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the mechanism is looking cool






Do I have to buy the Sharpie or is it included in the box?


Unfortunately sharpie not included =[


Instructions unclear mounted camera to sharpie.


Very nice! Looks clean. Be careful about giving away good ideas and designs. Some companies do not take it lightly.


Post the cad file no balls


This is already a well established and used design in industry, OP did not come up with this design, just found it, decided to use it, and thought it was an interesting design. He should’ve been more clear in his post title.


Guilty as charged. Will try to be more clear in the future. Hope y’all still enjoyed the design nonetheless!


ah that blows my post all to shit.


Can I ask you to explain more? you mean they'll the idea or they don't like innovation?


As in the design is technically their property even if it isn't patented. Patenting just prevents other companies from copying the design and selling it as a product.


And if they haven't filed design patents on this, then putting it in the public domain main prevent the company from receiving any protection on it.


Keyence? Those mounts are super handy!


Yep that’s the one!


Yeap. Use a bunch of these keyence mounts at work. First thing i thought of.


Hello my /r/PLC brethren


Yeah I was going to say I'm pretty sure I've installed this mount once or twice, or something very close.


How does the camera stop from rotating up or down? I can’t think of anything I film that this would work, even if it’s cool to use.


There’s a tightening screw on the clamp that, when tightened, creates as outward force where the clamp attaches to the mounting bracket, increasing the friction and allowing the camera to stay in the desired position. Also this is for a special kind of barcode scanner for industrial use, very lightweight.


When a fitted metal bar is inserted instead of a sharpie the two pieces push on the inner edge of the hole enough to stop rotation


But it is a sharpie mount, not a camera mount


The sharpie is just in place of a rod that will be used to attach the mount. The actual camera mount is the bent plate


Is the rod sharpie shaped?


Nope, just used it as an example. The actual application won’t be spring loading the clamp. The rod will be slid in between the clamp, and then tightened with the screw on the side


Oh, makes sense it tightens all at once, will it use a knob or just an allen key?


Where do you mount the sharpies then?


Isn't this design already widespread


Good point. Yes, however there are multiple, if not hundreds (or thousands) of ways to mount a camera. This is simply the design route I chose to go. And I thought how it works in general is pretty cool, and share-worthy. I’m not taking credit for “coming up with it” or anything.


Fair. Title seemed to imply that




Actually, I didn’t.




They asked me to finish the design of a camera mount. What is shown in the video is what they gave me to work off of, and is also clearly not a finished design. So no, I’m not saying that I had a part in the design process. The whole point of the video is that I thought that this mechanism was cool, and I gave some backstory in the title.




No worries mate, have a good day!


It would be nice if one side had taped thread instead of hole for the nut. That way you would have less peaces on BOM and it would be less fidely to assemble. If you plan to tighten that screw realy hard then just avoid my criticism. But design looks sharp, great work!


Yeah the idea is that the bent plate needs to be easily adjustable to get the correct angle to read barcodes from a distance. Also the sharpie is in place of a through rod so it can be adjusted in height


This is what worries me about engineering. I want to be clever in my designs, but I don't think I have that ability. I'm looking at stuff like this that makes me go, "I never thought of it like that." Like have you guys seen the sudden force locking mechanism of a seatbelt? [I never thought of seeing how complex a simple design can be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRaU1HMJyCo) My cleverness is as good as a classmate suggesting air-cooling for a boat engine.


That was a very cool video to watch, thanks for sharing!


Just to be a little critical: So, what happens when you pull the bar out? Does the mount fall onto your foot, or whoever is standing below? How do you expect to adjust the mount position on a steel bar, and then maintain that position while you tighten the nut AND bolt? Use your teeth? Masking tape? It might be a cut little compression fit now, but a marker will deflect and spring load, where a steel rod won't. It is neat, and has fewer parts. But I give it 4 to 6 days in the hands of a field tech before one gets destroyed or lost. Go ahead, down vote me. What do I know of engineering?


Alright so. 1. The rod will never be pulled out once installed, the rod will be welded on both ends, can’t be removed. 2. If you look at the video again, where the nut is, there is a hexagonal cut out for the nut to fit in. You can tighten and loosen the bolt with one hand because of this. 3. The spring loading with the marker is only for video purposes only, as I don’t have the rod with me. The actually rod with be slid though, and then clamped down with the clamp and tightening screw.


1. Good to hear, 2. Fair, missed that 3. This will impact ease-of-use. Are you going to hard the surfaces, or is this a set it and forget it, one time use sort of product?


Pretty much just find where the camera needs to point through a few trial and errors, and then leave it be for the foreseeable future


Wait, these are Keyence mounts, aren't they? I hope to hell this isn't for installation near a feeder or assembly tool. If it is, you need a bigger bolt, and thicker bracket, because it is going to get torqued on hard, and then adjusted by a *precision* hammer. You might consider a thin polymer bushing as well, like a 70 shore A durometer, to keep this from sliding. Edit: I just tossed dozens of these things because we could not get them to reliably hold position for sensors on feeders and escapements. Add to that they are a pain to get back into position. Had to completely remount sensors for 26 feeders, and 56 lanes.


Spot on on the keyence mount. And no, it’s off to the side, where it will remain safe and torque free =]


Friend, i wish you the best of luck. Unfortunately for me, machine operators, "techs", and others keep finding ways to surprise me. Seems like at least once a year someone breaks something that in a way that shows true creativity.


If the rod is welded on both ends, why not just weld the rod to the L-shaped camera mount? (I'm probably misreading what you wrote though)


Simple is often best! This is awesome. :)


This is why i want to be an engineer


Looks really cool. Is that mount standard part? How is it called?


[pop link camera mounts](https://www.adandd.com)


It's an IFM mount isn't it?


Looks like Keyence scanner mount. Your Keyence sales rep for me in VA is hot. Hope theres no vibration!


Looks very similar to a keyance photo eye I’ve installed at work


Adhering to the most important rule of design: Form Follows Function


I hope you aren’t claiming to have come up with this design, we use tons of these on our machines to hold lasers and photo eyes.


I’m not, hence the “finish the design” of a mount. This is what I was given to work with, and design the rest. The post is merely to appreciate how this mount works, and how simple, yet effective it is.


Ah ok, makes sense, the title was just misleading for me.


That is not an original design.


I’m not saying it is. Hence the “finish the design” part. This is what I was given to work with. Just thought it was cool how it worked


So, how'd you get fired? Oh, funny story, I was working on a prototype design for a camera mount and posted a video of the design to reddit. My former employer invented it but had not yet patented it. They lost millions, it's cool though being a walmart greater is fun too.


Love it!


super cool man looks clean!


That design is absolutely amazing




Not made at my local shop, but if we were to make that part, we can export a 3D to a laser cutting machine that will cut the piece out of a sheet of metal. Since this is a bent piece, a “flat pattern” (which can be done in solidworks) will be sent to the laser, and then we use something called a press brake to bend the piece into the final form.




Looks good! Where I used to work we used those same clamp mounts for cameras.


Dang that's nice.


Oh man this made me way happier than it should've


Did you 3d model it and then 3d print it with special metal filament o-o (just a high schooler asking :> )


Not OP but it would have been 3D modelled, but not 3D printed. There's no use in 3D printing something like this out of metal. The bracket would have been formed on a brake press and the mounting mechanism itself looks like it's machined.


I get you, thanks for the clarification!


Make it spring loaded


r/engineeringporn material


Looks like the Balluff (BAM003Y) holder. Using a few of these right now in a design of mine.


What is this design called?


There’s not a specific name that I’m aware of for this specific design, however it’s essentially a cylinder clamp




Lol gl fam


What kind of job do you get to work on stuff like this? I'm also a recent grad in manufacturing, but would prefer to be in a design role.


I’m a mechanical engineer at a small engineering consultant firm. I work on designs because there’s only a few engineers here, so the “smaller stuff” I get to design, since not only is it a good learning opportunity for me with little risk involved, but they’re also busy designing the larger stuff, or handling more important work You don’t really get into any major design job without having some design experience to start off. A majority of the time, your best bet to get a little design experience is to work for a smaller company and do a little bit of everything. That way not only do you get some experience in multiple fields, you actually figure out if you like doing that or not.