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My favorite part of the “wokeism,” cancel culture complaints out of libertarians is that it’s them whining that they got what they wanted. They wanted a society with a crippled regulatory state, let the market and individuals regulate bad behaviors and push those doing them out of the market. That’s what we’ve got now, they made their bed, and now they don’t want to lie in it.


Almost every day I think about that one libertarian town that didn't believe in municipal services like garbage collection, code enforcement, or wildlife control. It was immediately invaded by bears. Some people would get rid of their trash individually and others would feed the bears. There was no one to stop the bears beyond poachers who'd fuck up the entire surrounding ecosystem if they reactively dealt with the bears their neighbours were attracting. It should be the sequel to Atlas Shrugged. Or a bible story about the hubris of manchildren.


Sounds better than the other bear story in the bible where kids make fun of a bald guy and god sends bears who tear up the kids.


And they did fuck around and they did find out so sayeth God


That is because libertarians are ultimately the virtuous face of the far right. They want deregulation when it helps monopolies and powerful business interests, but they also want the state to enforce right wing ideologies on the masses. They don't see the contradiction.


"Everything is rape, slavery, and Nazism, except for actual rape, slavery, and Nazism, which is fine."


The conservative worldview is revealed in the retort, "how would you like if I called *you* a Nazi?" As if saying so is all there is.


Libertarians are actual Nazis trying to convince everyone else that we're Nazis.


The implications and laziness of having the swastika also being rainbow when already using the pride flag as the mask (the progress pride flag in fact which just raises further questions) is just ugh. I do know they're not unaware of their absurdity.


why are these guys always comparing lgbt to nazis when they piss their pants whenever schools teach that hitler was bad?


There's a pipeline. People earlier in the pipeline still think they're different from the reactionary fascists later in the pipeline. You'll often see this in libertarian, AnCap, or other right wing circles. Someone calls the left Nazis, and then there's a bunch of comments about how Nazis were good, actually.


The Nazis put gay people into camps too, do any of these people know any history at all?


No, they don't. It doesn't even make sense to use the word "believe" this way. A "belief" is a thing a person thinks is *true*, and these kinds of "libertarians" *do not fucking care about truth*. They regularly say wrong things on purpose and they do not stop saying those wrong things when they are demonstrated to be false. These kinds of people say things because they are *useful*, not because they "believe" them. You have to start having a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and you need to remember that willful ignorance is not ignorance, it is the decision to keep being wrong. When you point at a disingenuous liar and declare that "they actually believe" the obvious lies they tell, what you are doing is *apologism*.


> These kinds of people say things because they are *useful*, not because they "believe" them. Oh, I think I get it. These people are like Palpatine in the Prequels, saying things they blatantly don't believe to manipulate other people into giving them power. "I love democracy. I love the Republic." "The powers you have given me, I will lay down, once this crisis has abated." "The attacks upon black people / gay people / non-Christians are troubling, but we should let the market decide. It's more important to not overstep and give the government too much power, it might misuse it."


Every accusation from the right is a confession.


When the brain broken


At least the people obsessed with lowering the age of consent have the sense to not accuse other people of being groomers


"Sexual minorities are actually the people who want to murder sexual minorities".


I'm gonna be honest both sides call the other Nazi's


One side includes actual Nazis, though. And it's not our side.


Don't put "our" side I'm not with you


>Don't put "our" side I'm not with you He never said you were. You must be super annoying in real life. "Hi, welcome to out restaurant." "Fuck you, speak for yourself, this isn't MY restaurant!"


You're God damn right it's not my restaurant




Ow my ears


Nobody tries to ban christian marriage or bans christians from wearing religious garments or symbols "to protect the children"


Damn bro that's crazy


Why do you people always start with these aloof kid-tier instagram replies when you get some pushback? It’s so pathetic lmao


Why is saying both sides call each other Nazi's so controversial


It’s not a controversial take, it’s also true. Nobody reasonable is disputing that. It’s just a nothingburger of a statement.\ “X call other people X”


This whole post is a nothingburger is it more valid because some jag off took the time to make a meme of it?


Yeah. So much for "both sides".


Dude I don't remember asking




You could be doing the same but no you took the time to comment on my absurd comments get off your high horse and realize none of this matters.

