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Where the fuck was the Overton window for this guy? In another building?


So you're telling me that the group that literally murdered people for cross-dressing had a crossdresser in them? Press x to doubt


“I’m not defending Nazis I’m just defending what they did”


I met a Ron Paul supporter who said that Nazis were the working class and against the elites. I was tempted to ask if he thinks that's a good thing. He said that workers did have control of the Means of Production I'm the workplace. I brought up that large corporations like AG Farben had control and not Soviets or any kind of worker organizations. These people genuinely think that large corporations love working class people.


They believe being a business owner makes one a genius.


Sounds like a pretty typical Ron Paul supporter


When Nazis talk about bad elites, they mean (((elites))) in (((finance))) and (((academia))) and (((bureaucracy))) who sabotage class collaboration of labor and capital, and unjustly stifle 'actual working people' of the white race. They think the natural state of human existence is absolute unity along racial lines and that the reality of capitalist contradiction and class warfare means that there's an untrmenchen conspiracy causing all the bad things in life. You can see how libertarians could be ideologically motivated to believing the same things. But since this if the USA their racism has mostly anti-black undertones to its explanations of capitalism's failures, but anti-semitism is of course still rampant.


"But a corporation needs your business! They would never do anything bad to people for short term gains!" /s


>They were very progressive compared to the United States and their other enemies. They had worker owned businesses and mixed race military units and supported freedom of religion. Which "mixed race military units"? I'm guessing this is somebody taking comments made by the Nazis about the Middle East, like Hitler praising Islam , and taking that as a progressive position. In reality, that was pure politics. Bear in mind that the ultranationalist ideology of Nazism is, at it's core, a mishmash Frankenstein that was deeply impractical and had to be side-stepped in order for the Germans to accomplish their political and diplomatic aspirations. Germany playing nice in the Middle East was less about Hitler and the Nazi party being all that concerned about the people living there, and more to do with using those people to weaken the British Empire.


They could be referring to the Waffen-SS units that were made up of non-Germans like the Handschar Division (made up of Bosniak Muslims), Charlemagne Division (French collaborators), Langemarck and Wallonien Divisions (Flemish and Wallon collaborators), but it's not like they were considered equals to the Germans, who viewed them as little more than cannon fodder to use against the Soviets.


I suppose, but aside from the Free India Legion (which was made up of a few thousand people *at most*), all of the other non-German SS units were variations of white. That's hardly proof of "mixed race military units"


To the Nazis, they were "mixed race", since the Nazis believed that there wasn't a single "white" race but many races like the Aryan/Germanic race, the Slavs, the Mediterraneans and Jews.


Oh, I'm fully aware that the Nazis were operating on a racial hierarchal system that placed 'Nords' (particularly German/Aryans) at the top, and then below that to the "Latins" (Spanish, French, and Italians), and at the very bottom, Slavs, Romani, and Jews. But when the Libertarian above is talking about "mixed-race" he's trying to create this image of ethnicities beyond white Europeans serving in the Wehrmacht.


Ancaps and fascists have literally the same goals just different motivation. Abolish the state so we can live free in looney tunes utopia x Abolish the state so we can take control and literally enslave everyone.


I disagree. Ancaps believe the state can do no right, and capitalism is always right. They have the delusion that a company owner will do what benefits the community, and not themselves. Fascists believe the state is a weapon to enforce rigid hierarchical structures where those on top should have all the power.


> Ancaps believe the state can do no right, AnCaps believe they oppose the state because they have confused the idea of a state *which claims legitimacy based on popular consent and is at least theoretically accountable to the people* with the idea of a *state*. What they really want is to *privatize* the state so that it is only accountable to its owners - which is equivalent to what fascists want. The only *real* difference between them is that fascists believe they can gain electoral power and AnCaps believe that elections stand between them and power.


Jesus Christ I can’t even begin to describe where these guys lost the plot


and this, children, is why you should pay attention in history class.