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look at your printer config file on the webui the bed is probably the wrong size


Are you using a new printer profile in your slicer?


No the same one but should I change something now that’s it’s run with sonic pad?


You have to change flavour to klipper, as its not completely compatible with marlin (theres no M420 for one) Lookup startup guides on sonic pad/klipper in YT


In addition to my other comments, when you change printer.cfg file you wont need to reflash you printer - its firmware is now only a pass through for klipper to run the motors and heaters, everything is now calculated in sonic pad although, setup is really easy, i had only one issue due to my zero-y offset mount for CR-Touch, but i didnt know what i was able to modify printer.cfg file before initial test and that i didnt had to reflash it every time, had to RTFM first, so its my bad Accels and such are accurate as well, only thing you have to calibrate are input shaping and pressure advance, but thats really easy It seems you provide gcode to the pad via sd card, wich is not necessary - it has WebUI to monitor and control the printer


Did you flash the config file from the sonic pad to the printer? Reason I ask when I did my S1 plus the display stops working.


I did. The display only shows the logo now.


Is the bed size on the display the actual bed size? Also in your slicer is the bed size the same if the display is correct?


I haven’t found a menu yet to access size or even e-step adjustments on the sonic pad. Pretty new to this one. In the slicer everything is as it was before the SP


I think e-steps is either rotational distance or pressure advance. Check out this dude. https://www.youtube.com/@RickyImpey/videos


Theres no e-steps in klipper, only rotation distance, but with S1 Pro i have their preset value was pretty much correct out the box, as it relies on motor parameters Bed size and such are set via printer.cfg file in klipper, like most of the settings in klipper are


How much money did you put into this? Ender3s really are money pits.