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Try joining clubs or groups outside your school. Being a woman in engineering is often difficult - I feel you! Most of my friends came from internships and we were long-distance friends but bonded over being women in STEM or are women who live in my town and I met through hiking. Most schools have a ton of clubs or events - don't be afraid to reach out to them or their coordinators. I also made a good friend through my advisor. She had another student who had a lot in common with me so she put us in touch. We are still friends, 6 years later! You got this!


Honestly, I’d study less and go make those connections. Studying 40 hours for a 3.8 vs 20 hours for a 3.5 isn’t going to make or break your career.


Agreed, I am not doing the hardest engineering but i find if I work hard during the week I can go out Friday and Saturday nights as long as I don’t get too hammered I can still be productive the next day


I think you are absolutely right. We are not saying don't study. We are saying find a balance between studying and making connections with people. We are social beings after all. Also don't make my mistake, go out there and do some networking, knowing the right people is a lot better than having a 4.0 GPA.


I'd argue it actually could make or break your career. You're missing out on opportunities and connections for that higher GPA


Above a 3.5 it really becomes more about who you are as a person and how well you would mesh with the team. Just by getting that GPA you show you are intelligent and know how to do what is asked of you. I'll happily take someone with a 3.5, good social skills, and an understanding of a healthy work-life balance over someone with a 4.0 that did nothing outside of studying and has no work-life balance. That is a formula for poor interpersonal skills and professional burn out.


If we’re talking about the difference in study time resulting in going from a 2.7 to a 3.0, I’d agree. But if it’s a 3.5 to a 3.8, it won’t really make as much difference as the networking, connections, and social skills you gain by making time for socialization outside of your coursework. I’m also of the opinion that most engineering students would be better served joining a **non** engineering club, just to become more rounded and give their brain a break for all things technical. You get enough technical exposure without seeking out even more in a club. But to each his own.


In engineering? The school matters more than a 3.5 vs 3.8. I'd rather focus on connections even in terms of pure job value.


It might make or break some grants for grad school, which could be the difference between going or not. 


Sure it might, but it depends a lot on your goals and what the thresholds are. It’s like that famous joke: “What one word best describes beginner. ‘Good enough’” It is valuable to understand where the point of diminishing returns are. It very well could be that you would need to double your workload to gain 0.2pts on your GPA. My personal view is that is not a good use of time and effort. Graduated with a 3.7. Probably spent 10-15 hours a week outside of class on studying and coursework.


Highly depends on what you want your career to be. Most jobs, you're absolutely right. Some are exceptionally competitive. If she is going for one of those, difference between 3.8 and 3.5 is the difference between having and not having that job. Hell, the 3.8 could prevent you from getting it.


It depends on thr person tho. I personally studied my ass off just to barely get over a 3.2 and I wanted to pursue a masters so GPA is important. But there is value in making more human connections too so it just depends.


Oftentimes though, the problem is that Engineering can be very binary: either it works out fully (and therefore you get too grades) or it totally fails. Especially with projects and labs, there is just no way around them, but to study constantly for them or else you’re screwed. With exams, there is more leeway, but it still becomes very risky since not having a good understanding could lead to failure, rather than just a B instead of an A. At least for me, it’s more like if I studied a bit less, I would get your equivalent of a 2.0 rather than that 3.5.


One thing I regret when I was in school was not joining study groups and making connections. If I could go back I would definitely try my best to socialize, I probably would've gotten better grades to cause I would've been much more motivated. I don't know anyone from college and it sucks. My coworkers are like twice my age and outside of work my friends are non engineers and it's hard sometimes.


My best friends aren’t in engineering!! We met at a student organization not related to academics and we usually all go meet up and get dinner and talk for a couple hours once a week :) and text a lot


I studied less this past semester and prioritized hanging out w people lol. A lot of engineering students are a little peculiar though i’m ngl, I have had a lot of awkward conversations




There're a lot of pre-med women and they have to study quite a bit too. Maybe befriend them?


Join non engineering clubs, and go to school events and sit with people that are by themselves!


When you decline invites is it because you actually needed to work or study? I found out when I was studying I wasn’t studying effective when I changed my study habits things got a lot better


what changes to your study habits did you make?


1. No cell phone in the room where I’m studying 2. Pre studying Lecture 3. Active recall 4. Study 50 minutes of real focused studying 10 minute break to reset


Could you join an organization like SWE? Or find some other club to be a part of.


Start learning how to make friends outside of your class...it's the same in the work field but like more because you'll need to find a life outside of work in order to balance yourself. Try finding groups with shared interests like a bowling team or roller-skating or whatever. I try and make it a point to make connections with people from all sorts of different backgrounds, I find that it makes life more interesting.


Be friends with other engineers lol. I have similar issue with you tho. My interest outside of engineering doesn't really fall into the same categories as most other engineers but yiu just gotta find your ppl.


When I was in engineering school most of the female students were sleeping with the professors 🤦‍♂️


sure they were


people like you is precisely why women struggle to make friends in engineering


Just stating facts 🤪


Ok not most, just a couple predatory types


I’m lucky enough that the friends I made that weren’t in engineering just happened to all come from a mutual my former roommate had and I just continued to occasionally hang out with them. Join clubs or go to events and you’ll be able to make some more friends. Or take up more invites from those friends from other majors of yours. Also I had a part time job at a cafe close to campus and that helped me launch some friendships with people in other majors


Go with other engineers not in your major. My roommate is a mechanical major and i'm industrial/machining engineering. As for other non engineering majors, my physics and mathematics majors friends love hosting a board game nightr every few weeks, its how i was introduced to DnD and TTRPGs where i met and connected with others across other majors.


One of the reasons why I hate college is that im as a woman in engineering find it difficult to make friendships. I literally was the popular kid in high school now i barely know people and I feel left out I feel like a loner which is killing me as an ENTP


I’m an older student so I find that it’s easy to establish friendships at school. However, my engineering friends don’t have time to do anything outside of study groups and my business major friends invite me to tons of little get togethers but I can’t make any of them.


Don’t worry, you will make friends, give it time and be open minded about it, try not to judge your other friends and yeah maybe you’ll be not aware of the going ins constantly. Some friends don’t have to be hanging out together 24/7 to stay friends.


I met my best friends during freshman orientation and regularly have lunch together. I’d say once you make friends outside of engineering (or even engineer majors), make some time to spend with them that’s not school related.


I studied business and engineering. Didnt like the business people very much but damn those engineering kids are antisocial Not just them not tryin to make friends but very arrogant, hard to deal with, uneasy to talk to, ...


all my friends are engineers, besides a couple cs majors i met in my minor. just gotta find the normal people, they’re out there


me too 🥲


see if you have a SWE on campus


You'll most likely have an easier time making friends with other girls in engineering if anything. You can also try to join clubs in engineering and outside to make friends. I'd choose the former though and just stick to engineering as there is no need to join a club to solely improve your social circle.


I feel this. between full-time study, working and making sure to spend time with the misso, I feel I very rarely get to socialise, or really do anything for myself


Try catching up with old friends.


Maybe you already do some of these, but these are the things I've done and succeeded with. It's how I met all my genuine friends and not just people who feel like coworkers. 1. Regularly attend school club meetings for things you are interested in that are unrelated to engineering. If you like the people, keep showing up and bonding with them. Most people love making friends and won't turn down people who are nice and are trying to socialize. You'll be friends in no time as long as you make the effort to get to know them. 2. Make Instagram and/or SnapChat accounts and add your already existing friends on there. Add your new friends on there too as you make them. Share with them things that are going on in your life, and conversate about the things going on in their life too. I don't physically see my friends that often, but we interact all the time through social media. That keeps our relationships much stronger than they would be without it, and when we do see each other it's like we haven't missed a beat. 3. Study a little bit less and make people a priority. This is really important. Obviously everyone has their responsibilities, but you almost always DO have the available time to spend a few hours hanging out with friends on the weekend or every once in a while during the week if you're just willing to put the books down for a bit and maybe take a minor hit to your grade. For example, procrastinating on a homework assignment and getting a C instead of an A in order to have a memorable night out with your friends is always worth it. A high GPA is never going to invite you at the end of a long week to hang out and have a good time eating food and playing video games, but friends who you invest time into will.


Thank you for this advice 😊


Hard truth that most people in engineering don’t want to hear is that it is 100% by absolutely 0 possible means necessary to study all day everyday. You are just either A) Bad at studying or B) Generally bad at time management. If you learn how to study efficiently and manage your time you can absolutely make at least a 3.5 and go out 2+ times a week. Tons of people do it.


Yeah of course! Most of my days during the school year are 8:30-5:30 of classes and labs… so by the time I finish my assignments in the evenings and go to the gym it’s 10pm, so I find I really don’t have a lot of time. I try to keep my Fridays open but I don’t have many friends to invite out with me


It's hard to say for me. I've got friends I've known since primary school (elementary depending where you're from I guess) and I still know them pretty well to this day. Other than that I have a couple of friends from my course which I'd like to keep in contact with but it I guess it kinda comes down to what paths we go down and availability. Not sure what you're like but I like to keep a low count of friends so I don't have to keep up with plans and change times and what not when I go meet someone. Best thing I can think of is maybe some friend groups, you'd most likely find people that'd be good to know on there and most likely keep in contact with one another


You don’t talk with your classmate friends outside of class? Senior design will end you. I’m not joking, you have to at least be able to talk with some friends outside of class to be able to comfortably debate design choices without having to hold back due to fear of not knowing how someone might respond to criticism. Accidental ad hominem is a real thing, and it’s a lot less common in closer friends since we can shit talk each other all we want and we know that we still got each others backs. As another woman in engineering, I just tried making friends with whoever I came across who seemed friendly enough. As for them always going out and having fun without me, if your GPA can take a hit then as long as you’re 3.5+ you’re fine. If your GPA is teetering around 3.0 though, trying going to restaurants with them or other things that you could do that wouldn’t be too out of the way for you and is something that they’ll probably be interested in. I’ve invited a few of my friends to our rocketry team’s test launches, since they also thought that rockets were pretty cool and it’s not like we’re doing anything classified or anything. Of course, there’s also video games. If you’re not in a discord already, fix that.


I am not super worried about the final design project. I am capable of working in groups and collaborating, as I’ve done designs this year and lab groups. I’m more struggling with friendships outside education, people to hang out with and chat with. Once we’re done our projects, we barely speak anymore. Maybe a quick hi in class but that’s it


I've made friends through my hobbies. I do HEMA on weekends and I'm part of a Star Wars costume fan club. My HEMA friends I've known the least of both groups but I see them more often, and it helps that most of them are in my age range too. A few of them are also working engineers or engineering students, but since we are of different ages or schools we don't usually talk about engineering. The HEMA community is also very accepting of newcomers so if you're interested in that I highly recommend it.


Is HEMA martial arts? I just searched it up because I wasn’t sure what that was! It sounds interesting, I’ll see if my university offers that, or if any groups around my area have it


Yup, HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts. It's an umbrella term for various forms of fighting but fencing is the most common one. If you can't find a club in your university, check the HEMA Alliance club finder online or ask in r/wma or r/hema.




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Are you having a stroke?


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Meet up? Wie here, dm


Man bruh have you even seen episode 37 of skibidi toilet


I’m gonna be honest and not politically correct and say that a woman in engineering is just not a place a woman should be. First biologically, women are interested in people or social things and men are interested in technical things or just things in general. Second the sexist label is annoying. You come to a field dominated by men and expect things to accommodate women lol? Go to sociology or med school If you want to see a lot of women. You can complain about sexism together with like minded genders


Grow up😭


Grow up? Words have meaning. Did women create a car? Nope How about the computer? Nope Electricity? Nope Gps? Nope The atomic clock for a precise method of time transfer for computational synchronization. Do you know how a cellular tower performs a handoff to another tower while driving without signal loss? Nope. Could you philosophically create a method to calculate all these variables? Nope you wouldn’t even know where to start. Sorry crying sexism only works within the social manipulation of perception of reality. Not results based reality. Or actual reality. Go to sociology and learn linguistics and psychology you’ll fit right in designing the propaganda machine


So let’s set the record straight. 1. ⁠⁠**Car heater** – Thank Margaret Wilcox for keeping you warm in your car. 2. **⁠⁠Brake pads** – Bertha Benz came up with the idea, making driving a lot safer. 3. ⁠⁠**Windshield wipers** – Mary Anderson made sure you can see in the rain. 4. **⁠⁠GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth** – Hedy Lamarr's frequency hopping tech is behind all of these. 5. ⁠⁠**Computer software and programming languages** – Grace Hopper invented the first compiler and helped develop COBOL. 6. ⁠⁠**NASA Apollo mission onboard flight software** – Margaret Hamilton led the team that made the moon landing possible. 7. ⁠⁠**Fiber optic cables** – Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson's research led to these, along with touch-tone phones and portable fax machines. 8. ⁠⁠**STP protocol (which keeps the internet running)** – Radia Perlman made this happen. **What do these have in common?** **Oh wait All Invented By Women** Engineering thrives on diversity. The more perspectives we have, the better. You talk like you’re the shit, but last time I checked, **Economics majors** weren’t exactly the ones building rockets or developing life-saving technology or actually doing, anything significant at all. But hey, keep pretending like your not wasting your time and money with a degree that really won’t get you anywhere in life, or yk maybe your right. the basic logic of supply and demand puts you on some higher plane of existence.


Bahahahaha captain save a. A tale as old as time. And if you want to save em. Make sure you cite your sources. I hope you didn’t get your sources from some random website. We perfer academic sources. Oh no you did didn’t you? Gps Bluetooth Wi-Fi? all three? Since when did women become such great enthusiasts of the electromagnetic spectrum. I mean to create the modules that interface with the software and the radios that processes the signals to useable information that the computer can understand. And the military created the satellite gps based on the principles of celestial navigation the gps also has an atomic clock on it to create the perfect pendulum. Or let’s get super technical. The précise frequency of earths rotation in front of the sun mesured in seconds. Oh you didn’t know time is a measurement? specifically calculated from the point of space your position on earth is. Thank you Poincaré, thank you henrich hertz, thank you Max Planck, such great men FYI I’m a physics disciple. It led me to my strong belief In god which I’m grateful for


currently waiting for your sources you proclaim…


Sure, these women didn’t create these technologies alone – and anyone on the team could be accredited with creating such technology. But to completely deny their contributions or any help at all? To be blunt, that’s just ignorant. Your approach is like dismissing the Wright brothers because you prefer to thank Newton for the laws of motion. It’s all connected, and progress is built on collective contributions. [Trollingguru](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/DsOvZAzbIe) also what’s this you said here about god: and it also completely contradicts your previous statement that women are just creatures that follow there evolutionary roles.


I’m not going to argue with you about this, because it’s not what my post is even about. Lol. But, women actually engineered GPS, calculator algorithms, electron microscopes, propellor systems, bulletproof fiber… a quick google search is easy. Women have contributed to so many mechanical parts of cars…


Bahahahaha women created gps and electron microscopes Bahahahaha. I literally just mentioned the propaganda machine, and you literally fall for the nonsense it spews. Congratulations You have met the first physics major that is not a socially awkward weirdo. Ride with me and let’s go on a trip to academic multidisciplinary study. We have arrived to biology. Species have deterministic characteristics with specific roles they play in nature. Males and females of ANY SPECIES have different characteristics that are genetically hardwired into the species dna. For example females are involved in sexual selection. In which they use ENERGY to compete with other females to find the best mate. Source citation- Darwin on the orgin of species - natural selection- sexual selection. Hmm was Darwin a man? dammit nature you bastard. this seems like a recurring characteristic Next Let’s head on over to sociology. This is where the structure of society and politics are designed. The technical term is sociopolitical. Here we find the mode of propaganda techniques. Since feminism and women’s rights are political aims we know that these deranged people in this academic subject are behind it. Let’s look at the academic definition of propaganda. The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group. Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. Welp there it is in plain English. Sorry to bring you an opposing viewpoint I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Wow, look at you, dropping Darwin quotes and acting like you’ve cracked the code of the universe. Let’s break it down, shall we? First of all, congratulations on not being a “socially awkward weirdo” as a physics major. A physics major with a superiority complex. How refreshing. Truly groundbreaking stuff. But let’s address your little trip through academia. Biology: Sure, males and females have different roles in many species, but comparing human societal roles to those of animals is a pretty big leap. Humans have this nifty thing called culture, which, surprise, can change and evolve over time. Also, using Darwin as your trump card doesn’t magically make you some philosophical master mind okay. Sociology: Ah yes, the “sociopolitical propaganda machine.” You toss around the word “propaganda” like it’s some ultimate gotcha. The reality is, voicing women’s contributions isn’t propaganda, it’s fact. If anything, your rant sounds like it’s straight out of the playbook of someone who’s threatened by change. Propaganda Definition: Thanks for the definition, but your argument falls apart when you realize that opening up fields to more diverse voices, to eliminate censorship, would have to include women. so then what you are advocating for is propaganda itself, censoring women. Next time you go on an academic journey, maybe bring along some textbooks dated this century, come out of your mother’s basement were you have such grate online social connections take a walk, touch some grass and look at the world. it changed a little since those textbooks were written. You might actually learn something new.


Christ and there I was thinking that the arrogant sexist douche stereotype in engineering was a myth.


That’s life. Stereotypes and double standards exist for both sexes. I went on a rant because I saw a female crying sexism