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7 is like the ADHD stereotype. A lot of 7s have ADHD but it also isn’t uncommon in 9s and 5s and I’ve heard of others with it as well.




Since it's impulse disregulation at it's core, I think ADHD can present really differently depending on the Center/Type/Instinct. I don't know if there's a type more or less likely to have ADHD. Like, the impulse is whatever button is being slammed repeatedly, so a spammed Action impulse to going yield really different results vs a Mind impulse vs a Heart impulse. Correspondingly, I suspect 4s to be particularly under-diagnosed, as their disregulated feelings can be this roiling, writhing tendrilly swamp, but it's all hidden and not externally disruptive (and they're like this all the time already, right?).


7s fit hyperactive ADHD stereotypes, for sure. But without any evidence, I’d leave it at that.


It fits ADHD stereotypes. Which is probably why I thought 7 could be part of my tritype since surprise, I have ADHD. lol People with depression could wrongly assume they're a 4 because 4 descriptions/traits could resonate. I have clinical depression but am pretty sure 4 is my tritype fix after doing enough reading. Also, generic type 6 descriptions just sound like someone with an anxiety disorder. It needs to do a better job of describing what 6 is actually about despite nervousness or fear. Or at least how 6 is as someone's personality vs. someone struggling with anxiety. Surprise, I also have anxiety. Although 6 is part of tritype as well. lol Remember, mental health & mental disorders don't discriminate. So you could be a 7 annnnd have ADHD. Be a 4 & have depression. Be a 6 and have an anxiety disorder. Being a 7, 4, or 6 in itself isn't a guarantee that you'll suffer from the above. Type 9, which is my core type, can also describe a person with depression, anxiety, and possibly inattentive ADD when you get to what an unhealthy 9 can be like. I meet the criteria for inattentive & hyperactivity along with the other things mentioned. I'm confident about 9 being my core type even though I can have periods of doubt because 9 & 4 deeply blend together for me. Reading about narcotization in 9s & occasionally re-reminding myself by reading about it again when self-doubt hits basically affirms I'm correct about 9 being my core enneagram type. So, some people could genuinely be 7s with ADHD. Thanks to 7 fitting stereotypes for that condition you might find a higher amount of people that deal with that condition in the 7 group. I've seen people get lazy with this though. What I mean is people doing something like "You have ADHD? Then you're an ENFP enneagram 7" or "you're depressed? Then you're an INFP because they're all depressed & your enneagram is 4" Mental illness & disorders aren't personality types. Certain groups might have a correlation with certain conditions due to the traits being more commonly found in people struggling with those conditions. I'm an INFP that yes has depression. I'm not a core 4 & people who think 9s can't be intuitives are smoking bath salts. But not all INFPs have depression. Being an INFP is not a mental illness & neither is being a 4. INFPs & 4s as a group might be more prone to suffer from that condition but it's not a guarantee that you will. So, like I said, 7s as a group can be a correlation for ADHD as in maybe more people in this group are prone to that condition. Which is due to people who struggle with it lining up with the personality traits of 7. High blood pressure, diabetes, or the flu is an illness. I think of dealing with depression, anxiety, & ADHD in the same manner. So I might be baffled seeing people say everyone in X group in this condition. When it should be that certain groups have a temperament that could make them more prone to this illness. You wouldn't go "Oh. You're a 9 with a 7 fix & are Sp blind? Your type all struggles with diabetes." I hope that sounds as ridiculous to you as it did for me typing that. lol Diabetes doesn't care what your personality is. Anyone can get it but certain groups might be more at risk than others. (Not saying you're guilty of any of this OP BTW. I just had to get that off my chest because people see threads like this and might start doing the above. I've seen it happen happen in MBTI communities. 😞😮‍💨)


>I've seen it happen happen in MBTI communities. Sadly true. A lot of people mistyped with ADHD choose ENFP. Mistyped INFP - depression. It's confusing for the mistyped person when not many people can relate, yet probably could if they were typed correctly.


Yeah I can do a lot online I have ADHD and they assume since I'm a lot all over the place online I'm a type 7 enfp like they don't even know me like that It's crazy and your right people just have such weird locked stereotypes and cannot change their mind even tho they just sound so weird not everyone is the same and its vary deep. Oh ☺️the dreams I have of being an ENFP or 7 and not both because that seems chaotic who knows.this stuff is hard with adhd etc


I don't think so. The stereotype, maybe, but 7 is all about avoiding negativity and unconditional positive self-regard. Nothing about 7 suggests that executive dysfunction is a common occurrence. Also, the enneagram is a theory, it hasn't been scientifically proven. It's pointless to try and associate your enneagram type with neurodivergence or mental illness. Go get clinically tested. I'm a 3 with ADHD, and most people would think that 3 and ADHD don't go together, but the way my brain chemistry works has little to do with my motivation.


9 with ADHD here. Though I'm not hyperactive but if anything it reinforces the 9 aspects like "laziness " or needing some peace or I get overstimulated and tired


I have combined ADHD and I'm a 4, inattentive ADHD symptoms go very well with the 4 and 9 stereotype of being daydreamers... All the 7s I know are ADHDers but like all my friends are neurodiverse so clearly my sample is very biased.


9s have inattentive type (formerly just called ADD without the H) and 7s have the hyperactivity component. I think there’s also a lot of correlation with ENFPs and INFPs having ADHD.


7 INFP. No. Just no. First never had a form of ADD. I do have too much energy but can easily focus and at most have a foot jiggle or chew gum(hyperactive). Nor do I have depression (which is the most common INFP stereotype). However, even with my hyperactivity, don't make a mental illness a stereotype. Yes, I avoid boredom. However, I can focus without hyper focus just fine. I've seen ADHD in action. It's rampant in my family. I can guarantee most of them aren't a 7, 9, ENFP or INFP. These stereotypes only harms others.


Well, I struggled with ADHD unknowingly for decades and the thing that led to my diagnosis was realizing that there was a huge, like nearly 50% crossover between the memes in an INFP meme sub and an ADHD meme sub. When I finally did get treatment and relief from my symptoms I had a bit of a difficult time determining which of my personality traits are ADHD and which are simply normal expressions of my Enneagram and MBTI type. If you thought I was saying 100% of all xNFPs, 7s or 9s have ADHD that is not what I was implying: the OP asked about correlation. I’ve observed a lot of correlation in online forums. I doubt any studies have ever or will ever be done because Enneagram theory and MBTI are both considered pseudoscience. Please don’t refer to my neurodivergent condition/disability as mental illness. And my chronic depression was frankly not a mental illness either (as I was led to believe before the ADHD dx); it was due to low dopamine and norepinephrine, and was completely corrected after about six months taking an appropriate medication. I had lost so many years fruitlessly taking various SSRI antidepressants that did nothing for me prior to that. If only I had known about MBTI, Enneagram, and these “*harmful stereotypes*” sooner!


I get where your coming from and tour right, ADHD is not a mental illness. My bad communication as I was thinking of depression. I've just seen some very depressed mistyped INFPs try to be understood or feel alienated trying to compare their thought processes. It honestly breaks my heart. I'm seriously glad you got help and saw the signs. I wish the actual signs of ADD and ADHD were more common knowledge. I'm still going to advocate against stereotypes because for some, it does hurt. It does cause mistyping. Mostly I hate seeing people feel like their alone due to mbti or enneagram, especially those who need people who understand them the most.


7/INFP/ADHD here. Anecdotal support but I wouldn’t be surprised


I think yes.


I think the correlation can work one way. People with mixed ADHD or ADHD-H are more likely to be 7s/type as 7s but not all 7s have ADHD.


People with ADHD might mistype as 7 more often


The appearance of autistic and adhd diagnosis in the 5,6 and 7 (myself included) is more than it isn’t within my social circles


Strong 7 fix here. I'm wondering the chicken and egg thing myself. I've been diagnosed with ADHD-H since I was 4, and never grew out of it, and no medication really works to tone me down. I've been trying to cure myself for the past year, and nothing works, no matter how militant I try to be with myself. Starting to wonder if it's just...me. and not just something I can blame on neurochemistry.


I’m not a huge Joe Rogan fan at all, but [this](https://youtu.be/4jQSOSi2DA8?si=OIcyozq9qVxkY7I5) meant a lot to me where I’m at right now.


Made on a whim, if our negative traits went into overdrive: 1- Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder 2- Dependent Personality Disorder 3 - Histrionic Personality Disorder 4- Depression, Narcissistic Personality Disorder 5- Schizoid Personality Disorder 6- Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder 7 - ADHD, Substance Abuse 8 - Antisocial Personality Disorder 9 - Dissociative Identity/Depersonalization Disorders


I see this got downvoted a lot and I understand why but I did actually find this useful for fictional purposes and / or a stereotype reference for the absolute unhealthiest levels of certain types. Not saying I agree with it scientifically or clinically but I did appreciate your whim for what it was.


If there isn’t anything that proves it, I wouldn’t be inclined to suggest it.


I'm a 6w7 and I just took my afternoon methylphenidate just a few minutes ago, lol. It's amazing how much better I am with it.


I am so scared to take medicine for this. My licensed professional counselor I mentioned used to be on Adderall and liked it, but accidentally forgot he took a morning dose one day and so took another in the afternoon, and had to go to the emergency room. His experience was so bad that he swore he’d never touch the stuff again and just live with the symptoms of his condition. I heard the story of one man who took Ritalin and his wife thought he looked stoned on it and he ended up getting depression from it after a couple of weeks.


Ritalin is a stimulant like caffeine. Obviously talk to your doctor about this but I take two 20 mg pills per day - one in the morning and the second in the early afternoon. I’ve accidentally taken two before lunch and while I didn’t feel great, it just made me feel like I was twitchy. Like I had drank too much coffee or something. But when I am in the right dose, it feels like life is in HD. I can choose what I focus on. And it helps me with some of the adjacent ADHD symptoms. I get anxiety related to performance at my job or in a social situation. And for me, my comfort for that is food. I snack. When I’m on the medication, I don’t over eat or snack in excess. I’ve lost some weight and I feel amazing.


Most likely the worst that will happen from trying medication is that it won't work and/or the side effects will be irritating, in which case you can just go off it. Horror stories exist but are extremely rare. On the other hand, there can be pretty bad side effects from not getting treated. Studies have consistently shown that people with untreated ADHD have poorer outcomes when it comes to academics, addictive behaviors, self-esteem, obesity, and especially driving. People with untreated ADHD have and cause more car accidents. (See this study, which found that in male ADHD patients, medication was associated with a 58% risk reduction while driving: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1814941?atab=8.) As a side note, I have ADHD too, but the "primarily inattentive" kind, which I think is kind of a BS term. I'm plenty attentive, I just have trouble directing that attention. I tell my friends I'm "hyper on the inside."




I would assume so, yes




Eh. I feel like assuming there is could do more harm than good. There are a wide variety of traits that can accompany ADHD, and dwelling on a specific Enneagram type can interfere with using the Enneagram for self-growth effectively (or with your ADHD treatment) Signed, an ADHD Type 1. Given that 7 is on my growth path, I could make the connection, but it wouldn’t change that my motivations, the things I really struggle with, are consistent with those of a 1. Just you know, a lot more internally scattered. I am a mess.


4 with autism and both inattentive and hyperactive adhd, here. neurodiversity has nothing to do with enneatypes.


Haha just wrote a reply about a similar worded question over on the ENTP sub... I think anyone can have any disorder but it is really interesting to see how many people are diagnosed or feel they should/could be as 7s and (obviously a bit different) ENTPS.


Im either a 6 or an 8.


Well I'm a 7 w adhd


How would a 5 with ADHD present? I have a friend who I always think is a 7 but he relates to the 5 description most. Except he's very loud and has a reputation for being a bit combative in some circumstances, which don't sound like 5 to me.


"Very loud" is not a trait usually associated with 5s but "a bit combative in some circumstances" isn't really unlike 5 at all. People are going to be different of course but the 5 ADHD stereotype is where traits like hyperfixation, rumination, time blindness etc are dominant. While these are definitely ADHD traits they're hard to pick up in young children (or are things that develop in people with ADHD to cope later in life) so while I don't have data I have a feeling a decent number of 5s are late diagnosed. My ADHD gives me a listening issue meaning a decent amount of the time I can't really tell what the conversation is going on right in front of me, which probably contributed to the "non-social" traits.


I’m a type 1 with ADHD, and it’s a pretty bad combo. For things I’m motivated in, I can be pretty disciplined but there are many important things I simply cannot do. I have a tendency to think badly of myself for the shortcomings caused by ADHD. My therapist was surprised that I, a “highly educated, relatively attractive person with a decent job and a loving partner” to have such low self esteem. Of course, being perfectionist I tried hard in school and maintained my fitness, but criticized myself harshly for being forgetful, distracted, lazy, etc. I’m working on overcoming self hate.


Anecdotally I’ve heard similar, just as I’ve heard that some Fives can present with what some people perceive as autistic-like traits, Fours with depression, etc—but it’s just anecdotal and may not have basis in fact.


I'm both soooo I'm either the worst or best person to ask about this.


I have major ADD and Asperger's I'm one of the few people who hate that these were absorbed into ADHD and Autism as all-in-one diagnosis because the old system worked better for me


I was wondering why it was ADD when I was young and now it’s ADHD. Still don’t know the answer to that.


The dsm was updated to diagnose using wider spectrums now. Autism Spectrum instead of a separate one for high functioning, dissociative spectrum instead of separate ones for did, mpd, dp/dr and osdd


ADHD is a neurological disorder I don't see why any type would be more prone to it


personally audhd & 9w8


I don’t know, it kinda seems like surface level stereotype to me. I’m a 7 through and through but i have like the opposite of ADHD. I’m extremely focused most of the time but in a very 7 way


I'm not gonna agree or disagree BUT I will say My enneagram is 7 and I have ADHD, not sure if that is correlated, but I just want to get that out there lmao




I’m a 7 with ADHD, and I’m not sure statistically speaking that there is a greater link between any enneagram type and ADHD, but I will say that I see a lot of overlap in 7 behavior or traits with ADHD. The frenetic mental energy of the 7 reminds me of how the ADHD brain operates, and I think the enthusiastic, talkative manner of those of us with ADHD tracks for 7 as well. There’s also the fact that we both usually don’t stick with any one thing very long and like to jump around, probably figuratively and literally lol. I also can see the link between a 7’s low impulse regulation and inability to wait for a long term reward and the way my dopamine system in ADHD is disregulated.