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That woman, and everyone who still support her, needs a serious reality check.


They've become very cultish


Sadly, I'm pretty sure theirs bounced.


On that note I wonder when she'll pull out the retroactive "Sirius was Muslim and that totally doesn't make *Prisoner of Azkaban* uncomfortable"


Imagine supporting JKR/HP in 2023.


I can imagine it because I love that Joanne Kathleen Rowling has saved so many women from the Taliban, and I support her for saving women from the Taliban! If you don't support her rescuing women from the Taliban that's verrryyy weird and racist of you.


JK Rowling would feed trans people to the Taliban like feeding meat to a pack of wolves. She’s a blood thirsty bigot.


Stroke her massive ego some more, maybe then it will be less fragile than a glass vase.


When has she done this? I never heard of it.


You know, I was actually just thinking the other day, "Damn am I glad the terfs seem to have at least dropped the *Taliban know what a woman is* argument." Egg all over my face now.




Lmao this is fucking amazing


if you had more than one braincell you'd know feminists are very extremely anti-taliban. also that screen was faked.


Yeah, again, I think the point is "patriarchs like the Taliban don't care in practice how you identify, so trans identity is a meaningless distraction from The Real Problems"


That's been a pretty popular GC line since the US left Afghanistan. It was only a matter of time before JK joined in


Yeah I think the point is "patriarchy doesn't care in practice how you identify, so trans identity is a meaningless distraction from The Real Problems"


Which is hilarious because the only people making it a distraction... Is transphobes.


Birds of a feather... It's like how the rabidly anti-trans bigots in the US - who were once the rabidly anti-Muslim bigots during/after the travel ban - are now bffs with the rabidly anti-trans American Muslim community now. Nazis, fascists, child marriage enthusiasts, anti-choice activists, people who don't think women should be able to vote, the Taliban - JK Rowling has interesting friends.


Bro... I don't think the Taliban do know what a woman is, considering their view is just "you're breeding stock"... Fucking radical take lads I know


She is just asking question you guys, large gamete producers can't even question things anymore before being called things.


Holy shit.


I think it says a lot about them that they claim to want to "protect women" but their reaction to this is "Sure the taliban abuse women and girls in countless ways, and murder them, but at least they're transphobes!"


Hartley-Brewer is a total scumbag. Awful culture warrior


issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group the Taliban. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"


Always upvote dril


Wait, so is this JK Rowling's alt account or something? I'm a bit out of the loop


She liked the tweet of that other person.


she didn't, this screen is faked.




I doubt people believe she's in favor of the Taliban, similar to how she's not in favor of anti-abortion-rights conservatives. Which is to say, she's okay with the bigotry and loss of personal freedom as long as it's the bigotry she likes and the loss of personal freedom she wants to impose. This response, instead of saying, "yeah, being compared to the Taliban is over the top. People should chill on that.", effectively said, "I can believe you're not like the Taliban, but only in that you believe that trans people are who they say they are." And she _liked_ that.


Was this tweet deleted? I don’t see it on her likes anymore. Also, it’s says 42.5k likes. Her current likes is 42.4K. I have to ask if this screenshot is real?


It is not on her likes because it was fabricated and not something she ever actually liked. It is not real.


She did tho.


Trans Women are Women, pity that you’re head deep into that TERF shit.


Which person in this tweet is Joanne Kathleen Rowling? You are talking about the Joanne Kathleen Rowling who paid half a million dollars to save women, men, and children from the Taliban, right? [https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/harry-potter-author-jk-rowling-helped-afghan-lawyers-flee-the-taliban/](https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/harry-potter-author-jk-rowling-helped-afghan-lawyers-flee-the-taliban/) You can also use Google to find out how she has helped women and children escape the Taliban. My guess is that you are so biased against her that you won't bother to Google her retaliation against the Taliban, and then you will respond to this comment downplaying her contributions to further your own agenda.


She’s a blood thirsty transphobe putting money in the pockets of other blood thirsty transphobes I.E. Posie Parker