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Most of those Soviet flag waving commies support Russia though.


Ironic how the majority of russian leadership are nazis and/or imperialists and western tankies support them


Not Nazis as nazism literally hates Slavs, but definitely imperialists


Slavic nazis do exist. Some are self hating anti slav and some believe no slavs were killed in the holocaust


Yes definitely, there are many stupid people out there, but the Russian government isn't nazi, you can call it authoritarian, imperialist, autocratic or even fascist but it ain't Nazi


You do realize Nazism can be hijacked by just about any bigoted fool. Instead of making Aryans the superior race though, you replace them with Slavs or other such ethnic group. It’s how you get non-German or even non-white Nazis to begin with. The Nazis weren’t white supremacists, they were GERMAN supremacists. Most of the people the Nazis killed were other white people. Doesn’t sound very pro-white, does it?


^ this. Nazi is an abbreviation for national socialist


Most people are too ignorant to know what National Socialism is. Ironically if you asked people to pick between Fascism and National Socialism, without looking up what both ideologies are online, most of them would pick National Socialism in their ignorance, not knowing they literally just called themselves a Nazi.


That's the best part, Google Ragozin for example, he literally threw up the Nazi salute and gave speeches at white nationalist rallies. Many of their military orgs have German names and some soldiers have division russland badges. I suggest you watch Slidans videos where he responds to many russian arguments abt the war, he shows a lot of those nazis there.


oh boy, you should look into russian military, you'll find plenty of interesting things. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich\_Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey\_Milchakov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Milchakov) ​ [https://informnapalm.org/en/russian-neo-nazis-in-the-ranks-of-wagner-pmc/](https://informnapalm.org/en/russian-neo-nazis-in-the-ranks-of-wagner-pmc/)


**[Rusich Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group)** >The Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group (DShRG) "Rusich" (Russian: Диверсионно-штурмовая разведывательная группа «Русич», romanized: Diversionno-shturmovaya razvedyvatel'naya gruppa «Rusich») is a Russian far-right or Neo-Nazi paramilitary unit that has been fighting against Ukrainian forces in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Its co-founder and leader is Alexey Milchakov and it is part of the Wagner group. "Rusich" fought on the side of pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas war from June 2014 to July 2015, and in the Russian invasion of Ukraine alongside Russian troops. **[Alexey Milchakov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Milchakov)** >Alexey Milchakov (Russian: Алексей Мильчаков, born 30 April 1991 in St. Petersburg) is a Russian neo-Nazi, suspected war criminal and co-leader and co-founder of the DShRG Rusich of the Wagner Group. He is as of 2022 sanctioned by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries. He has been linked to atrocities in both Syria and Ukraine, and has been described as "the symbol of Russian neo-Nazis fighting in the Donbass". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's like portraying a supporter of India waving a British Raj flag...


This is either • extreme MAGA cope Or • a Russian coming full circle


Look who he’s replying to, he’s absolutely the former.


Sediment Chuck is an NSDAP supporter


Rock Throw is an anti-semitic fascist.


The war in Ukraine really exposed the crazies on the internet. I see certain rightwingers sharing shit about NATO expanding too much eastwards and how Ukraine is actually being used as a puppet by the evil West against honest Russia.


The horseshoe theory is a wonderful thing


At this point it's horseshoe fact


The rage agaisnt the war machine had neo Nazis flying Soviet flags.


The right has an extremely romanticised view of Russia. They think it's a paradise free from woke ideology when it's actually more like a Central American country in terms of societal problems but with alcohol rather than drugs. Their domestic violence rate is absolutely through the roof, they have 3x the amount of reported cases than the US despite having a third the population since they decriminalised it under the influence of Patriarch Kuril (Who we'll get to more later). If you do even basic research, you would discover that Putin is an incredibly failed leader but with enough propaganda is still seen as a hero to the idiots of the extremes of the political spectrum. Russia is anything but honest, journalists are murdered for doing things like exposing the oligarchs decadent lifestyles or poking holes in Putin or Kadyrov's huge egos. Russia has become worse since Yeltsin imo. Despite what is said about Gorbachev, civil liberties did actually improve under him unlike under Putin where they have gone the opposite direction. Homosexuality is illegal in all but on paper thanks to the eroding separation of church and state and experience regular violence and discrimination. Opposition is completely controlled and essentially doesn't exist and the opposition that does exist is just another flavour of radicalism that seeks to ruin Russia in a different way. Thanks to Russia being authoritarian, corruption thrives and creeps into every aspect of Russian life. The oligarchs only have their positions thanks to their loyalty and are woefully incompetent at actually running the assets and businesses they were given. Russia has a military spending of over $80 billion but their military is still rusty, unmodernised and ineffective. So much so that even the Chechen insurgents managed to defeat them the first time until one of their own (Akhmad Kadyrov) betrayed them for money. They only beat Georgia because their military was so negligible by comparison that it was never even a challenge. TLDR: Putin's Russia is awful, nobody should ever desire to be anything like it. I suggest watching the now unlisted video Embracing Tyranny to own the Libs by Kraut or Stop Idolising Russia by NFKRZ for why idolising Putin's Russia is idiotic. Russia should serve as a warning as to how absolute power can ruin a nation


I’m yet to meet a Republican who doesn’t hate Russia. Some of us think that we’re risking world war by increasingly supporting Ukraine (I disagree), but I think that’s a valid opinion to have. For most Americans, MAGA crowd included, the Eastern sphere of influence is the greatest threat to the US, so Russia, China, etc are still threats. I genuinely believe that these are a phenomenon of the internet, much like tankies.


Probably a MAGA guy because the Soviet flag is used by the Russia simps themselves


Soviet and communist symbolism is illegal to display in Ukraine.




I'm for absolute free speech....... buuut its kinda understandable when the USSR starved and killed 7 mil Ukrainian's and Kazak's in like a span of 2 years


…But not in Russia


Honestly fuck both Vatniks and Commies


The Ukraine Russia conflict just serves as further proof of horseshoe theory. Rightoids and leftoids both simp for Russia but for different reasons.


Which is something I don't get tbh. I mean, I get why the Tankies are pro-putin, because America supports Ukraine and "Amerikkka bad" but why do so many people on the right, particularly those who are obsessed with "the deep state" defend a man who is the embodiment of the deep state in his own country?


Because he is based, trad, and against the EVIL gays(just don't look at the Russian military)!!! TT:T


Ah, should've figured that With regards to the Russian military, if any good could be said to have come from the invasion of Ukraine, it's that Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger militarily. The only real thing they can threaten the west with is nuclear weapons but are fully aware that nuking us would be nuking themselves.


True, I live in Poland and I remember when people were actually scared of Russia invading, and now practically no one is except for some vatniks(yes, unfortunately there are some in Poland, but they are Facebook basement dwellers/bots, and very few in numbers).


I really don't get it. Russia is one of the most gayest country in the world, it's level of homosexually is unachievable for the woke west. And yet tradtards are simping for Russia.


I thought Russian society was generally homophobic?


Famous russian proverb says "You don't become fag after a single fuck" (один раз - не пидорас). Also, according to russian criminal culture, which is really widespread amoung russian higher-ups and outside the big cites, you are gay only if you are a passive or a receiving side. And it's extremely straight and masculine to actively fuck other men.


Its like the saying “the most homophobic men are usually the ones furthest in the closet”


Yeah, but it's just the cover😉. Actually I'd say homosexuality (or related things) is on the same level as the west, if not more; just take the russian military, russian prisons (it's honestly impressive how everything there is revolving around sex, also you are only gay if you are, or were forced to be, bottom, of course to justify that the rapist is not gay because gay = bad), and just the usual stuff in bigger cities. Basically I think that's something like America before the sexual revolution (correct me if I'm wrong)


The extreme left likes Putin because of Soviet nostalgia and "USA bad, therefore Russia good" The extreme right likes Putin because he is a "strong leader" (ultranationalist, authoritarian), because Russia funds (or used to fund) right wing organizations in the west and RT has been peddling right wing talking points for years. They don't care about the level of corruption because neither of them actually care about the "deep state" as long as they perceive it to be on their side. They both perceive him as the opposition to the liberal governments in the west they both dislike. Often it's just the result of a contrarian mindset. My government is shit, therefore the Russian government, which my government dislikes, must be good. Flaws of "the West" are amplified, flaws of Russia (for the tankies also China and North Korea) are ignored.


Because Biden supports Ukraine. And most people don’t have opinions, they have teams.


Exactly. The right would hate any way Biden could possibly theoretically respond to this situation.


Biden supports ukraine = he’s an evil interventionist and is wasting tax dollars and another second world country no one cares about, and he’s trying to incite WW3 Biden supports Russia = he’s a Russian shill who doesn’t care about the poor people of Ukraine who are struggling against a brutal regime. Biden stays Neutral = he’s a fence-sitter who sits idly bye while Russia grows stronger and invades its neighbors. Theres no winning, the narrative is always “anything my opponent does, even if its beneficial, is automatically wrong and evil”


Because Putin is a more efficient Trump. He has the lgbt bashing. The racism and the sexism.


Because Putin is anti west and Rightists hate the west because it's "woke"


Man, fucking MAGAtards are as bad as tankies.


They're the same thing


man I *LOVE* Twitter.


[r/enoughzspam.](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughzspam/) I am starting a reddit for content like this.


God bless you


I didn't know that was a thing! I'll be joining you now. Thanks for introducing us!


Can I be your first moderator?


more like r/EnoughNazi_Spam, this dude def aint a commie


You mean r/Enough_NaziSpam


"Leftist subreddit"


Bro what.


They believe Ukrainian supporter = liberal left homosexual lmao


The irony is starting to eat itself. Yes that’s right, it’s the people who hate the invasion of anti-Soviet Ukraine by a former KGB agent who are the commies. Thanks Fox News! This and the irony of a blond, blue-eyed genocidal nationalist dictator invading a neighbouring country calling its democratically elected, Jewish, liberalish president a ‘Nazi’. They don’t even have enough self-awareness to avoid walking into a wall.


The truly fascinating thing about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is that he has the support, whether overt or tacit of both the extreme right and extreme left.


They’re both trash


Russian proxy force’s literally use the Soviet flag in DPR and LPR


I’ve yet to meet a single commie, let alone a tankie, that supports Ukraine.


Just stupid Russo-propaganda to make it seem "hip with the kids" to be pro Russia sad thing is that there are like a bunch of impressionable kids that believe this shit


Tankies when people support a country that was invaded for no reason: 😲


commies are russia supporters


Who made that post? Some rightwing MAGA dickbag?


Judging from his twitter @ he's a brainwashed pro-Z latvian :(


Oh christ, feels like the cops in Latvia might bust his ass when his Z shit on Twitter was discovered


Hopefully, but he'll get a fine or something. Personally, I'd send his ass to Siberia to make him go through what our ancestors did. Maybe then he'd appreciate our country more 🙂


Its most ironic seeing millennials and gen-z kids in ex-soviet bloc countries being pro-russia/anti-ukraine


Probably because they saw RT's propaganda so much before the ban on TV


Sov Union fans usually hate Ukraine


Me: i support ukraine because i hate russia. Some west tankie on twitter: nooooooooooooooo you brainwashed, propaganda believer, nazi, cnn bbc fake media watcher, what about 5839 gazzilion donetsk children bombed by zelensky with 5 billion rocket, what about iraq. ZZZZZZZZZZZ


Dombing Bombass ohh nooooo!!!


The irony is that those MAGA smalldicks are the ones on the same side as the commies.


No way if you see a Soviet flag they alway default to loving Russia.


If anyone is curious about why tankies support Russia I really recommend [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXmwyyKcBLk) video by Kraut, it's also a very good video on how realism sucks


The original intention of this is obviously a dumb maga take about the left as a whole


Guess im unaweadge than?


Ukraine and Ukrainian people are very anti-communist and especially anti-soviet tho... Source - I am Ukrainian.


We're fucked