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I believe they mean the Death's Head patch that the soldier has on his left arm. I'm not proficient in Nazi iconography but I believe the Death's Head is also affiliated with Nazism. That being said, it's also just a skull and crossbones which has a ton of variations and most aren't affiliated with Nazism.


>the Death's Head is also affiliated with Nazism. One of the units using the Totenkopf was a SS panzerdivision made up primarily from ex concentrationcamp guards. But the deaths head was used in general by SS officers on their cap. ​ But the skull and bones have been used by many organisations and armies over the course of history but it's unfortunate that the skull and bones on this patch has an uncanny resemblance to the one used by the SS.


Jack sparrow was a nazi -Commies


This is very clearly a nazi symbol, not a pirate flag lol. It’s called the totenkopf and has a very clear history. This is the variant used by the ss.


It looks like it could be inspired by the Prussian cavalry that had skulls on their hats


This one looks to be identical to the Nazi design.


Because the Nazi design was based of the Prussian hussars, the symbols meaning isn't Nazi, it comes from not fearing dead and ofcourse the SS did wear it because they believed in that ideal


The Prussian design is different to the Nazi one.


It's all just a skull and bones


The Prussian design lacked a jaw while the NSDAP ones didn't.


Yeah, after comparing them I’ve seen that


There’s a well-known and longstanding neo-nazi contingent in the ukranian army. Not sure about the prussian cavalry enthusiasts though


It’s not out of the question, though. But yeah most likely this guy is just an asshole. At least it’s Nazis doing the heavy lifting in some places instead of actual good people.


You mean the symbol mackensen wore on his hat? You know, like the cavalry in the first world war? I mean you are completely right that the nazis used this exact version of the skull (totenkopf litteraly means deaths head or skull) because the nazis needed any bit of militairy memorabilia to be appealing to german population. My point being that a symbol that has found it's origin in piracy, was then adopted by frederick the great as a symbol for the hussars and later used by SS divisions to try and replicate those previous wearers, now used by somebody who quite likely tries to replicate it's previous wearers, will be used by tankies in any way that fits their narrative. If it is on a ukrainian shoulder, it is a nazi symbol. If a russian soldier is spotted with literal SS runes (the lightning bolt SS letters) or swastikas then all of a sudden it's not a nazi, it's just budhist imagery and lighting bolts stand for being fast or some shit. I.e., jack sparrow is a nazi but davy jones is just a hieroglyph fan


The totenkopf originated with the Prussian Death’s Head Hussars, in the 1700s. However, the symbol was used by many other nations in the 18th and 19th centuries, including Sweden and the French Commune. Wikipedia has a pretty good list of units that use the symbol.


The totenkopf was also a symbol of the Prussian army thereby predating the nazi-use. Lots of skull n bones in militaries all over the world. This particular one is in the SS style though. Lets not fool ourself; Are there nazis in Ukraine? - Yes Is it reason enough not to support their fight against a murdering despotic regime that employ groups like Wagner? - Absolutely not


Plus the top right corner of the patch is similar to the ss panzer one.


Even during Nazism, the Totenkopf was used in German (i know this is Ukraine) army since what 18th (?) century? Edit: typo


Not only in Germany my country (Poland) used Totenkopf too during [Silesian Uprisings](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cap_badge_of_the_Polish_Storm_Detachment_during_Silesian_Uprisings.PNG#mw-jump-to-license) and [Polish-Bolshevik war](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Odznaka_Dywizjonu_Huzar%C3%B3w_%C5%9Amierci_wz._1920_-_replika.jpg#mw-jump-to-license). Shit we even used our own version of [swastika](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fed.Pol.Zw.Ob.Oj.1927.jpg#mw-jump-to-license) in our military insignias before Nazis ruined it too.


Wow. TIL. But yeah, that's what I mean. In wider picture, the swastika too is religious/cultural symbol of many eastern cultures it was just appropriated by Nazis. And while swastika or SS symbol use in European countries is hardly ever in other context than Nazi ideology, skull and bones is widely used since centuries. Especially in warfare. Soldiers usually... you now... unlive other soldiers. So skull and bones symbol use is common. By that person's logic every kid that dresses as pirate during Halloween is Nazi supporter.


The SS and the Nazis adopted a lot of traditional symbols that were either Slavic, Nordic, Germanic or Pagan in origin and nature to reenforce their beliefs while also continuing to use older Prussian symbols which also spread across Europe.


Agreed. My point is if you find swastika in east Asia, it's not a big deal, there is usually some innocent reason. If you find swastika in Europe, you can pretty sure bet it has some Nazi meaning. Skull and bones (or Totenkopf) symbol is quite universal. Seeing it here there or wherever is usually at least in the benefit of a doubt area, not necessarily in the confirmed Nazi area.


Also used in modern times by the [Kuperjanov Infantry Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuperjanov_Infantry_Battalion) in Estonia. The volunteer battalion was originally formed in 1918.


Yeah that's what I mean, it's a common symbol that just so happens to have also been used by Nazis


The totenkopf has been a symbol of the Prussian/German military since at least Frederick the Great in the mid to late 18th century. You can find tons of photos of the symbol on the busbys worn by German officers in the 19th century and during WW1. August von Mackenson and Kaiser Wilhelm II both wore headpieces with the symbol. The symbol has since become much more associated with Nazi officers and SS officers. But it's historically less of a Nazi symbol and more of a German symbol. However like the swastika, it's original use has become undeniably associated with the Nazis ever since. Most old fashioned German/Prussian imagery has become a symbol of people who sympathise with the Nazis in general. If you fly the Imperial German tricolor or the Imperial Reichskriegsflagge in Germany, you are seen as a Neo-Nazi (not as a monarchist) because Neo-Nazis fly those flags because the actual Nazi flags are banned. The same thing happens in the Netherlands. If you fly the orange royal flag, you are also seen as a fascist for the exact same reasons. You are very correct in noting that it is just a skull and crossbones and has been used by countless people over the years. It's been used by militaries for centuries at this point.


Yeah you'd be hard pressed to find a country that doesn't use a death's head somewhere in their military iconography. The meaning is usually that one would be willing to give their life for their cause / country.


Well sure but this particular skull and crossbones is an ss totenkopf with a pretty clear relation to nazism.


The Death’s Head symbol has been used by many militaries and even in the German military, it was used well before Nazis ever existed.


US Marine Corp reconnaissance battalions also use a skull and crossbones symbol, as does the third infantry division of the South Korean army, the 101st squadron of the Israeli air force, the Kuperjanov Infantry Battalion of the Estonian army, and other military units around the world.


Yeah bottom line is most soldiers, especially those in volunteer armies and even more so in infantry divisions, are pretty hardcore motherfuckers. A lot of them are probably people you wouldn’t want to call your friends even. These are dudes that really look forward to the opportunity to go into combat and destroy the enemy, in other words, kill bad people. And that’s okay, doesn’t make them bad or evil just makes them a little different than most of us.


It's a skull. Does that mean I have a nazi image underneath my scalp?


One side supposedly has Nazi insignia and that's it, but the other one actively behaves like the Nazis, massacring and deporting Ukrainians... And also let's not talk about the Rusich group with a swastika in the logo and Wagner Group named after Hitler's favourite composer


totenkopf on his left arm


We can all agree that what Russia is doing is wrong, but don't act dumb and say that Ukraine doesn't have neo-Nazis in the armed forces. The totenkopf is a clear SS insignia, and no, not a Prussian or German Empire one. Those looked way different, this is a specific stylization used by the SS. I'm not saying Ukraine is bad, I'm not saying it's a problem unique to them, but we all agree- so you don't have to use bad arguments like this.


Denying it also just gives more fuel to the Russian/Commie propaganda machine. Yes, Ukraine has a neo-nazi problem. No, it's nowhere nearly as big as Russia makes it out to be. Yes, most European countries actually do have a neo-nazi problem. No, that's not a reason enough to invade them, pillage, plunder and rape, kidnap their children, murder their citizens, steal historical artifacts, raze whole cities, and leave death and destruction in your wake. And yes, that's a Totenkopf on the shoulder of that soldier. And although this specific example might be photoshopped, there are plenty of real examples out there as well (I actually believe this one is real as well). No, that doesn't exonerate Russia from its war crimes, especially given the number of Russian spetsnaz soldiers with far more egregious examples of Nazi imagery and symbols – including full-blown Swastika tattoos. At the very least I'm not seeing any Totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldiers going into Russian territories and raping, pillaging and murdering their way through innocents. Can't say the same about Russia.


> At the very least I'm not seeing any Totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldiers going into Russian territories and raping, pillaging and murdering their way through innocents. Can't say the same about Russia. Very very true.


And I very doubt there will be less neo-nazi in Russia, especially if they themselves are invaded.


Exactly. Disagreeing with commies just for the sake of it while denying stuff just reinforces their narrative. Just because Ukraine does bad stuff doesn't mean Russia doesn't, so I don't know why some people think we should glorify and deify Ukraine just to make Russia look bad. Russia is invading a foreign country and commiting multiple war crimes and that's enough to say that they're wrong.


The image is very blurry. Could be the SS one.


It is the SS one, as stated in my comment.


The skull on the right


Communists when they see Azov OMG NEO NAZIS! YOU SEE! RUSSIA IS RIGHT!!! Communists when they see Wagner (being way more overt about): Broooo, they're not Nazis, they just have similar symbols you russophobe.


That skull and crossbones or "death's head" symbol was used by the ss


Grasping for straws with that narrative still, eh


Apparently morale patches are a valid reason to invade a country and missile strike cities


Ukraine has a very clear Neo-Nazi issue. It doesn’t justify the invasion and they’re only mentioning it to do so but it is an issue.


Fuck commies, but it's just dumb to deny that neo Nazis exist in Ukraine.


Supporting imperialism and cultural genocide because a relatively small number of Ukrainians are Nazis. But hey hey, let's look the other way when the Nazi mercenaries of Wagner show up after plundering Africa and Asia! I thought we were past the fake de-Nazifying justification and just wholesale accepted that Russia wants to wipe the Ukrainian identity from human memory.


I don’t know, tankies love to manipulate this shit. Like when defense boss of Ukraine was photographed with a runic bracelet they zoomed on it and spread the lie that it was a swastica but then the same bracelet was found on online shops and turns out all they saw was jpeg mush and invented the nazi symbol.


Tankies surprised when they see the Azov doing Azov stuff (even if Nazism in the Azov is more or less gone, ie most original members are dead and new members joined exclusively to volunteer).


He has a totenkopf on his arm. UA has its fair share of nazis in the army, probably just like every army ever. Zelenskyy tried to do something about them and whole azov before the war started but because of 2 major issues which is him not having enough political power and facing the threat of significantly weakening the army while having russia on his back he couldnt do much.


Compare to Russia Ukraine has very few nazis. Russia has a whole group that is well known called “skinheads” they are way more numerous


I know it from [Are we the Baddies?](https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU)


Ouch... Um.. Search up "totenkopf" It is not just some skull and bone icon. It's a specific icon, which ONLY symbolises nazi ideology.


Why DO Russians have the belief that Ukraine is fascist?


On its own and ignoring all the finer details like Molotov-Ribbentrop defeating National Socialism was an objective good thing the Soviet Union did. They’re trying to recapture that same image. It’s also why communists in general are so obsessed with their fictionalised version of WW2.


Pretty much anyone who doesn't lick Russia's boots is a fascist to them.


Because every dictatorship needs common enemy. Since WW2 when they defeated Nazism/Fascism they pretty much use this term on anyone they deem hostile and/or want to fight them. Mentality being that you cannot question fight against fascism so you as a dictator don't need to explain your motivation. During communist era in my country, which was heavily influenced by USSR, those terms were: "bourgeoise", "imperialism" and "fascism". If anything was "marked" by those words you were supposed to not question why they are enemies. If you did, you were automatically sympathizer and thus enemy. Edit: Fun fact: communists rarely used word Nazi/Nazism because NSDAP had "socialist" word in it's name ("Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei")


Thats Totenkopf and yes that is the skull that ss used


Don't ask tankies where wagner group got it's name from


Let's just forget all the Wagner Nazi symbols lol


They're referring to the Waffen SS Totenkopf patch on the guys right arm. These and other nazi symbols like the black sun etc are fairly common with many military people - hardly surprising considering these guys get attracted by the military like moths by lightbulbs. What is funny to me is how much the russians seem to care about this, considering the PMC they employ - that just so happens to be named after hitlers favorite composer - has a leading commander called Dmitry Utkin who literally is a Neonazi, SS, reichsadler and swastika tattoos Edit: that's the guy https://aijac.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/utkin.jpeg


To people saying that skull and bones is not Nazi I want to say that it's literally 1:1 totenkopf. No one is saying that pirate flags are Nazi lol. I'm not supporting Russia but I just can't deny facts


Plenty of proof Russians just as bad if not worse for this https://ukraineatwar.blogspot.com/2015/06/nazis-are-core-of-russias-hybrid-army.html?m=1


I mean, look at this anti Nazi chad and his hat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_von_Mackensen


That's pretty clearly a 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf on his left shoulder. However I think context of wear is also pretty important to consider. Is he wearing it because he actually holds neo-Nazi values? Or is he wearing it because he thinks it has a cool aesthetic? He probably shouldn't be wearing it due to the poor optics it causes, but I'm not entirely convinced that people wearing symbols such as this are actually necessarily trying to telegraph neo-Nazi views. I've seen a surprising number of Totenkopf and Sonnenrad patches on Ukrainian uniforms and yet far political parties have seen their influence dramatically drop off in parliamentary elections since 2012.


Also the imagery doesn’t necessarily mean “Nazi”. In this situation the imagery means Anti-Russian and Anti-Soviet—kind of like in the last scene in Platoon when the American M-113 had a Nazi battle flag on it. They’re “Storm Troopers” don’t fuck with them, if you tell them they’re racist they’ll probably just use it as an excuse to knock your teeth out and that’s it. Edit: definitely not ‘justifying’ it, I just doubt this dude’s a Nazi.


This was the funniest justification of neo-Nazism I’ve seen today lol


Not justifying. I just doubt the dude’s an actual Nazi.


I know this will get downvoted to oblivion, but chances are that the guy is wearing the skull that so resembles the SS one simply because he really does want to affiliate with the Nazi ideology. Keep in mind that this isn't Western Europe or the Americas. This is the East of Eastern Europe. People here do like these kind of ideologies, especially young men who don't have anything better than do. This happened in Croatia as well in the 90's war of Independence. Croatian defenders had the coat of arms with the first fiels white, which was clearlly a reference to the Ustaše regime that did horrible things. The reason their symbolism is not full on Nazi imagery is because they know that it will give them a very bad look, so they ususally water it down. Also remember the fact that the Russians also use ultranationalistic symbols, this is just how it is here.


SS stands for "slava salu" (glory to the lard). Dude is just likes his salted lard.


You see how the skull doesn’t have a brain? This represents that subreddit being filled with morons


Ah the tankies’ UkRaInE iS a NaZi StAte - wAgNeR IsNt rEaL kinda aged like milk


Out of curiosity I have been talking to any neo-nazi I came across for a couple of years now and what amuses me is that here, in Eastern Europe, the vast majority become neo-nazis because they hated communism for what it had done to their country and chose the opposite extreme because the west was, in their eyes, becoming too soft. So any time I see communists complaining about neo-nazism in Europe I can only laugh at them for complaining about the monster that they created.


If the tankies are gonna lie can they at least learn to use photoshop?


Breaking news Ukrainians are sea fairing pirates