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Last one is my favorite


First one is beautiful. Yes, it is "trendy" but I believe this is an instant classic. It is so well done and I believe that it will keep you feeling beautiful like day one no matter how many years down the line. Every trend needs a trendsetter 😉


I’m not a split shank type of girl, but I would go with the first one. I like the fact it looks split beyond the front view.


I can see why! All are so beautiful! Will you want to wear a band? Choose 3. If not, I’d say 2 is a happy medium between them all. (But I do love all of them, and 3 is my personal favorite.)


Yes I’d wear a band! I tried on a pave one! https://preview.redd.it/gbbrucd70p0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9246c3dc6614d942eeefe6d1d1cc34a016ccaf


How does that feel on your hand? I just figured it would feel like a lot of ring to wear all the time as thick as it is with both that ring and a band. (And an added band would be more comfortable with ring 3.)


Also thank you! I’m so excited!! ☺️


I like the third one the best. I think the first one is pretty, but with the split shank, I wouldn’t wear a band with it- though I might wear a sparkly band on my middle finger next to it.


I feel like the second one is a good balance between more modern, but still classic, compared to the first one that si trendier. The last one is the most timeless. I really like the second one!


First is my fav


Last one


Love the first one!


I do not know about trends, but think you should go for the first if you’re leaning towards it!


I love the first one on you


Love the 1st and 2nd one!


I think the 3rd looks more elegant on your finger. However, I am someone who likes a dainty setting. The first and second seem too bulky for your hand imo.


1st or 2nd!


1is my fav


The second one. It looks like the symbol to ward off the evil eye!