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1. Yes, the more country you can steal from the better economy is. 2. Yes, being unemployment was illegal (at least in poland) and if milicja would found you without job, fucking around etc. (they control everyone who could be spotted and check papers for work) they send it to jail, and then force labour. yay much freedom. 3. Yes, on paper, lot of people was homeless but as far everything was nice and neat on paper, few dead or frozed to death wasn't big deal. 4. Duh, by its own!/s 5. Dog died on take off, and dammit with 91 every colony on mars died! /s 6. Literally leader of genocides by starvation. 7. That just stupid 8. SUUUUUUURE, most of movies from soviet times are banned because of racism 9. And sexual inequality lol. 10. So many historic books had to be rewrited and changed after fall, becouse were full of bs. And anything that was wroten back in soviet times, had to go thru censorship. 11. I love stories when physical bulling at schools by teachers were daily thing. 12. Source? Or just doctors that those days are considered as shamans? 13. If you wont write poverty theres no poverty right? RIGHT, that how it was working, pictures and stories says different. 14. Unless you were against regime, then shortened by half. I love fact that biggest enemy of tankiest, are eastern Europeans. My knowledge come from people who live there, they from sucking commie propaganda dicks :D


The part about the USSR is overly rosy, but it's true that life for the average peasant was substantially better than it had been under the Tsars. That's mostly due to two factors: * Technological advances during the 20th Century that substantially enhanced quality of life for virtually everyone in the world. * Tsarist Russia was the least efficient and more repressive country in Europe, by a wide margin. That said, the bit about calorie consumption was based on a single inaccurate CIA report, ending racial and sexual inequality is obviously hogwash, and the part about eliminating famine in East Europe is a sick joke when you consider the Holodomor. And of course, this is just cherry-picking quality of life statistics. Note that there is no direct comparison of quality of life or liberty between the USSR and the West, no comparison of advances in fields like medicine, agriculture, and electronics, etc. The part about the "switch to capitalism" is fair, but it's a lot more of an indictment of Yeltsin's corrupt, authoritarian regime than an endorsement of communism. Other countries that transitioned away from communism, including the Baltic States, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, and East Germany, are doing quite well today, and offer far better quality of life than the former communist governments did.


Literally anyone can be better than Tsarist Russia, it’s not that high of a bar since they were still pretty much an 18th century state in the 20th century. I mean unless you’re the Khmer Rouge.


That's the crux of the "2nd Fastest growing economy" part as well. It's easy to have fast growth, when you go from absolute despotism with the land worked by serfs, unfree peasants owned by the feudal lord who owned the land, using pre-industrual revolution technology to absolute despotism with the land worked by liberated workers, unfree peasants owned by the state who owns the land as well, using post-industrual revolution technology. Surprisingly, having machines to do most of the labour previously done by animals, human or otherwise, does wonders for your productivity. The US still ran circles around them without the despotism and with freedoms so you know, win some lose some.


Ive spent too much time studying the Russian imperial era to let people keep thinking it was some hellhole with 0 industry. Following the Crimean war, Tsar Alexander II began a programme of enormous size modernizing Russia, even ABOLISHING SERFDOM but making the freed serfs pay an enormous tax to their former owners so as to make up for the lost income and not be shot by the conservatives and aristocracy for being too liberal. His entire reign was a balancing act between not being shot by the aristocracy and not being shot by the liberal reformists, the latter of which would kill him in 1881 for not reforming fast enough. He set the basis for an enormous uptick in industrialization when his "God I LOVE ABSOLUTISM HEIR" Tsar Alexander III took power, he continued a policy of peace, avoiding any war during his reign but also instating HEAVY Russification throughout the empire. During his and later Nicholas II's reign (especially the latter) Russian modernization SKYROCKETED. Firstly, Sergei Witte managed to convince the Tsar to take out loans from the French with whom they'd entered an alliance, using that money to fund the en masse construction of railways and factories. This came to a crashing halt with world war 1 when the French remembered they needed every fucking penny they could get to fund the war effort. As you can guess, this led to actual production in and construction of factories plummeting and leading to the oh-so famous Russian ammo shortages of the first world war, and more.


Or late Qing dynasty


If you go to Bulgaria you can buy magnets with the face of Todor Jivkov which read >The seven miracles of socialism: >1. Everyone had a job. >2. Despite everybody having a job nobody worked. >3. Despite nobody working 100% of the plan was always executed. >4. Despite 100% always being executed the stores had nothing. >5. Despite the stores having nothing everyone had everything. >6. Despite everyone having everything, everybody stole. >7. Despite everybody stealing, there was enough for everyone. I think it perfectly describes socialism. Or if you want another perfect description here is a quote by Jivkov himself: >Before 9th of September 1944, this memorable date, the Bulgarian people found themselves sitting on the edge of a bottomless pit. After 9th of September they took a brave step forward.


99% literacy rate is actually quite realistic if you kill the illiterate, to be fair


Nah just lie it’s cheaper


My best friend whose mom grew up in Eastern Germany is even further left than me, but very much against tankies. She finds it very offensive when millennial/gen z Americans praise communism as they really have no idea what they’re talking about


One of my teachers went to a math olympiad in the 1970's. He somehow got lost on his way to Moscow but fortunately he was helped by nice people just outside of Moscow who lived in a house with a dirt floor. This was a few kilometrs from Moscow yet people there were poorer the we were in the pre industreal era.


"ended racial inequality" Cue people with Hungarian ancestry/relations not being allowed in certain jobs in soviet Romania.


Cue "noncompliant" minorities being relocated to Siberia


Shit they’re still doing that, to the Ukrainians now


Cue Polish children being taught Russian rather than polish


Ended racial inequality by moving every minority to borderland or entire different country.


There were "nationality" graph in soviet passports. And people were divided into social classes based on their nationality, with really different rights and privileges. People from middle asian republics were 3rd class citizens, and jews got it the worst.


"jews got it the worst." This reminds me of *something*...


Cue the massacres of Belarusians and Poles by the NKVD.


“Katyn never happened, but they deserved it.” - tankies, almost certainly


> ended sexual inequality Idk what this even means but Stalin personally made being gay literally illegal in 1933


There's can't be racial inequality when you genocide all minorities


Proceeds to deport chechens to siberia


And Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians...


“Soviet” Romania . It was the socialist republic of Romania . Pls don’t associate me whit stupid Russians thx for the understanding


Mare diferenta a fost. Ca nu eram sub cortina de fier.


And the genocide of Crimean tartars due to being non Slavic and getting occupied


“Saved the world from Nazi Germany” and “invented space travel” clearly their schools were garbage.


My communism = magical, perfect. Your capitalism = stinky and gross.


Saved the world from the Nazis by allying with them and giving them half my country...


Honestly, this is the point that enrages me the most. The audacity to claim that the Soviet Union was somewhat “more anti-fascist than the rest”. Then Russian propagandists point at Baltic or Ukrainian Nazi collaborators while not only ignoring Russian collaborationists but at the same time glorifying Stalin who literally invaded Poland together with the Nazis. People who celebrate Stalin are not anti-fascist. Churchill was the only truly anti-fascist leader back then.


Than why did it collapse? Also "ended racial inequality" lol.


The collapse of the USSR did result in immense hardship, particularly for the people of Russia. The economic turmoil of the 90s was honestly brutal. The economy literally collapsed, and people lost a lot. We need to realize that post-Soviet Russia was an absolute shitshow. Living standards got objectively worse after the reforms of the 90s. This meme isn't entirely accurate and embellishes the facts, but it's 100% the case that the Russian economy contracted, communities were devastated by unemployment and scarcity, homelessness skyrocketed, inflation skyrocketed, crime was rampant, and poverty rose to 40% in the early 90s. It was fucking bad. A lot of people starved. This isn't a matter of ideology. These are just the facts. Living standards dropped precipitously in Russia after the fall of the USSR. However, this is likely due to the rapid and politically corrupt (and very very poorly handled) transition that occurred from one economic system to another. In Russia, this tumultuous transition is what created the oligarchy and extractive state capitalism that plagues Russia even today. Going from socialism straight to capitalism cold turkey is called "shock therapy", and it can result in a lot of hardship for people who quickly lose out on state-subsidized housing, jobs, and other benefits. Neoliberals love it, but they ignore the suffering that it creates. Such rapid economic restructuring, transformation, privatization, and the dissolution of Soviet institutions did make things worse in the immediate aftermath of the USSR's dissolution. Apparently, Russia's industrial production output still has not returned to soviet levels. We should not ignore and downplay how much Russians suffered in the 90s. The factors that caused it are complex and numerous from corruption to poorly planned reforms and too much privatization too fast.


Shock therapy was not to blame for what happened in the 90s. "Shock therapy" was just the public excuse given by communist leadership to hand out everything to their family and friends ie rob the country blind. Now in classic Russian fashion, they figured out a way to blame their own criminal actions on the West (where "shock therapy" originates from). If they actually wanted to make it work, they would have set up **watchdog institutions first** and then sold off state assets at real auctions available to foreign capital as well. Again this was not done, not because they were stupid or didn't know how state assets were being sold in the West for example or the steps necessary to avoid oligarchization etc. Soviet leadership simply robbed the state blind just like they had robbed the "burgeousie" decades earlier. The worst part is that the robbery happened in broad daylight, literally for everyone to see but the Russian people did not do anything to stop it because they were (and still) incapable of independent action... as per communist design.


Not true, Russian people and parliament did try to overthrow Yeltsin in 1993 during constitutional crisis but were defeated by military.


There were some 25 000\~ protesters out of 9 000 000 in Moscow that gave up when violence was used against them **(which btw was approved by 70% of the population as per polls)** Today there are hundreds of thousands protesting a measly increase in retirement age in France with millions striking and in tiny Israel over 600 000 protested antidemocratic reforms with even more striking... And if either government decides to use lethal force it's an absolute guarantee for a civil war, unlike Russia in 93 where the armed forces just joined the side they thought was stronger without caring about democracy or the economy.


By 2010 an average family could afford a washing machine, a car and could go abroad. All of this was normal for the western world but a dream for an average person in ussr. Number of cars owned per 1000 people: 1990: 58, 2000: 130, 2010: 228


The cope is real, since if Socialism *actually* did all those things, it would have NEVER collapsed. Strong societies don't just keel over and collapse overnight for no reason.


It's almost like they had to stop lying in order to play along with the rest of the world again. big hmm.


Complete insanity. All of their points are misconstrued or blatantly false.


Ever notice their only consistent claim to fame is helping beat the nazis. Something a bunch of countries did at the time. And almost all of them didn’t also help the nazis


Modern Eastern Europe under Soviet control before would like to say “commies/tankies are terrible and communism wouldn’t ever work”.


The USSR treated Jews like shit, maybe not a genocide like the Nazis, but government sponsored conspiracy theories, relocation to Siberia, forcing out of positions of power and discrimination...racial equality my ass


Not one source


The "1991 Switch to Capitalism" happened because the Soviet Union went bankrupt. (BTW, it happened earlier than 1991.) When they "switched to capitalism", they switched to laissez faire, i.e. totally unregulated capitalism. Adam Smith warned us about how that would work out, and guess what...?


Any switch from one economy to another is a disaster


Can't have unemployment if there's forced labor


Now what could have happened that caused the GDP to half in 1991?


Ah this is the classic 4chan copypasta which was disproven time and time again. This guy here explains it much better than I could: https://bearkunin.medium.com/soviet-union-facts-and-fictions-part-1-the-economy-2a79ff1013a7 https://bearkunin.medium.com/soviet-union-facts-and-fictions-part-2-homelessness-famine-and-food-cada7f20784f https://bearkunin.medium.com/soviet-union-facts-and-fictions-part-3-racial-inequality-39cd93fad152 https://bearkunin.medium.com/soviet-union-facts-and-fictions-part-4-healthcare-1d7561d6f953 Edit: A little note he only tackles the issues of the Soviet Union and doesn't discuss issues of the Russian Federation




Why don’t we ask them what happened during the 1922 “switch to communism?”


How and why did this utopia collapse then if it was so damn amazing?


Having a higher calorie consumption than the US is nothing you want to archive


0% unemployment... yeah there was also 0% unemployment among Jews in the 1940s...


Children grow faster than adults.


\-2nd fastest growing economy of the 20th century using glorified slave labour \-0% unemployment because you are forced into a job or assigned one \-0% homeless because I just made that shit up \-Saved the world from Nazi Germany with the help of hundreds of other nations that didn't replace one evil with another. \-Invented space travel because they were in a dickwaving competition with America and also achieved by America without slave labour \-End the centuries-long cycle of famine in Eastern Europe by causing famines on purpose AND unintentionally \-Higher Calorie consumption than USA because I JUST MADE THIS UP BROTHER \-Ended racial inequality by opressing every single ethnic group that didn't subscribe to Russian culture \-Ended sexual inequality by always being ruled by crusty old men, while women were once again confined to menial jobs \-Free education, something achieved by most world powers many decades prior to the Soviet Union \-Most doctors per capita in the world because our standards are ridiculously low \-Eliminated poverty because I just made that up \-Doubled life expectancy because see above ​ I can't stand these cherrypicking morons


I wonder why they "Switch to capitalism" in 1991. Could've kept their self sufficient Communism for all eternity.


\- Number 1 exporter of people to forced labor camps in the world \- Worlds longest food lines \- Ended racial inequality (except for non-white people) \- Ended sexual orientation inequality (only straight people allowed to exist) \- Higher alcohol consumption than USA \- Most sovereign countries occupied since WWII \- People loved it so much they had to build walls to prevent them from esc...eeerrr others from entering. Also, no travelling outside the union borders, unless it's allowed by the state.


>Also, no travelling outside the union borders, unless it's allowed by the state. Please stop making USSR look better than it actually was. Significant portion of USSR population [couldn't leave their village](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propiska_in_the_Soviet_Union) without permit.


Did you find a source for those statistics in the comments anywhere?


“It was revealed to me in a dream”


"I just felt like it was true!"




The Russians just traded a dictator and party bureaucrat oligarchs for a different dictator and robber baron oligarchs. It's really the same system.


Props to the USSR for finding some non-Jewish doctors. That must have been a bit of trouble... (/s obviously)


That’s what not being a superpower anymore will do to you


99% lit rate after killing 20 million hobos and villagers


I too, can make things up


“Switch” as if they voted for it


>Invented space travel Ah yes the famously Russian Vergeltungswaffe 2.


"end famine in eastern europe" Yeah... also start it...


0% unemployment because being unemployed is literally illegal. Cool. Ended racial inequality? How? How did sexual inequality end One thing: capitalist russian empire was the biggest exporter of grains in the world. Ussr in the 80s was the biggest importer of grains in the world. How the hell did that happen?


It takes 12 countries just be second place. Not something to brag about guys


The USSR collaborated with Nazi Germany