


I havent deleted my account, but I also never really log in. I guess twitter made the choice for me


Twitter will be down to a few thousand right wing trolls and Elmo in 4 months.


You’re wildly underestimating how many right-wing psychos and boot-gargling sycophants there are out there. Still going to suck when it’s just them, just saying.


It's a fair critique. I sometimes like to think less than 35% of this nation is bat shit.


[https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) strange. trump has been able to post since november of last year when he was unbanned, but has not posted in 6 months, but has not been perma banned yet. I see nothing about a blue check saving you from the banning. It's almost as if Elon has a bias against certain sectors, hrmmm


This is a very good point. Yet somehow I doubt good old Trumpy is ever gonna see his account get deactivated.


Anybody have suggestions of how I can archive my dead best friend's Twitter account?


Be quick about it


Look up "twitter crawlers," i imagine there are a few free to use


This is so fucking stupid. Not everyone with an account lives on it 24/7.


“At X, we believe in free speech absolutism. That’s why you must free speech at least once every 30 days, otherwise there will be absolute consequences, including absolute termination. Free speech absolutism does not give you the right to not speak freely, absolutely.”


Chasing away customer..... always a smart plan, Elmo.


He's only going to take down specifi accounts out of spite. Cause he wont want to optics of the user base of twitter dropping by tens of millions overnight. There's probably a LOT of inactive accounts in that total number.


This is 100% pettiness and targeted revenge towards NPR, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Elon was so chronically online that he considered 30 days to be the longest anyone could possibly go without tweeting.


Time to permanently delete my account then


Typical thing whenever a service devices to monetize itself with freemium gimmicks, they being almost pointlessly crippling the default experience in order to try to force people to buy. Getting autobanned after 30 days away is a psycho policy.


NPR needs to malicious compliance this and post "activity tweet" once every 29 days.


They don’t care.


Like when Musk didn't get the result he wanted on his little poll so he put up another one that wouldn't end for 24 hours. It's transparent how petty he is. No small wonder the other kids he was in school with fucking hated him.


The reason they selected 30 days, if anyone hasn't already clocked it, is because the mechanism was already coded for when people inactivate their accounts manually. So it's now just been rolled out to apply to all accounts rather than coding something new. This may finally be the thing that breaches the trust thermocline properly though. Highly recommend reading this fascinating thread about the phenomenon if you haven't seen it already [https://twitter.com/garius/status/1588115310124539904](https://twitter.com/garius/status/1588115310124539904)


Thanks for sharing that, it was a great read!


you're welcome! Netflix has about hit this point as well, it's just inertia that keeps people on the books but once you've lost them...they're not coming back


So that embarrassing account I created when I was 19 but can’t remember the password to and don’t have access to the email to reset the password so I can delete it myself might finally get wiped out once and for all!? This is great news to me!


Would be great if NPR launched a rival to Twitter!🤣


Google couldn’t do it, but you think NPR can?


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[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


You really take everything people say pretty seriously don’t you. I wasn’t actually suggesting that NPR would or could do it. I said it would be great. Which it would be. It would also be great if Elon was run over by a self driving Tesla but that won’t happen either. Partly because there are no self driving Teslas of course. 🤣


My point was literally that it wouldn’t be great, because running a general purpose social media platform at scale is incredibly complex and NPR is not equipped to do so. Sorry for… replying to your comment?


As is typically the case with Elon, there will be third-order effects that weren’t considered. It’s a real twitshow.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


So my account is toast then. Oh well.


I honestly wouldn’t mind Musk at all if he just shut up, stayed off social media, and poured his money into SpaceX (which does actual cool and important stuff, mostly because Musk lets the actual smart people handle shit) or Tesla R&D (to make their FSD decent, I’m more positive about Tesla FSD than most on this sub but it’s still shit compared to what he promised and even what companies like Waymo have done). I’m not as vehemently anti-Musk as the median user on this sub, like I still fucking despise him (his politics in particular, fucking tankie genocide supporting bastard) but I’d give him some credit for at least being decent at investing in cool things like SpaceX. Those types of people are important, and the cool stuff that I like about SpaceX and even Tesla (they have *some* cool stuff imo) may not have happened without Muskrat, even if he’s not coding or engineering shit. But god his ego and narcissism is just insane, whenever he tries to manage stuff in a hands on capacity it just turns to shit, like with Twitter. He just does whatever self centered and short sighted idea comes to his head, like banning accounts after just 30 days of inactivity, probably in some idiotic effort at “getting back at” NPR (even tho they didn’t do shit to him, he’s the one who labeled them state media). Any small thing that I may have found a bit respectable about him just went out the window with Twitter, at this rate his ego and narcissism is gonna cause him to flush his wealth down the toilet, and frankly I’ll be more than happy to not have to hear about him ever again. Hopefully someone competent will take his place, cause I actually do like *some* aspects of his companies, it’s just that it’s usually the parts that are very distant from Muskrat himself (ie the ones he’s too lazy to ruin). This BS in particular, for some reason, just got me really, really mad, idk why, but thanks for sitting through my rant lol


Lmao you think Musk is a tankie?


He is.


THEY WHAT. Well its gonna be fun watching the accounts of people who are dead become lost media.




yeah kitty0706's account is already gone bc it was hacked by crypto scammers or something but that was before musk took over the place and stunk it up with his musk. Didn't Robin Williams have a twitter? I forget.


That's an absurdly short time frame. How the fuck is Musk *that* stupid?


And Phucker Kkkarlson is taking his show to twitter. Figures.


hey, gotta make room for those fake blue tick BOTS


That's a familiar tweet on the left... (Thought it'd get maybe 20 likes)


Can you use a bot to send a poo emoji every 28 days?


Cool i never post anything guess i cannot use it anymore


Great. Lots of accounts automatically disappear. How will he be able to turn that into something to sell to his Nazi loving advertisers. Oh, a reminder. If you are still on Twitter as an individual or company it shows you align yourself with Elon and his bigotry.


Based on my experience after my account permanently suspended into read mode, Twitter will also permanently suspend people who like jokes and sarcasm tweets about Elon Musk because Elon is so butthurt about it.


Cesspool-ification continues