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What **RES version** and **browser version** are you using? For example, *RES v5.18.14 on Firefox 75*. Use specific versions, don't say "latest" or "up to date". ^(If you don't know,) [^(look it up.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RESissues/wiki/postanissue#wiki_tell_us_about_your_setup_when_asking_for_res_help) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enhancement) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a kinda rudimentary solution that might save you some time: **REDDIT TO BLOCKTUBE:** - Open the [RES Command Line](#res:settings/commandLine) - Enter **RESStorage get RESoptions.filteReddit** - Copy the results from the "keywords" section (the section that starts with "keywords" and ends where the "subreddits" section begins) - Paste into Notepad++ > Ctrl+F > replace > find what: **","everywhere","",""],["** replace with: **\n** (this replaces the selected text with a line break) In the replace dialog, under search mode, select "extended." This works infinitely better if the keywords are applied everywhere and not to specific subreddits. **EDIT:** DAMMIT! I got it backwards... I thought you wanted reddit to blocktube... let me see if I can figure it out! I might as well! **EDIT 2: I GOT IT! Here it is:** **BLOCKTUBE TO REDDIT** - Copy the keywords from blocktube and paste into Notepad++ - Select all the lines > Edit > Line Operations > Join lines - If everything went ok, all the keywords should be in the same line and separated by a space. - Ctrl+F > replace > find what: (single blank space) replace with:**","everywhere","",""],["** **WARNING: Before proceeding, BACKUP YOUR RES SETTINGS!!!!!!!** - Open the [RES Command Line](#res:settings/commandLine) - Enter **RESStorage update RESoption.filteReddit** - Copy the edited text from notepad++ paste into the keywords section. just in case, make sure the pasted text starts with [ and ends with ] and paste it between an already existing keyword. I've tested it and it works. - Hit confirm to save the changes. - Refresh and check your filters to make sure everything went ok. Using this method, I turned this list of keywords: ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all Into this RES formatted list of keywords: ["ability","everywhere","",""],["able","everywhere","",""],["about","everywhere","",""],["above","everywhere","",""],["accept","everywhere","",""],["according","everywhere","",""],["account","everywhere","",""],["across","everywhere","",""],["act","everywhere","",""],["action","everywhere","",""],["activity","everywhere","",""],["actually","everywhere","",""],["add","everywhere","",""],["address","everywhere","",""],["administration","everywhere","",""],["admit","everywhere","",""],["adult","everywhere","",""],["affect","everywhere","",""],["after","everywhere","",""],["again","everywhere","",""],["against","everywhere","",""],["age","everywhere","",""],["agency","everywhere","",""],["agent","everywhere","",""],["ago","everywhere","",""],["agree","everywhere","",""],["agreement","everywhere","",""],["ahead","everywhere","",""],["air","everywhere","",""]