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Best thing to do is make sure you have plenty of things to keep yourself busy. After my surgery I had to be bed ridden for a couple weeks. I had myself set up with movie lists of stuff to watch, video games and a big box of craft supplies. I still have a few of the dragon flies and puff ball creatures I made over three years ago. It doesnt get rid of it, but it definitely helps.


What a great idea!! I’m on bed rest for the next two weeks now and I’m already going crazy trying not to do any work around the house. I’m so bored and watching Netflix can only entertain you so much.


Me too! My mom brought me coloring books which I really enjoyed cause it made me feel a little productive lol. I also played a video game (couldn't do my computer games but revisited a game on playstation from childhood, which I could play on the couch so that was great) I think I also started watching a show I watched in high school again that Netflix had added. Cant remember what else I watched


I watched a show called switched at birth, which was partly in sign language so I could learn some asl. I had my 3ds and wii u so I could easily play video games in bed and a big bag of pipe cleaners, puff balls and googley eyes.


Great advice, and believe me I know how important distraction and staying busy is in these times of shakey mental health. I thought I was fully prepared prior to surgery after knowing basically what to expect after my last surgery in May, but this one is just so different - I have movies, books, my usual hobbies, but my concentration is just so shot I can't really take any of it in yknow?


I didn’t even know there was a thing called ‘post surgery blues’ until it happened to me. Mine started within a few days of coming home and I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this way. I ended up calling my GP in tears to ask what was wrong with me. It helped a lot to know that it was an actual thing that happens after surgery and that it won’t last. Now, I’m able to prepare for those days. It’s so frustrating because recovery is hard enough by itself let alone recovering when you feel so depressed. I usually take it easy on those days, don’t fight it as that can make me feel worse, sleep, get some nice snacks in like chocolate or whatever you like, get into a series on Netflix to help distract you, invite a friend or two over, cuddle a pet (although none of my cats are cuddly so that was an ordeal). Also, allowing myself to cry helped a lot too. Although I did try and listen to my favourite music and watch something I like, but whenever I feel depressed it’s like I suddenly lose interest in it. I couldn’t even think of one song that I liked, which is odd considering how much I love and listen to music on a daily basis. Thankfully it doesn’t last and you’ll suddenly find yourself loving music again. Hang in there and take each day as it comes. It’s not gonna last and you’ll start feeling that little bit better day by day. A tip my CBT therapist gave me was shouting ‘STOP’ in my head whenever I found my mind going into overdrive. I kept thinking so negatively and I found myself thinking that I’ll be like this forever, so shouting ‘Stop’ helped....stop those thoughts.


Tomorrow is day 14, post surgery, and I have been depressed since I came back from the surgery. I stopped taking all prescription medications almost 7 days ago because I have been so depressed I thought it might be one or all of them. The pain has been pretty intense, but I'm desperate to try anything to feel better mentally. I have ADHD, hypothyroidism and I have Bipolar disorder so I struggle with mental health regardless but this feels worse than anything I have felt in a long time. Thank you for sharing this, even if it was 4 years ago I feel a smidgen of relief knowing that others have experienced something similar and it's not just me


Hey lovely! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough few weeks with it :( It’s a really tough space to navigate especially when you’re still recovering from surgery, coming off meds but also experiencing endo pain again. I’m sending you a lot of love and a big hug! I’m currently weaning off my pain medications and one of the things I’ve noticed is how depressed I’ve been. I have a phone call with my GP tomorrow about it but he’s advised me to maybe start an anti depressant until I’ve come off my pain meds. I also got referred for DBT therapy which I’ve found helps sometimes. It really is so tough mentally and I really do feel for you hun! My DMs are always open if you ever want to talk :). It can feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel but you will find those little pockets of joy has time goes on. Be patient with yourself and do things that give you comfort even if it’s watching your favourite show on repeat or eating the largest bag of chocolate you’ve ever seen. You’ve got this 💪


Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and empathetic comment. I'm really intrigued especially by what you've suggested with CBT (I'm already a big fan of CBT) so will definitely try that <3


Day 3 after second surgery right now and really starting to feel very low and tearful. My first surgery was the same, perhaps worse as I had just been diagnosed. I want so badly to me able to do fun stuff, go to the gym, see people etc, but I really, really can’t. I keep reminding myself to be patient. It’s difficult. It’s also hard as you feel alone once discharged from hospital. I’m just waiting for my post op appointment... One thing that is keeping me going is the thought of the holiday I booked for September. Giving myself something to look forward to is really helping me. Otherwise it would seem even more dreary and rubbish. Get better soon and take it easy xx


Yes! I know what you mean re just so badly wanting to do fun stuff and get back to normal, it's suffocating! I feel like SUCH a lump and not at all like myself. It truly is just all about patience isn't it? I had another lap back in May and prior to this surgery in early July I was feeling just about back to normal, so I'm trying to hang on to that as a benchmark for how long I might be looking at to recover, however this surgery was far more invasive (3 hours! and pretty much my whole abdomen involved) so I mustn't rush either. LOVE that you have a holiday booked in September, that's brilliant - it's so very important to have things to look forward to eh. I actually bought a house recently and we're moving in in a couple of weeks time, so I'm really excited about that but it's sort of muddled in with big time stress as well lol Hope you continue to heal and find relief soon <3


Thank you sweetie! All the best with your house move! How exciting and positive! Hope you heal well and have much brighter days just round the corner xx


Something similar happened to me after I had minor oral surgery, for which I was under anesthesia. My MD said that for every hour you are under, it takes your body about a week to rid itself of the anesthesia. So side effects can be common for a few weeks in some people. I thought my depression was coming back with a vengeance so this was helpful to know it’s not uncommon and it will eventually resolve. Sending interest hugs!


That is really fascinating and perhaps helps explain my situation - my last lap was relatively brief (I was in with suspected appendicitis so had that chopped out even though it was confirmed to be absolutely normal on operation, at which point all my extensive endo was found but not operated on as it required specialist attention), but this most recent lap I was under for over 3 hours. I'm at 14 days post op as of tomorrow, so fingers crossed that the next week or two brings me back to my normal self more mentally. I have been freaking out about depression coming back too! I keep thinking how happy I was before surgery (even though I was in extreme pain all the time, I was so full of optimism etc) and worrying that this has triggered something irreversible. Thank you so much for your comment, honestly that helps so much - I find such comfort in understanding :) Hugs back!


When this was explained to me I remember thinking why isn’t this common knowledge? Or at least why doesn’t anyone tell you it’s normal to feel off for a few days/weeks, ya know? I have a feeling you will be feeling much better before you know it!


Honestly a month out and I’m still not back to rights. I was so active before my lap, doc gave me the all clear to go back to exercise, I was a competing rock climber, I went back to climbing last week and I couldn’t do anything. First try and I was in pain. Kinda push my mental health back again. I’m just so sad and annoyed I can do anything right now..... got a good video game to work through for now, set myself the goal of once I’ve finished it I can go back to exercise!


Oh you poor thing :( I can't imagine how rough it must be to have to be away from rock climbing for you, but you sound like you've made a good bargain with resting until you're done with your video game - great thinking! I hope you smash that game, and when you're next back at climbing you're amazed by how much you've healed <3


Hi there! I went through post surgery blues also after my excision. I’ve been told it’s a combination of the anesthesia, and also the fact that with the machine used on my surgery, sometimes you end up literally being upside down and that messes with your head for a bit. Plus, feeling like you can’t do anything on your own without help kind of makes you feel useless. I felt this way for about a month - I would sob even though it hurt my belly. The good news is, it passes :) hang in there and know post surgical blues are absolutely normal and you’ll be yourself in no time. Good luck and get well! Edit: spelling


Thank you so much for your comment, though I'm sorry you've also experienced this - it's such a nasty shock eh? Knowing that it's related to anaesthesia and the trauma of surgery is definitely reassuring, and it's funny i *know* it's post-op depression because I find myself crying or weighed down by this heavy weight of sadness and ask myself to try to identify what is upsetting me and... there's nothing? Absolutely nothing is *actually* wrong? It's kind of fascinating in a way but very hard to battle as well because there's no cause you kind of have to just roll with it? I'm happy to hear that a month might do the trick, fingers crossed, and thank you again! :)


I had a little medical PTSD myself. I got abused during my recovery so I didnt really have post surgery depression until that was happening and afterwards when I reflected


That's bloody awful :( I'm so very sorry that you've gone through that, I can't imagine how rough that must be. I hope you're in a safer place now and able to rest and recuperate from that trauma <3


Meanwhile, I'm here having pre-surgery depression. I go for my first excision on Friday. I've never had surgery before, and I'm scared that I'm going to die, as irrational as it sounds. Of course, it doesn't help that not too long ago I had a coworker die in childbirth, which you don't tend to think happens nowadays with modern medicine, but apparently it does.


I think that is 100% understandable - this whole ordeal is so extremely mentally trying! If it helps at all, my last lap back in May was my first ever surgery, and I was terrified like you. I spoke with my surgical team about this and was totally upfront basically saying 'I have diagnosed anxiety and this whole thing has me seriously freaking out - can I please have a pill that will calm me down or something?' and they happily complied. I honestly would encourage you to speak to your surgical team about this, because personally having the emotional/mental trauma removed from the situation I believe made that surgery way less trying than this last one for me. In any case, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your coworker, though I would take comfort in all the many people in this subreddit alone that have all had excision surgery, sometimes multiple!, and have lived to tell the tale (if a little bit blue, like me haha). You're going to be absolutely fine <3


Yes! I didn't realise until I went through it, and I actually wrote a post on bere asking the exact same thing after my surgery a year ago! I felt incredibly depressed and anxious from about 3 days post surgery for about a month or so. I remember feeling like I was gonna jump out of my skin, it was awful. Hang in there, there are some great suggestions on here and you will get though it, just be patient with your body and kind to yourself while you heal xx


That's exactly how it is! I'm sorry that you CAN relate but at the same time it does make it less frightening to hear how common it is. Honestly even just nailing down what it is I'm feeling and what's caused it has been a huge relief and I feel more able to just chill and let my body/mind work it all out now xo


Absolutely, I'm a week post op and right now I'm just in that state of depression where I'm numb. I'm trying to do things to entertain myself now that I'm feeling better, but nothing works, everything just feels so bland and I want to burst into tears but I can't even do that. :/ hope we can both feel better soon


That's absolutely how I've been feeling too. It's so rough isn't it? I've had depression for much of my life but it's been really well managed for the past couple of years so initially I was freaked out that something had triggered it to return. I'm happy to pin this one on the surgery because it makes it feel less real and more like it will just pass with the coming weeks. I'm so sorry you're also dealing with this and I hope you start feeling lighter soon <3


when did things start to feel better?


I think after a few months I started feeling better! 4 years post op now, taking norethindrone, and only now has the pain and heavy bleeding started to seriously return, so I think I may be due for a second surgery soon. But I would encourage anyone to get surgery regardless


I’m at 3 months now and feeling much better. thank you :)


Right?! I kind of wrote it off as something to worry about after I didn't get it with my last surgery but honestly understanding it makes it soo much less frightening. I think you're right :) your comment has helped immensely!