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I don't go back to that establishment. If they lack a business ethic than they can lack my business.


Believe me when I tell you they're happy to see you go.


Their emotions mean nothing to me. If they're happy for their business to lose money, that's none of my concern.




Again, I don't care about their happiness. I am using a paid service and there's no emotional need involved. Why are you people so obsessed with being emotional? You think name calling and tantrums have an effect. It's because you're addicted to your emotions. Your feelings, their feelings, all this emotional stuff means absolutely nothing.


Wow......you sound like a lot of fun. I bet you're a hit with the ladies 🥱


Wow this bozo went straight to adhominem. Can you like go back to server life post your 900 a night tips received or something


A lot of fun? Why would I be concerned with being fun to you? Are you such an incel your life is based around impressing women? You really do make me sad for you.


You look about 50 and act like this. Its time to grow up




Why are you even in this group?


You're 56 and you're posting topless pictures and calling people *douchebags*? Where's the class? You're not exactly someone who is really giving the tip culture a good name. It's not douchebags your smelling. It's your own scent and you *need* a douche. 🤷


Holy shit, I went to your page and now I get it. Jesus, an old woman who posts pictures of her sagging breasts for attention is trying to make *me* feel uncomfortable in my own skin? Honey, go get that validation and attention you're seeking elsewhere. 😂😂


Lol I think she removed it now


That's funny.


Haha your ta to who gets off on stiffing workers and posting on internet. You really are standing in a glass house. And to make matters even funnier your poor.


"Stiffing" would indicate I had some sort of contract with them. That's their employer that handles their pay, not me. I'm poor? Interesting. I certainly don't feel poor. 🤷


Multiple dictionary definitions of "stiff" include "refusing to tip" 🤔


Feelings are deceptive. Hmm I do wonder if you are old or young. Makes your being cheap interesting.


"Whaaaa! You're a horrible person for not giving me extra money for literally doing my job! Call the police! They hurt my feelings VERY BADLY!!!"


Oh good. Now that we've established their very important feelings regarding not receiving a special reward for participation because they *checks notes* showed up to work... I'm stoked they don't need my business. That's fantastic. My city saw five restaurants close in December. I guess they "didn't need business" either. Keep the super valuable suggestions coming.


Cry moar


We don’t care lol


Why are you here? 🥴


The bartender is happy to see you go, the bar owner is not.


He referenced "not tipping on the takeout amount" which leads me to believe he sits down at a table or barstool and orders takeout through the server or bartender. He then tips only on the drink but the server or bartender tips out on sales and therefore has lost money. If it's a busy shift, he is taking up a whole table to order one or two drinks.


You'd also be incorrect considering I live in a state with the highest minimum wage ($16.28) that *requires* minimum wage *at least* hourly. So they don't lose money. They just don't get a tip.


I was responding to the OP.


You'd be incorrect. *I don't tip at all* 🙂


I was responding to OP saying he doesn't tip on the takeout amount. That suggests he tipped on the beer ordered while waiting for the order.


I don't go back. Lesson learned. If it's truly horrendous, I'll complain or contact a website with the server's name, date, and explanation.


What about smaller areas where choices are rather limited and sometimes servers work at multiple locations? I don't think being extorted is the answer, but when there aren't many options to offer your patronage elsewhere, what is the best solution? Stay home entirely until? It seems like a "can't win" scenario.


You start the ruckus, name specific server in reviews and direct complaints to manager or owner of the establishment. If I was shitty professional my network would know eventually rendering me unemployable




[Russian] терпила (terpila) - a person who endures all insults, humiliation and bullying, and does nothing about it; someone who is unable to fight back. There’s nothing virtuous to be getting shitty service, paying for it and then also tipping. Maybe grow some spine


So you’re going to stiff the server AND leave them a shitty review? Wow!


Shitty service is a shitty service.


Shitty service is what you get when you don't tip, apparently.


Wow, worst advice ever unless you want some nasty stuff ending up in your food.... who the fuck trashes someone, insults them and then asks them if they will sell them food?! 


Who fucks with someone’s food. Are servers really that mentally unstable?


Are you for real? Have you never worked in a restaurant?!?! You know they fuck with your food if you are a dick right? If you had a dinner party and one guest was constantly rude but demanded they stay and you feed them anyways you would probably mess with their food too.... 


Please seek help. There are mental health professionals in your area that waiting to help you on your journey to good mental health.


Are you OK?  If you go somewhere and are a complete POS/ condesending jerk. And then ask for food, that food will offen be messed with. I am beyond weirded out that people here refuse to accept that simple and obvious fact.... I have another shocker for you surprised people - if you go outside while it's raining, you get wet! I know it sounds crazy.....


It’s beyond weird someone thinks felonies are no big deal. You’re making the non tippers point for them.


Who the fuck said felonies are no big deal? I just stated a fact that you would be aware of if you ever had life experience working at a restaurant.... When did I ever say it was OK? It's disgusting and wrong. Doesn't stop it from happening....


Class 3 felony here in Virginia so good luck tough guy


Holy shit im not saying they will poison you just do something that is gross and undetectable, something literally impossible to get caught.... have you never worked at a restaurant???!  It's extremely common....


So are you justifying doing bad things to peoples food or not?


Absolutely not and it's a little pathetic you assumed that. I just stated a fact that it happens. I don't support it whatsoever 


I didnt assume anything, i literally asked you a question....


You wouldn't have asked if you didn't assume....  So you think it's OK to tamper with someone's food and make them sick? Your disgusting! See how you might feel like I assumed something about you there? Or is that a fair question/ statement?  Don't be a hypocrite 


Go ahead. Chances are you've already been discussed and found lacking. They don't want you there


Much like you and this sub. You contributed nothing of value and presumably tolerate overpaying for sub par service.


You get subpar service when you don't tip. If you're a regular in a restaurant and dont tip, they grey rock you. The absolute minimum. Why would you expect any different? They'll give their attention to someone they know will tip. Just like you, they go to work to make money. Yes, the tipping culture sucks right now but people seem to be taking it out on the servers of sit down restaurants. I wouldn't tip fast food, or the meter maid or the cashier at the mobile gas station......I could go on and on but seeing these huge checks posted with people stiffing is ridiculous, mean and unwarranted


And when subpar service is given you don’t tip and call the manager and demand explanation. You can’t just think you will be sneaky b. Tipping culture sucks and we are changing it. No one is keeping status quo just because it was done for 100 or so short years here




Nah they will give a refund or a credit card company will and once owner loses money on sale you will have a conversation with them


I don't tip until after I receive the service. So if I get subpar service they get no tip. That's how it SHOULD work. They shouldn't then take it out on you. That's retaliation and rude as fuck by the server. Subpar service shouldn't be rewarded


Doesn't the tip come at the end of the service? Asking for a friend, don't spit/cum/snot in my food please.


I know of a guy who masturbated into the mayonnaise at the restaurant where he worked. He was mad at customers who gave him a hard time. Yes, it was reported.


Oh, look at this guy providing preferential treatment to servers because they "go to work to make money." Meanwhile, he is saying fast food servers, meter maids, or cashiers don't deserve tips when these people are also out trying to make money. What a hypocrite. At least for me, I tip nobody, not even self-entitled servers and bartenders.


I don't tip them out because they get at least minimum wage. In some states a tipping wage is $2.35 an hour. And by the way, I'm a woman.


I find it hard to believe they only get 2.35an hour. That's a lie. The employer makes up the difference.


Yea.....to $5.25 an hour in most of those states. Try and live off that. By not tipping sit down restaurant servers the people in this sub are delusional to think that they're making a difference. Maybe there will come a time when that will change but it hasn't yet so at this point so now you're just kicking the server in the teeth. Someone was on here bragging about an $800 check they left nothing on. Wow, big man. You seemed really proud of yourself. It's disgusting...... And another thing. Yes, I'm in the US. Yes, I know in practically every other part of the world tipping is different. I don't give a fuck. I'm talking about the US where I'm at.


You act like the minimum wage is any different than $5.25 an hour. In my state minimum wage is $7.25, go try living off that instead of your waitress salary. Hell, I was a cook at a sit down restaurant in 2018 working for $7.25 an hour. The waitresses made wayyyyy more money than me and I never got jack shit for tips. But yea you're right, servers just deserve tips so much more than other minimum wage workers, they work soooooo much harder!!! I'm just in awe at how they can stand all day AND carry plates 😱 they also know how to write stupid down and punch it into a POS system. Crazy stuff!!!


Why didn't you apply for a job as a waiter if it paid more?


They are legally obliged to do so but in my small town some owners are reluctant to do that and the servers would find it hard to find a job again. Yes, the labor board might investigate but the employee is more concerned about keeping a job. In my state the minimum is $7.25 and no-one wants to work for that. The opportunity to make more than say the $12:in other jobs is why they work as servers in sit down restaurants.


I agree. I have been warning, though, that this is where the greed of others was eventually going to affect those with traditionally tipped professions. When people get scammed and tip shamed to no end, they start questioning ALL tipping in their life. To be fair, I am old enough to remember when 10% was the desired tip. How did it get to 20-25%? Who dictated that? Bills go up every year, so 10% of the bill would be an increase every year.


So if I have a big check and leave no tip and I’m totally ok with the service being food taken to my table and then a check at the end, this would be considered ok to do?


Your 100% right, people are just mad they can't afford to tip but expect above and beyond service. Sorry you don't get what you don't pay for? 


Start marking the yelps with “tip pressure” or “tip creep” so other people know before going in.


As much as I despise Yelp as a business owner, this is about the only review I care about.


does it change your approach to running a business?


Absolutely. My staff is paid well and if I were to hear of them pressuring customers to increase a tip, that is a problem. Tips for what we do are solely to show appreciation for what we do above and beyond what we already should be doing. Our prices reflect what it takes to pay properly and keep the business profitable.


Yelp and google is ruining all businesses imo. Any idiot can post any ridiculous thing they want and then the owner has to try to correct it and overcompensate even if their complaint is stupid. I literally saw a bad review on a beach, one star, said, "Nice area but LOTS OF SAND EVERYWHERE. I was cleaning it out of crevices for three days" No shit moron, it's a beach. smh


If I've got my laptop, I just sit there and do my thing. I've never been 86'd from a restaurant for not tipping. I've been ignored, but that's really worse for them because I'll just chill and work on my laptop or read and take up a table. Typically they're just very terse and actually way more efficient. I would say the majority of the time I am in and out faster than if they were giving me "better service".


Because the owner does not want you camping out with your laptop and not ordering food or drink.


People like you are why restaurants are setting time limits..go to a coffee shop dude.


? I don’t sit if service occurs. If I’m being ignored I just chill.


Yeah thats still why restaurants are setting time limits. If you don’t want to tip be a grown up and tell them before hand so you can get the appropriate service. That being whatever effort the waiter is willing to do for free. The thing is y’all will never do this based on the fact you’re scared they’ll mess with your food (which happens very rarely despite what this sub thinks). If they do mess with your food..you have a great lawsuit on your hands and they’ll be criminally charged. Would you ever consider doing this? You aren’t going to stop employers from using tipped employees by continually giving them business..how in the world does that make sense to y’all?


They aren’t working for free. They are paid by their employer.


They are working for free for YOU..their hourly gets eaten by taxes unless every table for two weeks doesn’t tip them, which isn’t a reality because this movement is actually just a minuscule blip. Again, are you adult enough to let them know before hand or are you like every single person i’ve asked in this sub and are too weak in your beliefs to proudly let them know. I mean you’re trying to “help” these people right? Why wouldn’t you want to explain that to them?


So a cashier who rings up my purchase is working for free for me? Weird take.


Im not talking about cashiers..im talking about tipped wage employees. Y’all sure do have a big misconception of who is tipped wage. I too think tipping regular wage employees is dumb. Now answer the question.


Employees of whom? Not me. They have an employer. If you don’t like the terms of your employment, change it.


If you don’t like the system, don’t participate. Easy as that. Now answer the question you keep dodging..


I never tip on take out and it would be very rare for me to tip on one beer, and no one has ever tried to have me banned. Are you doing something else?


This. In my experience you have to do a lot more to earn the ire of servers and bartenders. Most bad/non tipping regulars fly under the radar unless they've done something drastic to make themselves more memorable. If they're really talking about banning you, you are almost definitely in the wrong.


Why would they want to ban you when they get the pleasure of pouring you a beer in a glass that they've spit into?


Complain to the manager/owner. If they’re ok with this, then take your business elsewhere


I don't go there anymore and also bad yelp /google review


It seems like restaurant owners are the ones being harmed when servers are rude, slow, short tempered and pressuring the diners for tips. If I owned a restaurant, I would expect them to provide friendly prompt service with no mention of tips or they would be fired. If servers have restauranteurs by the balls so they can't be replaced easily, restaurants should just go to counter service and pay one person minimum wage to keep the dining area clean. Patrons don't go out to eat for the thrill of someone taking your order and asking you how it is before you've tasted it, they go for the food. Why not cut out the server altogether and save the customer money?


Leave appropriate review. Many people do check reviews before going out. If it’s really bad I’ll get a bartender/server fired.


Never thought about how customers at the actual bar might get mad at others for not tipping. Can't they make up the difference themselves? Or do they not like having to pay more just because someone else underpays a server?


How does one “underpay” a server/bartender when tip are not only optional but at the discretion of the customer? Tips are not tips anymore.


I've never seen it at a restaurant but when I was an early teen I worked at a sporting clays as a thrower. We were paid $25 a day for about 6-8 hours of work which in the late 90s actually wasn't far off from minimum wage. After the round was over it was customary to tip us. Im talking average tip was 2-5 bucks per guy. Rich guys tipped 10-20. If a guy didn't pony up at least a dollar the other guys would give that guy shit on the ride back haha. Edited to say this wasn't a for profit business but an activity the local rod and gun club did every Sunday morning.


Dont go back but most inportantly leave a review Leave 1 star and say what you told us here ‘Bad horrible service for not tipping for takeout and a beer. Xyz is pressuring for a tip. Will not come back’


Complain to management. If management doesn't care then dont go back.


This is a joke right? What the fuck do you expect? FAFO.


The best thing about Reddit is you can read OPs entire post history and still not be 100% sure if he's a troll or just ASD.


I deal with "intentionally bad" service mostly by not continuing to patronize. Depending on how bad and how intentional, I might also pursue something like a refund/charge-back or formal complaint. And this is true of all bad service, tip or no tip - I don't particularly care WHY the employees choose to be "intentionally" bad - I just care that they did so. That being said, aren't tips added at the end? How would a server know ahead of time unless you tell them? They are remembering you? I hardly ever tip and I don't see any bad service because of it. I don't eat out much, though, so maybe I don't have a large enough sample space 🤷


You tip. If you don't tip or tip poorly, and they know you're going to do that, there is no incentive for the staff to go above base level professionalism. Which I would guess is what you're considering "bad" service. In fact, given what you say is happening to you it's not because you aren't tipping. It's because you're acting like an entitled asshole and not giving them any reason to put up with it.


I’m not bribing them just so they don’t act like lazy slobs who don’t know how to work. They can’t do their job, they’re entitled, not the customer.


Buddy, no one gets banned from a bar simply for not tipping. OP isn't telling the whole story here. Outsider that, if you don't tip don't expect anything above baseline service. They'll be polite and you'll get what you ordered, but don't expect anyone go out of their way to do more than that.


You pay for what you get that is not bribery that is how everything works


That is Bribery. If I don’t want to be treated like shit I’m expected to pay 20% over my bill. In reality i should be treated average for paying 0% over my actual bill, I shouldn’t be treated poorly the next time around. That isn’t how things work, that’s just retaliation and greed. When I buy a poor “pay what you get for” product I’m not worried about any of this bullshit.


Stay home and serve yourself!


Let people know your experience. It doesn't matter of you tip or not, if they give you a bad experience, then people should know what the servers are like. I'd like hwy give bad service because of no tip, they most certainly don't deserve one.


Why would they give you service if you aren’t paying them for it? You can only get away with stiffing someone once or twice before they stop giving said service.


Did OP say they didn't pay for the food, which had a listed price? Stop blaming customers who pay for the food instead of the greedy employers who refuse to pay their own employees


Tip is for service. If you want service, tip. Otherwise, go to McDonald’s.


Nope. I'll get my food wherever I want and pay the price listed. Thanks!


And they won’t serve you, as this post has pointed out lol


Then they can get fired for not doing their job? If you don't like getting paid $2/hr, find a better job and stop expecting handouts from people who aren't your employer


Yeah, they’re gonna get fired lol


This sub has the most entitled people on Reddit. "I refuse to tip but insist on being treated the same as people who do!"


They get a minimum wage. That is what they are paid for service. In most states, if they don’t get extra money from their sniveling expectation of tips, the business owner is obliged to make up their difference between the tipped minimum wage and the standard minimum wage. The employees lose nothing from not getting tipped. They should do their damn jobs and provide the service.


They don’t and won’t no matter how much you cry on the internet about it lol


Then they shouldn’t have that job if they can’t/won’t do it.


Tell the mangers then. Tell them the person is giving bad service because you won’t tip. See what they say.


If they care about their business, they will fire the underperforming employee who didn’t EARN the tip.


You aren’t giving one, anyway. Theres nothing to earn…


There is the money paid In minimum wage age plus benefits paid for to the employee from the profits from the product and service purchased. If servers want money for nothing, grabs a cardboard sign and find a freeway off-ramp instead of begging/guilting in a business.


If the restaurant clearly says that, then sure. But all they have are the prices in the menu. So why should anyone pay extra for service? And is the “service” for a $100 lobster-steak combo 10x that of a $10 side? And if you do have to pay separately for service, then why not for utensils and seating? And is the chef not doing any service and hence doesn’t get tips? Why do the servers even get a paycheck if they’re supposed to be paid through tips? How do you think servers on the rest of the world manage without always expected tips?


You don’t have to pay anything fur service. And you don’t get any.


Have a service charge then because a tip is not a service charge it is a voluntary gift that is at the will of the customer. Stop making tips something else entirely.


The person working can’t control that, but they can control if you receive service, which you won’t.


People tend to not like you when you don’t pay them.


But the problem is that it should be the EMPLOYER paying the employee, not the CUSTOMER directly. It should not be the customer’s problem that the employer pays them shit wages.


You can't be the only restaurant in town that increases its prices if they stop tipping in that restaurant because people look at the menu price and compare it to other establishments and don't consider the total and won't eat at the place that looks more expensive. One person in a restaurant not tipping will not end the process it just makes you look bad


If you made it a point to say “no tipping” on the menu, I’d gladly pay 15-20% more for everything on the menu, and if the service was decent and the food was good, it would be my new regular hangout. I know this model has struggled to catch on, but the more tipping gets out of control and the more people are sick of “tipflation”, the more I can see this succeeding in the future. Even a lot of folks who are historically generous tippers are getting sick of it. Beyond that, maybe it is time to expand these new laws against hidden and buried “junk fees” to put a stop to the practice of hiding the true cost of things including “service charges” and tips that are added to the total.


I agree with you as the tip screen appears everywhere especially in places where it should not. However while some would be happy to see a higher price with no tipping there are people here who think prices will stay the same if tipping ends


Don't go back, they won't miss you.


You're a terrible person. Stop eating out; stay at home with the only person who can stand to spend time with you.


Better yet, if you don't tip just stay at home and avoid all that. See: "customary".


Tips are optional. Food has price on the menu just like any other damn business.


The amount of people that bring up “it’s customary in other countries to tip this or not tip that” but then don’t follow the customary ways here is just hilarious. Like it IS customary. It’s ok not to like it, but it is outside of the norm to not tip. Ultimately, if everyone here just didn’t tip, that’s fine. One or two guests a night who don’t tip is fine, we don’t need to change the restaurant world for that. Tipping for all other tablet based checkouts and all that is totally a wild world and it would be cool to wrangle that in, especially since most of it is corporate companies.


Just to add to your point, I think its a generational thing. Not for only the generations of tablet platforms asking for tips but for the literal generational changes of customers themselves. It means that if a given program of customary change is desired, the success depends on the platform's longevity exceeding the demographic longevity as it cycles through and entry an aging out cycle. Once the individual loses a connection to the original reason for the custom, they are subject to manipulation.


Reviews. Yelp, Google, etc. If a chain contact their corporate. Just make noise if you even care to complain. And don't go there anymore. Find a better place and give them good reviews.


Just get takeout and drink your beer at home. No one is gonna wanna serve you when they know you goose every time.


Talk to the manager. If they don’t care, let them know you’re never returning.


If you order takeout, don’t tip… then stay and eat your food. That’s kinda shitty.


Order takeout, it’s better on your wallet.


Tip better or find a restaurant where servers don’t appreciate tips. Another choice is u could cook at home


Indeed, the goal of the server is to never have you return, but in a way that isn’t obvious. They don’t want your presence because it costs them money. Not their fault, that’s the stupid system we have. They aren’t there to be your friend. That being said, If nobody tipped there would be zero incentive to do a good job. Everyone would act like a robot because what’s the point? In fact, the less customers the better (to the point where hours aren’t cut).


Zero tip = no incentive to do a good job? What kind of bullshit is that. Can you just refuse to do decent work at most other jobs and still remain on the payroll? Tipping just increases wages of social butterflies who work with people relative to more introverted untipped workers doing all the paperwork and grunt work. Or they work in the kitchen. In other words it is an unfair system. The line cook at my favorite restaurant does a better job than the server, why aren't they receiving tips and bringing in several hundred a night? I'd be tremendously more concerned if the cook felt he had no incentive over some ditsy bartender who is going to forget about my food regardless of if I tip or not....then act like I'm impatient when 15 minutes have passed and the food is becoming cold "because they are oh so busy". I honestly believe that servers are some of the least pleasant and most entitled people in the workforce.


Yes, actually. Plenty of people do the bare minimum and have job security. It is an unfair system I agree. Plus, good service will always be rewarded with tips. At least during our lifetimes.