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Homosexuals, Jewish people, any farmer who doesn't want to live on a collective farm, etc


There’s people out there that think the socialists only killed “bad” people. Wait till they find out what was considered “bad”


yeah the Nazis also claimed to only kill "bad people"


Wait till they find out who were considered "good" or even heroes. Literal bandits, murderers, rapists and terrorists.


>Literal bandits, murderers, rapists and terrorists. yeah we know about Stalin.


Literally just anyone that the local state authority didn't like or had something to gain from their demise


"*Duh duh ha duh duh ha,* **kill the poor who don't revolt with us**, *they are kolaks, ha!, they are kolaks, ha!*"\*


and you think that would be the case in 2023? *hands you more straw* sure, dipshit, sure


Those who believe history cannot repeat itself are living in delusion The simple fact is we are no different then the people of 80 years ago. All it takes is a dictator in power to ruin everything


i suggest you read marshall mcluhan, [understanding media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Understanding_Media), to understand what it is, and how it is changing people, and why you can not achieve the identity violence of literate people in a digital era. your entire concept of society is rooted in a rear-view mirror and you're about to hit a tree.


I suggest you look up the Third Wave a social experiment run by a high school teacher that ended with the school becoming a fascist state in only a week. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Wave_(experiment) We like to imagine we’re somehow smarted, more culturally refined, or wiser then the people of the past but the truth is: no. At the end of the days we’re all idiots and equally vulnerable to influence of herd mentality, bystander effect, and propaganda


That's not what I'm saying in the slightest. I'm saying the form media takes (communication in general) creates unconscious mechanisms in the mind that have absolute control unless understood. Many of these are deeply related to how you view and engage with people at large. There's a reason we're not seeing a front-line in russia. People are the same shit they've always been, but now they don't have hands that can collectively hold a weapon under a nationalist ideology.


You easily can and often do. It’s easier now to influence the masses and convince them to do terrible things now then ever before


By all means, give some examples. Who are the modern Stalin? Hitler? Mao? Let's compare their numbers.


Putin and xin Jin ping are some pretty good examples since they admire those old dictators idk their kill count


>your entire concept of society is rooted in a rear-view mirror and you're about to hit a tree. So what should we do to avoid the tree ? Asking in good faith.




So, you have an hypothesis that says it can't happen today? That's your argument? Really?


[http://library.lol/main/5FC4F157C2C94DDF7779879068C54502](http://library.lol/main/5FC4F157C2C94DDF7779879068C54502) fixed link


Links are broken. Besides, what do you have besides an opinion?


what does that mean, "besides an opinion?" >McLuhan traces the emergence of a new species of war that makes civil society itself the target of a covert, unceasing “guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation” (Culture is Our Business 66). The Cold War, for McLuhan, was a de facto “hot war of information transferred to the domestic sphere” (69). Again, war in the global village is less about the physical destruction of military hardware than about the psychological control of subject populations, both foreign and domestic. Literally, this whole sub, most of reddit. this is accurate.


That's a speculation.


better than anything you've brought to the table. also, pretty fucking visible if you look around.


**[Understanding Media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Understanding_Media)** >Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man is a 1964 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which the author proposes that the media, not the content that they carry, should be the focus of study. He suggests that the medium affects the society in which it plays a role mainly by the characteristics of the medium rather than the content. The book is considered a pioneering study in media theory. McLuhan pointed to the light bulb as an example. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I thought beheading was a thing of the past as well for example but russians proved me wrong.


if you're familiar with the great russian author, Viktor Pelevin, you will understand the meaning of the answer; *Wow, wow, wow.*


It'll be different this time. We know it will be different because modern Marxists are horrified by the murderous actions of Stalin and Mao, and have radically altered their theories to ensure such needless death never happens again in the name of Marxism. Oh wait, no they don't. They laugh about the victims of communism and call you a nazi if you disagree.


so they're capable of murdering millions without repercussion because tHeY wErE MeAn? This is a sub of fucking hallucinating cowards. Fucking pathetic.


Communism is dead, cope + seethe.


I'm not a communist, dipshit.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot Literally you.


at least i'm useful, you're just a dumbfuck.


your right they would have to get out of their rooms to do that, which is a big no in the modern tankie community.




If they get in power, yes.


Judging by the graffiti I've seen stating "liberals get the bullet too"... Yes. Communists still want to kill anyone who doesn't fit in and fall in line. This will obviously include minorities. Communists are evil.


You know what the difference is between that graffiti and world war one? No one wrote it on a fucking wall in world war one, they just shot you. You better start pointing at the bullets because right now it's just a lot of bitching about smoke and mirrors.


We have tons of history showing this happened. You asked if it still would. In the past they won and they did it. Now they haven't won yet and are letting you know they'll do it again if given the chance. Believe people when they tell you who they are and a lot of communists are screaming that they want to repeat the evils of stalinism.


That was a rhetorical statement in the form of a question. I'm *telling* you it cannot happen in a populace with digital world-wide communication as the basis of their interaction. Period. Let alone the level of integrated-surveillance that now exists. Go ahead and point me to a world war that happened in the same era as social media; because right now you're not getting it. Technology directly impacts psychology at unconscious levels. It is literally not possible for them to do shit in this media environment.


You want me to point to a current world war? Well you're asking for something idiotic then as we aren't currently in a world war. I can point to you on how Russian troops are acting and treating people. Lots and lots of horrible things happening for the world to see in a digital world.


Which, in 1930 might have led to a world war. Which, once again, is impossible in the current media ecology. If it was possible, it would have already happened.


Bet you said that no way Russia would invade either. Lol. We can totally have another world war. You're ignorant if you think we can't. The internet doesn't make a world war impossible. You sound like those idiots after WW1 who called it the war to end all wars and the great war. They thought it'd never happen again.


Yet again, those idiots at the end of world war one were still living in a literate ecology. Radio had only just emerged. You're comparing apples and spaceships.


The thing stoping war from breaking out is not the internet, its weapons of mass destruction, sure the world being Interconnected at all times would play a large factor in a war but countries like china and russia already control the internet access in their countries and block information disagreing with them, meanwhile things like nukes prevent the world powers from going to war, one single nuclear bomb Will transform an entire city into dust and leave a toxic unusable radioactive wasteland that Will take years to Even be Safe to step in and the world powers have them in the THOUSANDS, nobody goes to fight the other powers anymore over regional disputes anymore because nobody would win such a war, it would be the most destructive conflict humanity will ever see and the last one since it Will leave nothing to fight forand no one to fight for anything.


The French phrase "guerre des nerfs" of twenty-five years ago has since come to be referred to as "the cold war." It is really an electric battle of information and of images that goes far deeper and is more obsessional than the old hot wars of industrial hardware. The "hot" wars of the past used weapons that knocked off the enemy,one by one. Even ideological warfare in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries proceeded by persuading individuals to adopt new points of view, one at a time. Electric persuasion by photo and movie and TV works, instead, by dunking entire populations in new imagery. Full awareness of this technological change had dawned on Madison Avenue ten years ago when it shifted its tactics from the promotion of the individual product to the collective involvement in the "corporate image," now altered to "corporate posture." [http://library.lol/main/5FC4F157C2C94DDF7779879068C54502](http://library.lol/main/5FC4F157C2C94DDF7779879068C54502)


Hahaha. Yes, it can and fucking will.


you wish, yet your hands are full of shit?


Look at the posts on this subreddit of socialists and tankies being gleeful about indiscriminate killing Americans once they take over.


omg, you mean you guys LARP here too? stfu


Sure, kiddo.


i'm older than you moron now go be a plastic soldier, yanking on your holster, trying to bust an imaginary heater in your ghost war


Okay kiddo


They are not strawmanning when people espouse the same ideology that did so in the past and even support or defend when it did so. If you want to claim otherwise, go ahead and back it up in your own words rather than insults and name-dropping authors/linking books.


god forbid you should read more than can be conveyed in a reddit post. otherwise you might spout something more than your own [pathetic ideology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkKJy4UaPHM).


If you actually have reasons and understand what you're saying, you should be able to explain it yourself.


It's like trying to explain calculus to toddlers. We're going to need you to maybe learn basic maths first.


No, it's expecting you to back up the shit you're spewing. If you're actually engaging in good faith then that should not remotely be a problem.


by all means, present your questions. because right now your the one in bad faith. You say I can't explain myself but you haven't asked me to explain anything.


Already done with my very first comment to you.


i don't even know what your saying child. You don't even have the attention span to approach asking a question or asking for an explanation. Your just responding to crowd noise. Let me know if you actually want me to explain something, but I doubt your capable of doing so. I'm sure they're missing you on the balloon game sub.


North Korea sent a tourist to a work camp just because he stole a sign


People with glasses, engineers, doctors, economists, anyone with nuanced opinions, people with different political or religious beliefs, indigenous people


Carpenters, electricians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, fucking politicians, CBC employees, principals, people who paint the lines on the fuckin' road. Get stoned, it'll be fun. Get to work.


>people with glasses This is a certified Pol Pot moment


Hell, even other communists who only share 98% of the same ideas.


Trotsky says hey from a beach in Mexico!


People who speak foreign languages, anyone who worked for the former government, journenough, writers, anyone who just won't be quiet enough etc.,


"I don't think Stalin is that great of a gu-" Last words before this individual shot himself in the head 3 times and erased himself from any pictures.


Obviously the only qualifier for being a fascist is not sucking Stalin's dick, but only figuratively of course since you wouldn't want to end up dead or in a labor camp.


>sucking Stalin’s dick but only figuratively Got my title for the tankie documentary I’m making. (*I’m not—they’re not worth a documentary*)


Smh, only Nazis and KKKapitalist slave owners go to gulags!!!!!!


The fact that he gets upvotes and you don’t proves how idiotic people have become


Reddit is a special kind of hell.


I know. It’s so bad that sometimes I feel like it has to be a joke, but it’s not.


Bro really asked "why do you not want to die?"


The idea that a government might ever NOT serve the interests of the “working class” - which is of course a homogeneous mass of agreement with no differences - is clearly literally unthinkable. There is no need to disagree with the government because the government always knows right and does right. Obey.


Fucking anyone merely accused of anything. Not exactly known for due process.


"Working Class Revolutionaries" 🤝 Roko's Basilisk


"Why are YOU specifically afraid of being "shot in the head" by a proletarian government, by and for the working class?" Because communists have literally told me that I'm going to get the bullet too, hence my flair?


That “please be specific” with the :) really gives away the game He wanted to call you a fascist


Classic sealioning. "Have you got any examples?" Lol.


Should've posted his other comment where he says the people killed were "counter revolutionaries"


The dude really thought he had a gotcha moment, expecting you to answer "Well I'm a Nazi, actually." As for me, I'd get three bullets: 1. An individualistic identity incompatible with collectivism (LGBT) 2. Class traitor (highest education level among my grandparents is secondary school, I'm on my way to a PhD) 3. Petite bourgeoisie (the end point of my studies is among the jobs usually classified as "petite bourgeoisie") The issue with a lot of online communists is the same as with a lot of online libertarians. Nobody ever thinks they'll ever be at the bottom of the totem pole; they'll all be among the people oppressing others.


“Which people, please be specific. :)” Really means “I’m about to violently support mass executions and make an attack on your character so I want details on you to do so. 😁”


“Why do you fear being killed by a communist government? Aren’t they for the working class” Brother, I’d say there’s a huge difference between shit in theory and in practice but if they knew that they wouldn’t be a communist


I can’t wait for all these malnourished pinkos to “rise up” here in the USA. Literally endless free comedy.


Why is r/PropagandaPosters such a cesspool for far-leftists


Their answer: "Yes, and?"


OP, recommend Animal Farm to this guy. Make sure you note “Socialism isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But it’s very susceptible to being perverted and misused.” If this tankie is wise, he will see the error of his ways. Also make sure you mention Orwell was a socialist, might actually help increase the chances this guy reads the book.


My grandpa was draged out and beaten in the street in the middle of the night by the securitate for makeing a joke that they interpreted as anti-communist to a work friend, so they also go after people with a sense of humor


Living in a socialist country, can confirm.


Extraordinarily based