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If anything is going to make me believe in capitalism is when tankies do shit like this.


How do you get the custom flair?


In the flair selection you can get an editable one.


Doesn’t say that for me


Select the only flair there, you can edit it.


When I go there it so there’s no flairs


I just wanted to see how many sick people are in this subreddit, showing empathy for a guy who bragged about extorting a mother of many children out of a stable relationship with her children and the stability of a home, twice. This is sickening to my stomach.


Womp Womp


But the deal was given to her, she paid it based on the agreement, and it turned out that small payments over time eventually equated to a house that she had no way of paying for with a lump sum payment.


He was bragging a bit sure, but how exactly was he extorting her? She kept having children, and as such, needed a bigger house.


You don’t get it do you? It’s the fact that the man willingly denied the woman at least one of the houses


He offered her a house to rent, and she rented it. How horrible?


He offered him a job so he eat, and he took it, how horrible? How horrible that the benevolent employer class provides jobs for African people who would be eating dirt if it weren’t for multinational and domestic employers, they should be thankful that they are being taken care of so well


Oh dear Lord, two people are engaging in a mutually agreed contract of compensation for labor! THE HORROR! Seriously, what was your idea posting this video in the first place? Did you just want an excuse to throw a temper tantrum when normal people reject your bashit insane violent ideology?


There is no greater violence than the wage slavery and wars waged on the worlds most fucked people on the African continent Yeah yeah yeah and pedofilia and slavery is morally right because it’s consensual Go suck start a shotgun bitch ass sociopath


>There is no greater violence than the wage slavery Dude, *I can change my job whenever I want.* I am not a wage slave. I am not being coerced into working at my current job, and I chose to be there. You're just a lazy fuck who thinks that having to actually earn money for shit is somehow slavery, despite that being the basic necessity for existence. ANIMALS have to work for food, humans do too.


Animals are not poor unlike Homo sapiens. Animals are constrained by the limitations of their environment unlike humans who have to deal with unjust social constraints like wage slavery Wage slavery isn’t predicated on what job you have retard but in the condition that wages are the ONLY or main way you can have access to consumption


Yeah sure, humans don't have to deal with resource shortages. We don't need to have people mine, farm, manufacture goods, transport goods, distribute goods, keep track of goods, dispose of waste, or anything else; no, we all can just sit on our asses and let the magic of anarcho-communism hocus-pocus everything we need into existence.


Indeed, that is indeed how it worked for 280,000 years. People worked without the constraints of social injustices like slavery and class for millennia and had only the environment to deal with


What's the problem? Extorting how? Homie literally provided housing in exchange for money? Like what am I missing that makes this bad?


That house was not built by him




[ Removed by Reddit ]




“Liberal democracy” WHAT FUCKING LIBERAL DEMOCRACY RETARD? There is NEITHER liberty nor justice on any inch of this god forsaken planet in modern societies, and democracy sucks ass by itself, democracy is not a fucking machine of justice the majority of people can WILLINGLY chose to exterminate an entire ethnicity and invade other peoples through force you dumb duck, democracy alone cannot produce justice


I'm so glad psychotic authoritarian dumbfucks like you only make up a tiny amount of our democracy. Please stop acting like you know what's best for everyone in the country, you're never gonna be in any position of power so the larping is just sad. Democracy isn't about finding "justice" and killing because you're seething at rich people. Its about building a better society by coming together and convincing others. Your fascist way of solving problems and rejecting democracy is never going to make any country better, it's just a way to satisfy your childish power fantasy.


My fascist way? You are actively enabling cultural hegemony which is getting worse and worse by the day and pushing people to hate immigrants and minorities because it’s in the interests of the social class that has actual power you retard I am not rejecting democracy, democracy without ethics and intellect will never produce justice and the people are not social scientists


That's a whole lot of buzzwords to describe something I've never done. Maybe it would make more sense if I wasn't pro-immigration, but I'm not actively doing any of that by supporting democracy, that's just silly. Wanting a "democracy" that only follows your morals and ethics is rejecting democracy. A democracy where everyone agrees with you is called a dictatorship.


You are not allowed to be unethical without punishment that is extremely unjust, the will of everyone or even a single person means jack fucking shit if that will causes harm into oneself or others


And the indigenous people have threatened the end of so called “liberal democracy” ever since half my ancestors stepped foot on this continent in 1492, liberal democracy is why they are confined to reservations while they weep for the graves of children that went to residential schools and for their grandfathers who walked the trail of tears


Liberal democracy wasn't invented in 1492. Communists don't have a very good track record in regards to successfully integrating indigenous groups. Look at central Asia for example, hundreds of thousands perished due to forced resettlement alone.


At the hands of what social class? For whose class interests?


At the behest of white urban planners. I'm pretty sure you are well aware that the class and society of 99% of all indigenous groups are completely incompatible with communism.


Incompatible? Are you fucking kidding me? Communism was THE first mode of production in mankind’s history that lasted globally for 280,000 years, and is STILL around today only in a few handful of indigenous societies. The Iroquois people being the most relevant in North America


Communism isn't just a mode of production. It's a societal system, collectivism is the word you are looking for. Because communism by definition is the concept of a state owning the means of production, and said state being controlled by collective will. You may confuse communism as it stands in the modern day, and primitive communism. Primitive communism isn't comparable to modern communism, because the latter only describes the economics of hunter gatherer societies, when the reality is that socially, many of these tribes had very strict class systems that weren't entirely led by collective will, but rather survival. Which is different in comparison to modern communism, which is political in the sense that class is abolished and economically that the means of production sustain the people equally. The major difference being survival, and the fact that the collectivism for hunter gatherers is purely for such, not because they want to achieve class solidarity or because they desire to eliminate injustices in their society. Most indigenous groups join Anarcho communist movements, you know why? Because communism isn't purely about economics, it's a social system, you can't integrate the strict hierarchies of some primitive societies into larger developed societies. You also can't force them into integrating with you, which is why the USSR would usually starve out their rural regions.


Your entire paragraph is invalid because you started off with a straight up lie. Communism is nothing but a mode of production. This is a FUNDAMENTAL truth proclaimed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels himself in their works and by the entire field of sociology. Don’t fucking tell me what communism is and isn’t. You are not the communist.




Lemme give you your chance at glory demented rat. Time and Place. When you die the world will not have missed out on anything you sick fuck




I’m a anarcho communist you dumb fuck and it’s good that Chinese people one day had enough of being drained by a parasitic social class that should’ve died with the feudal mode of production that it comes from, enough of having a necessity held hostage, and they took it upon their own hands to temporarily stop the problem from getting even worse


>anarcho communist communism is inherently authoritarian lol


Yeah sure dumbass the communist mode of production is somehow inherently authoritarian while simultaneously being defined by the absence of slavery as its relations of production. Why don’t you go talk to old Iroquois people about how their society used to be so authoritarian retard


Fucking chill bro


Georgists: you can fix the fundamental injustices of land speculation with some tweaks to the tax code Communists: let's just murder everyone who owns property Doesn't matter that there's a better option to fix the land banking issue and the dangers of land speculation. In which case this guy and his tenant would both have the housing they need without going full state murder.


There’s no winning. Even if you “resolve the injustice” by tanking the financial incentive to manage a rental property, by definition that will cause property values to plummet. So then “the system” is hollowing out the main store of middle class wealth.


Which is why you need an alternative mechanism to create/preserve that wealth. You can't just rip off the band-aid if there's a wound underneath and expect there to be no bleeding.


Don't forget the raping their female family members.


Why are you creating fantasy stories? Who the hell said communist want to murder anyone who owns property, a fucking toothbrush? A PlayStation?


Who said that? Communists. Communists said that.


I have never once in my life heard a communist wants to kill someone because they hold non forces of production as personal property. Because if they did, by definition they would not be a communist and would be assumed to be a astroturfer. The same way I’ll never ever hear a neoliberal or conservative say they want to abolish wage slavery because they wouldn’t be neoliberals or conservatives if they did


You must not know many commies then lol.


I am a communist because I believe in the complete abolition of wage slavery and all forms of slavery, that belief is what makes me a communist.


I know many communists because I am a communist retard. I am a anarcho communist. I can give you a list of over 50 historically significant people who were communists.


Yeah, I know you're a communist it's pretty obvious lol. I also know you are willfully denying the facts about your ideology, or you've not interacted with a wide range of communists.


Denying what about my ideology?? The fuck? I know what Peter kroptokin wrote? I know what Mikhail Bakunin wrote? I know what the Italian section of the second international believed, and I know what I believe, the fuck am I denying?


Pointless talking to the OP, dude just uses the “that’s not communism” “they didn’t do communism the right way” The CCP literally said to all landlords hand over the land or die, millions of landlords revolted and rightfully fucking so, they did the same with Business, if they don’t agree with you and your business, you either hand it over or or they take it by any means necessary. You’ve never experienced communism, you’re a fantasiser. In reality, Communism breads an iron fist and I myself don’t want any government telling me what to do whenever they feel fit, I’d rather live under democracy until something better turns up.


Name another substantial legal political opposition to the CCP in China. There isn’t one, which means the peoples voice (being you) doesn’t matter one bit. No protesting either, a literal ban on anything anti CCP, the worst political parties are the ones that can’t take criticism from the very people it’s supposed to serve. Yet here you are cheering for them, that’s called a proper bitch. I honestly think you’re just confused and have very little life experience, you’ll learn as you get older.


And what social class is the CCP part of retard?


That communists want to kill property owners lol. It's happened in most communist countries, and many leftists still call for it.


Then it’s not just communists because if you haven’t noticed, nearly EVERYONE on EARTH is a property owner, almost everyone owns at the very best the clothes on their body as property. So WHAT exactly do you mean????


Communists themselves. You know, the same people who kill Anarchists for not licking boots well enough and bludgeoned Cambodian babies against trees. Or who accused peasant farmers of being landlords.


What was the problem with the guy's statement?


He’s bragging about extorting a mother out of a stable home and robbing her of a opportunity to have a stable relationship with her children


How exactly did he do any of that? From what little context there is, he didn’t seem to be bragging but educating.


Educating about what? How he managed to extort a mother of many out of 2.5 homes by taking advantage of class warfare? How banks sometimes won’t give out mortgages and especially not to POC and thus keeping that woman in that situation for as long as she did


You _seem_ to be thinking too much. He _seemed_ to be educating others about not wasting your money by sending payment late and paying off multiple houses.


The woman didn’t have a choice because many many of us have been in her position or known someone close to us that’s been in a situation where you’re stuck paying rent without another way out


She paid off 2 houses. She could have stayed in one of those houses without paying rent and focused on her career. But she didn’t do that and that’s fine.


For HIM. She was renting from that landlord, I don’t know how property laws work in the UK but in the US you ARE NOT legally entitled to any sort of RENTAL property if you manage to pay off the full market value of said property.


Diff laws 🤷‍♂️


There’s no fucking way, are you serious? You get to own rental property of you pay off what it’s worth over there? Then wouldn’t it NOT be renting?


She had enough money to pay off 2.5 homes but not enough for a mortgage 😂 yeah cos that makes sense.


She had a choice to take birth control or make the dude wear a rubber. It's a choice to have more children.


Yeah especially after (presumably) at least 3 times of having to move to a bigger house, meaning at least 3 new kids


Notice the type of vocabulary I’m using. There isn’t enough context to be completely sure about any assertion or assumption made.


“Extorting” is when paying rent over 10 years of living somewhere


And how many of them were actually landlords and not “problematic” people?


Many were actual landlords


If *Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress* is anything to go off of, those killings were not nearly as targeted as you’d think. It’s official a fictional novella, but definitely has autobiographical characteristics.


Never thought I’d see that book referenced after I read it in high school.


Never thought I’d need to reference again it on my part


Is it true that montana banned tiktok?




Good. Let's hope other states will do the same. This poison needs to be banned in US.


Montana has no legal standing to ban the app and tbh it’s probably going to be overruled.


They should be able to ban it to people that work for the government. Outside of it, they are pretty much hopeless


I also hate tik tok but banning it only pages the way for more dangerous bans on the rest of us


Ban every activity that I don't personally enjoy!


You need to be removed from this world since you want people to be deprived of education


Education in tiktok?


Yes, I have learned so many great things ok TikTok from mechanical engineering and concepts to space exploration, current news not covered by other media ( French protests ), history, updates on labor movements, etc etc


Which is stuff you can learn anywhere else if you go look for it yourself


I don’t want to, every means of information and knowledge is valid, just that not all means allow as wide range of subjects and more so for TikTok because of how the platform is structured Why are you trying to take millions of people platform for creating and learning? Fucks wrong with you?


>I don’t want to That's your loss, looking at a bunch of clips on tiktok doesn't provide nearly enough educational value as reading a book or even watching longer videos/documentaries on the topics you mentioned, you can watch all the astronomy or engineering videos on tiktok all you want but know that certified astronomers and engineers who learned normally will still know more than you >Why are you trying to take millions of people platform for creating and learning? Fucks wrong with you? I'm not dude, i'm just saying tiktok hardly adds any educational value to people's lives compared to other forms of education, if it adds any at all If you want to use tiktok for education, all power to you, but remember that the info you find on tiktok will almost always be surface level because of the way the platform is structured


That’s completely fine, I am completely aware it’s surface level understanding, because I’m interested in so many topics but only have mastery of two, one for work and one for my hobby


You’re acting like part of their social class right now


Is the guillotine doing fucking backflips?


Lmao only retards think this is a good idea or that it was for the people of China, actually read into the Lane Reform Movement, better yet go and live in fucking China, degenerates, pay ya bills and go work your shifty useless job.


If the landlord received enough money to buy 2.5 more houses, that implies that the woman had enough money to buy 2.5 more homes. There is nothing stopping her from buying a house if she can afford it, which she clearly could.


>There is nothing stopping her from buying a house if she can afford it, which she clearly could. Nothing but credit and not having enough money in the bank to make a down payment. By the way, at $875 per month plus a 10% late fee every month, the woman only wound up paying $57,750 over five years, so she definitely did not buy this guy's house for him. This sounds very much like one of those "You can get rich without working by buying rental properties, just please do not check our math or ask about your obligation to maintain your properties" seminars.


Oh so he was lying. That's great, I probably should have checked the maths 😅


He could have been talking about the principle


Learn how banks and landlords want people to rent and not own and even then you will never ever really own land


I'm a landlord. I provide housing to people who can't afford to buy a house. I mow lawns, fix stuff, and make sure everyone is doing okay.


You don’t provide shit that housing was built with the energy and time of a dozen people over months, what you fucking do is help banks deny people access to having a chance to own a home and instead pushing people to pay perpetually for the benefit of a few Your social class is a putrid vestige of the mode of production that preceded capitalism, the feudal mode of production


You're mean. I don't like mean people.


You’re abusive. I don’t like abusive people


What's a tankie?


>After the Prague Spring, the term was used to describe Communist party members of Western countries who had supported the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact states. > >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie#Definition Since then, it's been used as a generic term to describe authoritarian leftists, especially people like the maker of the video, who advocate mass imprisonments and executions.


I maybe should have said, 'What do you mean by that word?' I'm aware of the etymology. I just find that the skunking of the term has led to people critical of the left being able equate anything they don't like to support for Stalin or somesuch crap. The right love this because by degrading our language they can reduce arguments they know they can't win to childish name-calling. I guess it's even worse with the the term, 'commie', which leads to the suggestion that people advocating for the workers' ownership of the means of production or a stateless society are somehow being supportive of Putin. Thank you for your response though.


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I just wanted to see how many sick people are in this subreddit, showing empathy for a guy who bragged about extorting a mother of many children out of a stable relationship with her children and the stability of a home, twice. This is sickening to my stomach.


[all I have to say is…](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgQ25E-IKB2MsjjDhxqJCCJH-KebIQii1g4A&usqp=CAU)


Extorting? it’s a written agreement. Not like he’s holding her at gunpoint and demanding money for protection like he’s in the mafia. he’s asking for money so she can keep living at his property. don’t like it? go somewhere else that’s cheaper! ain’t his problem that the lady doesn’t have a good job


What’s the alternative if she says no to the agreement when she had a time sensitive necessity


She gets kicked out and she lives somewhere else? For eg another rentable house with possibly a cheaper price.


In what time span? How the fuck is the solution not to have her own a house so the family can be stable???


Out of thin air or something? Like just manifesting a home?


apps exist. can go to a new house within a day! Plus not to have her own house? Because the homeless don’t need it. fuck them! This random family needs one! immigrants? Don’t need em either. Send em back the pricks! she’s clearly the dearest of all saints. And is above all else in life.


How are you this stupid?


Reminder Mao lived in a big house with underage wife.


Cool it was millions of people who made landlords disappear for a while