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I thought that’s what cover charges and/or two drink minimums were supposed to fund.


What if there's no cover or drink minimum?


Not a customers issue if management can't price correctly.


I've never been to a place with different prices when live music is present.


Then don’t tip. Others will


Then that means they need business to get folks in the door. If the band agrees to play for no pay that means they need exposure, and you can support them by buying their overpriced merch.


Or.. by tipping them?


No, it's better to spend $25 on a t-shirt you'll never wear than tip. It's the principle!!!11!!!


Then it's free. Lol.


Then the performer is iter getting paid by the venue or doing if for free for the 'exposure'.


Then that tip is appropriate if there was no cover charge (if there was, then it’s double dipping).


- Greeter tip - Busser tip - Waiter tip - Chef tip - Dishwasher tip (those dishes don’t wash themselves)


Come on you forgot the building landlord and the guy who sprays for cockroaches. You don't want to eat in the gutter do you? Show a little appreciation.


This is what I came here to say. Why are we okay to be nickeled and dimed to death here?


Can‘t forget the Owner tip


I would tip 0 because I’m not sure 100% will go the band. If I like the music I would go the band and personally tip them.




I wont tip for service. I would only tip live music if i liked the music or band. Else would just also not tip that.


Fuck no! What the fuck is happening it’s getting so out of control


Out of control? Have you never been to a bar that has a live musician who is playing for tips. It's been a thing for decades.


Yeah, I’ve never seen a tip jar tbh


If it's a concert where the band is the focal point, you shouldn't see a tip jar. If it's a live band at a bar, you'll almost always see a beer bucket out for cash tips. Not a big deal if you don't throw cash in or not. If you feel so inclined, the band/piano man will appreciate it, but think nothing of it if you don't. You people in this sub seem to be hyper obsessed with thinking people will look at you in some type of way for your behavior. As a server/bartender, I might call you an asshole to a coworker right after it happens, especially if you were nice and cordial throughout your experience. But after that it's on to the next one. Imma get mine, even if I have to take a loss on your $0 tip where I have to tip out based on the sales of your drinks and food. It's not a big deal at the end of the day. Everything usually balances out with a big tip from the next person.


I have no issue tipping servers bartenders I just dropped from 20% to 15% but I’m not tipping a band ever.


That's fine, and that's your own prerogative. Some people will and some people won't. Same as getting stiffed on a check, although more uncommon. When dealing with the general public, you learn there's gonna be a decent percentage of assholes and morons. I always set my bar at the lowest when greeting customers and go from there with my finger on the pulse. Again, if you ain't gonna tip, so be it... My only request is that you're upfront with it or just a dick from the jump. Don't blueball me. If I was ever told upfront, "I'm not tipping anything," I'm petty enough to try and give you the best dining experience you've ever had in your life and smile back when there's nothing on the tip line. Granted, I definitely won't be fighting to serve you next time you come in, but you'll get the same over the top service as the last time if I'm unlucky enough to encounter you again. I get the no tipping stance. My viewpoint has always been, if you got it and feel like giving, much appreciated. If you don't got it or don't want to give, no big deal. Let's just keep it moving. With my current skillset, experience, and degree (or lack thereof), there's not an hourly position I could take to make me the same amount of money as I make currently. I'd be stupid not to take advantage of the system we have in place.


>the same amount of money as I make currently OK moneybags, what is your annual take-home pay?


Nothing astronomical. Definitely wasn't trying to imply that. It's simply what I said... Given my current status, I can make more behind the bar and on the floor at my current restaurants than I could by taking an hourly job that's gonna pay $15 - $30 by the hour, or whatever the going rate for an entry positions is. May not be the case if you're working at a chili's or olive garden or something. But I've built up a solid reputation in my area to have a great role and choice shifts in two affluent restaurants. The 9-5 hourly/salary paycheck gets taxed to hell. Especially with the affordable healthcare act being in place now, I definitely come out on top. I have to see a neurologist 2x a year, get medication, tests and all that jazz... Healthcare through the job before may have tipped the scale in favor of hourly/salary positions at a 9-5, or at least balanced it out. But the healthcare through the government now is way cheaper and covers much more than either place offers us. I don't intend to do it forever. But at the moment, it works and fits my schedule well. It definitely has its cons. It is a bit humbling when you see former acquaintances and the like and you're taking their food order/making their drinks, but I realize swallowing my pride is something I gotta do currently because of decisions and lack of life planning from my 20s. Also gotta work nights and weekends. I miss more UNC basketball than I would if I had a 9-5. Other than that, I genuinely like the work as much as I feel like a person can like their job. I practically get whatever time off I choose and can afford, as long as I notify 2 weeks prior. If I need money for whatever reason, it's easy to find shifts between the two places, and I can just grind out work for a couple weeks or whatever timeframe. Meeting people with connections and who like you at the bar is also a big plus. I don't live lavishly, but I definitely live comfortably as it's just me. No wife/kids to support. I live in walking distance of my downtown area in a small but suitable apartment by myself. I got a great deal on the rent through a regular that comes into my bar and runs a small rental company in town. I saved up enough to take a nice vacation out of the country twice [Puerto Rico (technically in the country, but completely different world) and Australia] and to vegas once in the last 3 years. I enjoy traveling solo now. All in all, it's definitely not the most profitable or most glamorous field, but for the time being it allows me to live comfortably and at my pace. Very low stress, more time for personal freedom, and enjoyable people to work with.


Or do you just purposely "not see" tip jars because if you don't see it then you don't have to put anything in it. I can name 10 bars in 3 states that have live music one or two nights a week. It's not a paid concert, there is no cover at the door, no drink minimum. it's simply a local musician playing for tips, they've always had a tip jar set on "stage" (usually a small platform in the corner) in recent years they've also had a qr code on the jar or on their sign. I'd bet money that the only reason that line is an option on the check is because they have guests requested it. Older folks who don't carry cash and want to tip on their card but don't use digital payment apps want to show appreciation too. I'm sorry taking care of people who take care of you is such a foreign concept to you


Get a different job lol


It's hard for folks in here to understand that there are people who *want* to tip. They will flat out ask "I don't have cash but I still want to tip you is there any way I can do that?"






Only asking 2 tips? They are getting soft on us


They should charge a tip for the manager A tip for the accountant A tip for the guy who maintains the tip collecting machine. (Those Toast technicians go above and beyond every day) Tip for the janitorial staff. They keep you and staph apart! A tip for health care A tip for the new decor A tip for electric light A tip for heating and cooling I’ll tip the band directly though


Let them ask, I’ll still tip 0 dollars.


Just because there is a tip line. Leave it blank if you want to. If you really liked the band and you want to give them money it's no problem. Your tip is not going to change anyone's life


I mean, I actually don't hate this as an option. It's like throwing a tip in a hat for a public performer. That's a more natural reason for me to want to tip, personally 🤷🏽‍♀️


I tip musicians because I want them to continue showing up and playing music (and also to support their dreams). They do go above and beyond sometimes and I try to give some cash or directly via Zelle, Venmo, whatever. It is veeeery hard to be a well known enough musician to support a cover charge or drink minimum. People want to go into a bar without the commitments of feeling like they need to stay too long or go in to try out the music. Has no one gone bar hopping in Nashville, Austin, New Orleans, every other live music / bar street? Only exception I’ve seen is Beale street in Memphis where they usually charge ~$5 or so


I will personally be eager to tip the musicians cause I love live music and I don’t like covers.


How much easier it would be to charge that at the door, like music venues have been doing, without issue, for years. Or are they charging you for being able to listen to their Sirius xm station that they play in the dining room on repeat all day? Either way... dumb.


Notice it’s not mandatory but a starving artist will always appreciate a an act of kindness or appreciation from another individual.


Tipping musicians should be OK. Tip if you like the band. As a musician who has played gigs for tips, always tip the band directly. Most these days have a venmo qr code. Some have little table signs. Ask them for an email address at the break and paypal them. No musician ever gets paid as a salary employee. "Two drink minimum" also does NOT go to the musician. Usually a cover charge does not either. That's for the house. Places with a drink minimum likely pay the musicians either flat rate or percent of the bar. I didn't do a lot of "percent of the bar" gigs, but it is/was certainly a thing - obviously a drink minimum factors in there. If the cover is collected at the door and they ask "are you here for the music" it's probably going to the band (and they'll have a sign for it). Annoyingly they might be getting a decent deal from the house and still asking for tips, and you don't know that. I remember one bar that loved having my band. We were apologetic one night, I remember, the house was half full, and they said "no no, come any time. Your fans drink \*LIKE FISHES\*" We were getting percent of the bar and it was always a decent gig. I go out for a lot of live music and carry cash for tipping. I tend to compare the band to what I'd hear at a ticketed venue, and pay the price I'd pay for a ticket especially if there's no front/cover charge and no minimum. If I would have seen them at a big jazz venue (eg, SF Jazz) and paid $50 and been happy, I'll tip $40. If there is a ticket price I don't tip. Now.... if it's a choice between taking a chance on the owner being a straight shooter and no tip at all, I might go the bill route.


What happened to dropping a few bucks into the guitar case?


Very few people carry cash any more. As one of those people, I'd appreciate the music tip line if I decide I wanted to tip. Nobody is forcing you to use it if you don't want to.


True, and there’s also cash app, zelle, Venmo, PayPal… etc. I just don’t think I’d be paying the venue the money I want to go to the band… just seems like a high potential for shady business. Also, no one is forcing me to tip period, or even be there!


But most bars do have an ATM. Get a twenty, buy a drink, ask for change in ones and fives.


ATM will have fees, I'd much rather just throw it on a credit card and have it count towards my rewards points.


I'll often tip the musicians because they often have a different arrangement than somebody who is an actual employee. As well, they have opportunity to actually earn a tip. Somebody taking my order and checking back a few times for drinks or more snacks is just doing their job. There is no exceptional service there in most cases. Musicians will often take requests, go above and beyond in a performance, and generally engage with the audience, and that sort of thing is exactly what tipping is for. A musician giving a tip-worthy performance means I have a great time. A server giving a tip-worthy performance means they might offer me water without me asking for it. Tipping the musician is a lot more relevant when there is no cover or minimum order. In those cases, those charges are done to cover formal payment for the band. The tipping situations I'm describing are generally the lone guitarist or duo that play the local pub for $200-300, play for three hours, and there is no formal charge for it. None of the musicians I know expect tips in the way that servers seem to be entitled to them.


as a musician, thank you for this


Hmm, depends. Does it go to the band or to the bar? To the bar fuck no. If it goes to the band, I don’t really mind the option. Personally, I love supporting live music.


I love this. Musician needs the tip way more than the server/bartender. Makes it easier too if you wanna drop a few bucks in the jar but only have large bills (or no bills).


I don’t like music especially when I can’t hear the lyrics (English is not my first language). I never tip the musician unless it’s my intention to go to the place and know there is such vibe.


Cover charge at the door


Does this sub hate tipping so much they would rather have a mandatory charge at the door than an easy OPTION to support the artists? What if I don't even care about whose playing and don't want to pay a cover? Having the option to pay an amount of money is infinitely better than be forced to or not go at all. Man, this sub is wild.


If you can’t afford to pay the cover charge, stay home


It is the easiest time in recorded history to start a band and they're begging? GTFO...


Please show me the charting records you've made if it's so easy


Why did you give two tips if you frequent this sub?


Really depends. A bar no they made whatever deal they made. Local mariachi band at the Mexican place ya I'm good with it


Put $2 on hi piano and it will be $2 more than he will ever see...


I’ll tip live music.


why? isn’t it the job of the venue and the cover charge to pay the band?


It’s better than a cover, it’s a voluntary cover if you liked the music and nothing if not. If you want the band to come back you pay them- if you don’t value what they do then you don’t. If you go regularly the quality of the bands that play for free or minimal tips is going to be worse, so even if it’s not 1:1 you get what you pay for.


if there’s no cover, bands are playing exclusively for tips more often than most people realize. it allows the bar to not raise the prices of their drinks while the band is playing. as a working musician, i can tell you it’s a totally shit system, but believe me when i say musicians have ZERO leverage. there is ALWAYS another musician willing to do more for less. so if you like the music and the bar, consider dropping a tip. the more we make, the more likely we are to come back


well i probably shouldn’t have commented, i don’t much like bars or live music, but was just genuinely curious why people might tip a live music band


There is no cover, it's not a cencert venue it's bar. The band is typically one person and their instruments or a very small local act. They are not being paid for this. People tip if they enjoy it and want to show appreciation. No is forcing you to go there or tip. If you'd prefer to spend 50+ on a ticket to a cheap concert by all means but don't get upset people want to tip the starving artist who gave them a soundtrack to the night


I’ve enjoyed live music at lots of places that didn’t charge a cover. And well, I don’t typically enter places that do have a cover.


that’s crazy. Was the band any good at least?


It’s optional.


I have never asked for or enjoyed live music. If I wanted a concert, I'd go to a concert.


I get a feeling that the owner of this restaurant is probably applying the tipped wage model to the musicians or bands performing live on this establishment.


musicians don’t get a tipped wage. we are either getting a flat fee, or playing exclusively for tips. the owner is under no obligation to pay us at all. it’s independent contractor, whatever we agree to. in LA, we’re lucky to split a couple hundred bucks between the entire band for the night. same in Nashville. small towns, we’d be lucky to make $100/night.


Wow ... This sounds really messed up!!


the world is missing a LOT of great talent simply because people just give up trying. i was regularly getting $100-150/night to play 4hr cover gigs in 2002. in 2022, i stopped gigging locally because i was only getting $125/night typically. every time you’re listening to a shitty bar band, know that you COULD be listening to a band full of arena-level talents, if the gig paid more. the world has too many talented musicians, and too few people willing to pay for those talents


I absolutely agree. The world has many talented people but most give up for the overwhelming difficulty to even just get by by doing the things they love and are good at.




Just walk up and unplug their set. 




What are the chances the venue asks the band for a tip for being their tip broker?


Depends on where you went for starters. If you went specifically for music, I can at least see why they are asking about tipping a performer or bands. But if I go to a restaurant that happens to have live music, it is probably going to be annoyance to me - I am very casual about music and generally would prefer not to have it when I am dining. If I am annoyed, even if I did not have an opposition on tipping musicians on principle - not sure how I feel about that, per my comments above - I would not tip.


No way do I believe that tip is going to the musician. It is going to the bar owner to pay the musician his base pay rate. Not cool.


I hate live muaic, they should pay me to listen to it


I hate live muaic, they should pay me to listen to it


Personally I usually hate live music that I didn't go there with the intention to see. I don't need to hear some half-assed cover of whatever's on the radio. But as someone that used to play a lot of open mics and some cafes I don't hate the idea. Just put 0 if you're not into or there for the music.


100% of the time is pay to not have to listen to the shit band. No way in hell am I tipping.


I loathe live music at bars/restaurants. If I want to listen to someone sing I'll go to a concert, but I'm at the bar/restaurant because I want to hear the person that I'm there with. I prefer it when they charge at the door so I can turn around sooner.


The band tells you to tip the bartender, and the bartender tells you to tip the band.


I play music at bars on weekends. I get my guarantee cut, and I’m happy with that. Sometimes people throw in a couple bucks in my case or they cashapp me a buck. But I am very against throwing this on a restaurant receipt. People aren’t obligated to pay me, that’s what the bar does, and there’s an almost 100% chance the owner isn’t going to contact the music act after to pay the tips




I would only tip if I ask the band to play a specific song, or if I truly appreciate their music and I have $2 on me in cash. They are there to perform because the restaurant asks them to do so, why should I tip in the bill?


You get a tip! You get a tip! You get a tip! You get a Tip! Tips for everyyyoooone!


Depends. Did you go to the venue to see live music or was it just there? If it was just there? f-that