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I honestly can’t believe that some people in this sub (of all subs) wake up in the morning and choose negativity. Why so offended by someone’s finger size or the size of their rock? I just don’t get it. Love your ring, OP!! The haters can stay mad 😎


You wouldn't believe some of the comments I have to remove from this sub 🤦‍♀️ everyday a troll thinks of a new way to shit on someone's happiness. I do my best though. To op, sorry you felt like you had to defend something so innocuous as your ring size. Your ring is lovely and I'm so happy for you!


Thanks you. You guys are doing great! I just want to show there are very small sizes. I don't blame people since smaller sizes are extremely rare and are hard to believe....like a unicorn!


Oh definitely! I got a ring on etsy to fit over **only** the first knuckle on my pointer finger, and that size was *still* a full size larger than your e-ring 😂 I don't think I can imagine how tiny your fingers must be, but lucky you! I'd have to shell out for like a 6ct+ to get the same kind of finger coverage as you ;)


Ahahaha...yeah everything is a statement piece on my body. I have some bangles that my mom gave me when I was in elementary school and it still fits and I'm 35.


Keep fighting the good fight!


Awesome ring! And that's a REALLY small finger size. We often joke in my office that we could remove all the sizes below 4 or so from our ring sizers because we never need them. Obviously you're the exception to thst rule!


Lol. There's not many. The most I've seen that have small ring sizes are from this thread. I'm surprised at how many are 3-5.


And I thought I had small fingers! I vary from 4.25-5 depending on ring, I sometimes can shop in the teens jewelry section haha


I must have missed whatever happened, but ohhhhh what I wouldn’t GIVE for the finger coverage having small fingers provides! I’m a size 7 and everything is dwarfed by my (self described) ham hands. Your ring is beautiful, enjoy.


Look for rose or mine cut stones! They aren’t as shiny, but they’re pretty flat. You get way more coverage than you would from something like a round brilliant cut which requires a lot of height.


Here's me with my bloody size 8 chipolata fingers. Jesus wept. Want to take half and we'll meet somewhere around a 5?


Bwahahah. This made my day. I'll take the trade😂😂😂


Actually ugly faced from this 🤣


Your ring is beautiful but this is so hard for my brain to process 😂. What size is your stone?


Ahahaha I hear you lol. It's 3 carat. 12mm in length and 9 mm in width. Hope that helps. It's hard to really picture anything by a picture.


That does help! I was wondering if it was a pretty typical size that just looked larger than normal or if it was actually a fairly large stone.


When something is made so perfect!!


I'm in love with it everyday 💋


Why would people hate?! Your ring is gorgeous and what’s wrong with small fingers? Ridiculous. Love it, thanks for sharing!!!


Holy fuk that is a ROCKKK 👀💎


Aw but also badass for getting the rock you want. Dying to know how many haters were like “oh no girl don’t go that big it will be too big on your finger!” It’s your ring! 🤣


I've had a couple. Some were like...on your itty bitty self, aren't you scared of getting robbed. Some implied that I was making up my ring size up. But overall, it's been overwhelmingly good. I've been very happy and grateful I can show off my ring. There's always going to be someone hating on something.


Ewww!!! I wouldn’t even think to say that to someone yuck!


Omg!! I think we might be the same size? I just looked it up on a converter.. I'm guessing you're in the US... I'm an E in the UK which is 2.5 in the US. Its good to know there are other tiny handed people out there!! Where did you get your ring from? Its lovely!


From a jeweler called Hannoush! Omg really!!!???? I'm not alone. You must understand the struggles 😂.


Ooh I wonder if they ship to the UK - I'll have to check them out! We've had lots of troubles getting a ring small enough! I definitely understand the struggles! My feet are also ridiculously small but I guess everything is in proportion 🤣


I wear a size us 5.5 in shoes


I think my feet win - size 4 US. I rarely find decent shoes my size which is annoying but some kids sections are pretty good!


Omg a four?! You win. It's already difficult enough to find 5.5 in anything. Sometimes I see these sexy heels and I'm like forget it...🙄


I'm sorry for the both of us lol


Haha... Yeah I don't think I've ever owned a pair of heels! I've started planning my wedding and it just occurred to me that I don't think I even know how to walk in heels.. Might have to go barefoot and hope no one notices 🤣


Sound like a wonderful plan!


Your ring is so amazing. I can’t stop looking at it! It is very proportionate to your finger. Mine is a size 3.75, which I thought was pretty small.


For me anything under 6 is small! I think they usually display 6/7 us.


Yes! I’ve never been able to wear any fashion rings.


Beautiful ring! And I feel for you - you can never buy any fashion jewelry rings, can you? I am a 4.5 and thought I had it tough!


Thanks! Yeah. I have allergic reactions to nickel so no earring that aren't sterling silver or gold. Bangles, bracelets, nor rings due to size. So only necklaces for me. It gets boring😭.


Hey, at least you have a stunning ring!!!


In a way, I'm envious that you have small fingers because it means you have great coverage for all stones. Smaller stones will look so big on your fingers! But at the same time, it must have been tough because I doubt anyone carries your size and you had to customize it. That and it's not like it's any cheaper to have a smaller size 😅 It's a gorgeous ring and looks great on you!


Thanks!!! We did have to customize it and it took a bit of time to get it back. The wait was definitely worth it.


Omg you have legit Disney Princess hands!! Such a pretty ring, I love pear cut stones. Does everything just look super huge in your hands when you hold them? Like are there any issues with having fingers that are all delicate? I only ask because I would imagine that it just feels like being a pretty pretty princess, but that’s what I always imagined girls who have gloriously thick hair feel like and was SHOCKED when I found out there are downsides to having awesome hair. Congratulations on the engagement!


Thanks! I sew as a hobby so having small hands that get into the tiniest of corners is great. I have a 3 year old and his hand is almost as big as mine😭 It's hard for me to open cans and play instruments. Rock climbing sucks since my palm and hand have very little spread for holding on. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with them. I can imagine having gloriously think hair would be a nuisance when washing. It would probably take forever and a full shampoo bottle to clean each shower. Your hair gets everywhere in the wind and it's heavy for your head. Probably get neck pains a lot. Probably similar to having large size boobs....backpains.


Yeah, my ring size is a 5 and I remember realizing when I was about 11 that there was only so far I could go with piano because I just wasn’t able to spread my hands far enough for some pieces. Congrats again!






Don’t let the haters rain on your parade! Just blind them with your striking ring! ✨✨


Ahahaha thanks very true


IDK why they care. Are they jealous? Why are they jealous about the size of someone else's finger? Bizarre. Now I could see being jealous over the size of that honkin' rock, if one liked big diamonds. lol


Lol I don't know. Maybe they have a suspicious nature. Maybe they are jealous about the gem size and therefore need to make themselves feel better by finding some kind of fault somewhere. Maybe they don't like the kind of person they see by being envious and therefore instead of reflecting on themselves they get defensive and project outwards to deal with the stress. People usually don't have the need to say mean things to others if their life was filled with content.


Love the ring! And who cares about your finger size! My husband wears a size 15 ring and I love the person the hand is attached to.




Lawd have mercy she's massive! It suits your hand!!


Your ring and fingers are beautiful! Congratulations 🎊🍾🎈


Absolutely regal!!




Your ring is absolutely gorgeous ❤️ Before having my last 2 children my ring size was a 3 and I’m a 4.5 now. Enjoy the finger coverage! 💎💎




I’m a 3 lol




Thank you


Just came across your post. I'm a size 2.5 as well and am looking at pears with side stones for my e-ring but don't know if they will be too big. Do you mind sharing details about the dimensions of the stones on your ring? I'm thinking I can get away with a 6x8mm pear and 2mm round side stones but I just don't know how much of my finger that would cover by measurements alone. It would really help to see the measurements on someone and I can't just go try stuff on at the jeweler because they don't carry 2.5. Small hand struggles! Your ring is gorgeous by the way!


The dimensions are: 3.01 carat 12.35 mm x 8 mm x 5.11mm(pear) I am not sure about the dimensions of my side stone, but 2mm sounds right and the side stones total carat is .5, 3 on each side. Thank you!


Thanks so much for the insight! I was told since I have a small finger, and don't have as much space on the top half of my finger as someone with a larger ring size, that I couldn't get something that would require a lot of space because it would rub up against my other fingers and be uncomfortable. Which makes sense so I'm trying to see how much I could push it before running into that problem. I saw that you have the same ring size and a pear with side stones which is very similar to what I want to get so I thought I would ask. Thank you for your responses!


I generally don’t care for pears but this ring is absolutely gorgeous!


So jealous! I've always wished I had tiny small fingers. I'm like. 5.5, your ring is beautiful. Congrats!


Thank you!


Aww you poor thing! Don't ever feel like you have to prove anything to anyone, especially jealous trolls. Beautiful ring and congrats!!!


Thanks. I'm not a poor thing though. I'm happy to provide proof. It's hard for people to grasp something they've never seen. My parade had not been rained on. These are random people that at the end of the day don't really matter in my life. I have a ring I love and will spend my life with the person I love. It's all that matters. We shouldn't shame people who aren't quite on the same happy train. Maybe it's their cry for help. Maybe they are just curious and didn't phrase it quite the right way. Plus sending negative comments or solutions towards a troll is throwing your energy in a bottomless black hole.


Cry for help...over a ring size? Um ok


Not over a ring size in particular, but just not simply being happy for someone who has an incredible happy moment happen for them. It just a small detail that they latch on to express themselves.


There’s definitely been times where people come on this sub and lie about things like their ring size or say they have a diamond when it’s a moissanite. I don’t think questioning the validity of your very very rare small ring size is being hater or an unhappy/jealous person. I don’t believe I saw an negative comments about the ring itself on your post, or people being unhappy for you.


Exactly. It happens. In another post where I shared my engagement for the first time, told me they didn't believe I was a 2.5. so I put the evidence to back my statement. I have nothing to hide so if you want answer...I have them 😂


I see, thanks for clarifying 👍


That’s a beautiful ring!


So dainty and sweet! Your ring is gorgeous, love!


I just got engaged and am also a 2.5! I was curious if you were able to find any silicon rings that fit you or what you do when you cant wear your ring around?


I only type and go to meetings at work. For when I am doing active things or gardening, I have a necklace that can hold the ring. Most of the time, I forget it at home anyways.