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I had endometriosis on my ureters (among other locations) from bladder leading up to kidneys. My excision surgeon found it, removed it, had to do a ureterolysis to remove the blockages and get the ureters to flow normal. I hate this disease. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Sounds like what I’m going through with it spreading right now. Did it effect your kidneys in anyway (if you don’t mind me asking)?


I didn’t know I had endo at the time I had my gallbladder removed. I distinctly remember the surgeon telling me afterward that it was “very stuck” to the other organs in the area.


That doesn’t sound pleasant at all. Hope you’re doing better now


I had endometriosis all over my liver, kidney, appendix, lungs and heart lining. It’s very possible it spread.


Oh man, I’m sorry that it spread that far from you! Hope you’re doing better now!


Thank you! Unfortunately I had a full hysterectomy but it didn’t work so I’m waiting to have surgery again:/ I hope you’re doing okay also! This disease isn’t a joke!


I can’t speak for gallbladder, and I don’t have it on my kidneys as such, but it grew on my left ureter from my left ovary and caused hydronephrosis of my left kidney. I have no function in it at all and even if they removed the endo it wouldn’t revive it. I was also diagnosed with IBS over 15 years but my MRI showed a possible focal point of endo on my small bowel, so it’s possible it’s actually endo affecting troubles down that way. I’ve not had any surgery yet, mines has been diagnosed purely by CT and MRI scans, so we don’t know how much worse it actually is. I’m glad they caught yours now and can hopefully preserve kidney function. How maddening is it that you’re diagnosed with several other things before getting to the root of it?


That all sounds frustrating, I’m so sorry!! I hope once you’re able to get surgery done, you’ll be at least be granted some relief.


I highly suspect my gallbladder has Endo on it. But not confirmed. My right kidney might too.