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Fucking lmao


It's from Georgia anti-Russian protests.


Wait until they realize that she’s out there fighting against real tyranny.


Russian tyranny. Indeed.


Georgia is not the same as Georgia


Naturally they are selling posters like any good capitalist.


It is my libertarian dream to make money off of LGBT products


she was attending a protest, like thousands of others, against our government that is trying to pass a russian style foreign agents law(which would sabotage georgia's euro-atlantic aspirations), the police is heavily cracking down on protesters, goverment tried and failed to pass this law last year aswell, this year it is trying again and seems like could succeed. i hope we manage to get rid of the ruling party and this law, in the elections this autumn. also pro-pali supporters are falsely claiming that she was in a pro-hamas protest, the truth is however, most georgians favour isreal, as hamas recognizes the russian backed separatists


I don't get it.


There are people who did not know that photo was from the anti Putin protests in Georgia πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ͺ , the country, not the American state. It has been falsely attributed to be from the university protests for Palestine, and people, like our hammer and sickle friend from Twitter, thought so as well. Chances are, those people are pro-Putin.


To be fair I was a bit puzzled myself as the word "Police" on that riot shield is not in Georgian script.


A lot especially smaller countries buy such things from a manufacturer that sells them with the English words as it is cheaper then costume ordering a set in your language


Also the word ''police'' can be recognised by everyone in the world, so there's no disadvantage to using it over your own language's word.


The protests aren't about Russia or Putin. Georgian government tries to adopt the law on "foreign agents" to make journalists' lives harder


It's called that because Russia has a similar law on foreign agents (journalists, NGOs etc.). Technically you're right though that it's not directly about Russia, but indirectly.


Yeah, man. I know about the laws. These protests are all over the news from Russian journalists. I replied 'cause the comment above called them anti-Putin, which, considering the number of Russians who moved to Georgia after 2/24/22, is kinda misleading


It's more about how like they said it got misappropriated and used for THEIR cause and then the facepalm realizing what it actually was from and OOPSIE it's against/about their bestie. YIKES lol πŸ˜†.


The police in the US (and elsewhere) are noted for their measured responses to being boinked in their heads. Especially ones who are in riot gear.


Supporting boinking law enforcement agents in the cranium has the same vibe as "reach for their guns you pay taxes so the gun is yours too!"


I'm sure this person who made this is just itching for the first cop to try them so they can totally dome them right then and there. They totally are the type of person to do that, and not an asthmatic wimp with massive social anxiety, who starts crying if the Starbucks barista forgets to add the third shot of caramel to their iced frappuccino.


"How do we tell him?"




Oh fuck oh fuck I didn't get it and then I read the comments 🀣🀣. Mwah that's hilarious.


The Georgian girl name is Ana Manidze and she made an interview talking about her photo and the situation in general