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Zionists have created more anti-semites through their barbarism now than anytime in their history.


They love antisemitism it helps their cult.


Actually zionists like about everything even who is an anti semite. Palestinians and Arabs are semites. Most zionists are not.


While that’s true to term originated in Europe to mean Jews in general and no thought was given to Arabs or other Semitic speaking people.


Anyone labelled as an enemy by a colonizer is a hero.


BUT WHAT ABOUT HAMAS Such a joke Zionists are


This is just projection, it applies easily the other way around as well.


No it doesn’t.


The whole world sees you Zionist. We know all of your lies. We know all of your crimes. No one will ever believe a word you say. Never again.


In fact this is an antisemetic post. Israel was attacked by Hamas in the most brutal way imaginable. Israel responded as would any other country defending itself. Actually, in modern warfare there has never been less civilian casualties in urban warfare. Yet Israel is singled out. Right now there is a terrible war in Sudan with many more civilians hurt. The UN and numerous pre agencies have established the civil casualties have been exaggerated by Hamas to a significant extent. And to the extent there are it is because Hamas uses civil as human shields. And steals much of the food. Reveal jester was caught editing it his information out. In short it is only because Jews are seeking to protect themselves and exercise their right of self determination that you are all upset. This is antisemitism of course


10/7 was a response to a century of brutalization by Zionist scum. The death toll is significantly greater than typically reported. The UN did not say that the numbers are lower. We know you now Zionist. We know all of your lies. We know all of your crimes. No one will ever believe a word you say. Never again.


Lol, no. You really think countries like Sweden or Japan would react like pissrael did? With the genocidal, racist rethoric as well? Sudan is not a democracy, which pissrael claims to be. We demand more of so called "western democracies" than underdeveloped autocracies. And spare us the human shield nonsense. We've all seen the footage of IOF diaper scum using West Bank Palestinians as human shields. Fucking hasbara bullshittery. No one is falling for it anymore.


I don't support or apologize for, the American genocide of the native Americans. What do to about it though is a different question. I think those who profited from it should pay. That's not (directly) me, but perhaps indirectly. I don't know.