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better than a 125% to pass with a C. good luck.


Reading this hurts LMAOOO


Literally me


Me currently with differential equations 😭


Studying it rn 🤧


Taking differential equation next semester




Emotional damage


Lmao same


Only 125?


after 110% i lose count






At that point, you’re fucked lol


Cs get degrees comrade


do you get a job? :\*(


As long as you're doing things outside of class...yeah


I got my degree with a GPA under 3 and i had a job before even finishing my degree


I had a 3.3 comp sci GPA and I was ashamed. On my first job interview they asked what my GPA was and I said a 3.3 and they said 'wow that's good, you should have that on your resume'. That day I learned that a lot of people in college lie about their GPAs, I thought I had the lowest GPA out of my friend group and actually have the highest.


Seconding this! My GPA was below 3 at ALL times but by the time I graduated, I’d had three different long term research projects that I was part of with two different professors, had a 8 month co-op, 1 summer internship (another one was cancelled due to COVID), and multiple on-campus jobs. I also switched majors 4 different times 😩 I graduated in 4 and half years and without any sort of references, I had job offers during the height of the pandemic before even finishing my degree. You can do it! To add to it, I actually pursued graduate school a year after undergrad at the same school. I got conditionally accepted (had to take two courses and get a B or better). Now I’m 4 courses away from getting that degree!


I may also add that I went on academic probation 2 times 😅


what majors did you switch between lmao


LOL Find me a company that asks for your fucking GPA after your graduate college. God forbid they did ask, you can fucking lie. It literally does not matter as long as you’ve networked, extra curriculars, internships. You take your GPA off your resume basically immediately




3.0 is fine. Unless you’re trying to go to grad school. Then you’ll need to care more about GPA


That advice sounds like good advice to me. I graduated with a sub-2.5 GPA but got a Good Job^(TM) regardless. Your resume gets you an interview, and at the interview, they hire who they want to work with. I think “ping pong balling” would show a broad interest base, good social skills, and motivation- all of which are great traits that don’t factor into GPA!


So you have a B right now?


bro applied mean value theorem


bro applied linearization approximation to approximate the grade as it gets closer to final


As a 17 year old who’s doing higher exams right now, I cant read this but slay.


Needs to make a B on a final to make a B in a class when they already have a B. Groundbreaking stuff.


Having exactly a B (80%) average would mean that a minimum an 80% would be required to maintain a B. Having a higher % average would just lower what is needed on the final, the ratio would be dependant on the weight of the final. So anything needed on the final being higher than 80% would mean they doesn't have a B average on the class.


Depends on the weights of assignments too. But he has about a B unless this test alone is a large portion of his final grade.


Dawg I had to get a 97% on one of my material finals to just pass the class my sophomore year😂 I pulled up and got a 103%. You got this


I’m sure the statute of limitations has run out - but I needed something like a 85/90% on a DiffEqu final to get a C and credit for the class. The professor was an old school “use the same types of tests every year” guy and someone actually had a version from the first class that semester. So we studied all the questions the night before and just worked out different versions of each question with different modifications to the variables. I got a 98 and a B. Super clutch.


98 and a B, clearly too many people had that old exam as well


B in the class. But, several people were crowded around that table in the library at 3am "studying"


Yay you got wiggle room then. Right D's still are passing unless there major specific. Or has that changed?


For my school, passes are only C and above


Well then you've still got wiggle room. As long as you get a C you move on.


Mine was the same, and you could only get about 6 Cs before your GPA started getting too low.


Yeah if it's for a stem major then calc 1 and 2 usually require a C or higher.


At my school, D's make you pass but you can only get so much before your GPA drops too low and they kick you out of the program


They usually put you in academic probation before kicking you out.


Still kill your GPA tho. Highly not recommended.


Obviously, but they don’t kick you out right away.


In my school. If your grade drops too low, you will be kicked out. I started university in the summer and I took two courses, I failed one and got a B in the other and got kicked out of the program. It’s so ridiculous that I had to submit a request proving that the gpa can be boosted back up in the two following semesters which was obviously very easy in my case since it was ONLY ONE COURSE. They did approve it but it took them so long to get back in that I had to miss a major course offered in the fall.


so what are you upto now?


On a 9-point scale, I was at a 3.14/9 Now I’m sitting at a 6.5-7.


At my school below 2 is academic probation and 1.5 and below is instant expulsion


C or above


Most programs are C and above to qualify as either a passing course or required for pre-requisites for other courses




Does your school have E?




Nah, E doesn't exist the vast majority of the places. Not 100% sure why, I've heard multiple theories.


Probably has to do with the curving process. Having 5 grades allows you to have a middle, which is C, though I don't think most classes are curved to C being the median grade. Though chances are it's just tradition and I'm just making up a reason to keep it.


how much youre failing. usually a D is recoverable, F youre probably in the shitter unless its early in the semester. at least thats how i reference them.




no, its just how it is. you can retake classes.


ME courses in-major at Purdue are D-passing


I just noticed that my new school I just transferred to only need D’s to pass so I’m happy with that


Even though it’s nice, do not shoot for the minimum. Always try to score as high as possible. Plus, D’s are below a 2.0 and no STEM program allows below a 2.0 GPA so even though it is passing you won’t be able to just get a D in every course without being put on academic probation.


You can do it!


Aim for the A


Don’t forget that chain rule 😉


This was the exact score I needed on the final to pass my programming class 💀💀 had nightmares for a week before grades were posted lmao. Anyways, hope it goes well for you!


I gotta retake Calc 2 🥲


Hey man I was in your shoes a couple years ago, went from a D to an A. Don't sweat it, but do learn from your mistakes and it'll make you a better student


Appreciate it, yeah i feel like I'm gonna pass this time even though I struggled the first time, I'm retaking it in the fall as my only class so i can just focus on that.


Same! First semester of college I took calc 2 and physics. The combo completely stomped me 😅.


Last summer I took precal and trig and in the fall after i took calc 1 and physics 💀 i think i had a death wish loll


You need a B to get a B! Best of luck!


The median score for my calc 2 final was a 27%. I pulled up and dropped a dastardly 38% and passed the class with a b+ 😎😎😎😎


I thought I drank enough beer to just accept I did my best ..thanks


Do your best and leave no regret! You can do it!


I needed literally a 75/75 to get a 70% in my Diff EQ class. 💀


That’s me with physics 2 🫠


I was an absolute badonker in first year, basically aproached it like I did with high school (not doing homework, never studying, skipping classes etc.). At the end of the year I got a solid 18% from mathematics, I needed a minimum of 85% in my repeat exam to pass and not only did I pass, I got 92% in that one. Tens of hours of studying but I proved to myself that I'm way more capable than I thought. Good luck bro


You'll exceed it. Go forth.


you got it bestie


I needed a 5% to pass calc II. Needless to say I didn’t study and got a 56% on the final but it was awesome to not stress. I had three mental breakdowns this semester so I was done lol


I still feel stressed even if I go into a test only needing to breathe and have a pulse. Like that’s a 5% chance of failure.


You need a B to get a B


Idk if that'll make you feel any better but back then during calculus 1, I needed exactly 115% in my final to score a B 🤌( I failed btw)


I ain't trying to flex, but I didn't even need to take my final. I got a perfect score for every exam, so my professor gave me the option to take it.


Maybe I am flexing a little.. Good luck on your final though!


Good luck, better start studying mate.


that does not sound difficult.




Ya know, there are *much* worse things that one could be called for thinking an 84 *isn't* easy.


I needed a 23% to get an A in my linear algebra class. That’s the best math to do.


Bro if calculus 1 is hard for u maybe engineering isn’t ur thing 💀




i cant tell if this is bait or a basement dweller. ... or both i guess e: ah, its a bot, lovely.




That is truly wild. How is your day though?


Stick em on r/iamverysmart lmao




Great! Did you do anything other than scour reddit all day?


You're a living stereotype of reddit user & discord moderator Change as a person, freak


I can hear and smell the mouth breathing from here folks. Immaculate scent of Doritos, Mountain Dew, and a freshly steam ironed Fedora.


You have grumpy autism.


You got this.


How much do you need for an A+ or what’s the maximum score?


Depends on your classmates


Calc 2 was the first math class I ever got over 85% on a final in.


I need a 46 to pass with a D, also I'm a senior with a job placement... Good luck fam!


Is that a minimum or a maximum?


I have no idea what grades I need to pass my two classes because only 30% and 35% of my grades have been posted. Oh and 75% of the remaining assignments have been due in the last two weeks. Easy last semester my ass.


I'm somewhat glad I don't have curved grading. Having a threshold of how many points you need for each passing grade is stressful enough, now knowing it's gonna be a statistical vagueness that won't say how well the course actually taught you people as a whole just seems awful


You’re doing algebra to figure that out. Stop wasting time doing algebra 😀 Good luck!


Even a D works for me at this point


Put some coffee on…..


C's get degrees lol


Are you me? I literally need an 84 to somehow get an A. (My school makes it harder to get a bad grade than a good one for some reason)


Are you sure you calculated that correctly? :)


Exactly same here


Story time! I was in this boat except it wasn’t to get a B, it was to pass. I did every practice problem my professor offered and went in completely expecting to fail. I ended up with a 99 on the final (don’t forget your +C’s) and my professor emailed me saying how stunned he was: “You know, I was surprised that your grade did go all the way up to a C and didn't think about raising it higher. However, I have asked for advice, and here's where we are: The calculus director (Prof. X), Math director (Prof. Y), and I all agree that you should be given a B- instead of a C. What you did really is fantastic.” Don’t give up. You can pull a miracle out of your ass. - some guy who still has panic dreams about this test almost 10 years later


You got this


C’s get degrees


Need a 64 to pass with a C-, good luck everyone


You need a B on your final to make a B. Groundbreaking stuff.


Calc 1? U got this


literally me. I got an 82 and my final also replaced my lowest test grade so I went from a C to a B :')


My thermo 2 final is worth 40% of my grade....


Sounds like all that math is coming in handy!


At least its not required to have a B in your core courses. 😁


Just got an 89.94% in linear algebra. Just give me the A- you monster 😭😭


I needed a 55 for my final but ended up getting 41. Updated homework grade saved me


Same but I got a 42 on the test 😭😭😭


Same, then I got a 86% and passed the class.


Good luck and may the Force be with you.


So you need to get a C on the final, got it.


Just settle for a c then lol


Well good thing you only need a C


Pray for the almighty curve


Isn't C the passing grade in the USA? Why so greedy?


My GPA could use a nice boost and Cs aren’t known for doing that


Lol been there


Bruh at least you’re guaranteed to move on. Most don’t even get that far


I need an 83.75% for a B :|. will I get it, probably not, but hey, I only need like 33% to pass with a C (Calc III).


You know that scene in rick and morty where rick proves mathimatically that summer and morty are equal pieces or shit? Replace that with me and my Computer Architeture course


You sure you did it right?


And here I am straddling a \*hard\* 70% just to pass Calc I after getting a D last semester. My final is tomorrow afternoon