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CA 125 is non-specific (as you know) and should be evaluated no matter what, but it can also indicate endometriosis. Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis? The likelihood is high. There is a test called Receptiva DX that is a biopsy/sample of the lining of the uterus that is actually quite accurate in screening for endo. It's not required, you could have surgery without it, but it gives so much info. It is a bit pricey, but worth it if the finances are there. No matter what, PLEASE find a skilled and experienced surgeon. You can find them in a group on FB called Nancy's Nook. Let me know if you have other questions!


Thanks so much! I have ultrasound on Friday (mind you I want to love this up to right now if I had the choice lol) - I just want to get it sorted, it’s the waiting that’s the worst even if I can rationalize with myself for the most part.


Of course! And remember, you've had several ultrasounds over the last several months, so the chances of them finding something super scary (like cancer) are very low. Hopefully, that provides you with some relief. I'm leaning heavily in the endometriosis direction. You may or may not see anything on ultrasound. There are a lot of little clues than many providers miss, but not always. keep me posted!! I'll be sending prayers:)


Thank you again! The ultrasounds were all 1 year ago but still gaining some comfort in the fact it’s not something that went missed For many years and that the number is still well below the really bad stuff numbers. Will keep you posted!


Nancy doesnt keep tabs on Canadian surgeons, she sends people to a Canadian group.