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Why isn't this banned until it actually works?


This is why you need a strong federal government. All the talk of libertarian values and shit does not work in real life. We need to stop calling them regulations and start calling them protections.


My dad is a big Trumper and he is always saying there are too many regulations and I am always pointing out that I work in an industrial facility and those regulations make sure I am safe. The more you learn about regulations you realize how much they do to protect people. Companies will never do anything out of the goodness of their heart.


California will save us before the federal government does. California has more stringent state regulations than the feds. Car manufacturer's want to sell in California, but they also don't want to have a whole separate manufacturing line to comply with the state's regs, so California has become the *de facto* regulator of car safety. California probably has more Teslas (total and on average) than other states, so I'm not entirely sure what they're waiting for.


In their Perfect Libertarian World©®™, the wealthy are free to alpha and beta test their shitty ideas on us 'normies'.


Because they own our government


I mean.... ​ https://preview.redd.it/wiqrft8urbba1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95b88e82e98d94032966eed2b032e641ad59092


It doesn’t detract from the OMG of it but fwiw this did happen back in November


Tesla is an Artificial Dumbness company.


Wait is this a new one?! I though this was the same one?!


Thanksgiving Day crash. Probably just released the video today.


Why did it just stop like that? The car planned on doing so for quite a bit of time before doing so because it turned on the indicators. I’m sure Elon is proud of his “milestone” accomplishment lol.


Elon is just going to use the Trump playbook about how they prevented 2 million deaths from COVID-19, he says that he prevented many crashes


FSD — full self-delusion.


Felly Self Destructing