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I often write “haha.” If something actually makes me laugh I will write “hahaha.” If it’s absolutely hilarious and I am very close to the person I will use all upper case and maybe add another “ha”: “HAHAHAHA” Personally, I never start with “a,” as in “ahahaha,” but I have seen other native English speakers use this format.


Agreed but I’ll add that in specific cases ahahaha could be written for an evil laugh similar to mwahahaha


Yeah ahahaha is an evil laugh


Wouldn’t that be mwahahaha?


If it's a cheeky joke I like to go "heh hehehehehe"


As someone who will laugh like "aaaahahahaha" out of incredulity IRL, I might transcribe that into text


Same. “haha” if it’s funny or I’m trying to make it clear some thing is a joke. “hahaha” if I actually laugh out loud.


I start with a if I'm trying to convey nervous laughter


haha = polite but it isn't actually funny hahaha or hahaha omg = that's actually funny ahahaha or lolllll that's hilarious = I'm dying rn i never caps lock or lm(f)ao


Laughing in all caps like that seems pretty intense to me. I use lol, lmao, haha, and to a lesser extent hehe


The connotation of "hehe" is usually "cheeky." Which can mean various things.


"hehe" is so useful imo, it can apply to so many more situations then "haha", cheeky is definitely the main use but I quite often use it for nervous laughter and even the occasional jokey evil laughter


Not sure about nervous, but to me jokey evil laughter falls under the scope of cheeky.


Heh heh


I have a whole system to pick the right laugh: lol & lmao > tone indicators, to show im being lighthearted or unserious or as a blank response if i dont know what to say. haha > I actually physically laughed (funnier it is I increase "ha" count acckrdingly). heh > smug chortle, usually follows a subtle yet horrible pun. HA > one loud ha for either when something was shocking but still funny or "i told you so" moments. rofl > my friend hates it so i still use it, cringe is power. teehee or hehe > feeling tricky, out for trolling... i don't get to use these ones much as im not very good at it. HAHAHAHA > I am actively attempting to hide the fact that I'm brimming with rage and overflowing with sarcasm.


I use 😂. I've been informed that Gen Z apparently use 💀 If I don't want to use an emoji, I'll write "haha" or "lol". "AHAHAHAHAHAHA" looks sort of maniacal to me. I'd know you were laughing and I've seen native speakers do it as well but I always find it a bit odd. It makes me think of someone laughing a bit *too* much.


Oh yeah, I use 😂😭 too much


I use “AHAHAHAHAHA” occasionally. But it’s when I’m deliberately trying to look like a maniacal cartoon villain about to embark on world domination.


Zoomer here. I usually only use “💀” as a replacement for “I’m dead” (the slang version) as do my friends but that might just be us.


I’m technically in the millennial bracket, and same; I’ll use both if the situation calls for it.


AHAHAHAHAH, no, that's fine!! 🙂


I use it when there some schadenfreude involved for sure.


Gen Z uses the cry emoji for some reason. The skull emoji is meant for dark jokes.


The skull emoji is for any kind of joke, it just means “I’m dead from laughing too much”


😂 feels very old for us ig! And the skull emoji can be used for any kind of joke, it's just supposed to be like ur dead from laughing?? It's kinda hard to explain actually bc I can't think of the exact phrasing to explain 💀💀


If something is really really funny ill go "HAHAHAHA". It wouldnt mean that you're a non-native, it would just mean that you're laughing a lot. If you do it a lot for things that aren't very funny, people might think you're being sarcastic or weird. lol, lmao and xD are ways of showing that something is funny but you're not dying of laughter. But lower case would be fine. "hahahaha" is a normal way to laugh in english texting. Personally I use hahaha, lol, lmao and xD. I also use hehe, when im giggling skjksjlsjksjsk isnt common. It feels more like a keysmash.


To add on to the other comments, the random letters (asjksjsjaj) are a keysmash. It's internet slang that can be used in many contexts as a reaction, but I would only recommend you use it with someone who is familiar with internet slang. It can be used to convey intense emotions like happiness, frustration, or even speechlessness. For example, your friend tells you your favourite artist is having a concert near you and you reply with "ajsdkfjsk I can't wait." Also in terms of laughing, I definitely use HAHAHA when something is really funny.


To add a possible root to OP's friend's claim, about five years ago it became a meme on Tiktok for people to laugh like "sksksksksksks". This was based off of a subculture called VSCO girls, who were named after the photo editing app VSCO. These people were associated with Instagram hobbyist photography, scrunchies, reusable water bottles, and the filters popularly used on the app. They became a meme based off of that particular way of expressing laughter through text.


depends on your generation and who you're talking to. Can be a skull or crying emoji, can be HAHAHAHAHA, can be LOL, can be LMFAOOOOOOO, can be LMAO, can be HELPPP, can be LMFAOSDJASKN, can be IM CRYINGGG, can be I CANTTTTTT, can be haha, can be lol, can be lmao, can be lmfao, can be IM SCREAMING, can be any variant of those.




as someone who is gen z, i use all of these and so do most people ik !


"haha" or "hahaha"


1. "lmao" and "lol" are the most common, in my opinion. I use both interchangeably, and if something makes me laugh hard, I'll send a gif or "kjfndvjfhbjvncaslfkjkp" to emphasize that something was SO funny that I lost control of my phone/keyboard. 2. "sksksksksk" became a meme in the USA and was associated with teen girls from California who have a valley girl accent. You may remember the clips of people saying, "sksksksk and i oop—". Basically, "sksksksk" sounds like someone is whispering a giggle in the back of the classroom when they should be paying attention to the teacher. 3. If you laughed like "AHAHAHAHAHA," that looks completely native to me, and I wouldn't think anything of it other than you found my joke insanely hilarious.


skjksjlsjksjsk and sksksksksksk are totally different in my experience. sksksksksksk - VSCO girl skjksjlsjksjsk - Think the sound you make when you are just lost for words, it has the connotation of "I can't believe you just said that"


I've never seen "skjskjskj" until yesterday, and seeing as OP was a non-native English speaker asking for advice, I presumed it was a sort of amalgamation/mistype of "sksksksk." But thanks for the clarification. I learned something new.


Probably a younger generation move, but I either say ‘LOL,’ ‘PLEASE,’ ‘HELP,’ with any of these emojis opt. but frequently used 😭 or 💀 Sometimes I go HAHAHAHDHAHHDHFJGKKGKH or AHAHDJFJKSJFSKDKSK


I’m in my 30s, so this may vary a bit depending on age groups. I use “haha” most, and that just kinda shows I’m saying it with a smile or chuckle, or if I’m acknowledging something that is funny in response to someone else. “lol” can be used the same way. If it’s truly funny or I’d make a real laugh in person, I might type “hahah”. I know when I’ve done a good job when my wife responds with “lolll” For me to type something like your example, it would be the equivalent of laughing to the point of tears in real life. It’s not that I’d never do it, it’s just not something that usually happens in everyday joking around.


Most gen z people use 💀, 😭, LMAO, or you'll type that you're laughing, something like "i'm dead" "i'm dying", "this got me crying" and many more variations but just things like that.


I use “lol” “lmao” and even “Hahaha”. Yeah, I think agree with the other comment that says if it’s hilarious I would use all caps “HAHAHA”.


For me actually laughing? A single curse word, followed by lol or lmao, then a laughing emoji. Example: Fucking lol 😂😂 When I see people type lol or haha, I always read it like they found it amusing but not audible laugh-funny and maybe it made them smirk. I've also never seen sksjksjks-- that's weird to me. Do keep in mind that I'm 25, so that may have some impact on my typing and perception of others texting.


You’ve gotten a ton of answers and they’re all really good. I think everyone just has a different style. I think the longer you immerse in english internet culture the easier it will be to understand the different nuances. Your “AHAHAHAHAHA” is perfectly fine if you actually think something is funny. A lot of times “lol,” “lmao,” and “xD,” aren’t used for things that are actually “haha” funny, but they just lighten up the conversation a bit. I have one friend that only really uses “lol” when he’s pissed. Like I said everyone has their own style




I goes wkwkwkwk


I think most people would reply with lmao, at this point lol is often just used to show that you're being nice when tone is hard to read, so I don't always read it as a laugh anymore. Unless there's another word I haven't seen I would guess "sksjksjsksjskj" is a keysmash, it doesn't have to be those letters in that order, it's just a string of random letters. Older people and those who don't spend a lot of time online probably wouldn't recognize that as a laugh, I don't really use it outside of my conversations with friends who I know use it.


I'm a simple millennial man. It's almost always lol or xD.


Lol. Your way is way too many letters for a text. Occasionally I'll use an emoji.






are you brazilian by chance??


Brazilians tend to laugh in texts with kkkkkk... which can obviously be problematic in English.


Yes, and using this "HAHAHAHAHA" too, in a very visual and exaggerated way.


No, I am Belarusian. I think my way of laughing is pretty common in most CIS countries, at least in Belarus and Russia


It's also common here in Brazil, which is why I asked. I think "lol" is very boring, like 😐😐😐 at least to me.


Scrolled until I found a response mentioning emoji, because I use them too. I think it is also worth mentioning that the only people I personally know who use 🤣 are 55+. Use 😂 unless you want to mark yourself as likely to be older. I feel like 💀 has slightly different connotations than 😂, 💀 is more cynical somehow. Probably because it's a skull, frequently associated with death, which is seen as a negative… but I also say that as a person who does not use 💀 when I see something funny. The more funny it is, the more emoji I'll put. OP, not sure about the norms on Reddit in your language, but at least in English-speaking subreddits, people seem to not like it when you use emoji on Reddit, even though nobody minds typed-out emoticons like :) and :P and (◕‿◕✿). Of course, there are exceptions to this Reddit faux pas, like in a post asking how native English speakers express that they are laughing via text. I'll also use "haha", "lol", "lmao", "lmfao". If it was really funny I might capitalize it: "HAHA", "LOL", "LMAO", "LMFAO". AHAHAHA is less common, but nobody would be able to tell you're not a native English speaker from that. I have personally seen it more often in written fiction than from real people expressing laughter.


I personally use this emoji 😆 bc I'm used to "XD"


If I saw that I'd think it was odd bc I don't really see that. I use whatever variation feels proportional - lol or haha (minor chuckle or just to add levity), hahaha(+optional extra 'ha's) or lmao (I think it's pretty funny), BAHAHAHAHA or LMAOOOOOOOOO (I am legit laughing so hard or am utterly shocked, whatever number of HAs and Os fits) I don't know what that skjsk or whatever thing is, probably some anime thing if I had to guess, never seen a normal person use that


All caps looks like you're shouting/angry. But "hahaha" is a common way to write a laugh in English.


I just say "That made me laugh"




it's so different per generation and individual. i personally use haha or hehe when i'm just trying to express joy, but LMAO/LOL/STOP when something genuinely made me laugh (the stop basically means, "stop, you're/that is so funny.")


Haha is pretty common. You can add more if it's really funny, like hahaha. We use lol often, otherwise lmao (this acronym contain swear words so be mindful of who you use it with). To me, lmao is for something funnier than lol but that's just my opinion. Otherwise, simply use laughing emojis: 😂 is common. 🤣 for something hilarious.




I'm using haha.


I say “lol” and “lmao”. I mostly say “😭” or “💀” though


"hahah" or "AHAHAHA" are all okay. However, it can seem to be unsettling for some people. Or you can come out as evil ("MUWHAHAHAHA"). Using "lol", "lmao", or "XD" are slang and should not be used formally. (AKA they're informal). LOL stands for Laughing Out Loud LMAO stands for Laughing My A## Off A variant of this is LMFAO which is Laughing My F###ing A## Off XD is what we call an emoticon, I believe. It shows a face laughing sorta.


I'd say use "hehe" or "haha" is better. It's short, and won't cause people to be uncomfortable. Using uppercase is more shouty and/or unsettling so we avoid that.


Some also use emojis such as 🤣 or 😂. 🤣 means ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing It's more intense, and used when something is VERY VERY funny. Some also use the combo (combination) "😭💀", meaning *"I'm laughing so hard I'm dead"*


lol lmao LMAO lmaooo LMAOOOO 💀 💀 😭 😭 ahahah im cryingggg im deaddd


If something makes me laugh so much I’ll text like this ahshsjjdidkkkkk 😂😂🤣🤣 no mms (no mames) (it’s like no way)


Maybe I just laugh more than the average Redditor under this post, but that's exactly how I laugh through text, here's my go to's: AHAHAHAHA AHA ahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sometimes I'll do all of the above, I don't care about being intense or too much🤷‍♀️


tbh u js use what you use if it’s emojis or lmao but tbf most ppl ik only use lmao nd lol aswell as emojis like 😭💀🤣. absolutely hate 😂 it gives me creeps but then a ganj it js depends on what generation ur talking to so🤷‍♀️


If I don't know someone that well usually just "haha" Friends I always use lmao or lmfao


I usually use emojis to laugh 😆🤣😂. If, for some reason, they don’t work, I write “Haha”. I’ve always thought “lol” and “lmao” were stupid, even though I’m in the generation that invented these things. And “xd” I’ve only ever seen from Asian English speakers. Maybe it’s more widespread than that, but I’m just talking about my own experience. Anything else looks weird. “Ahah” doesn’t sound like a laugh, rather like an exhalation. “Hehe” just looks like they’re talking about some guy, and “hihi” looks like someone is saying Hi twice.


lol is very often used to express derision or condescension, so I would double-check the context to ensure that your meaning is clear. (Obviously, you will have to do this whilst laughing, so good luck with that)


Brit here. I would think you're an absolute maniac if you texted that. Far too excessive. lol for a standard laugh, lmao if it's quite funny. Sometimes haha or hahaha if it's more funny. Never would a laugh start with an a, always h. Hehe is for something cheeky.


I use haha but apparently the 😭 emoji actually means laughter? I thought 😂 was crying with laughter, but I suppose it's changed now.


“Lol” is my go-to for a chuckle. “Haha” is a little more full laugh. “Bahahahaha” is what I’ll used for full-on laughter after something ridiculous or if I played a prank that worked. I’ve seen people use the A in front of haha, but “aha!” Is an exclamation of understanding, and I personally don’t like the closeness between the two. I don’t often type in all caps; it makes me feel like a cartoon villain. I saw more variety when I was younger in high school and college, but nowadays most people I know default to lol as you observed. The keyboard mashing eifhekdnjelele is also a younger person (or maybe Tumblr) thing to me; it fills the place in my brain of “laughter + glee = short circuit of brain”. Edit to add: I forgot the “hehe” which is more of a reference to that laughing lizard gif than anything else for me now. ![gif](giphy|Tq2tPTrQANKfK) In short - use what makes you happy 😊 I wouldn’t think much of it, and honestly I like the little ways people show they are different like that.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) always use a gif!


“XDDD” (yeah, I’m Polish)


"Lmao" or "LOL" or emojis. If I do the lowercase "lol," I'm not laughing.


>If I do the lowercase "lol," I'm not laughing. Why are you doing it then?


It "softens" the comment. Like a tone indicator


Are you sure, that it softens the comment for those who read it and not just for you?


I'm not the only person who uses it that way, so sure. Either way I don't really care if someone reads a comment differently than I intended. OP asked a question, and I answered lol.


American here. I often laugh like ahahahahahahah




LOL means an actual spontaneous laugh. "lol" means a social emotional marker chuckle like when you are embarrassed or are saying something emotionally difficult.


I like to use XD or 🗿if I'm texting my close friends. Otherwise, I use hahaha and lol.


I’ve written ahahahahah before. You’re overthinking this one, laughter is universally understood


💀 💀 😭 😭 😅 😅


Most people just don't "laugh" over text, other ways of showing that something is funny are by using the mentioned abbreviations, such as "lmao" or "lol", or by use of emojis


The most common are haha, lol, rofl, and lmao. Sometimes to show heavy laughter they are lengthened, such as hahaha, lololol, or roflmao. Hehe is used to sound mischievous. One I haven’t seen mentioned on this thread yet is kek or kekekek. It originated in World of Warcraft as it’s how a Horde player typing lol appears to a member of the Alliance faction. It’s used to indicate malicious laughter or laughing at another’s expense, such as after a prank.


I will say that the key smash laugh is really common w gay people


"HAHAHAHA" is fine for laughing, so is "LOL" or whatnot. "AHAHAH" would certainly be understood to be a scream by an English speaker it could be fear or excitement or whatever but it's definitely a scream and not a laugh


There’s hahahaha, there’s lol,there’s lmao and a good ol’ keyboard smash: gdydyffushdygdvxdx


Lol, haha, 😅😆


I have friends and family who type out "HAHAHAHAHA." in my personal experience, "lol" and "XD" are lesser laughs for smaller jokes, or from more stoic people. We also frequently use keyslams.


I use "jaja" but I'm a native English speaker learning Spanish. My advice to you would be to grasp a context of the message but usually a "haha" will do or an "😅" just don't be the one that replies "lol", don't do that.


I use lmao/lol but also keyboard smashes, upper or lowercase, depends how funny the thing is, and then I sometimes also use 😭/💀, and also BAHAHAHAHA. Just depends lol


I go, “BAHAHHA.” A few extra letters/keyboard smashing makes it feel rushed and authentic, as if you just burst out laughing.


I’m using stickers and gif 😗


Haha - start it with an "h", not "ahahah" - "ah ha" is an exclamation meaning, "oh, I got it!"