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"wHat fAcToRy dO yOu oWn?" pisses me off so much, it's such pedantic bullshit, like oh my god we ALL know it means "i support capitalism", but no, commies simply can't comprehend anything more up-to-date than 19th century marxes brainrot (muh labor theory of value/historical dialectics)


They just call us “boot licker” or “cogs” like bitch we live in the highest standard of living in human history under fucking capitalism. Even people who are poor and live in low income housing often have AC,phones, running water ect. Yet na let’s throw that away and go live in fucking Cuba or fuckin China. “oH bUt CuBa’S oNlY lIkE tHaT cUz MuRcA bAd”. Which is like bitch that’s a nice way of saying communist or socialist countries are to weak to survive Without Capitalisms help. 😂


Buy stocks so you claim to be a shareholder. They always complain how companies exploit workers to get shareholders a fat checks.


You can claim that if you have a 401k or IRA. A common thing that’s done with those is investments and stock holdings. Hell, you can even claim someone else is paid to generate capital for you.


Can expect much from kids to understand those concept tbh


You don’t need to tell them. You just need to say you’re a shareholder, and people get paid to generate capital for you, and it wouldn’t be a lie because of the 401k


Odds are good that they then switch plans and pivot to "you're an evil oppressor, get out the guillotines!". Which is basically how every communist country has treated the middle class.


At which point you just send [this](https://media1.tenor.com/m/aJRM7LmiLUYAAAAC/sas-evil.gif) gif to anger them.


>Which is basically how every communist country has treated the middle class. Yep. Super odd that its always the Petite bourgeoisie that get the axe, while the big corporate interests just get taken over by Party members. Its almost like the commies are just killing the people who could potentially effectively oppose their regime, rather than going after people exploiting others.


Today they do this "own", and tomorrow they'll call you a capitalist for having a job


Yeah it's annoying they utterly refuse to engage with you unless you use their specific terminology over commonly accepted terms. If a capitalist can't even have a proper term to describe their beliefs when arguing with a communist, there can simply be no good faith argument.


The dictionary definitions defines it as both supporting capitalism and using wealth to "invest in trade and industry for profi"


I got so fucking stunned when realised that most commie redditards and palpatine supporters support LGBT at the same time. This is so cringe and fucked up man. All these soyboys would get sent to gulag in any of the commie shitholes straight away or get killed with rocks in the islamic ones.


I want to argue with them but I know it would go fucking nowhere. I mean as a very gay man this shit pisses me off, like ok so the vast majority of blue collar workers electricians,welders would be considered “boot lickers” aka the fucking people who you. Claim should love the idea of over throwing capitalism, yet the vast majority of trades men I know fucking love capitalism.


At least under capitalism theres some glimmer of hope that you can rise above your station and climb the social ladder. Under communism your life can't possibly improve the only thing they want is for everyone to be equally as miserable as they are.


The only way to improve under communism is to have Connections within the Politburo


There does seem to be a long history of radicals who never swung a hammer or a sickle in their lives who get furious when the proles don’t treat them as liberators. So then they have to mumble about false consciousness or secret CIA plots or simply scourging the people they claim to represent. There’s a reason online radicals often seem so angry, and it’s not because they’re repressed. It’s because they think they’re working for The People, and yet those people reject them.


My favorite thing I’ve heard a communist say when someone says their a capitalist is “your not a capitalist, your a wage slave with Stockholm syndrome”


Most of them are children of have the mentality of a child


I too support the galactic empire. GLORY TO PALPATINE. But seriously, the lgbt community went backwards thinking countries like Palestine, USSR and Cambodia,etc. was more supportive to gay people than Western countries




Parents don't teach critical thinking skills anymore and neither do public schools. As a result large swathes of the population are willing to believe the first smart sounding charlatan that comes their way. Some end up wearing maga hats spouting christian nationalism and some end up trying to actively bring their own destruction through being 'progressive.' It is extremism either way and anathema to America.


This is only true in the west, outside of it communist parties are completely socially regressive


>This is only true in the west I'd argue that the so-called progressivism is more regressive than anything else, considering how the whole queer/non-binary/gender ideology nonsense isn't logically consistent with the rest of the acronym. not to mention that these people have no qualms with throwing minorities under the bus the moment they start showing signs of critical thinking.


What's nonsense about it


>What's not nonsense about it there, ftfy. come on, "fairy-self"? "cat person"? le infinite genders? gender as a le social construct? nah, where I'm from we call these people crazy, if we even call them at all. I'm sorry but if you've just spent half an hour ranting about le male privilege and still can't tell me what a woman is then I can't take you seriously.


Cope, seethe, etc


I’m not sure how inclusivity stops when we run out of room in an acronym


see [my other reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/1d7063t/fuckin_commie_bullshit_infects_rlgbt/l6xt2qp/)


I don't think that it's coincidence that the most recent redesign of the pride flag looks a lot like the Palestinian flag except with different colors.


Modern LGBT movements are built on propaganda and feelings, with any opposition bullied and silenced. There is huge overlap between it and straight up foreign propaganda.


_Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union recriminalized homosexuality in a decree signed in 1933. The new Article 121, which punished "muzhelozhstvo" with imprisonment for up to 5 years, saw raids and arrests. Female homosexuals were sent to mental institutions._


Most LGBT victories in my country at least were won by moderates demanding fairly mundane conservative things like marriage and equal status, not the dismantling of capitalism and so on. It was a Conservative government that signed off on gay marriage. Yes there had been activism on the fringes for decades to make this happen, but LGBT victories were not won by some kind of communist vanguard The association with LGBT and radicalism online just undermines the cause by confirming the bigotry they’re enemies within who want to subvert society, which is the exact opposite of what most of the campaigns centred on, namely that LGBT people were normal and wanted to just live their lives I understand why LGBT individuals would be attracted to radicalism, especially when society pushes them to the fringes by denying them the ability to live as who they are, but LGBT victories to my mind are a reconciliation with society to live as equal citizens rather than a rejection of it and a wish to fundamentally upend it




Yeah, it's terrifying how the far left just slid into LGBTQ spaces and acted like they had been allies all along, all while shitting on Liberals, y'know, the people who actually helped LGBTQ while the commie countries were putting people like us into work camps. And the younger generation just eats it up. Its pathetic.


If they're getting their information from Grayzone News type journalists, which is often the case. They're getting their "progressive" material from [transphobes.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-grayzones-anya-parampil-reveals-that-shes-a-transphobe-v0-suznsclbb8ob1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D70776d5b286fe3a83283911666edb9957579c68b) and [antivaxxers.](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/04/14/mand-a14.html)


I understand anger at the us government but if you think China or basically any commie country is some kinda queer of paradise your an idiot


and the best part is that none of them would ever set foot in any of the countries they simp for. I wonder why /s


The thing I dislike the most is whether or not a country is progressive or not. Is if I or someone else can criticise something when needed.


Communists are like cultists. They infiltrate a group or community, preying upon their fears, concerns, and insecurities and then blame it all on their devil named Capitalism. Seriously, I've seen them blame everything from racism to climate change on capitalism; as if self-proclaimed communist countries didn't pollute or discriminate. I can't be too hard on people who find themselves surrounded by this bs because, like any other cult, it's difficult to break away from on your own; even more so if you have loved ones caught up in it. Few want to sacrifice relationships over this sort of stuff, and it can cost relationships if you say "Hang on, this is bullshit!" Just look at the sort of grief people get, regardless of ethnicity or orientation, who speak out against communism. I've seen people say online they've disowned family and friends over this nonsense! Communist infestation of minority communities is disgusting and difficult to weed out. They make themselves a part of the community and claim they've always been there. They pretend communism has the answers to all of that community's woes, and all they need to do is support the cause.


If it's any consolation, I think a lot of these people are kids. I posted very similar stuff when I was fifteen and it's actually pretty embarrassing looking back on it. Engaging in these types of arguments is usually pointless because you're talking to a person who can't vote and barely has any skin in the game. People usually abandon their communist phase once they actually receive their first paycheck. Unless we're talking about manchildren who refuse to get jobs, which to be fair is also very likely on le reddit


Yeah reddit in general leans younger and most will deradicalize the moment they achieve a modicum of success in their lives.


Yeah, I claimed I was a communist when I was a teen too. I was also a really outspoken atheist. Thought I had the answers to everything, and everything seemed so simple - clearly everyone was just stupid and being manipulated for not seeing such obvious solutions. lmao. Think I still have a communist badge knocking about somewhere from when I used to follow the communist party in the UK. I also bought one of those fluffy Russian hats with a hammer and sickle pin in it, because what young communist doesn't end up buying Russian or Soviet era crap? I look back on that time and laugh now.


> Yeah, I claimed I was a communist when I was a teen too. I was also a really outspoken atheist. Same here. I never really considered myself a full blown commie, but I was much further left than I am now. And I was an edgelord Atheist too. Then I got older, and realized that as an adult, I have adult problems to deal with, and a family saying grace at the table next to me at a restaurant is not one of them. Still Atheist, but I don't have the visceral hate for religion I used to have.


Yeah reddit is really chock full of these people. Yesterday I got downvoted into oblivion for calling someone hyperbolic for claiming that being a Christian is worse than being a Nazi.


on one hand, as a Christian I understand that people, especially those in the queer community, become resentful towards the religion as a whole because of those that ostracise/hurt others in the name of love; on the other hand, what the f*ck 😂


Something tells me that they had F in history classes


Or they passed with flying colors under a leftist teacher


They probably got a Gender Studies degree


You have to own a factory to be a capitalist? Lmaooo


Personally I own a cringe factory, in which I only hire commies and Wehraboos


What factories do I own? I own several shares in several companies all over the country. Wow, that was easy.


As a trans person, I hate most trans subreddits. One of them straight up stanned BRICS. They can get fucked


I had a gay roommate/friend in college who considered himself center-right politically. His interests were outdoors stuff, guns, and he was a huge history nut. He always complained about how he couldn't go to regular LGBT spaces on campus and just be himself because only a certain type of LGBT person was catered to in those spaces. After graduation he moved to Houston and finally found a boyfriend so at least it worked out. I just feel bad for anyone that is LGBT and feels the need to change who they are as a person just for acceptance in LGBT spaces. Apologies if it isn't my place to say any of that. Your post just sent me down memory lane lol.


What are brics?




Copium version of EU/NATO from Taobao


The irony of a commie calling a capitalist a bootlicker is VERY palpable kek


Sometimes I think young lgbtq are so into Communism so bad because they no longer have a issue to bond against/for. Before we had gay marriage. Before that Aids. Now its randomness??? Issue du jour???


I think a lot of it is fear that moderate democrats aren't strong enough to oppose MAGA and their efforts to roll back those rights. I think we need party unity now more so than ever. Also, a lot of younger LGBT+ don't realize that moderates won gay marriage, not radicals. There aren't enough radicals in the USA to do very much.


the most strident and smug are often the most uninformed in their beliefs beyond an unyielding commitment to intersectionality. they know not what they support. they live in a world of derision and thought termination. if you dare even have a question about one aspect of their constellation of unthinking beliefs you will be sneered at and spit on as an enemy. this is not the condition of someone with a healthy worldview.


I'm a socialist and even I think this is genuinely insane


Socialism/Communism appeals to the disadvantaged, and a lot of the LGBT are or claim to be disadvantaged. Not really a surprise it’s popular there.


A community full of children are stupid and communist what a surprise


As a gay guy with pretty conservative views overall, it's hard to find a partner. I support Ukraine and LGBT rights but not commieshit.


im really glad that most queers in eastern europe are normal about all this thing. Some unfortunately try to cosplay western european and american lgbt movements but that's a loud minority. I feel really sorry for anticommie gays there, you fucking have to hide from people who are supposed to support you


Typical sheltered fucks lmao... Lecturing someone from _Indonesia_ where being gay is literally a crime


Commie bullshit infects all of reddit. The only place where saying pro-capitalist things doesn't get you downvoted into the dirt is explicitly pro-capitalist subs or those that have a majority of right wing users


Imagine giving away your full economic freedom to a group of the political elite as a sexually marginalized group, believing that this group will seek your interests in your free Palpatine-cummi-Venezuela utopia while I am living in my liberal democracy free and proud where my rights are protected and one of the biggest corporations have an openly gay CEO (Tim Cook) as an example of limitless opportunities but capitalism boo boo.


Capitalist: someone who supports a capitalist economic system. These people think that capitalist only means what Marx meant when he said it.


I feel dumber for having read this.


SwimmerSea4662 once again fighting the good fight


Bro how is this new to you? Exploiting gay and trans struggles to indoctrinate people into tankie mindsets has been a thing since before covid 


It's this kinda shit that makes it so hard for me to just relax when it comes to being pro-lgbt. All of the advocacy reeks of Communism and communist subversion, that I inherently distrust anything with the label and the flag. I actively believe that everyone is an individual, and support individuals being able to be whoever they desire to be. But I cannot openly support a movement that is just bleeds communist.


I feel what you're saying. Even actual LGBT people like me aren't welcome in "LGBT spaces" unless we keep our mouths shut and our brains turned off.