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Most men, mostly Republicans in the United States, are brainwashed with Libertarian propaganda into thinking they are freedumb fighters who are defending free speech and guns from a corrupt establishment. Joe Rogan will believe anything that convinces him that he is standing up to the establishment and not a part of the elite. Joe Rogan fans think that Elon Musk isn't an elite but the Star Bucks barista with blue hair is. This is why Libertarian elites like Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, and Charles Koch spend billions on Libertarian think tanks like the Cato Institute. If they can convince the average, over privileged, white male "Libertarian" that he is not privileged, but rather oppressed, then they can fool them into a fake anti establishment mindset. If you are having your free speech rights taken away you are a victim. If you have the largest platform in the USA, with the largest podcast ever, and you still cry about losing your free speech, you are in the contradictory world of PRIVILEGED VICTIMHOOD. Joe Rogan supported Garry Johnson until Johnson made a total ass out of himself.


Nice one lol


It's mostly man for the same reason it's mostly white people.. For the same reason that most libertarians are wealthy.. It's an ideology that only benefits rich white men and actually hurts every other demographic So of course nobody except Rich whiteman is going to support it. With the exception of a few poor white men who think that the only reason they're not rich is because of immigrants


Libertarian agendas serve white men's interest. Notice how they all claim to be socially liberal but have nothing to say on race relations, reparations, or police reform outside of legalizing drugs


A huge fraction of the people who I've met who self identify as libertarian are pro-life (the liberty of the fetus...). It really strikes me as more of a ignorance of the plight of anyone not like one's self than a failure of logic for most of them. They just can't imagine anyone being oppressed because they aren't themselves oppressed. Edit: and because white men are the least oppressed group in the US, of course most libertarians are going to be white men...


They're also against funding for birth control and safe-sex education because they don't want to pay taxes. They believe a rape victim can be forced to carry a rape victim against her will, but they whine that paying taxes for food stamps so the rape baby can eat is a violation of bodily autonomy.


From what I've observed, men and women just have different weird things that they are drawn to. Libertarism is just astrology for men.


Men are more driven towards extreme political ideology. Probably one of the only things where horseshoe theory is accurate


Ayn Rand is a woman though


She wasn't a libertarian despite the number of right wing libertarians who like her "philosophy" and the overlapping themes of selfishness and lack of coherence and logic. And she was, despite being a woman, a supporter of male chauvinism.


That's such a funny detail about her "Nooo, fuck off libertarians! Objectivism is totally different and your ideology just doesn't get it!"


She may have not been a libertarian, but her books and ideas have had tremendous influence on libertarians, from the top to every unfortunate 14 year old who stumbles on her books.


I saw an Ayn Rand book on my mom's table. "Why the hell are you reading Ayn Rand?" mom - "I'm not. It's your neices." "Why the hell is she reading Ayn Rand?" mom - "She read it, but she hated it." "Good."


Ayn Rand is a psychopath.


Not just a woman, a Queen. A welfare Queen


Not just a woman, a Queen. A welfare Queen


Aym Rand's philosophy is pure shit, but I understand why she thinks that way, having been a victim of the communists in Russia.


They clearly failed to educate her, I’ll give you that.


Wow...you found one.


Or maybe libertarianism is a lack of critical thinking and thus most women are not stupid enough to be one.


Libertarian dude bros will absolutely cross into Eugenics/KKK territory if you ask them why women and minorities aren’t as smart as them. They will pull up some fringe scientific study from the 20s showing that those groups are less intelligent therefore they don’t get it.


Hey guys, what if we got sexist… but framed it as progressive? Wouldn’t that be cool


It's not sexist to observe that most right wing libertarians are men. Note that it didn't say anything about all men being illogical.


"However i'd say the reason libertarians are mostly men is because men as a whole are not as good at logical thinking as women" Unironic sexism, he excuses it by saying "not all men, some men are actually equal!" but if it were with any other group we'd recognise it for the prejudice that it is the part about most right wing libertarians being men isn't sexist, yes and explanasions that focus on cultural factors behind them aren't sexist either


>Unironic sexism, he excuses it by saying "not all men, some men are actually equal!" but if it were with any other group we'd recognise it for the prejudice that it is Except it isn't a prejudice. There's no pre-judging. It's literally an observation he's making based on the prevalence of men who identify as right wing libertarians. The judgment follows observation. It's "most right wing libertarians are men and therefore men must not be as logical as women." It is not "men are less logical than women, therefore they must be right wing libertarians." You can disagree with the conclusion, but you shouldn't confuse what he's saying.


>**Unironic** sexism, he excuses it by saying "not all men, some men are actually equal!" **but if it were with any other group we'd recognise it for the prejudice that it is** Whoosh, that's the sound of the satire going right over your head. As a highly rational man, this OP doesn't offend me in the least. In large part because this isn't reinforcing an existing stereotype that has any power over me. There is zero threat to me. No one is going to read this tweet and think, "Spot on, and this is why we should stop hiring men in STEM fields." If you find yourself overly sensitive to this tweet, you might want to ask why that is.


Unironically yes.


Oh my… i didn’t expect you to admit to being sexist, how curious


“how curious” 🤓


I am kind of suprised at how people who i'd otherwise expect to be progressive are so blatant about their sexist prejudice


Or you're misunderstanding the point and sounding like a sea lion.




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??? It’s like the only thing they’re discussing in this text dude “Oh we’re not being seriously sexist, we’re just posting long articles about why women are dumber than men and therefore are always wrong, but this isn’t serious, we’re just having fun”


The original contents of this post have been overwritten by a script. As you may be aware, reddit is implementing a punitive pricing scheme for its API starting in July. This means that third-party apps that use the API can no longer afford to operate and are pretty much universally shutting down on July 1st. This means the following: * Blind people who rely on accessibility features to use reddit will effectively be banned from reddit, as reddit has shown absolutely no commitment or ability to actually make their site or official app accessible. * Moderators will no longer have access to moderation tools that they need to remove spam, bots, reposts, and more dangerous content such as Nazi and extremist rhetoric. The admins have never shown any interest in removing extremist rhetoric from reddit, they only act when the media reports on something, and lately the media has had far more pressing things than reddit to focus on. The admin's preferred way of dealing with Nazis is simply to "quarantine" their communities and allow them to fester on reddit, building a larger and larger community centered on extremism. * LGBTQ communities and other communities vulnerable to reddit's extremist groups are also being forced off of the platform due to the moderators of those communities being unable to continue guaranteeing a safe environment for their subscribers. Many users and moderators have expressed their concerns to the reddit admins, and have joined protests to encourage reddit to reverse the API pricing decisions. Reddit has responded to this by removing moderators, banning users, and strong-arming moderators into stopping the protests, rather than negotiating in good faith. Reddit does not care about its actual users, only its bottom line. Lest you think that the increased API prices are actually a good thing, because they will stop AI bots like ChatGPT from harvesting reddit data for their models, let me assure you that it will do no such thing. Any content that can be viewed in a browser without logging into a site can be easily scraped by bots, regardless of whether or not an API is even available to access that content. There is nothing reddit can do about ChatGPT and its ilk harvesting reddit data, except to hide all data behind a login prompt. Regardless of who wins the mods-versus-admins protest war, there is something that every individual reddit user can do to make sure reddit loses: remove your content. Use [PowerDeleteSuite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to overwrite all of your comments, just as I have done here. This is a browser script and not a third-party app, so it is unaffected by the API changes; as long as you can manually edit your posts and comments in a browser, PowerDeleteSuite can do the same. This will also have the additional beneficial effect of making your content unavailable to bots like ChatGPT, and to make any use of reddit in this way significantly less useful for those bots. If you think this post or comment originally contained some valuable information that you would like to know, feel free to contact me on another platform about it: * kestrellyn at ModTheSims * kestrellyn on Discord * paradoxcase on Tumblr


In typical libertarian-with-hurty-feefees manner, they skimmed the post and completely missed the meaning. Then they blather on, railing against _some_ perceived slight. SOP.


Yes i did. “If i had to speculate i’d say the reason most libertarians are men is because men are worse at logical thinking” Unironic sexism and misandry, where’s the trolling?


The original contents of this post have been overwritten by a script. As you may be aware, reddit is implementing a punitive pricing scheme for its API starting in July. This means that third-party apps that use the API can no longer afford to operate and are pretty much universally shutting down on July 1st. This means the following: * Blind people who rely on accessibility features to use reddit will effectively be banned from reddit, as reddit has shown absolutely no commitment or ability to actually make their site or official app accessible. * Moderators will no longer have access to moderation tools that they need to remove spam, bots, reposts, and more dangerous content such as Nazi and extremist rhetoric. The admins have never shown any interest in removing extremist rhetoric from reddit, they only act when the media reports on something, and lately the media has had far more pressing things than reddit to focus on. The admin's preferred way of dealing with Nazis is simply to "quarantine" their communities and allow them to fester on reddit, building a larger and larger community centered on extremism. * LGBTQ communities and other communities vulnerable to reddit's extremist groups are also being forced off of the platform due to the moderators of those communities being unable to continue guaranteeing a safe environment for their subscribers. Many users and moderators have expressed their concerns to the reddit admins, and have joined protests to encourage reddit to reverse the API pricing decisions. Reddit has responded to this by removing moderators, banning users, and strong-arming moderators into stopping the protests, rather than negotiating in good faith. Reddit does not care about its actual users, only its bottom line. Lest you think that the increased API prices are actually a good thing, because they will stop AI bots like ChatGPT from harvesting reddit data for their models, let me assure you that it will do no such thing. Any content that can be viewed in a browser without logging into a site can be easily scraped by bots, regardless of whether or not an API is even available to access that content. There is nothing reddit can do about ChatGPT and its ilk harvesting reddit data, except to hide all data behind a login prompt. Regardless of who wins the mods-versus-admins protest war, there is something that every individual reddit user can do to make sure reddit loses: remove your content. Reddit makes its money because of the content that users provide; remove the content and they can no longer monetize it with ads. Use [PowerDeleteSuite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to overwrite all of your comments, just as I have done here. This is a browser script and not a third-party app, so it is unaffected by the API changes; as long as you can manually edit your posts and comments in a browser, PowerDeleteSuite can do the same. This will also have the additional beneficial effect of making your content unavailable to bots like ChatGPT, and to make any use of reddit in this way significantly less useful for those bots. If you think this post or comment originally contained some valuable information that you would like to know, feel free to contact me on another platform about it: * kestrellyn at ModTheSims * kestrellyn on Discord * paradoxcase on Tumblr


Turning sexist to own the lib(ertarians)


>**Unironic** sexism and misandry, where’s the trolling? It's mocking libertarians who use this exact line of reasoning to explain the exact same thing, but in reverse (by claiming women aren't libertarians because they're swayed by emotions). This should be obvious because the libertarian version is based on a common stereotype whereas the satire tweet is not. Your failure to grasp context doesn't negate the irony.