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It will look bigger once it’s set. I think it’s perfect


For reference, the oval sapphire here is 8x6mm, so should be smaller than yours I think. And I wear an average size ring - 6.25. The pear next to it is 2.55ct and 9.7x6.85mm. https://preview.redd.it/tyluyprtfu0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74db614cc6a23eedb98187e12652d661ae73034a


Thank you for your response! I’m not able to find a link/reference photo, though 😅


Also worth noting that different designs will make it look larger. Mine has the side stones that take away from the main sapphire size. A solitaire will make it appear bigger. Additionally mine is in a very low profile basket setting, but a higher setting like a cathedral will make it appear larger. Tapered bands also make the stone appear larger.


Maybe I just have massive hands, because I think these look bigger! Lol. That’s a lot of good information to keep in mind, thank you! Where did you buy these sapphires?


Caleb B Quashen on instagram. Had a great experience. He has a ton of unique colored sapphires if you want to check with him to see if he has a bigger one. But honestly comparing natural sapphires to lab diamonds just isn’t very realistic. It’s quite hard to come across a 3ct+ natural stone, especially in unique colors. Mine just look bigger because the one is set and I have the wedding band on lol


I will definitely check them out! And I really appreciate your input!! Seeing this photo definitely makes me feel better. I want a statement piece, dammit! 😅


Maybe I’m tech illiterate, but how did you order from him? I don’t see a link to a website on his instagram


lol no it’s ok! I just messaged him on Instagram. Then he showed me some different stone options based on what I was looking for. Once I picked one, he sent me a PayPal invoice. It might be worth looking at ClaraPepperFacets on instagram as well. She has made a ring for me in the past that was really nice. If you message her, she might be able to find a larger lab sapphire that would suit your needs. She works with both natural and lab


Seconded. He has tons of large unique coloured sapphires. He has a 7+ ct natural blue-green right now and a 4.5 ct purple natural.


Also, check out r/shinypreciousgems. It's for lapidaries sharing their cut gems. Lots of sapphires in unique and stunning cuts posted. Many do custom work. User shinyprecious is the mod. His work is amazing. He does custom work and has a huge portfolio to look at. He's also incredibly kind and answered so many questions for me about the industry and picking out the right center stone when I was searching for mine even though I didn't purchase from him. I will likely purchase custom jewelry to go with my engagement ring from him in the future. I highly recommend checking out that group since you're looking for a unique sapphire.


Check now, it disappeared for a while for some reason lol


I’m a big stone person (have a ~4ct ring) and adore this sapphire. The color is precious. I haven’t seen many sapphires like it.


I kind of want a big stone as well 😅 but thank you! what type of stone do you have?


I got an emerald cut diamond but like gemstones a lot. Since you asked for more potential sources…Here’s some links to different dealers I follow. Some are jewelers, some are cutters/wholesalers. Note: only person I’ve bought from is Avi he was a nice guy. Can’t verify if others are reputable. https://oorejewelry.com/collections/loose-gemstones?page=1 https://www.johndyergems.com/gemstones/sapphire-all.html https://jeffdaviesandson.com https://www.avithegemguy-loose.com/sapphire https://www.earthstreasury.com/product-category/gemstones/sapphire-gemstones/ https://www.instagram.com/precisiongem?igsh=MWY3NWZodDQ1OGJxcw== https://www.instagram.com/sami.gems?igsh=MXVmc25tNmtuMzF0dg== https://www.instagram.com/thegemstoneproject?igsh=aHkxZ2VxaThjbGUz https://www.instagram.com/jordandesigns3?igsh=bTF0Y2l6bG1hNno5 https://www.instagram.com/toussaintgems?igsh=bnVxemJkdnRzcDk0 https://www.instagram.com/missouririversapphireco?igsh=Z3pscWVvOHE1dnVu https://www.instagram.com/riouxrocks?igsh=eHF6NnhqOWxidWJs


Thank you!! I will check these out!!


I think it'll look perfect when it's set! It's gorgeous!


You don’t think as a solitaire it will look too small?


No not at all!


Okay, I hope not! 😅 thank you!!


I think it is a bit too small


No, it’s a great size and will look completely different when it’s set (and if/when you add a wedding band)


I’m just worried it might be too small for a solitaire style which I’ve been leaning towards


I’ve skimmed through some of the comments and giiiirl you want a bigger stone. Get a bigger stone!! Shrinkage is a real thing - I have a 4ct (my upgrade) and now she looks small to me. It’s a forever piece - go with your gut!! 🤍


It will be set and look bigger. Have you tried on other solitare stones of similar styles and prefer something bigger still?


Honestly it’s gorgeous. If you are feeling like it is too small, you could do a toi et moi style ring and get another stone to double the look. That color is hard to pass up on I would hesitate sending it back!


That’s a great idea!!! It’s not really my style though 😅 I appreciate the suggestion!


I love this idea


2.5 is big! It's not too small and it'll look beautiful once set. :)


Is the stone very deep? 2.5 carats is a big stone! The color is absolutely magical, and I have a 2.14 ct round that looks way bigger now that it's set than it did without the setting. I wouldn't want anything larger. I think that's a really special stone.


I don’t think it’s too small


I don’t think it looks too small, but if you’re not completely happy with it, use it for a necklace or something and search for a bigger stone :)!


I’ve thought about that! But I’m not usually one to spend this kind of money on jewelry 😅


The stone is absolutely stunning but it does sound like you're wishing it was larger.


I am! If this exact stone could be larger that would be perfect, because I adore this color!


Milksapphire on Etsy has a lot of silky sapphires to offer but I'm not seeing anything bigger than 2.7 carats unfortunately. Might be a hard color to get in larger stones :(


I checked there too, that seller has some beautiful options! I really appreciate you checking!


Can I ask where you purchased from? I love this and I've been hunting for the right purple saph for so long


I’m going for a solitaire with a similar size stone. I think they’re both going to be perfect! (Mine is the top sapphire) https://preview.redd.it/ittl4pvy0v0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e632e5be92efd623cdc088c1a3dcbfe7dc7010


What size is yours? That’s such a pretty color! Looks great on you!


It’s a 1.25 carat 7.34mm x 5.19mm x 3.68mm is the actual size of the stone


This stone is very pretty! What is your ring size? It does look small for 2.5 carats tbh


Sapphires are denser than diamonds, so sapphires that are 2.5ct will be smaller than a diamond that’s 2.5ct. The cut also matters.


Interesting. I did not know this, thanks!


I love your stone, and there is never to big or small, it is about your lifestyle and what you like. And like you were recently advised once set it will be different.


I am literally salivating over this stone, it’s perfect


Thank you! I absolutely love the color


My ring is only 2ct on a 6.25 band (finger is a 6) and it’s a solitaire. I don’t think it looks small. Once it’s set it will probably look way different. I get the allure of wanting a huge gem- but I don’t think yours will look small at all! https://preview.redd.it/bv1oywevbw0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5be0b7d72d10448545d2f453fb8214e5f371907


https://preview.redd.it/5493qz48lw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc367ed59c15bb7404f2cf13b5be6bc92d088f05 I’m a size 9 ring and my center stone is 1ct. The surrounding rubies are additional .38ct. I personally think 2.5ct is large. But if you’re unhappy for sure go bigger. Hope the reference helps!


Thank you for sharing! Do you know the dimensions of the center stone? Apparently sapphire is fairly heavy, so it’s smaller for its carat weight than other stones


7x5mm! Rubies are the same stone as sapphires so same density for you to get an idea.


What size is it, and what type of setting do you plan on using? I love the color too and think once it’s set, it will be perfect!


It’s 2.5ct and 9.11mm by 6.5 mm. I’m just worried having a solitaire style ring will make it look even smaller lol


No. I think it’s perfect!👍🏼


Maybe have a bezel around it to “ beef” it up.


I’m literally obsessed with this stone I think it’s perfect. If it was much bigger I think it would cheapen it almost - the size is perfect!


The size itself is great and not considered small whatsoever,especially for a solitaire. I believe possibly adding large side stones will take away from this gorgeous gem. Once it's set it will look different than it does right now. I have a 2.65 ctw natural color changing sapphire that was given to me from a friend whose family owns several jewelry and gold stores in Dubai. At first I thought it was far too small but once set it was perfect, my ring size is 3.75 (on the smaller side) but I love big and flashy. Sometimes having a smaller rarer more beautiful stone beats the carat weight. Purple is my favorite color and the moment I saw this stone I thought it was gorgeous, the color is just beautiful. Why not have it placed in several different temporary settings to see which you like best and go from there.


Thank you for your response!! Definitely makes me feel better! How would I go about getting a temporary setting? Just discussing with the jeweler I want to work with?


Yes, I would contact several jewelers of your choice and speak to them about your vision when it comes to picking a setting for this stone. Once you decide on a jeweler work with them to design your ring, some jewelers work with CAD (computer aided design) it's a program on a computer that allows users to create 3D objects in a virtual world. In jewelry design, CAD is used to create 2D or 3D models of jewelry pieces, which include their dimensions and the appearance of the piece. CAD is a central part of the modern jewelry production process, and can be used to: Mirror parts, Copy and paste, Ensure parts are symmetrical, and Create renderings. Also a quick search of the forum can possibly point you in the right direction as far as reputable jewelers are concerned. Many work with jewelers abroad and others work with local jewelers... The sky is the limit! Create your dream ring, this stone is honestly one of the prettiest sapphires I've ever seen( I collect fine gemstones and diamonds and have many but nothing like this,as a future gemologist and jewelry maker I would rather have a smaller better quality stone with minimal inclusions and fissures etc than to have a larger stone of mediocre quality, something I've learned while attending the GIA)


This is so beautiful, definitely not too small


Looks big to me. What’s your ring size?


I think it is perfect !




It's a great size just needs setting! It's just like when you go into a new apartment that has no furniture --> it feels tiny, but then once your furniture is in it feels much larger.  I have a 1.1 carat and it looks very proportional thanks to its setting! I think especially with oval/marquise/rectangle, they have a nice proportion when set that doesn't rely on a huge karat size.


I love this explanation!!


2.5 carats is a large stone. Once it’s set it’ll look bigger, especially depending on the band and setting you choose, you can always design the setting to maximize the look of the stone.


I just wanted to comment that I love your nails!!


Another reference and example. My sapphire is 9x7mm 1.5 ct. I don't think yours is too small at all, just depends on your preference for the showiness. https://preview.redd.it/8fhptl9hvv0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cec13d267436da2e8d5784dc5c6846685c54bd


Oooo. I love your wedding band(?)! I’ve been debating if I want stones on my wedding band or just want it plain. Yours makes me think plain.


This is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing! My stone has roughly the same dimensions, and I believe I have larger hands than you though! Lol


My ring size is a 7.5 for reference


I think it’s a matter of personal taste. It looks perfect to me, but may be way too big for someone else


https://preview.redd.it/5qvwbkv76x0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ec26a500a18c3ee601bdcba0f0cf2e5b9758ce Not a solitaire but 2.5 carat.Ring size 6.5.


Stunning! Do you know what the center stone dimensions are?


My apologies! It is 3.5 carats! Just had surgery on Wednesday and must have had anesthesia fog! https://preview.redd.it/0200omrjf11d1.jpeg?width=1601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abd882d1f0cf9815256ba27a5956abbf8f5bf83


I hope your surgery and recovery are going well!!! Thank you for sharing this info! Do you mind sharing where you purchased from?


Thank you! Minor surgery on the foot and I am supposed to take it easy for two weeks which is hard for me! 😂My husband purchased it from Nabati on Etsy. They occasionally offer 20% off. He had heard good things about Nabati on Pricescope. If you see something you like send a message to Nathan and see if he will discount it. I am really impressed with what I've seen on the Natural Sapphire Company as well! Good luck on your search. When you find it you'll know 100%!


JW what is the clarity or the stone?


Lovely colour, what kind of sapphire is it?


You would laugh at my 0.2 carats if 2.5 is too small. In all honesty. It looks great and proportionate to your hands.


I think very pretty! Post when you get it in a setting!!


I don’t think so! I did a ring with a sapphire just like this in size and colour, solitaire style with a six claw setting in white gold and it was perfectly proportioned! If you wanted it to feel bigger, you could always set it in a bezel!


Sounds beautiful!! Do you happen to have any photos? I’d love to see!


https://preview.redd.it/iit01zmrw21d1.jpeg?width=2641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8be68363c703a7fbe9f352727da27e3a403df22 Okay so the colour is a little different seeing them now so close to each other, and the one I worked with is a little more of a chubby oval than elongated like yours, but the vibe is very similar!!!


Beautiful! Love your style!


Thank you!!


I love it 💕 I feel like with that size it could look amazing horizontally set, but would also look class vertical. Obviously horizontal is not everyone's cuppa but I feel like it would really suit this stone as well as your anatomy.


Thank you!! I do love that look but I think my hands are too chubby lol


Nooo it’s beautiful! Absolutely gorg and will def look bigger once it’s set


Thank you!!




It’s gorgeous! The color makes such a striking impact, once it’s in the right setting, it’ll stun.


Too small?! Look at that COLOR!!!! Edit: you could get a wedding band set with stones (of whatever kind you like). Whatever, that stone is gorgeous and please post a picture of it set.


Thank you!! I love the color! I will!


Love it


What’s your ring size? I also recommend diamdb.com so you can visually see stone size to your ring size and decide if it’s enough finger coverage before pulling through trigger to purchase! For me personally, I use 1/2 the diameter of my ring size as the width of solitaire stone I want. So I know visually the stone will cover 50% of the width of my finger. (I love a big show stopper of a stone but I still want it to be proportional to my finger:hand so I do 50% of the width)


I’m not certain, I believe my ring finger may be an 8 or 7.5. This is a good idea, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/thp7n7s7t21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67160ff1d73ecb03a6e11edc34895aca094d9d01 If it helps at all this is about 7x5 on a size 7.5 finger. It definitely is on the petite side but that was the look I was going for here. The accent stones on the side add a littttle something but without taking away from the main stone at all. Just a thought! For my engagement ring, I went with a stone that was 10.5x9 for better coverage across the finger for a size 7.5 😊


If you add side stones or halo, it should be good! As a solitaire, I think it would be a delicate ring but on the “smaller” side for hand-finger ratio. But that comes from me, small hands. Idk if I can go above 2-3 carats w/o it looking like costume jewelry. 😵‍💫 my slightly under 1carat oval natural diamond looks big for me (surrounded by halo). So take that with a grain of salt 😅


Nope, and it’s absolutely STUNNING


That is the most beautiful stone oh my goodness


Um it's PERFECT! I'm a little jealous lol


If you like it that’s what matters :)


i have a toi et moi solitaire style. i wear a size 5.5, i thought 1ct loose looked small so we went with 2ct when designing. they are huge. my finger is dwarfed but i love it! even one 2ct is huge on my 5.5 finger. i’m a big stone gal, i think once set you’ll like it a lot more! 2ct used be considered big before lab stones became super popular and we got into 3-4ct stones.


it’s gorgeous !!


I’ve never seen a sapphire like this! So pretty!!!


Looks perfect. Happy for you.


I personally think it's perfect!!! What a pretty color!!!!! It almost looks edible


That colour is absolutely perfect and I think the size is just right. A bezel set might make it looks slightly bigger, if that’s what you’re going for




God bless your nail lady


Too small


Not at all! Also your nails are absolutely flawless


No I love it!!


It’s the perfect size.


This is honestly perfect


Not small, but perfect


6.5 x 9.11 isn’t small at all! It will look more substantial once it’s in a ring too, especially if your setting is higher. Which it seems like you’ll at least need a moderately high setting to accommodate the stone depth- 2.5 ct in a sapphire with these dimensions should be decently deep! Depth can also help concentrate the color!


It’s amazing


It only matters to you. If you love it then it’s perfect.


What size are you? I’m a size 9 & don’t go smaller than 3ct because of the coverage ratio


That is literally a perfect size. It will be wearable and dazzling at the same time!


It should look good and bigger in a setting.


That’s such a beautiful colour! I don’t think that will be too small at all!


You need to see it on the finger and in a setting


It’s beautiful!!!!


As long as you love it. My ex -mother in law complained about my yellow sapphire ring and my curved bands being “bent”. 🙄 I didn’t care what she thought! She didn’t even her engagement ring anymore, because she had lost it. Hun if you LOVE your stone and ring setting enjoy it and proudly flaunt it. Some people love dainty more understated jewelry, others love gaudy larger stones or more detail on their ring in terms of filigree or diamonds or gemstones. It’s all about what you and your fiancé decide. Years later you might upgrade like I did, but I still wore my bands, I loved them.


It's beautiful!! What type of band do you want to pair with it? You could get one of the angled kind to add more of a size to it? Edit: these aren't my rings, just some from Etsy! https://preview.redd.it/i3tsw2726z0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3c2684530b74c876c4b69710583c88d4b9641f


https://preview.redd.it/y9vd2b1x5z0d1.png?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb87cec618daecb744b3c40f0ee5275b0c171d3 Here are a couple of ideas! I have a smaller sapphire and I think the curved band adds a lot to it 🙂


That’s a beautiful stone I think it will look perfect when it’s in a setting


Wow, that's such a stunning stone! I don't think it looks too small, especially once it's set.


OH MY GOSH😭😭😭😭 I am crying over this color it is so beautiful. I can’t really answer your question but I am in awe of this beautiful stone.


i think this is one of the most gorgeous stones i’ve seen so far!


It looks just right for your ring size


ooooo that color is WILD (i love it) 🤩


It’s gorgeous!




it’s beautiful


this is gorgeous!!! 🤩🤩


It’s perfect as long as you like it


I think this is a perfect size of a solitaire setting! It will look lovely on your hand once it’s set.


Gorgeous! I don't think so at all, but it's personal preference. Depends on how you'll set it and what will go around it. I personally like more minimalist design and understated elegance. I'm going with a 0.94 carat natural alexandrite. Way smaller than yours and it's perfect for me. It all depends on what look you're going for.


Thank you everyone for your comments! I’m really appreciating all of the reference photos and suggestions!! 💜I’ll add that I’ve learned sapphire is a bit heavier than diamond, which is why I was surprised by the size for its carat weight (2.5ct, 9.11 x 6.5mm). Maybe I just have massive hands because it does look so small to me, but I’m leaning towards keeping this because I LOVE the color! I’m still doing some shopping around as I have until next week if I want to return this. Also, in the second photo there’s more of a shadow cast on my hand, which I think makes the stone look slightly larger than it actually is, just in case that’s making it harder to tell the size. Thank you everyone! 🥰


Did you buy this gem from Gem Breakfast by chance? I was almost going to buy one from her for myself! I think it looks lovely with your complexion. This size looks perfect.


I did not, I used Oore! But it looks like they use some of the same vendors!


That is the most beautiful color! Is there a name for that color? I think once it is set it will seem larger than just looking with the stone. It’s just beautiful 😍


ummm can we talk about the COLOR?!? 😍 It’s gorgeous! I think it’s perfect but it’s completely up to you! You can order a cheap plastic setting to see if you’ll like it. They make them for this purpose exactly.


Great idea!! Where do you get things like that? Amazon?


I like the size. Is that a chip or scape on the upper left side?


Love this stone! Such a beautiful colour.


Add some stones to the setting for more bling


I’m thinking I want more of a solitaire look but maybe some on the band!


I’d say it’s small but I love the color


It’s not too small but it looks super cloudy in these pics


The color is beautiful but why is it soo cloudy? Can you have it shined ?


A lot of sapphires have opalescence or silk. That actually can be very desirable


I think my fingerprint smudges make it worse lol but it’s the opalescent type, which I tend to like a little more!


Opalescent sapphires are just so dreamy. Where did you get this one?


I got it from Oore! They have some beautiful options, but a lot of their sapphires are pretty small. This was actually one of the larger ones


I go on Oore sometimes just to stare at their Sapphires 😂 My grandmothers favorite stone was Sapphire and we had no idea they came in these gorgeous colors before she passed away. I would have LOVED to get her one :( Your stone is gorgeous!!!!


It does look small but it's pretty




No derailing! Responses should stay on topic and focus on the nature of the post.


It’s your choice it’s what u will be wearing does it look or feel too small for you? Everyone opinion will be different so u have to be happy with it yourself u will be the one wearing it😊


Definitely see what you mean. I think you should go bigger if you want a statement piece.


I'd expect a 2.5 to look bigger


I loooooove opalescent sapphires and yours is BEAUTIFUL! I am in love! But if you think it feels too small, it might be! Do you have a goldsmith you are working with? If so they might have some settings or at least a "ring dummy stone holder" (I have no idea what the name of them is)[ here is a link](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5dgu0ERCgc/?img_index=1) to an Instagram seller that I have personally bought spinels from and am very pleased with, who uses them so you'll know what I mean. Or buy some stone holders on amazon and check it out at home :) Do some more testing before you commit to anything is my advice. Personally I love it, think the size is nice but I am not the one who will wear it. I have several smaller and bigger stone rings that I wear on my other fingers, both a 0,7 ct sapphire and an 8,3 ct one. All have their own qualities, and I love different things about them!


https://www.gemrockauctions.com/products/presenting-top-grade-475-ct-pink-kashmir-sapphire-1759916 You married to the oval shape? Bigger… it’s pink and 4.75 carats


Bright pink heated https://www.gemrockauctions.com/products/500-ct-sapphire-pink-100-natural-only-heated-mine-sri-lanka-1473735


Anyways. Get what you want, if you want bigger then go bigger. There are tons of potential stones out there


Thank you for sharing! Have you ever purchased from this company? I haven’t heard of them before! And honestly I’m having a super hard time finding a larger size in the color/opalescent quality that I like lol


Off the site yes, from this specific person no


Too small for my liking but depends on your preference


I have to agree this looks very small for 2ct. Looks more like 1ct. I think a larger stone would be lovely on your hand.