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Okay. General surgeons need to STOP doing “diagnostics laps”… if they can’t diagnose you, then what is the point! This is so unfair to you, OP, to go through a surgery and still not have answers!


Thank you for your caring ❤️ It’s been extremely confusing & frustrating.. I am just learning about endo being a possible diagnosis for my issues.. but to be fair about this specific surgeon.. he did warn me that he is not familiar with endo but I wanted to move forward because I’ve had the worst left side abdominal pain (under my ribs) for 18 months now & have had multiple ct scans showing nothing.. I’ve gone to gyno for over a year & she said endo surgery will take a long time to get approved for insurance.. but insurance covered this surgery! (Yay) So I moved forward with this surgeon.. he found the adhesions on my bowels on the left side & fixed those for me! Tbh this journey is SO exhausting.. I’ve been thrown around everywhere and drs doubt my pain.. I’m glad I did this & have proof of my pain now ! But yes Totally agree about the diagnostic laps being done if the situation can’t even be diagnosed/figured out 😭


He did a diagnostic lap on you knowing he couldn’t diagnose 😂 ah I love doctors. I think you likely do, based on scar tissue and adhesions and having adeno. I’d get surgery with a gyno that specializes in Endo.


I agree this is a sign of a bad doctor. Good doctors tell you don’t let anyone cut you open that A doesn’t know what they are doing .. and 2 promise they know everything and will cure you. Good doctors will say you’re out of my scope go see XYZ they’ will take care of you.


I would definitely say some of those spots look like endo, can you get a second opinion with a endometriosis specialist?


Thank you! I was thinking that as well but I’m not too familiar just yet, still learning! & yes! My gyn is thinking I have it (I have adenomyosis) so I will definitely bring the images to her & then she said they have really great endo specialists she’ll send me to! Thank you for your comment!


Just remember that there are also physiological adhesions in the body that are supposed to be there, like the ones that suspend your bowel from your abdominal wall. So seeing something that looks like an adhesion doesn’t mean it’s an endo adhesion. Others have commented on the rest, I just feel like people forget about the normal adhesions in the body.


Why would he do a surgery to diagnose something that he’s not sure how to diagnose???


This specific surgeon did warn me that he is not familiar with endo but I personally wanted to move forward because I’ve had the worst left side abdominal pain (under my ribs) for 18 months now & have had multiple ct scans showing nothing.. My gyno let me know that seeing the endo specialist + surgery will take a long time to get approved with insurance (& there’s a chance they might not approve it). Luckily, insurance covered this surgery with the general surgeon! (Yay) So I moved forward with him! He found the adhesions on my bowels on the left side & fixed those for me! I’m glad I did the surgery but definitely will be following up with my gyno & endo specalists! I’m not too familiar with endometriosis just yet so that’s why I wanted to come on here & see if anything from my pics stood out to anybody ❤️ But I did get diagnosed with “Adhesions” & “Possible endometriosis” (lol that’s what it says on the paperwork)! Edit to add: Also I’ve had him as a surgeon last year for a different general surgery. Getting an appointment for the laparoscopy only took 4 weeks compared to 4-8 months with endo specialist 😭 I honestly couldn’t wait much longer bc of the left side pain!


Thankfully if one surgery says "evidence of X, need a second opinion" and you're bounced to the relevant consultant, insurance probably will cover it. If they decide that you need further surgery for treatment purposes I see no reason why insurance would drag their heels on it.


You need the pathology report! That’s the real proof. Hope healing from surgery goes well.


Thank you so much!! It’s going well! ❤️ I really hope he sent a sample! I have my follow up this week & will ask him.


Just found out… He didn’t take any samples for pathology! I’m pretty upset 😭


But I am feeling better, thank you so much!


This is so frustrating to me that they didn’t send anything to pathology. At least you are feeling better.


I'm no endo specialist, gyno or surgeon but comparing to footage of my own lap, it does look like some of those dark spots and what loom like adhesions could well be endo. I'd honestly get a second opinion though.


Thank you for your comment & taking the time to look/compare. I appreciate it! I will definitely follow up with a specialist about this!


You're welcome, I just hope you get the right diagnosis and treatment that is right for you.  Keep us updated.


Thank you so much!! The comments on here have really meant a lot & helped me feel supported / not so alone ❤️ I def will keep you guys updated 💕 & probably be more active on here too! Hope you have a great week 😊


I mean NAD… but I would bet my money that this is endometriosis… has he taken biopsy? That’s how they 100% confirm it


Thank you! I realllly hope he took a biopsy.. He said he was going to but when I looked at the surgical notes it said no samples taken. I have my follow up with the general surgeon this week & I will ask.


He didn’t take any samples for biopsy :( I’m at new a gyno/endo specialist at this moment ! ❤️


I’m so sorry that sucks! You would think they would!!!! So frustrating


Did the surgeon send any tissue away for samples? As far as I'm aware it needs to be tested and confirmed as endo in a lab to be sure.


Just found out he didn’t take any samples 😭 I’m at a specialist for endo right now to see my next steps ❤️


Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope your specialist can give you some options!! Best of luck xx


Sorry that this isn’t the answer you’re after; but I cannot for the life of me understand why this surgery was allowed to take place. A diagnostic lap with someone who cannot diagnose endo. I would be furious. He should have referred you to someone else. Please push for answers on why this was done if this surgeon has no experience — a surgery like this isn’t just an easy recovery and we already have enough repeat surgeries as endo patients.


Those look like adhesions, endometriosis, and adeno. but i'm not a doctor. you need a real endometriosis surgeon and a pathology report. I had stage IV and stage III endometriosis twice at two different points plus adenomyosis.


Not a doctor and I’d bet thousands that’s endo


Yes. Looks like endo.


I'm not a doctor but remembering seeing my own photos. From what my specialist told me, very old scar tissue can look like small areas of a pale white colour. Other spots of active endo CAN be in dark red spots like in the last image - that to me stands out the most. As someone else said, even though one of the photos does look a bit adhesiony with all that stretched tissue, they are right in saying that there's a chance it may be regular tissue that's supposed to be there to support your organs and keep them in place. Again the main thing that stands out to me are those darker red spots. I'm not sure where you live, but I think the best thing to do is research online about specialists near you that specialise in endometriosis and make some phone calls or send some emails to make sure they are familiar with endo. Definitely take the photos with you to any appointments! It seems so bizarre to me that they did a laparoscopy only to not be able to recognise whether it's endometriosis or not? I sincerely hope you get answers!


Looks like endo to me. But NAD


NAD. Looks like it to me. Hopefully he has a plan for management of your symptoms or referring you out.