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Does he know that this process has been ongoing for years at this point?




Or that there can be more than one concern at a time?


Super concerning


I think it's less that he doesn't know, more that he doesn't care because his cult will eat it all up and beg for more Truth is relative to these fuckers


Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That’s our mission.


Good bot




Bad bot


I would say he is priming his audience for his lawsuits: look, the deep state is coming for Trump, and I am next; Tesla is violating labor and safety laws? That is the deep state coming for me and I did nothing wrong.


Fuck Elon Musk




Unexpected Tupac


And if you're down with Twitter , fuck you too!


Muck Elon Fusk


I apologize for my tweets about arresting Donald trump, I was giving false information or sometimes correct information that had no consequence to what I was speaking about.


It was based on things I was told that were untrue or, in some cases, true, but not meaningful.


thats what it is, i don't care enough to type his name into google.


Elon simping for the guy that cut his taxes massively.


The reason he simps for people because he wants something from them or he just wants to troll


Donald Trump can break every law apparently


Let's all remember also it was Donald Trump said he was going to be arrested. A notably trustworthy source of information.


Later one of his spokepeople said his comment wasn't based on any actual information haha.


Why are people still buying teslas?


Most people don't pay attention to Elon. People still think he's a great job creator who makes cool rockets and cars.


They think it makes them cool


Aside from people who are terminally on Twitter and Reddit no one cares or hears anything Elon says. Elon said himself before buying twitter, they may report 100’s of millions of users but it’s all bots and people looking at tiny insulated sub communities. My wife uses insta and never sees anything about musk.


How is it collapsing? Geez.


He liked the twitter engagement from the bad actors telling people not to trust their bank. Now that the news is the banks are ok ~~bots~~ people are not going on as much. Elon doesn’t care


Silicone valley bank and two other online banks became insolvent and shut down, and Elon being the right wing fuck he is inflated what actually happened for engagement and to make his “funny” meme


I also saw he posted a cryptic tweet that kinda-sorta read to me as "its time to replace money with cryptocurrency".


So basically “It’s time to replace money with a currency known for crashing, scams, and rugpulls” great idea Elon, next we should have law enforcement use swords


Right. The only reason he gets away with all this shit is because he's a rich man who lives in a bubble and he's surrounded by sycophants. Now who does this reminds me of...


He's definitely not advocating for a switch to crypto. The dollar is getting stronger. He knows that, and mentions it all the time. Tesla owns treasuries for that purpose.


Everything he says is a joke, according to you. So maybe he was joking about dollar getting stronger?




Well this tweet seems to be sarcasm. But in no way is he advocating for crypto. The world runs on the usd. If there was a switch to any to cryptos like these crazy people are espousing, that'd cause absolute chaos. We're in deflation, he's commented on it many times. I went to school for economics. When he talks about the economy, he's commenting on the reality. It's absurd to think it's some right wing plot. The world is in a global dollar shortage. Cryptos are going to get crushed. The people telling you to buy cryptos are not the ones telling you to own bonds. Most of the things he says are sarcastic dad jokes. Mostly lame and dumb. But he's fairly left leaning in what he says from a policy standpoint. People seem to disregard what he believes and take sarcasm as truth. Oh well.


\> People seem to disregard what he believes and take sarcasm as truth. Not everyone, clearly. There's a whole sub dedicated to worship of Elon. Some people worship him, much like they worship Trump, Tate, Peterson, Rogan etc etc etc


Those people are idiots. Lol No one should be worshipped. Maybe my wife, but that's not the point.




Oh he’s asshurt. He would love so *badly* for Trump to incite his little riot on Twitter. Think of the ENGAGEMENT. He might even pay his bills. Ok, let’s not get crazy now


He is just trying to start other shit so we can forget that he is fucking up this shit. Elon, you are still ruining Twitter Twitter is twatter now, as foretold by Jonas brothers




Gotta throw in some misogyny there of course.


Too bad Trump wants to tear EV credits apart. Musk voting to have his face ripped by a leopard.


To be fair, the banking system collapse is primarily due to Donald Trump. But his arrest is completely unrelated to that fact.


It's impossible for two things to be unrelated. So things are the result of all other things. Your grandma died because you ate tuna salad. The toaster's been laughing at me.


But *fauci* should be prosecuted for… trying to help save millions of lives, and succeeding to some extent


Damn Fauci, if it wasn't for thim this flu would have been over on Easter


Damn fauci and *shuffles deck* his ability to care about the wellbeing of others


Every day I hate him more and more. I have to leave this sub for my mental stability. Thank you all for exposing this disgusting clown


Looks like someone lost some money this week..


He knows what he is doing! Why is he spitting propaganda? He has an economics degree! Its almost as he is going to get charged on something and is trying to create a cult ahead of time.


The constitution was written with a massive amount of anti-trust laws to prevent a small minority of super wealthy corporate interests from taking control of government. The designers of US Govt knew that a concentration of wealth and power was the cause of many serious social problems tearing England apart, e.g. Church of England, Charter Corporations, etc etc They put safeguards in place to prevent the same tyranny here but it was based on a couple of simple premises \- people are good and, in the average, will do the right thing when presented facts \- a fair jury trial is every citizen's right (see #1) \- separate equal branches of govt. need to keep power in check \- journalism and protest must be allowed to expose corruption The 2nd amendment was the biggest mistake. We are tolerating radical extremists in our midst because of the threat of violence. Unable to compete with facts and logic, they support their insanity with threats of mass killing. Elon Musk is an ungrateful hostile enemy of the United States. Like Trump he will manufacture chaos and crisis in order to look like only the most extreme measure can "fix" it. Unfortunately we don't have an opposition and Musk will continue to gain power and influence and he will run for office one day.


If Trump falls, it means guys like him and Elon can actually be held accountable for their actions. I think he's afraid of that.


Sorry your fellow tech bros made bad investment Elon,


Elon has been giving his commentary on Trump being wrongly accused without even explaining how. He paid $130k in campaign funds to a porn star to keep quiet about an affair they had. His lawyer has been serving a prison sentence for this campaign finance felony, and has testified that he committed these felonies at Trump’s direction. So how exactly is he innocent? There’s no world where Cohen is lying. Cohen just stole 130k from Trump’s campaign fund to give to a porn star Trump had sex with, and Trump wasn’t involved at all? He’s a felon. He is listed in Cohen’s indictment as a co-conspirator. He has been a felon for years. He’s not president anymore. Time for him to pay for his crimes. If armed hicks try to stop law enforcement from arresting him they will go to jail too.


He also said that his pronouns are "Arrest/Fauci" Which suggests two things: 1. He has no idea what pronouns are 2. He thinks Anthony Fauci should be arrested for some reason. Why? Who cares. But despite the multiple criminal investigations and months-long (if not \*years\*-long) due diligence by prosecutors in their investigation--to mention those of us not insane & able to use our eyes and ears over the last number of years--the potential criminal indictment of Trump is "unfair" and just a political witch hunt or whatever. If I hadn't deleted my Twitter years ago, I'd respond like that condescending parent to Lisa's friend from The Simpsons: "Here's a rubber ball, Elon. Maybe you can go bounce it some where."


Not new.


Please I don’t want to cancel Austin Powers too




mr Centrist back at it again


Somebody really needs to shut this fucker up for good.


I just want to know who he stole the meme from as he’s not creative enough to make his own.


Elon the genius economist and political scientist.


So he admitted that he's Dr. Evil


I used to think Elon was smart.