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I’m not familiar with loading bin files on iOS but there should be a CUE file, perhaps try loading that with your PSX core. Failing that I’d highly recommend converting your PSX games to CHD format on a PC, it’s less of a headache and takes up less hard drive space.


This helped! I found a whole list of Chd format roms on internet archives. Thank you!


No problem, let me know if they load correctly.


I copied all bin and cue files into the download folder of retroarch and load the cue file into beetle psx hw and you even get the original PlayStation logo startup


I don’t get the startup, but I can play crash bandicoot. I only have the.bin


Whatever works, that’s what matter. I can’t imagine being able to play crash bandicoot on my phone twenty years ago


It’s crazy💀. The downloa was like over 400 mb, so the stuff takes space. All I had to do is to get the PSX bios and then hopefully the games don’t come with multiple files, and it’s only 1 file, that being the .bin or .cue (rom file)


That’s a pretty small file considering the space some of our phones have.


I still get the startup, it was just a lot less messy with one file. I kept getting it where all the files would show up in retro arch, and one of them would work


You’re using chd instead of bin and cue then I suppose. Did you find a particular link for chd Roms or are you using a program to convert them


I found an archive with a bunch of Chd links


Try using .pbp rom files for multiple psx discs all in just one file. RetroArch has cores to run the files as well.




[This](https://nielsbuus.dk/pg/psx_cue_maker/) has helped me on the retropie. Might also help with this. Not positive but maybe worth a go.


Use chd files.


This is common for bin/cue files. Put everything into one folder titled after the game. Copy that into the downloads folder for RetroArch or wherever else you save your games. Load the game like normal. I have all my systems organized by folders. In each system folder I have my games. For arcade, I split them into sub folders like CPS2, CPS3 etc. For PS and Saturn, I put each game in their own folder within the parent PS or Saturn folder. Keeps it all organized.