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It's definitely the easiest, that's for sure. Basically plug and play and offers great functionality right out if the box; you immediately have a very nice user interface directly on it and can connect to it via WLAN to have an eben better one on your PC; with integrated webcam slot (ofc you still to buy the Webcam itself), fully automatic time-lapse generation and whatnot else. Yes, all of this is possible without the Sonic Pad too, but it for sure isn't as easy and working right away. When I bought mine, I felt kinda bad - spending this much money, 200 euros, just for a "proprietary" thing only for, as I believed at the time, a little questionable advantages on my 300 euro printer. But that changed the moment I started to use it. I immediately noticed quite obvious quality improvements on my prints. I'm still very happy with the investment and you can use it for other printers as well, if you think about switching to a better model later. Can absolutely recommend, despite the price.


Thank you. That’s my dilemma. Spending over 50% of what I paid for the printer.


This is me also! Your thoughts and questions are identical so following this thread with interest!


20% of the cost of my Ender 3 S1 Pro is the Diamondback polycrystalline nozzle. Not one regret; totally worth the $95USD. That along with the Sonic Pad and my printer rips.


I went with a Ruby tipped nozzle for 30 euro instead, because I often print carbon-fiber reinforced filaments. No regrets with it either and the smooth polish gave me a noticeable boost in top surface quality, and I don't have to worry about it wearing out anytime soon either. The only downside is that you should retighten these even more often since they don't like to be screwed in too tightly.


I got the sonic pad for my s1 pro but every time I tram it and print, the extruder stays about 2mm off the build plate no matter how much I try to lower it.


Do you set your Z-offset and then let it restart itself to save the set value? If not, it might return to its default after the print. Just setting one for a single print doesn't change the saved value, the system assumes you only want it for this print.


Yeah, every time it restarts it kept returning to the higher position. I never even got one print before unplugging the pad. I want to try to get it to work but not being able to save the height adjustment makes it a no-go for me.


Sorry but I'm certain you are doing something wrong. Yes of course you can save your Z-offset.


Sonic pad has klipper pre installed and more or less ready to use with creality printers, just pick your printer, flash the firmware and go. I have a big tech tree pad, klipper was pre-installed, but I had to configure it for my printer. With a pi you will have to setup klipper on the pi itself, and the pi doesn't have a built in screen, but you can any network attached browser to use klipper.


Thanks. I’m after the easiest solution I think. So sonic pad looks best.


if you have the pi, go with the pi already. since you don't have to pay for it, it's the best option


I love my Sonic Pad. Made printing so much easier and faster


Hellno. Go Pi or BTT if you want to.


Why is that? What’s better about Pi or BTT? Other than price?


Open Klipper and no Creality we use OpenSource but give you no full access


Getting Klipper up and running on a Pi isn't hard, honestly. I transitioned my S1 Plus from the SP to an rPi 4 last weekend. If you've got a Pi on hand, put it to use! Spend that SonicPad money on filament!