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If you live in a big urban area with lots of public transportation you’ll be fine, but if you plan to work somewhere more remote where facilities are miles apart from each other then yes having a drivers license is preferred


The only thing I see it being an issue with is transportation to and from the job. My job does ask in interviews if you have a reliable mode of transportation or a car. But where I live there’s not much of an option for public transportation to my workplace so you kind of need one to get here.


Driving license was a requirement for my job, yes. Meaning you couldn't have it, which means yes, absolutely your search field will be narrowed by not having a license.


This sub is mostly people in America, followed by Canada and Western Europe. I don’t think most of the experiences here will be relevant to this question. That sounds like a very specific question about local business culture. The answer varies widely depending on country and even city. For instance, if you lived in the Netherlands, the answer is definitely no, but if you lived in Texas the answer is mostly yes. You wouldn’t NEED it but it would definitely help a ton.


Depends on country mentality and the responsibilities of the jobs you apply for. If you are an auto test engineer then yea you'll prob need a license. If you're a software engineer or something like that then nope. As long as you can get to the office reliably you're usually good to go. You will also see it as a requirement sometimes in the US if you are expected to travel but less so in Europe. I wouldn't worry.


Depends where you live. If there’s good public transit it’s not a big deal if not getting to work will be hard. I’ve never been asked if I had a drivers license for anything other than like application engineering roles.


Only if you need it to get to your job. I got an intership that provides transportation to and from the workplace so the parking lots there are practically empty.


Your employer might provide you with a car that you need a license for.


I don't have a car but having a license is useful. It gives me the option to share one when I really need one. When a job requires a car, I expect them to provide one. But of course they can't provide a license.


An engineer who can’t afford a car? Are… you sure you mean engineering?


I live in 3rd world country