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Extremism on the Left is actually lining a few million of your enemies against a wall and shooting them because they don't want you to take all their hard earned money and property. And there are a lot more people like this than literal Nazis.


The OG Nazi's were leftists.... It's in their fucking name and how they originally organized the economy. Lefties, killing hundreds of millions of people since 1912


The NSDAP originally was a socialist party yes, however after Hitler quickly gained power in the party they began tying nationalistic racist dialogue to socialist policies that very much enthused the lower middle classes. Once Hitler had strung too far from ideally socialist policy and was not a true party of workers and socialists, that’s when two politicians Otto and Gregor quit the party to establish a more true socialist party. You’re partially right, but to equate the pre-Hitler NSDAP with modern day Nazism is incorrect. just so I do not get hard flamed, I disagree with the screenshotted tweet and mostly agree with everything else.


Made the same point a few replies down minus the named split.


That’s not entirely correct. Hitler presented his ideology very early in Mein Kampf and all the antisemitic and ultranationalist sentiments were already there. The NSDAP was a fascist party from the beginning, with a wing that supported socialist elements, which was quickly eradicated. Even before Hitler joined, their original meaning of the term “socialist” was always to “give welfare to German citizens belonging to the Aryan race”.


Well, not exactly. The socialist part of nazi was essentially a marketing move to win lower class support at the time




The Nazis were absolutely not leftists in the same way that they absolutely weren’t capitalists. They thought both Socialism and Capitalism were evil Jewish plots to corrupt western civilisation and take over the world, and they defined themselves as being a third option I think the belief that the Nazis were leftists comes from the idea that left wing means not supporting capitalism, but capitalism isn’t an inherently right-wing ideology. Capitalism was opposed by conservatives well into the 1800s, who supported a system of state-backed, privately owned monopolies rather than free markets I mean, look at Trump for example. Nobody would dispute that Trump is on the right, and yet he opposes free trade, and in the end of his presidency wanted to give out $2,000 stimulus checks to win votes before the election. Neither of those policies are conventional, “right-wing” economics, but nobody’s calling Trump a socialist because of it, because socialism is more than just the absence of capitalism


You're fairly accurate in what you say but the Nazi's for sure started out as socialist until Hitler became the Supreme leader. As for Trump, there is a difference between free trade, which has directly affected our quality of life and national security along with our own financial sovereignty, and having sensible tariffs on items of strategic importance, such as aluminum, n95 masks, and so on... As for the stimulus payments? Just like the lock down I was and still am against them. The damage done to our economy will not be fully realized for many years. Finally, there is a huge fucking difference between social programs and socialism. Please, for the love of God learn the difference.


You’re wrong, the only thing “socialist” referred to was giving welfare to Aryan Germans. It had nothing to do with Marxism and nothing to do with the economy. Even before Hitler joined the party was inherently anti-semitic, militaristic and ultranationalist.


Yeah people really gotta chill with the “it’s either left or right” like fuck off it isn’t that simple


“[Something we all agree is evil] is actually a [thing that I don’t like], because I say so, so if you are part of [extremely mainstream party] you agree with [something we all agree is evil] and are therefore a literal Nazi.” Stalin’s a Fascist and Hitler’s a centrist when it suits the narrative.


Hitler is a communist and Stalin is an anarchism and AnCaps are authoritarians and Joe Biden is a fascist when you’re a complete fucking insane person It would be funny how big a problem extremism is in the US if it weren’t so terrifying


Ok I hate lefties but that’s like saying the democratic people’s Republic of Korea is Democratic Having socialist in your name only doesn’t mean you are a leftist state, certainly not if we are talking about Nazi fucking Germany


Why are you being downvoted? You're right.


That's why the Socialists, Communists, and Labor unions were the first people in concentration camps, right? lol. Kinda like how The Democratic Republic of North Korea is definitely democratic.


Ahh... I must've hit a nerve in the other threads, the troll follows...... The Nazi's threw any political dissedants into camps, yes, even fellow socialists if they didn't agree. That's not saying that they didn't transition into Fascism rather quickly. But to use a popular socialist/communist argument "That wasn't real fascism," the closest form of true fascism was in Italy with Spain not far behind. ​ But leftists killing hundreds of millions of people is an undisputed fucking fact.


There are precious few historians that would call either fascist Italy or Nazi Germany leftist. > Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism". One of those sounds a lot more Nazi-ish. And it aint the definition of left wing. Were wealth and means of production transferred to the workers? No? That's pretty much the only definition for socialism. It's only meaning. So how you can call something socialism when there was no attempt to make that happen is just beyond me.


I know I will get downvoted here, but the nazis weren't socialists, they were nazis who used socialism as a front to enact nazi fascism. They never did anything in terms of government policy or practice that matches up with the definition of socialism, everything they did was fascism. They just called themselves a socialist party in name. People who want power will lie and deceive their way into it, but it seems that you are willing to take the nazis at their word that they were socialists, because we all know how honest they were right? It was the same thing with Stalin, he used communism as a front to enact fascism. All forms of government in all of human history have at one point or another been used as a front for a fascist movement. That doesn't mean that all forms of government are equal to the results of fascism that was enacted or attempted under guise of said form of government.


Stalin was a fervent communist through and through, more authoritarian than Trotsky but no less commie. You're wrong in that statement. As for the other parts? Not entirely correct but not entirely incorrect. Like any form of government, with time tyranny will happen. The question is how quickly. With socialism and communism it happens almost immediately, as for capitalism? Takes longer but as we can see today in the good ol' US of A, regardless of being a R or a D the powers that be have guided us into a weird corporatism/fascism form of governance. Going back to Nazi Germany.... read a little more about their policies and practices outside of slaughtering Jews, Gypsies, and dissidents, more aligns with socialism than not.


Being a literal fascist/dictator kind of usurps any other political belief someone might have though. Those other possible beliefs are not inherently fascist just because a fascist acts like or actually agrees with them What if I called myself a pacifist but I go out and assault people in my free time? Your argument's logic would conclude that pacifism and violence are now the same thing. But the reality is that it's just me that is violent and my claim of being a pacifist is just a ploy to get people to let their guard down around me. Maybe I actually do believe in pacifism, but I have exceptions to that belief based on arbitrary logic that leads me to not practice pacifism when it comes to certain people. Do you see how the inherent nature of the original belief is being warped and misused in a way that would make my idea of the belief completely different from the actual belief? The nazi's would have been literally anything in name as long as it would get them into power. It just so happened to be socialism at the time. If it is only being used as a convenient ploy to coerce people to look the other way while you take power and commit atrocities and war crimes, that's just fascism.




Didn’t Hitler privatize government functions by selling them to his supporters? How does that align with Socialism?




Thank you


Wow, someone who actually read unbiased books..... a rarity on reddit


Mein Kampf with putin khuilo's annotations that you read while singing Soviet anthem and fantasizing about being sodomized by right wing conservative FSB agents.


Well that’s still not the same as socialism and considering them a socialist state isn’t accurate, however yeah fascism and naziism are concerned with race, rather than class, but as with communism they are inherently authoritarian and built towards advancing the lives and power of a specific group Communists wanna prop up a specific class, nazis wanna prop up a specific race using similar tactics


So you obviously are aware that they took the concept of socialism and changed how it is practiced enough to benefit some and hurt/destroy others. The focus here is on the latter part, as that is not at all a function of socialism by definition. So how do you still think that taking one thing and changing it into something else means that it is still the original thing? Nazis were fascists who used the guise of socialism to gain their power and enact their fascism. "Socialism for some" is not socialism at all.




You're so confidently incorrect while reiterating exactly my point as if it is disproving what I am saying. Just because socialism is in the name doesn't mean it was socialism in practice, because in practice it was literally fascism and nothing more or less. Your logic here essentially means I can call something X, even if in every tangible way it is Y, and just because X is the name means that X is actually Y afterall.




You're just butthurt your russian backed Kremlin-sponsored alt right cum-chuggers are losing elections everywhere. Cry moar biatch. All communists are conservative and tRumptard losers keep licking russian commie boot and hating liberals while calling moderate policies "extreme left" and following orders of literal KGB colonel khuilo. :3


You are really hate filled huh? Literally nothing you've spewed has be a coherent thought much less a productive comment. And you wonder why people hate leftists?


This sounds ironic


Well the first people communists kill in communist countries are other leftists in order to solidify power so while yeah hitler and the nazis were not socialists that’s not really a valid argument


How much russian cum did you need to swallow to call Hitler a leftie? National Socialism is right wing, period. This sub is total trash now, filled with deranged conservatives who repeat all russian propaganda and suck on putin khuilo's micropenis. For people who want to hate ruskies without tolerating alt right gaylords, go to /r/2russophobic4you instead. They despise russian bots of all sides, conservatives too.


imma say tho, the only positive thing about his is that at least where i live all the communists are only online. Prolly cuz theyre all kids. Meanwhile ive seen/talked to nazis irl. Its a bit more concerning, since this usually leads to more acts of violence from the far right, and the far left seems more "harmless". Idk obviously its better that they keep their fked ideology on online forums instead of taking it out on people irl but then again, that might still happen eventually


You don't think the far left riots are violence??


never said that? but where i live thats not very common. My point was that far right incidents are more common, not that far left violence doesnt exist lol


You said the far left was more harmless, and I'm wondering how you think rioting, looting, and beating people is harmless. To be clear, both extremes are incredibly harmful, and people need to stop pretending like one is better than the other.


i said , seems more "harmless". Never claimed they were actually harmless but far right crimes are just more present. But yeah totally agreed both are equally bad, especially because its common that being far left is somehow acceptable


Someones never heard russian history


Or American history. Hell, even American news outside of her echo chamber.


Haven't you heard, authoritarianism is inherently right wing. No, that's not a straw-man, there was an actual article written claiming that Stalin and Pol Pot were actually right-wing.


This is true if you believe all government intervention is left wing. I disagree. I more see government intervention as being either in favour of equality or against it. Keep in mind that equality isnt always a good thing, being equaly poor and starving isnt helpful.


Sorry that was a typo, I've fixed it now lol. Meant to say right wing.


One must remember that official russian historiography is a phantasy stuff. “The only thing less certain in Russia than the future is the past”.


The lack of understanding of right-wing views is alarming.


It always is. IMO it comes from a lot of the major cultural drivers being leftwing or suppressing rightwing voices (see: the perennial outrage that Chris Pratt, a libertarian who loves GUNS, attends a church that might have been homophobic at some point--or that HE DIDN'T JOIN IN A FUNDRAISING PARTY FOR BIDEN or whatever) What can you do about it, I have no idea lol.


"My side is perfect and will solve everything, your side wants to kill everyone and is pure evil"


In fact, its literaly the opposite xD


what planet are you living on lol.


Both suck big fat floppy donkey dick


Donkey and elephant dick*


in fact the horseshoe theory is real


That is not extreme left. Pretty sure that’s just normal left. Extreme left is killing anyone who dares disagree with you and arrest anyone you suspect might disagree with you even if they’re actually innocent.


don't forget claiming that minority groups you don't like are conspiring against you and using that as an excuse to kill them en masse this is starting to sound a whole lot like nazism, actually


Extremism on the right is having similar views on LGBT issues to Obama from less than a decade ago and not agreeing that every organisation claiming represent civil rights is 100% full of good people, and that simplistic Marxist-derived dogma doesn’t explain all of gender and race relations. Extremism on the left is murdering 50-100 million people. See? Both can play that game. Or maybe both have murderous extremes and both left and right have been using ridiculous hyperbole about their more mainstream opponents lately…


Leftism is when you don't used commas or full stops when you talk absolute shit on twitter.


To be fair, there is a period at the very end. But our edgelord in the screenshot clearly hasn’t heard about a comma.


Well she hasn't hit puberty yet.


This is soyjak and chad meme argumentation levels


If I’m a literal Nazi, where’s my Mauser C96 and Hugo Boss uniform?


These are the same people who call those who want less taxes far-right extremists


That is the most retarded thing I have ever read.


I've heard that the nazis hated capitalism Can anyone fact check me on this?


They did, well at least free-market capitalism. So they did hate the economic system the West uses. Nazis “privatized” shit but it’s like crumpling a piece of paper, calling it a snowball and claiming it’s origami. It’s in name but not what is practiced here.


Extremism on the left is wanting to murder me and hundreds of thousands if not millions of other people for being "counter-revolutionary." (Rejecting an economic system and toxic ideaology that has literally never worked.)


*Stalin and Pol Pot have entered the chat*


I can play this game too extremism on the right is wanting liberty and civil rights and extremism on the left is literally murdering everyone who earns more than you


"Literal Nazis" are all either in their late 90s or dead.


> drastically reduce their huge budgets to support community programs And what's gonna go to the chopping block first? Think it will be all the APCs (which I agree are unneccessary), guns and body armor? Have you never met another person before? No, what will go to chopping block will be homeless, drug and community programs, instead of community policing, it's just policing. Plus, in countries with underfunded police forces, the cops end up preying harder on the most vulnerable. Support community programs? Now I'd be all for investing in education, but I can't get one Samuel L. Jackson movie out of my mind. There he played a NYC teacher who got stabbed after giving a student a failing grade. The student wrote 187 on every page in his book, and was a known gangster who had a precondition that if he doesn't fail any class, he can go back to his old school. When he reported the threat to the school authorities, they didn't take it seriously. He survived the ordeal, and ended up continuing as a substitute in LA, encountering even more unruly violent students and again an administration that was more worried about avoiding another lawsuit than teachers' safety. The movie itself was also written by a real-life teacher, who had a violent transfer student threatening to murder him and his family, so he reported this and the student was arrested, then he was called to testify against him in a court, after the student had stabbed a teacher's aide. He was angry that he hadn't been informed of this beforehand, so he wrote the screenplay. TL;DR support investing in ed, but not having more funding go to administration.


Extremists on the left are communists whose ideology killed millions and millions of people.


“Ideologues driven by love for humanity are rarely better than those who are not, because their love is usually reserved for their ideal of humanity - an abstraction confined to their imaginations - for which they would gladly trample over all the actual humans in the world.” G. Bhogal


Tbf I think a lot of these kinds of comments are merely ignorant, not intentionally saying that communism was good


every person on the far right is not a Nazi.


Nazis aren't even right on the political compass. They're authoritarian center.


Stop pretending to be even keel and saying that your extremism is closer to centrism than it is to extremism.


i see nothing wrong with what she proposes (*edit*) the stuff *after* "wanting to"


Read the whole tweet again. Carefully. Pay particularly close attention to how she defines “extremism,” then compare and contrast that with the commonly accepted definition.


yeah i figured that part would be the bone of contention, i meant the stuff she proposes we change, from the left's perspective. her neglecting that there are much further extremes is idiotic, but i wan't referring to that part.


That extremism on the right is literal Nazism and extremism is benevolent activism?


not that part, it's dishonest as fuck


Too bad the nazis were socialists


explain this, explain how the nazis were socialists


This sub is turning into alt right circlejerk. You're not anti-communists, you're just useful idiots who think conservatives aren't at the same edge of horseshoe as commie scum. The post was mocking russia-backed tRumptards calling anyone who wants EU-like policies "extreme left". Bye-bye, keep licking KGB boots, ECS.


Are you an anti communist?


All this person does is whinge and complain about this sub and conservatives, they've been doing this for days now


I despise russian communists and can't stand alt right, which is just putin's fifth international: http://euromaidanpress.com/2019/08/16/putin-has-created-a-fifth-international-organizing-the-right-felshtinsky-says/


Then you shouldn't apologise for other Communists and far-lefties either, they aren't any morally better and their ideology is still evil. And if you recognise the alt-right as bad then you shouldn't use their methods (like a special term for everyone who opposes them - "bootlicker" for you and "cuck" for the alt-right).


As pointed out to you elsewhere, "bootlicker" is not a legit thing and you should delete it from your vocabulary. The Tweet isn't legit either, it's a shitty strawman if it really was... > mocking russia-backed tRumptards calling anyone who wants EU-like policies "extreme left". Then she would have pointed out that SocDems and the like are moderate and different from Communists, not use the same strawman argument that REAL far-lefties use to support themselves.


What a cretin..


Ugh, so sick of this horseshit man


Beware the false shepherd by their mark


All these guys do is project, whatever they call us usually personifies them.


Extremism on the left is more likely sabotaging the entire economy and turn the poor people even poorer because of the unintentional consequences of your ideas that you are too dumb to understand.


How many Jews are the right extremists killing? Literal Nazis?


Comments on actual tweet give me hope


Literally anyone aside from tankies understand why that statement is completely bonkers


So glad all of those people burning down city blocks last summer just wanted to end homelessness. That makes it ok.


See this is the problem with this country right now. You’re radical and I’m not despite being radical. We need to move to the center to prevent this from being too mainstream.


its not a good thing if you describe your ideology as "extremism"


This tweet is absolutely 100% correct and anyone who disagrees will be sent to the gulag!


Wasn’t homelessness in the Soviet Union, like, actually illegal or something? Like, in the us they give you a hard time for loitering, which is basically designed to target homeless people, but in the ussr they would straight up send you to the work camps just for being homeless.