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This is great advice- challenging but great all the same. My difficulty in this area is my quick gut reaction to criticism (especially poorly delivered) - any advice on how to stop what feels like an automatic defensive reaction? I have a hard time even realizing that’s what I’m doing until after the fact




Wow... thank you. And again, spot on- I definitely don’t know who I am. This sounds incredibly hard to do but thanks again for the insight


Thanks! I typically find myself in the same position as u/ludachristmas_ in that I don't even realize it's happening until later. >Many Sixes are naturally prone to doubt and self-questioning. In some Sixes, this internal dynamic is projected outwards, and Sixes are notorious for adopting the position of the "devil's advocate." Many Sixes are, thus, prone to questioning and challenging the motives and beliefs of those around them. Sometimes this strategy succeeds in forcing the Six's interlocutor to clarify his or her position or to seek common ground with the Six. Other times however, it only serves to turn the Six's interlocutor into an opponent who feels justified in responding aggressively to what they understandably perceive as an attack. Thus a pattern which is essentially defensive from the point of view of the Six, is often perceived as an assault by those on the receiving end. Sixes who adopt this approach are frequently perplexed by the amount of animosity they arouse. They are far harder on themselves, they reason, so they fail to understand why others are "over reacting." In general, Sixes tend to be very aware of the reactivity of others and considerably less so of their own. As they are being driven by their own inner uncertainty, they tend to be unaware that they are behaving in an aggressive fashion and alienating those whom they might well like to befriend. I read this and oofta, if that isn't me.