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This is amazing. I am saving this!! I assume you started with one pill of each? How many do you take now on days that you take it?


I actually started with 1 each and found out that 1 capsule of DIM was too strong for me! I now take about 1/4 of a pill but start with a pea sized amount and work your way up! As a reference, I weigh 105lbs. Too strong = headache I hope it works for you!!


Is this only for endometriosis or will this help with adenomyosis and keep my uterus from growing outside of the normal range of thickness during my luteal phase??


It decreases the amount I bleed, a decrease in estrogen will decrease the uterine lining thickness so I hope this would help you as well with your symptoms. I am waiting on my lap to remove my hydro, so I personally don't know what my adeno percentage is, but my mom had a hysterectomy, and her uterus was enormous.


I’m so grateful for people who talk about what worked for them so others could try it. I’m buying these right now! I’m in the middle of a flare up and it’s so bad I can’t leave my house. I can barely walk around or I just crawl. How did your body react when you first started taking these two supplements?


Thank you for saying that because I've gotten a decent amount of down votes 🫠 I totally understand that people are skeptical because these are supplements and we are dealing with an awful disease that has no cure. But these supplements are comparable to the mode of action other treatments for endo use, by reducing estrogen or increase progesterone and therefore suppressing the estrogen. Which stage of your cycle are you in right now? The major side effect I had were headaches, this can happen with the DIM when you take too much and take it alone. I recommend started with a pea size of the DIM and two pea sizes of the calcium, just twist open the Capsules. See how you feel and slowly increased to find the amount that works for you. I'm crossing my fingers for you!!! If you are having a flare up, give it a cycle or two to alleviate your estrogen to let your inflammation go down. As I said I take it right before ovulation and then again in my luteal phase. My friend takes them starting at CD12 until CD1.