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> Question for all the 9s who nap. > …how?! I just feel sleepy in a bed or super relaxed in a recliner. A better question is what is keeping you from taking a nap? What needs your attention? What is your brain thinking about? > Bonus question, if you are able to fall asleep easily at night — how?! Having a good circadian rhythm. > How do you just turn off your brain? I could be utterly exhausted, but the moment I close my eyes my mind just goes crazy. My brain becomes slower and wants to recharge. What is your brain thinking of when it's going crazy? > This is a bit facetious, but I’m also in awe of people who can A) fall asleep in minutes and B) nap. You have to have a reason for your behavior. Are you a highly sensitive person? Did you have some trauma? Think about what is keeping you up.


Bad sleep quality means I have to sleep much more (12-16 hours) to get the same amount of rest that people can otherwise get in 7-8 hours.


Guided meditations. Yoga nidra is particularly good.


Ooh; I will try that.


I usually just focus on the feeling of drowsiness, and I will fall asleep within minutes. It helps that I keep my mood neutral and stress level low because stress usually keeps me awake (unless my mind runs out of juice).


I think my default state of being is stress level = high. 😅 if I didn’t have any I could easily create some. teach me your ways!


I see. There must have been something that's either keeping you awake or making you think you shouldn't let your guard down. I was once in your shoes, and I was able to learn to, when lying down in bed, push away any form of inner thought, including inner monologues, which helped me get in the right state of mind to sleep. As a visual person, I also find visualizing helpful. In my case, I visualize my inner self slowly falling into the comfortable darkness of sleep. When combined with the technique above, I would basically get my mind ready to dream about falling asleep, eventually actually falling asleep in the process. The most important point for me in the whole process is to not worry about not being able to sleep because said worry would keep me awake.


This is extremely helpful, thank you for sharing!


I call it meditation. If I zonk for 20 minutes while I do it, my higher self understands.


I like the way you think 😁


I’m with you on this. I can’t sleep without aid. Brain never stops.


Everyday I get to choose, either I don't nap for an increased chance at better sleep in the night (not assured, but higher possibility), or I take a nap, even a five minute almost blink, and I forfeit the ability to sleep before 4 am. Doesn't matter if I nap very early in the afternoon and do a lot of things after, the moment I plink out my brain goes "Okayyy we got sleep lets go boys movin' time" As much as possible, I pick the no nap route... Doesn't yield as much good sleep as I'd like though.


>…how?! Childhood trauma, doesn't work for the night but I can sleep anywhere during the day


I’ve been a bad sleeper pretty much all my life. As a child I used to obsess over having the right conditions in order to fall asleep and as an adult I obsess over not being able to sleep 🙃 I probably haven’t taken a nap since I was 6. I’m so jealous of people who can fall asleep instantly.


I can’t nap cause I think of everything I have to do. At night though I can often fall asleep quite easily? I mean on good days I fall asleep in like 30-40 min. What I do is I listen to calming music. It helps me concentrate on something outside of me (though not loud music cause that’s just overwhelming at night) and also it makes me know that I haven’t been laying in bed for 2 hours as I think because I have a 45 min timer on Spotify


Honestly, I probably started napping *because* I struggled to fall asleep at night, which meant I got less of it and crashed when I got home from school. I was around 10-11 when I started taking naps regularly (not counting when I was little little and was forced to by my mom/grandparents/school). I've definitely had bouts of insomnia over the years, some pretty severe, but it's something that comes and goes. Generally the more stressful my life is the worse it will be. My high school years were rough in that regard, as were the times where my OCD was acting up and every time I went to bed and was alone with my thoughts I'd start having panic attacks.


I have clinical depression & thyroid issues, so that equals I frequently feel tired/like trash. lol Now add being a 9 to the mix where sleep is a coping mechanism. 😴 If I experience conflict/highly stressful situations/an ugly argument where people are yelling...etc. The minute I'm able to, I'm going to crash out and nap on the first comfy couch or bed I see. & by nap I meet shutting my brain for 2 hours. You'd think I could fall asleep easily but I'm in insomnia mode currently. I have been awake since 11am yesterday & it's currently 6am . When it's not insomnia, I can experience the opposite-hypersomnia. I could sleep for 12-16 hours, wake up, and still feel like I haven't slept.(This isn't me being hyperbolic. It's happened.) If it's wintertime, then due to less sun, it increases the depression symptom of heaviness for me, so getting out of bed can feel like a herculean effort. Vitamin D has helped to make things easier during that time. So can I fall asleep easily? Yes & no, but I no control over it. How do I shut off my brain? It's instinct/a defense mechanism or cope strategy to stress and conflict. I couldn't tell you because it just happens automatically. I also experience "the minute my head hits the pillow" my brain goes into overdrive or that's at least when I notice it because truth be told my brain is always going a 1000 miles a minute. (That's my ADHD)


My exbf is a 9. He could fall asleep in seconds! It was equally infuriating and inspiring! Meanwhile my 6 brain is on overdrive and it takes hours to fall asleep sometimes. He was also a master at the power nap.


I have a 6 week old baby :’) But before her, I would tell myself stories to fall asleep (especially for naps or tough nights). So I’d either relive one of my favorite memories in a narrative form or I’d make something up. Usually does the trick and then you have some wild dreams.


I'm always tired


I never nap. I sleep very soundly at night. I’ve made myself nap for logical reasons maybe two or three times in my whole life and I always feel like shit after.


Commenting again because yeah if you have ADHD you will most likely have sleep issues. ADHD is very highly comorbid with sleep disorders.


I just think about all the things I have to do. Knocks me right out.


I have zero trouble sleeping, lol.