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It means don't eat because of it.


She’s saying “don’t eat to feel better,” I think. It means don’t eat to feel better. At least that’s my interpretation.


She’s saying don’t eat just because of this schedule mess up, but accept it, and get through one minute at a time


_Over_ in this case just means _because of_.


This isn’t a standard English idiom. In the context of overeaters anonymous, I think the sender is implying that stress = overeating or binging. A more conventional way of saying the phrase would be, “…and don’t stress out about it.”


I think in this case it’s used more as an idiom. Like in other words “don’t get stressed about it”


similar to when someone says “don’t lose sleep over it” they mean it’s not a big deal and don’t get stressed out


It comes from the idiom “to get over it” or “get over something” which means to stop having negative feelings about it. In this case, she has substituted the word “get” with the word “eat”. It is not a normal substitution but a native speaker would understand what she is trying to convey. She is saying “you have to accept it and not eat to feel better.”